mittelos said:I'm at Halsey's Lab now on legendary solo- what's the best way to get through it?
So far the end of Exodus has been the hardest for me. I'm thinking if you can hijack one of the wraiths, it'd be much easier. I wasn't able to and suffered the consequences. I was dreading a couple spots in New Alexandria but got through them pretty easily. I think it's probably the easiest mission on legendary, along with Winter Contingency.
This.Pookaki said:I just jacked a banshee and nuked them from orbit. <3
I might be. Need to work on my 50 matches before week's end.Kinosen said:I haven't played any Firefight classic since ODST, and I was wondering if anyone here was up for some tonight, maybe around 9:00PM. My GT is Kinosen55.
It's the only way to be sure.Pookaki said:I just jacked a banshee and nuked them from orbit. <3
Cuban Legend said:this isnt funny bungie
Skilotonn said:I'd looooooooooove to know why my Marathon emblem is gone, although after a week of trial and error I'm happy with the one I have now - it was my baby since Halo 2!
Havok said:Level cap being raised in the next month or two? Sooo...when the cap is raised the people who play at the same furious rate they are now will just shoot up to the next cap again, after gaining credits for an entire 1-2 months?
Can't say I'm excited about that.
vhfive said:the problem is that when I hit the cap (I'm at lt. colonel right now) I'm not going to want to play anymore. I'm already not doing challenges on purpose because the whole point of getting creds is seeing your bar fill up and unlocking new shit. When the cap lifts and I all of a sudden skip past multiple ranks that sucks because I missed the joy of hitting those ranks myself.
I don't like Reach nearly as much as I liked Halo 3 (to me armor abilities = equals less fun). That being said I am loving forge right now.Dax01 said:You don't play Halo: Reach to have fun?
Tashi0106 said:I bought Birthday Party
my bars ain't filling up! wtf bungieShake Appeal said:I can't really get into the mindset of people complaining about the cap. You still get the cR and can still buy things. Eventually, you will be able to buy more things.
P.S. None of the things matter.
Banshee, of course. Why didn't I think of that? Thanks guys.Santiako said:Grab a jetpack and fly to the roof right above the door. Just sit there and let the other Nobles do their job. You can also hijack a Banshee from there so it'll be more fun (that's what I did).![]()
Crunched said:Why do jetpacks sometimes stop in midair and simply hold you in place? I've had quite a few instances of being "stuck," maybe a foot or so off the ground, holding LB but not getting any higher. It's happened in both firefight and campaign.
Try crouching.Crunched said:Why do jetpacks sometimes stop in midair and simply hold you in place? I've had quite a few instances of being "stuck," maybe a foot or so off the ground, holding LB but not getting any higher. It's happened in both firefight and campaign.
:lol :lol :lolVoltron64 said:Try crouching.
Eh, it's a serious question. It must be something others have experienced as well.Voltron64 said:Try crouching.
Maybe this shit doesn't matter to you but I get almost as much fun out of the game by ranking up and playing dress up with my spartan than I do playing it. You might not care about your rank but I (and a bunch of other people I'm sure) love the whole rank progression (and maybe playing that one last game to rank up). Yes you are still progressing even after you hit the cap but you completely take the joy of leveling up away. After you hit the cap you have no idea where you are rank wise and you basically make credits meaningless (especially to those who have already bought everything they want that their rank will allow). I know some of you (probably most) don't give a shit but to those who do it sucks.Shake Appeal said:I can't really get into the mindset of people complaining about the cap. You still get the cR and can still buy things. Eventually, you will be able to buy more things.
P.S. None of the things matter.
Buckethead said:Wait I was under the impression that it said 150 kills in firefight....
150 in multiplayer who has that goddamn much time. And I average 15+ a game.
I hate how this stuff is just geared toward people who play all day and not anything with skill and/or creativity.
The jet pack has a limited amount of vertical thrust, after which your vertical moment is momentum based. If you engage it while you have any downward momentum, that can offset its takeoff capability.Crunched said:Eh, it's a serious question. It must be something others have experienced as well.
Sketch said:My final stats: 14 hours, 1 minute to complete. 2,038 kills, 259 deaths.
Yes, but I've occasionally had it not thrust, that's what I was trying to say. Like, it starts up but I don't go anywhere. Feels like I'm moving around using the hover boots from Ocarina of Time. I don't go up, I just hover, barely over the ground.GhaleonEB said:The jet pack has a limited amount of vertical thrust, after which your vertical moment is momentum based. If you engage it while you have any downward momentum, that can offset its takeoff capability.
