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Remember R E A C H |OT2|

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Hugbot said:
You know what's the worst bug in the world? Forge reverting to an old save on your map. Loading from local files didn't fix it either. It sucks, I was just loading it up to start a backup save now that the geometry was done. The save it reverted to has like 4 items placed. Mother fucker.

Have you tried loading another map like say boardwalk then picking your map again? That's worked for me.


Playing Winter Contingency for the daily challenge, and trying to find if there's a switch somewhere in the level. Jumped a pretty long distance in the civilian jeep and Jorge got out and I believe he said "Radical!" :lol
Skilotonn said:

Oh well.

Farewell, Marathon emblem, you served me well.

Dreamcatcher+Bulls-Eye toggled is kinda close to the emblem. Or just use 7 or Septagon. Or Ying-Yang

Darkflight said:
New book details - http://bit.ly/a8ymGF - Halo: Cryptum

That cover looks awesome. Like how the pillar sorta connects the title bar to the author bar.

(also finally was able to load the waypoint site, and holy crap it looks awesome)

how many times can i say awesome in a post?
TheStringTheory said:
I might be missing something, but is there any way for me to check my rank history on Bungie.net like I could for Halo 3 ?

I would actually love this. I wonder why they took this feature out, they mentioned it in even the manual but I assume thats before they actually set up the player pages.
Darkflight said:
New book details - http://bit.ly/a8ymGF - Halo: Cryptum


Noice! :D


Sean P. said:
Long post.

And here I thought I just hadn't figured out the melee/grenade mechanics, turns out its a game problem.

Level Cap: Read Luke's post and bungie.net's explanation but this thing still makes no sense at all. Just screams of control because they didn't want people to level up so quick, which is a pretty silly problem.

Radar: This is the first Halo game where I prefer no radar and I don't really know why, but when there is no radar it just feels right.

Arena: Requiring a set amount of play time to be ranked is a bad idea but my biggest problem is the lack of Lone Wolves Arena. I only want to talk to my friends so even in Team Arena I have the mic off, I want rank to be by myself. Armor Abilities should also be removed here, maybe just sprint.

Playlist: As already stated, FFA non slayer please, Halo sometimes needs to be saved from its own community, see the posters here who hate Rocket Race. Sometimes you just want crazy game types to have fun, unfortunately they rarely get voted in.


Pushed the Falcon that takes you to the Relay Outpost away from where it usually lands, jumped in, and it flew into a rock. It's still flying into the same rock, and Carter delivers the line about them on their way to the outpost.


Oh god it checkpointed

(could someone render this for me? i don't have any points :( )


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
After three hours, and fifteen games of Firefight, the weekly challenge is out of the way. I definitely need to take a break from FF for a while, now. :lol

And only 5,500 cR to go until Captain! Getting the dailies later should do the trick.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
ZayneH said:
Pushed the Falcon that takes you to the Relay Outpost away from where it usually lands, jumped in, and it flew into a rock. It's still flying into the same rock, and Carter delivers the line about them on their way to the outpost.


Oh god it checkpointed

(could someone render this for me? i don't have any points :( )



vatstep said:
After three hours, and fifteen games of Firefight, the weekly challenge is out of the way. I definitely need to take a break from FF for a while, now. :lol

And only 5,500 cR to go until Captain! Getting the dailies later should do the trick.
This is the first weekly I won't be getting. Seriously, 50 completed games of FF and only 3k cR to show for it? You'd have to make it 15k before I would even consider it. Guess they just wanted to see where the limits are for these in terms of effort/completion vs reward.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
JesseZao said:
This is the first weekly I won't be getting. Seriously, 50 completed games of FF and only 3k cR to show for it? You'd have to make it 15k before I would even consider it. Guess they just wanted to see where the limits are for these in terms of effort/completion vs reward.
Yeah, I definitely wouldn't have gone for it if I didn't play a good amount of FF to begin with. Plus, I've been trying to get all of the challenges I can, whether or not the points reflect the actual task. Playing that many rounds over the past few days has burnt me out a bit, though.


JesseZao said:
This is the first weekly I won't be getting. Seriously, 50 completed games of FF and only 3k cR to show for it? You'd have to make it 15k before I would even consider it. Guess they just wanted to see where the limits are for these in terms of effort/completion vs reward.
Given that you get 1-2k credits for each Score Attack round, it ends up being a huge credit amount in the end.
Well done Sean P. Reach is a great game, yes, but only silly fanboys are going to justify the level of quality that we have now. My question though;

Where is the polish?

