...Tashi0106 said:sorry im an idiot.
I dont remember who
GG, I saw before the edit. :lol
...Tashi0106 said:sorry im an idiot.
I dont remember who
Tashi0106 said:It's true, death comes in 3's. That's 3 Halogaffers in the past week.
Once I put all the toys away into the chest over there, you are a dead man.Ajemsuhgao said:Happy 10th birthday!
Before youTokubetsu said:Any tips for holding that elevator on Exodus legendary solo?
Thats why i wrote, sorry im an idiot lololPlywood said:...
GG, I saw before the edit. :lol
Trasher said:It's almost as if Bungie knew what armor permutations would be the most desirable. Amazing! Who would have thought that the coolest ones would be the most expensive?!
Stop whining and just play the game. You'll get there eventually. The game hasn't even been out a month yet...
You seriously enjoy playing dress-up more than the game? You bought Reach for the wrong reasons I'm afraid.
Weak precision weapons, slow and akward movement, clunky grenades, bad maps, armor abilities, and bloom say otherwise. I'm probably one of the biggest Halo:CE fans in this forum. And while some elements of Reach are more akin to Halo:CE than any of the following releases, Reach plays nothing like Combat Evolved, absolutely nothing. Putting Reach and Combat Evolved in the same sentence should be a crime.AwesomeSyrup said:I've come to the conclusion Reach is more of a sequel to Halo CE than Halo 2 is. It feels like what you would have expected after CE. Not just the campaign, but the MP as well. Only problem is I'm starting to realize I prefer the Halo 2/3 MP to the CE/Reach MP.
Shake Appeal said:That's funny, because I find it more fun to shoot people in this one than in any of the previous games.
Will never understand this mentality. It seems most people just want to dong on noobs in social or grind out a '50' (which was meaningless in most playlists in Halo 3 because of second accounts and the way TrueSkill was abused), rather than play close and competitive games with the chance of going down as well as up month to month. I can't understand that, frankly, and I suspect that the kind of person who quits because their rank gets reset is probably the kind of person I don't want to play in a Halo game anyway.Sean P. said:Number ranks are what kept people around for so long. Halo 2 stat resets should be a pretty clear example of this. Every stat reset so many people stopped playing, and now they are basing their whole competitive matchmaking system around the idea of rank resets to KEEP people playing? That was a terrible decision.
Every playlist is not social. In fact, this time out every playlist is ranked, you just don't see the 'rank'. The point of TrueSkill is to get close, competitive games (for the most part), not to show off to Internet strangers. The game is doing the former, neglecting the latter, and if that bothers you your priorities for playing games are warped. And the reason there are fewer playlists than Halo 3 is because of the voting system, which in theory gives people greater flexibility within playlists, and which can be used to collate data to create future playlists. Which we have already seen happen, three weeks after release.Sean P. said:Playlists: I have no idea why this happened, and it got slightly better after the playlist update, but why would they LOWER playlist variety when releasing a new game? Not only there but without the separate ranked playlists like Halo 3 its just terrible, makes me so frustrated there is no longer a competitive sniper or swat scene because nobody can tell how good they are compared to anyone else since every playlist is basically social.
Why you mad, though? :lolSean P. said:Armor Abilities: Horrid addition to competitive gameplay. Maybe fun in campaign and social, but NEVER in competitive play. Jetpack does nothing but allow people to break maps and destroy the lines of maps. Its basically like giving someone superbouncing strapped to their back and allowing them to abuse it as they please. Hologram is just annoying, and armor lock is the worst of all offenders. It is so lame to have someone basically cheat you out of your kill or melee because they go into armor lock and stun you and then just own you when you can barely do anything. It basically makes CQC useless against any armor lock person because you wont win. Sprint is a good addition, but the broken melee system makes it abused.
That isn't broken, you're just putting yourself in bad spots and then not reacting properly.Sean P. said:Melee: Im not even sure what happens when I hit melee. We all know about the broken double melee system where someone can run up to you and if you havent put enough shots on them just double melee you.
Latency.Sean P. said:But with this, there have been so many times that I miss melees for no reason at all
Never, ever seen this. Assassination animations are truncated in certain situations, but you will still get the kill and the medal. Also, you can be killed normally mid-assassination. Otherwise, I have no clue what this is in reference to.Sean P. said:or go for an assassination and the melee will just stop suddenly for no reason and then I generally get killed.
Latency.Sean P. said:Also in many melee-melee hits sometimes mine wont register, or sometimes theres wont register on me at all for no explained reason, and I easily kill them. Why?
Latency.Grenades: Holy crap these are horrid, sometimes Ill die full shield standing ten feet from a grenade and sometimes Ill run over one and lose half my sheilds.
