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Remember R E A C H |OT2|

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zlatko said:
I'm one of the people who likes SWAT.

Last game I just played of it today I went positive 17 in k/d spread. I just have quicker reactions/better aiming at the start of a fire fight, so that's probably why I excel more at SWAT than normal slayer.

I think a bigger problem I have is that too often now the entire other team I play in arena or team slayer all use armor lock. It's become so that the other abilities don't have their own purpose UNLESS your team is all using headsets/are your friends.

I was massively disheartened today with 3 games in a row where the other team didn't do anything but armor lock. It's always the people who are the absolute WORST shots who use it. Can't DMR and aim? Just armor lock. Don't want to learn proper spacing for weapon effectiveness ? Armor lock. Don't know map lay outs and want to avoid grenades? Armor lock. Armor lock is just so damn versatile in many situations where the other abilities aren't.

I'd like to see more game types have armor lock swapped with evade instead. Or maybe come up with some kind of tweak to armor lock so it's not so damn easy to abuse. Maybe a plasma pistol fully charged on someone who armor locks can auto bring them out of armor lock and force them to wait for the cool down. Or you can assassinate someone who armor locks.

The best counter to another team all doing armor lock...ends up being your whole team needs to armor lock. It saps the fun/pacing of the game. :/
I've said it before and I will say it again
I hate armor lock
It completely changes the feel and pace of the game for the worse (I also hate bubble shield and invis)


Modesty becomes a woman
vhfive said:
I've said it before and I will say it again
I hate armor lock
It completely changes the feel and pace of the game for the worse (I also hate bubble shield and invis)
Ehh, armor lock is about as annoying as someone running for cover just less obvious when they're going to do it. When I use it I get in just as many bad situations as good. If anything I end up armor locking near 3 people and no one on my team to back me up so.

It does poo on the sword though, I like that.


vhfive said:
I've said it before and I will say it again
I hate armor lock
It completely changes the feel and pace of the game for the worse (I also hate bubble shield and invis)
I don't like the shield, but sprint and invis has it's place. Al is getting overused now, I agree. On BTB with vehicles, AL is good. On team slayer with no vehicles, al just slows the game down. However, using al effectively can result in protection from a 2 on 1 or more. They need a tf2 only 1 ability per team or something to even them out.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Alienshogun said:
P.S WTF is going on in your avatar? Halo Fisting?

This image came preloaded with the original Halo Zunes. I don't have that Zune but I do have a 30gb and an 80gb one. It used to the wallpaper for my Zune, I always liked it.
<3 armor lock, so many of my "Holy Shit!" moments involve it. I've turned more than one sure death into a Triple because of well timed locks.

My absolute favorite: sticking myself on accident (Stupid wall got in my way while strafing), going AL, and Rejecting the nade onto a different enemy I didn't even know was there. I wish I didn't have a Slim so I could have saved the video, I was laughing so hard :lol


Personally I hate Jetpack the most. Ruins the flow/design of the map, seems worst on the "Cage". Played a game where nearly everyone on both teams were using jetpacks and it was just retarded.
Sean said:
Personally I hate Jetpack the most. Ruins the flow/design of the map, seems worst on the "Cage". Played a game where nearly everyone on both teams were using jetpacks and it was just retarded.

Jetpacks are either almost completely useless or completely break a map.

There is no in between.
Alienshogun said:
:lol :lol

Kid betrays me right at the end of firefight, I'm going to let it go, BUT, his friend starts yelling BOOT HIM BOOT HIM, thinking I betrayed his friend... So I boot him, then I head his friend go, Oh man... wtf....

Now I have 3 hate messages. :lol
I hate the 'everyone turn on each other at the end of firefight' moments people seem to have. I think it's more fun, in those 10 seconds or so at the end, to be silly and jump around, look at each other's armor, or grenade/melee dead covenants. So yeah, I will boot people for killing me if its on purpose, even if its at the end of the round. Your kid definitely had it coming though.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
god I played with some roughly 15 year old american kids the other day. they didn't get the vote and the conversation went something like this

'OOOHHHH I'm gonna.... nah I'm not gonna rage I already quit my last 4'

I was frikin pissed (they were on my team) then they proceeded to actually be very good, despite talking like complete spoiled ASSHOLES the entire game.

It was quite nice getting a glimpse of the quite bans entire lack of effect though. make the quit ban 2 days bungie!

Had to quit my first game last night in objective. Some jerks didn't like the game vote that was chosen, 1 from each team quit then for some reason it decided to reselect a game type. We all choose 3-3 capture the flag and the game decides that me and some other guy vs 4 dudes would be more fair than 3 vs 3....

I didn't stick around for the beatdown, couldn't see 2 dudes vs 4 working out well in capture the flag.
Reached the online credit cap for the first time tonight. Didn't even do any farming techniques, just multiplayer and score attack to try to get that weekly done. Kind of a bummer since I don't really want to play anymore tonight if I'm not gonna be working towards that Mark V helmet.