The game was 'finished' for months as Bungie added crazy levels of polish to the game... but where is it? So many things need tweaking one would wonder what their playtests were like? Were they just trying to play the game rather than break it? Of course there was always going to be a few problems to slip through the net such as the HLG tactics in Halo 3 and likewise I am sure that in the coming months many of the existing issues will be dealt with... but Reach really doesn't scream 'quality' to me....

I have not played Reach much at all whereas my brother is the opposite. Ultimately the game is fantastic... but there is a vile taste in my mouth as is.

Sean P, I agree with most of what you said but even then, there are so many tiny things that add up to form a bad taste as well.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Another Legendary mission... down. Long Night of Solace. I was incredibly worried about this one but it actually ended up being pretty easy. I'm actually beginning to think I might be able to do Legendary Solo after all. I even had two Rampages.

Took 58 minutes, and 32 deaths. But it's actually fewer deaths than that. In the space portion I got a checkpoint just as my ship was blowing up :lol Had to die five or so times before it reset me back a bit. I also died a few times at the beginning fucking around with the wraith, trying to jack it. It's neat Bungie put a path over to it... normally you see it from inside the building only.

I was incredibly worried about the control room, and it was the cause of most of my deaths, but it wasn't too bad. I finally cleared it when that cannon-wielding asshole decided to hang back. Gave me enough time to clear the invisible elites.

The curve between my Halo skill and the game's difficulty has been a little weird. Both my first Heroic run-through and now this Legendary run-through have been getting EASIER as I go. The game itself is getting harder obviously, but my skill is increasing at a faster rate.
The betrayal system is so utterly broken. Being booted from a game because I splatter a teamate due to him blocking my path because I got the wraith and he didn't is pretty awful.


Sean P. said:
Expanding on this:

Spawns: Spawns are as poor as they have been in any Halo game. With how many spawn complaints there were in Halo 3 I thought this would have been one of their main concerns. On non-forge world maps they are passable, but still pretty poor. Some examples: I cannot tell you the amount of times I’ve spawned on Swordbase right into enemy fire, as well as countdown being directly in an enemies line of sight when I spawn. Onto Forge World spawns, THE ABSOLUTE WORST. I have spawned multiple times right into getting assassinated by an enemy, The Cage being the worst of these offenders. Maps such as Asylum though are just as bad, with enemies camping the bases and anywhere you spawn they are instantly pouncing on your. Snipers on Hemorrhage really accentuated the problem, with the enemy able to basically control your spawn and keep you in a tight space with zero cover that was near impossible to get out of once you were trapped in it.

Map Design: This has been talked about in the past few pages of the thread. The map designs just feel uninspired, mainly the Forge World maps. It feels like they took the easy way out with the recreating and then the new Forge World maps (Paradiso, The Cage) just have worlds of problems. The cage would have the same game play if it was a huge flat area with walls to hide behind, it is so bland and just running around until you find the enemy, or rushing to noob tube spawn every match. I can expand on this if anyone really wants me to.

Radar: Cool concept for campaign, worst decision in the world to put into multiplayer. This radar is a campers dream; there is no more guesswork in where enemies are. You can just take a quick peek at the radar at anytime and tell exactly where an enemy is compared to you, where in the previous halo games you could tell, but you had to take the risk of exactly where they were. They added a cool ability like assassinations but then nerfed it so bad with the radar that it’s useless because any aware player can tell exactly where you are. No radar matches are 100x better to me than radar matches.

Quitting: Quitting is rampant throughout Halo Reach and the countermeasures they put in place just made it worse. Nearly every game I play someone will quit within the first minute and ruin the match for everyone. There is no penalty anymore, there is no loss in number rank, there is nothing except the “quitting ban” which when players reach they just stop playing. Since someone had the great idea of removing number ranks, there is no downside to quitting out of a match, so nobody takes it seriously.

Arena: Arena is a cool addition to the game, but a horrid replacement for a VERY core element of the Halo franchise. Number ranks are what kept people around for so long. Halo 2 stat resets should be a pretty clear example of this. Every stat reset so many people stopped playing, and now they are basing their whole competitive matchmaking system around the idea of rank resets to KEEP people playing? That was a terrible decision. The first time someone ranks lower than they expect in Arena after doing good the previous season they are just going to throw in the towel and find something else to play. A lot of people such as myself don’t have time for Arena either. I’d much rather have a number I work at leveling up over a long period of time than this reset every month junk.

Playlists: I have no idea why this happened, and it got slightly better after the playlist update, but why would they LOWER playlist variety when releasing a new game? Not only there but without the separate ranked playlists like Halo 3 its just terrible, makes me so frustrated there is no longer a competitive sniper or swat scene because nobody can tell how good they are compared to anyone else since every playlist is basically social.