To see this in action easily enter a custom game with unlimited armor ability juice and use the jet pack. While you can use it forever, you only get a short burst of vertical take off thrust, after which it hovers. You have to land and then take off again to move vertically again.
Buckethead said:Wait I was under the impression that it said 150 kills in firefight....
150 in multiplayer who has that goddamn much time. And I average 15+ a game.
I hate how this stuff is just geared toward people who play all day and not anything with skill and/or creativity.
It's almost as if Bungie knew what armor permutations would be the most desirable. Amazing! Who would have thought that the coolest ones would be the most expensive?!Photolysis said:The cap really irritates the hell out of me as everyone around here has probably realised by now.
At the end of the day, I'd just like to get my Spartan looking how I'd like, but because of the rank cap, hidden options, and my own personal preferences on what armour looks the best, I can't, simply because I have the misfortune to prefer a Mark VI over an EVA, or a gold visor over a silver one.
:lol :lol It is just fucking fun to dress him up.vhfive said:Maybe this shit doesn't matter to you but I get almost as much fun out of the game by ranking up and playing dress up with my spartan than I do playing it....
The inconsistencies with melees are something that doesn't even bother me anymore. Sometimes you get pushed back, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you lunge, sometimes you don't. It frustrated me so much at first, and I have yet to recognize a pattern in the way they work. I just try to avoid punching now, and if I have to I leave it up to the game's logic to decide what will happen. Not worth getting mad over.Jin34 said:After playing a lot more I only have a few things I don't understand and hope someone can explain:
1. How come when you both melee each other sometimes you get pushed back a few feet and sometimes not, how does that mechanic work.
2. Fucking grenades, how do they work? I had everything about grenades down pat in Halo 3 and it's frustrating that I can't yet figure out the bounce, specially on the ground. Is there a video anywhere where this is explained?
Hey, it's pretty fun :lolPlywood said:Fuck Rocket Race, btw.
Tashi0106 said:I bought Birthday Party
Seriously. I've abandoned Multi Team because of it, and it's usually my top playlist.Plywood said:Fuck Rocket Race, btw.
GhaleonEB said:Nice update: stats, some previews, some teases and a couple of hilarious videos. Very eager to see the Firefight updates from LarzyB next week and the scope of the mid-month update.
I've done the first two, and it's Nightfall that's holding me back from going further. I haven't started it because I keep thinking about the Hunter encounter, and the invisible Elites with the bacon wave. Most of the rest of the levels I think I'll be okay on.
But I will perservere. This weekend's to-do list:
I should probably interact with my family at some point as well.
- Finish the co-op Legendary romp.
- Sketch out the ideas for my next map.
- Clear Nightfall on solo Legendary.
- Do a lot of writing.
Sean P. said:So many core gameplay elements are broken. Campaign is fantastic, MP is the biggest flop Bungie has released.
I wish I could play like that. =[Tashi0106 said:
user_nat said:So apparently you can get out of the map and onto the cliffs during infection on Asylum.. Great fun that is..
GhaleonEB said:The jet pack has a limited amount of vertical thrust, after which your vertical moment is momentum based. If you engage it while you have any downward momentum, that can offset its takeoff capability.
To see this in action easily enter a custom game with unlimited armor ability juice and use the jet pack. While you can use it forever, you only get a short burst of vertical take off thrust, after which it hovers. You have to land and then take off again to move vertically again.
Sean P. said:Expanding on this:
Spawns: Spawns are as poor as they have been in any Halo game. With how many spawn complaints there were in Halo 3 I thought this would have been one of their main concerns. On non-forge world maps they are passable, but still pretty poor. Some examples: I cannot tell you the amount of times Ive spawned on Swordbase right into enemy fire, as well as countdown being directly in an enemies line of sight when I spawn. Onto Forge World spawns, THE ABSOLUTE WORST. I have spawned multiple times right into getting assassinated by an enemy, The Cage being the worst of these offenders. Maps such as Asylum though are just as bad, with enemies camping the bases and anywhere you spawn they are instantly pouncing on your. Snipers on Hemorrhage really accentuated the problem, with the enemy able to basically control your spawn and keep you in a tight space with zero cover that was near impossible to get out of once you were trapped in it.