Nah, not really. They should probably give people one grenade at spawn in Pro types, but otherwise it's working fine and you just seem to be raging.It is so random, not to mention they bounce wherever the heck they want. They are way too random to be of any use really, and in so many maps (swordbase yellow lift) they are just whored to no end and it ruins gameplay.
Shake Appeal said:Every playlist is not social. In fact, this time out every playlist is ranked, you just don't see the 'rank'. The point of TrueSkill is to get close, competitive games (for the most part), not to show off to Internet strangers. The game is doing the former, neglecting the latter, and if that bothers you your priorities for playing games are warped. And the reason there are fewer playlists than Halo 3 is because of the voting system, which in theory gives people greater flexibility within playlists, and which can be used to collate data to create future playlists. Which we have already seen happen, three weeks after release.
Saturday is now Haloday for me.Raide said:4000cR Shootin' and Lootin'
Kill 400 enemies in any game mode in Reach.
900cR A Great Friend
Earn 15 assists today in multiplayer Matchmaking.
750cR Three Dog Fight
Earn a Triple Kill in Multiplayer Matchmaking.
750cR Came From Behind
Perform 2 Assassinations in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.
Botolf said:Before youhit the elevator button, roam out to the courtyard where the dropship will be landing. Hop on the turret and rip it off, bring it back inside. Hide on the stairs and wear the Brutes down into dust (prioritize Chieftains).
PsychoRaven said:Wow. I really have no life. I just joined the less then 1 percent club.
Adapt or die. Reach is better than 2 and 3, and that's a fact.Deputy Moonman said:Weak precision weapons, slow and akward movement, clunky grenades, bad maps, armor abilities, and bloom say otherwise. I'm probably one of the biggest Halo:CE fans in this forum. And while some elements of Reach are more akin to Halo:CE than any of the following releases, Reach plays nothing like Combat Evolved, absolutely nothing. Putting Reach and Combat Evolved in the same sentence should be a crime.
Why bother putting health packs and fall damage into the game to make it more like Halo:CE if they're going to completely ignore the finer and more important parts of the game? It's like slapping a spoiler onto a jalopy and trying to pass it off as a sports car. It just doesn't work. I know they weren't trying to make another Halo:CE, but almost nothing that was good in Halo:CE is in Reach. So it's humorous that they spun the idea to the public that Reach was going back to its roots.
Reach looks better, obviously, has a bazillion more options and other additions like Firefight and Forgeworld, but they forgot to make the most basic part of the game fun... shooting other people. Killing players in Reach is a chore, and not the surprisingly deep and fantastic art that it once was in Halo:CE. My satisfaction has been lost, just like the planet of Reach, and it can't be regained simply through doing daily achievements and earning credits.
Presco said:I haven't really been complaining but I do agree with a lot of Sean P's post. Don't know what it is with Reach but it still hasn't clicked with me. I'd say I'm well above average at the game and win much more than I lose but I'm just not having that much fun.
I haven't played since Monday and I think I actually might test the Halo 3 waters again tomorrow. Not looking forward to the netcode, cause that is one thing I LOVE about Reach (aside from the many Host changes), but I can't wait to play 2 flag on The Pit.
LAUGHTREY said:Adapt or die. Reach is better than 2 and 3, and that's a fact.
Feorax said:Captain bitcheZ!
Just for my own sanity, is that the worst rank to get to? Cap grade 1 seems a lot quicker.
:lol +32? Was everyone else standing still?MagniHarvald said:First game of the day, whoopee!
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=191854916&player=SAE Magni
Magnum - M6G Pistol
Kills: 101 | Deaths: 20
Magnum - M6G Pistol
Kills: 187 | Deaths: 58
VsRobot said:I've only read FoR so far, which other Halo books are worth reading?
Why not play Firefight and make progress on the weekly at the same time?Dax01 said:Getting that 4K cR challenge by playing campaign.
Because campaign is more fun?Willeth said:Why not play Firefight and make progress on the weekly at the same time?
xxjuicesxx said:I love when I get home from work in the morning and go online clearly playing Europeans and my pistol shots are not connecting at all yet it still says Green bar to me.
Fucking christ just give us the ping numbers. Theres no way in hell I'm GREEN.
jizzlobber said:I love it when americans complain about lag... try living in australia! :lol
Willeth said:Why not play Firefight and make progress on the weekly at the same time?
xxjuicesxx said:Reread it I wasn't complaining about the lag. I'm complaining about the invalid visual representation of my connection! I just disconnected from a game while my PC internet was still working, yet I'm green bar? Really?
bobs99 ... said::lol
Yeah, the Warrant Officer grind is horrible but dont worry, you will be ranking up without trying now. You need a lot less Cr per rank now.