Armor Abilities: Horrid addition to competitive gameplay. Maybe fun in campaign and social, but NEVER in competitive play. Jetpack does nothing but allow people to break maps and destroy the lines of maps. Its basically like giving someone superbouncing strapped to their back and allowing them to abuse it as they please. Hologram is just annoying, and armor lock is the worst of all offenders. It is so lame to have someone basically cheat you out of your kill or melee because they go into armor lock and stun you and then just own you when you can barely do anything. It basically makes CQC useless against any armor lock person because you wont win. Sprint is a good addition, but the broken melee system makes it abused.

Melee: I’m not even sure what happens when I hit melee. We all know about the broken double melee system where someone can run up to you and if you haven’t put enough shots on them just double melee you. But with this, there have been so many times that I miss melees for no reason at all or go for an assassination and the melee will just stop suddenly for no reason and then I generally get killed. Also in many melee-melee hits sometimes mine wont register, or sometimes there’s wont register on me at all for no explained reason, and I easily kill them. Why?

Grenades: Holy crap these are horrid, sometimes I’ll die full shield standing ten feet from a grenade and sometimes I’ll run over one and lose half my sheilds. It is so random, not to mention they bounce wherever the heck they want. They are way too random to be of any use really, and in so many maps (swordbase yellow lift) they are just whored to no end and it ruins gameplay.

Level Cap: Why even have this? Let people play how they want, quit trying to control the playing field and make it “even” or whatever they think they are doing.

I could keep going but I’m tired of writing and need to go do laundry. Please fix this game, Halo is the only videogame I play religiously but they took so many steps backwards from previous entries.

Basically every Halo session I have now I end up stopping because I just end up being frustrated and don't see the point. Even people that defend this game in its current state know it has its problems and they are very frustrating and solutions at this point seem like they won't come for a VERY long time.


A one to two month long wait before the cap is raised is pretty absurd, let people rank up as they see fit, if someone wants to farm to the highest rank, who cares? This is all cosmetic stuff, has no effect on the gameplay whatsoever, really lame.

They better lift it before Black Ops hits, it's going to gangbang this game hard enough as it is.


^ I say the limited edition guide; very useful

but i love the soundtrack of the game.

I would still stick with the guide


343i Lead Esports Producer
The level cap isn't the greatest idea but it's nice that you still earn credits and will level up one it's lifted if you have enough. It's probably saving a few people from getting their accounts hacked as well. I'm still only a Captain grade 2.
I wouldn't say that you can't do anything against armour lock. You've got to reel them in real close for it to actually do the whole EMP thing, and even then you have to get a melee or headshot or whatever. I've seen so many players try AL on others and many will just stand at a distance, wait, stick and move on. It doesn't seem to be a problem for many players. If you're getting killed by AL and it's not at point blank range and at the absolute last-minute then you're doing something wrong.


Crunched said:
Yes, but I've occasionally had it not thrust, that's what I was trying to say. Like, it starts up but I don't go anywhere. Feels like I'm moving around using the hover boots from Ocarina of Time. I don't go up, I just hover, barely over the ground.

It's probably something momentum-based, but I can't replicate it. Seems to happen randomly.
I've only had this happen in custom firefight games where I made player gravity higher, and it was definitely momentum based.
Seems like all the people complaining are the same ones who complained during the beta.

Did you think it was going to be that huge of a change in just 3 months?

Go back to Halo 3... it's still there.


Ramirez said:
it's going to gangbang this game hard enough as it is.
I really hope it does!

Everybody cheers when Halo beats CoD on the charts, but then we just get that many more morons playing Halo!

VsRobot said:
I've only read FoR so far, which other Halo books are worth reading?
All of them really. If you really liked FoR, the same author also penned Ghosts of Onyx.

Contact Harvest is def my fave, written by the man himself, Joe Staten. Gives lots of details on Brute culture.

Also, Halo Evolutions is a collection of short stories set in the universe. It's the newest book available.
UltimaPooh said:
Seems like all the people complaining are the same ones who complained during the beta.

Did you think it was going to be that huge of a change in just 3 months?

Go back to Halo 3... it's still there.
Well I would hope the point of a beta is to get the community's feedback and make ramifications accordingly. Not be a demo.
Rahxephon91 said:
Well I would hope the point of a beta is to get the community's feedback and make ramifications accordingly. Not be a demo.

It's not a democratic process and it's not a game designed from the ground up by the community. It's a beta... meaning everything is pretty much set except for some things here and there they could use some studying.