Map Design: This has been talked about in the past few pages of the thread. The map designs just feel uninspired, mainly the Forge World maps. It feels like they took the easy way out with the recreating and then the new Forge World maps (Paradiso, The Cage) just have worlds of problems. The cage would have the same game play if it was a huge flat area with walls to hide behind, it is so bland and just running around until you find the enemy, or rushing to noob tube spawn every match. I can expand on this if anyone really wants me to.
Radar: Cool concept for campaign, worst decision in the world to put into multiplayer. This radar is a campers dream; there is no more guesswork in where enemies are. You can just take a quick peek at the radar at anytime and tell exactly where an enemy is compared to you, where in the previous halo games you could tell, but you had to take the risk of exactly where they were. They added a cool ability like assassinations but then nerfed it so bad with the radar that its useless because any aware player can tell exactly where you are. No radar matches are 100x better to me than radar matches.
Quitting: Quitting is rampant throughout Halo Reach and the countermeasures they put in place just made it worse. Nearly every game I play someone will quit within the first minute and ruin the match for everyone. There is no penalty anymore, there is no loss in number rank, there is nothing except the quitting ban which when players reach they just stop playing. Since someone had the great idea of removing number ranks, there is no downside to quitting out of a match, so nobody takes it seriously.
Arena: Arena is a cool addition to the game, but a horrid replacement for a VERY core element of the Halo franchise. Number ranks are what kept people around for so long. Halo 2 stat resets should be a pretty clear example of this. Every stat reset so many people stopped playing, and now they are basing their whole competitive matchmaking system around the idea of rank resets to KEEP people playing? That was a terrible decision. The first time someone ranks lower than they expect in Arena after doing good the previous season they are just going to throw in the towel and find something else to play. A lot of people such as myself dont have time for Arena either. Id much rather have a number I work at leveling up over a long period of time than this reset every month junk.
Playlists: I have no idea why this happened, and it got slightly better after the playlist update, but why would they LOWER playlist variety when releasing a new game? Not only there but without the separate ranked playlists like Halo 3 its just terrible, makes me so frustrated there is no longer a competitive sniper or swat scene because nobody can tell how good they are compared to anyone else since every playlist is basically social.
Armor Abilities: Horrid addition to competitive gameplay. Maybe fun in campaign and social, but NEVER in competitive play. Jetpack does nothing but allow people to break maps and destroy the lines of maps. Its basically like giving someone superbouncing strapped to their back and allowing them to abuse it as they please. Hologram is just annoying, and armor lock is the worst of all offenders. It is so lame to have someone basically cheat you out of your kill or melee because they go into armor lock and stun you and then just own you when you can barely do anything. It basically makes CQC useless against any armor lock person because you wont win. Sprint is a good addition, but the broken melee system makes it abused.
Melee: Im not even sure what happens when I hit melee. We all know about the broken double melee system where someone can run up to you and if you havent put enough shots on them just double melee you. But with this, there have been so many times that I miss melees for no reason at all or go for an assassination and the melee will just stop suddenly for no reason and then I generally get killed. Also in many melee-melee hits sometimes mine wont register, or sometimes theres wont register on me at all for no explained reason, and I easily kill them. Why?
Grenades: Holy crap these are horrid, sometimes Ill die full shield standing ten feet from a grenade and sometimes Ill run over one and lose half my sheilds. It is so random, not to mention they bounce wherever the heck they want. They are way too random to be of any use really, and in so many maps (swordbase yellow lift) they are just whored to no end and it ruins gameplay.
Level Cap: Why even have this? Let people play how they want, quit trying to control the playing field and make it even or whatever they think they are doing.
I could keep going but Im tired of writing and need to go do laundry. Please fix this game, Halo is the only videogame I play religiously but they took so many steps backwards from previous entries.
Basically every Halo session I have now I end up stopping because I just end up being frustrated and don't see the point. Even people that defend this game in its current state know it has its problems and they are very frustrating and solutions at this point seem like they won't come for a VERY long time.
ZayneH said:Marathon=Bungie IP. Halo=343i IP. Me talk like caveman now.
Sean P. said:Map Design: This has been talked about in the past few pages of the thread. The map designs just feel uninspired, mainly the Forge World maps. It feels like they took the easy way out with the recreating and then the new Forge World maps (Paradiso, The Cage) just have worlds of problems. The cage would have the same game play if it was a huge flat area with walls to hide behind, it is so bland and just running around until you find the enemy, or rushing to noob tube spawn every match. I can expand on this if anyone really wants me to