Exodus Solo Legendary done. Once you get the Jetpack you're able to skip large chunks of the level, I discovered.
The biggest time/sanity saver is at the very end. After you've activated both missile batteries, you get a checkpoint, and then have to run back into the main building and activate a switch. Shielded armored brutes, more ghosts, skirmishers, and lots of other shitty enemies are dropped into your path.
So... I just ran directly for the switch and jetpacked right into the room and activated it, before most of the enemies had even been dropped off :lol
There's a hammer brute guarding the switch inside the room itself, but if you activate it the level still ends, even though he is sprinting at you with his hammer out :lol
Without that cheese, I literally don't know how I would have gotten past that section legit. I tried it several times and made only minor progress.
Even skipping some bits It still took 72 minutes and 35 deaths. Brutal level. The hardest since Nightfall.
Edit: The game is not on Bungie.net yet. Hope the site is just lagging, because if my progress wasn't counted I'll be piiissssed. Level was super hard.