Gui_PT said:
Getting your ass kicked much? =P
Eh, not everyone who is displeased is bad at this game.
(I probably suck compared to others here though

Gui_PT said:
I really couldn't disagree more. Some maps have problems, but the biggest faults in this game is what the idiot players do that take away most of the fun(like quitting or spawn camping or armor locking raaaaageeeeeee).
The maps are honestly the biggest problem right now, and they're one of the most important elements in an FPS (or any game). It feels like Bungie didn't actually think about how the maps would function in multiplayer, and instead focused on aesthetics. And I still have
NO clue as to why they decided to limit themselves by only borrowing from campaign levels. Creative/unique maps with function as a top priority would've been leagues better imo. Knowing the dev's imaginations, we could have been given maps in sewers, forests, deserts, mazes, more snow, oceans, etc. Some of the best maps in other games(other halos, CS, and so on) were random and off-the-wall ideas that became awesome out of nowhere.
I guess we'll see when the first DLC rolls around if they're gonna go all out, or if we'll get more lame cities.
Edit: And also, the quitting will never go away without individual/persistent ranks in the playlists sadly.