Well, BTB still sucks balls. The maps are just flat out AWFUL. Good lord, BG can die in a fire, so boring. The Wraiths are just as OP as the tanks once you get to their side and can spawn camp them. :lol


343i Lead Esports Producer
Ramirez said:
Well, BTB still sucks balls. The maps are just flat out AWFUL. Good lord, BG can die in a fire, so boring. The Wraiths are just as OP as the tanks once you get to their side and can spawn camp them. :lol

Sounds like you guys should have just played customs instead :lol

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I've grown to love armor lock. Stickying the guy with the sword then blocking his lunge and watching him explode in my face is so awesome.
GhaleonEB said:
So, remember that time a few months ago when I said how I'd like to read a blog detailing someone's exploits in Forge, going into detail on map design ideas from initial concept to testing? And how I said I might just do it myself, and a few of you guys said you were interested? Here's the first entry, graciously hosted by Dani over at Forward Unto Dawn, introducing the series. I'm going to aim for a few posts a week going into detail on construction of whatever I'm tinkering with lately. For the first few weeks, it will be a look back on the map that's in testing now, but after that it will be more a real time chronicle of the present.
Looking forward to this. For one thing it'll make great reading on its own, but for another it might help me to get into the mindset of map making myself. I've tinkered with the various lego blocks, structures, scenery and settings on offer in Forge, but for the life of me I don't even know where to start.

I'll be on the particular lookout for starting concepts, when to consider equipment, vehicles weapons and sight lines, how to manage spawns, etc. While you might not have every detail down pat, you've got plenty of experience trying things out to have plenty of wisdom in this area. Cheers.

Nils said:
...Stickying the guy with the sword then blocking his lunge and watching him explode in my face is so awesome.
Finally got the come to here me beg achievement. I'm so close to captain. Please tell me the later ranks aren't the credit grinding hell warrant officer is.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Nils said:
I've grown to love armor lock. Stickying the guy with the sword then blocking his lunge and watching him explode in my face is so awesome.

I've started using armor lock on pinnacle. It's frustrating when you use it correctly, fight, kill 1 guy fight another guy and use it cause you're going to die, then your team mates aren't there and the dude just kind of chills in front of you until you're done and he shoots you in the face.

I did use it great a couple of times beside the teleport exit thing on pinnacle, ran into a guy in there, activated and then released lock immediately to pop the guys shield and melee him. Was pretty awesome. Then I ate about 5 kills trying to reproduce the situation. sigh.


catfish said:
I've started using armor lock on pinnacle. It's frustrating when you use it correctly, fight, kill 1 guy fight another guy and use it cause you're going to die, then your team mates aren't there and the dude just kind of chills in front of you until you're done and he shoots you in the face.

I did use it great a couple of times beside the teleport exit thing on pinnacle, ran into a guy in there, activated and then released lock immediately to pop the guys shield and melee him. Was pretty awesome. Then I ate about 5 kills trying to reproduce the situation. sigh.
If you catch a guy without shields waiting on your armor lock and is in melee range, point the camera toward him and let go of AL and hit melee asap. If hes close enough, you will melee him.


Passing metallic gas
Had 31 kills in a game of snipers on boardwalk. Went plus 24 and still lost the game. someone on my team was suiciding to negative 11. This kind of stuff is almost the norm for me.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Gr1mLock said:
Had 31 kills in a game of snipers on boardwalk. Went plus 24 and still lost the game. someone on my team was suiciding to negative 11. This kind of stuff is almost the norm for me.

I got betrayed 3 times last night for having a Sniper Rifle :(


Passing metallic gas
McBradders said:
I got betrayed 3 times last night for having a Sniper Rifle :(

the last two days of this game have been totally disheartening. I try to just shake it off and have fun with it. I just seem to have the worst luck when not playing with friends. i can count the amount of games i had with a full team who knew which end of the gun the bullets came out of on one hand. Serves me right for playing on xbl with randoms.


GillianSeed79 said:
Finally got the come to here me beg achievement. I'm so close to captain. Please tell me the later ranks aren't the credit grinding hell warrant officer is.
I got to Captain two days ago and i'm already halfway through Captain 1. It's much better :)


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Gr1mLock said:
the last two days of this game have been totally disheartening. I try to just shake it off and have fun with it. I just seem to have the worst luck when not playing with friends. i can count the amount of games i had with a full team who knew which end of the gun the bullets came out of on one hand. Serves me right for playing on xbl with randoms.

I've literally just been focusing on my own performance. I keep winding up on teams of dunderheads, like yourself, so just resign myself to playing to the best of my ability and, despite losing, I'm almost impressed with how I'm doing.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
I played a Slayer on Pinnacle with a guy on my team who went -1 in score and was 0 and 17 in K/D. How is that shit possible?


1500cR Gunslinger
Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking.

1500cR A Great Friend
Earn 40 assists today in multiplayer Matchmaking.

1000cR Tough Luck... On
Complete a Campaign mission on Heroic or harder with the Tough Luck Skull on.

1700cR Freelancing
Earn at least 23 kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.

Gunslinger - 1500cR

Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking.

A Great Friend - 1500cR

Earn 40 assists today in multiplayer Matchmaking.

Tough Luck... On - 1000cR

Complete a Campaign mission on Heroic or harder with the Tough Luck Skull on.

Freelancing - 1700cR

Earn at least 23 kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.


Damn, beaten, stupid copy and paste failing


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Multi-team is assists galore, people. It's probably the best place to get 23 kills too unless you just wanna win a Rumble Pit slayer game/


Passing metallic gas
McBradders said:
I've literally just been focusing on my own performance. I keep winding up on teams of dunderheads, like yourself, so just resign myself to playing to the best of my ability and, despite losing, I'm almost impressed with how I'm doing.

yeah i just try to work on my DMR and power weapons. Gets tough since reach is even more team dependent then H3.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Oh shit, I'm gonna get a ton of credits today. Don't sweat the 23 kills, just go into multi-team.

Mr. Sam

McBradders said:
I got betrayed 3 times last night for having a Sniper Rifle :(

At this point, I just let everyone else go for the power weapons. I suffer for it in the long run but it just saves aggravation.
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