Is there any specific reason the jetpacks aren't allowed in Objective games? I can't think of any besides taking shortcuts to the flag or what the objective may be. I'm loving the new evade though. Team Objective is so good these days.


Rahxephon91 said:
Well I would hope the point of a beta is to get the community's feedback and make ramifications accordingly. Not be a demo.
Got to keep in mind that all of us here on Gaf are just a tiny percentage of the community.
VsRobot said:
I've only read FoR so far, which other Halo books are worth reading?

Skip the Flood. It's awful. Just read a summary online of that one.

All the others are surprisingly decent to good for books based on video games.


Radar: Cool concept for campaign, worst decision in the world to put into multiplayer. This radar is a campers dream; there is no more guesswork in where enemies are. You can just take a quick peek at the radar at anytime and tell exactly where an enemy is compared to you, where in the previous halo games you could tell, but you had to take the risk of exactly where they were. They added a cool ability like assassinations but then nerfed it so bad with the radar that it’s useless because any aware player can tell exactly where you are. No radar matches are 100x better to me than radar matches.

Eww, but they just turn into a game of complete chance, you can just run up behind or have enemies run beside you and have no idea there even there.
End up just aimlessly running around the maps hoping to encounter an enemy. It's crap, it's not like you have the same awareness that you do in real life like that you do in games, and honestly I welcome the addiction to detecting if enemies are on the same floor, Halo 3 matches in Construct where fucking awful.

Anyway i'm glad they got rid of the tanks in hemorrhage, much more playable and fun map now.


343i Lead Esports Producer
So that guy who was talking shit earlier who said he had a 50 in every playlist...well my teammate looked up his Halo 3 stats and he's like a 30 something in MLG and was a Brig grade 3 until a few months ago. :lol Why lie when I can just look at your stats instantly?

jimbojones said:
Eww, but they just turn into a game of complete chance, you can just run up behind or have enemies run beside you and have no idea there even there.
End up just aimlessly running around the maps hoping to encounter an enemy. It's crap, it's not like you have the same awareness that you do in real life like that you do in games, and honestly I welcome the addiction to detecting if enemies are on the same floor, Halo 3 matches in Construct where fucking awful.

edit: LOL I got it


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
JimboJones said:
Eww, but they just turn into a game of complete chance, you can just run up behind or have enemies run beside you and have no idea there even there.
End up just aimlessly running around the maps hoping to encounter an enemy. It's crap, it's not like you have the same awareness that you do in real life like that you do in games, and honestly I welcome the addiction to detecting if enemies are on the same floor, Halo 3 matches in Construct where fucking awful.

Anyway i'm glad they got rid of the tanks in hemorrhage, much more playable and fun map now.

Surround sound. Use it.

Sean P.

JimboJones said:
Eww, but they just turn into a game of complete chance, you can just run up behind or have enemies run beside you and have no idea there even there.
End up just aimlessly running around the maps hoping to encounter an enemy. It's crap, it's not like you have the same awareness that you do in real life like that you do in games, and honestly I welcome the addiction to detecting if enemies are on the same floor, Halo 3 matches in Construct where fucking awful.

Anyway i'm glad they got rid of the tanks in hemorrhage, much more playable and fun map now.

With really solid team play and great communication you have no need for a radar, the parts of the map that you are not able to see you will have a teammate watching for you.

Didn't have 3 have a sort of depth sense for its radar? I don't remember exactly but werent the dots like faded?

EDIT: Alienshogun x a million. With surround sound/headphones you can hear literally EVERYTHING, especially when armor abilities make their engage/disengage sound (sprint), it is very obvious when an enemy is behind you


343i Lead Esports Producer
Alienshogun said:
Surround sound. Use it.

Ohhhhh about the sound. I totally forgot. As far as knowing where the players on the map are just by listening Reach doesn't do as good as a job as Halo 3 did. I think I know why. I think it might be because the game is better suited for surround and doesn't work all that well for stereo(which is my setup) I'm sure if I had surround sound headphones and just a straight up surround sound system, it would be a lot better.

Sean P.

Tashi0106 said:
Ohhhhh about the sound. I totally forgot. As far as knowing where the players on the map are just by listening Reach doesn't do as good as a job as Halo 3 did. I think I know why. I think it might be because the game is better suited for surround and doesn't work all that well for stereo(which is my setup) I'm sure if I had surround sound headphones and just a straight up surround sound system, it would be a lot better.

I use Astros and you definitely can't hear footsteps as well, like I mentioned before armor abilities are the main giveaway of where someone is
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