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Remember R E A C H |OT2|

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Already posted? From Joystiq :
Joystiq said:
During a panel last night at the New York Comic Con, transmedia company Starlight Runner -- a business that helps plan cross-media campaigns for various properties, including Microsoft's Halo franchise -- gave a presentation on its work. Among the slides shown, company president and CEO Jeff Gomez previewed one that gave the audience a look at the future of Halo: two new trilogies starting in 2012/2013 with a major motion picture set for release by 2014.

Microsoft and Starlight Runner have yet to issue any official comment on the news.

What do you guys think?
I'm taking this as a rumor, since they're the only only posting that, for now.
Gui_PT said:
It gets really annoying when it happens like once every game. His problem is when the betrayal happens due to stupidity, which I agree with.

Happens once? That's fine. But when it happens over and over and over, knowing it happened because the other person didn't care you were there or didn't even stop to think it might kill you, is annoying and a well deserved boot.
That I can agree with the first time I'm just saying let it go unless it was on purpose. I'm pretty sure I said first time of a accidental betryal originally
Halo franchise roadmap includes new trilogies and film, transmedia campaign reveals

"Among the slides shown, company president and CEO Jeff Gomez previewed one that gave the audience a look at the future of Halo: two new trilogies starting in 2012/2013 with a major motion picture set for release by 2014."



stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Mojo said:
Two questions...

1. What are 'penalties' on the scoreboard? I've gotten them in campaign and matchmaking, without betrayals or suicides.

2. What the frak is wrong with the scoreboard. Often in game the score at the end would be one thing, but after the game the amount of kills is different, usually more. Once again without any betrayals or such. Happens most in BTB for me.

Yup. A few weeks ago I made a post in this topic linking to a BTB game where my team won with a score of 75, but we had 89 kills. No suicides or penalties. No one had any answers :(
LosDaddie said:
Any tips on this one?

I have all the other Challenges done.
Go into Score Attack. Shoot three grunts quickly. Huzzah!!

GDJustin said:
Yup. A few weeks ago I made a post in this topic linking to a BTB game where my team won with a score of 75, but we had 89 kills. No suicides or penalties. No one had any answers :(
It happens all the time and it's frankly baffling.


LosDaddie said:
Any tips on this one?

I have all the other Challenges done.

SWAT baby

To the above posters: I was unaware SCore Attack counts towards "multiplayer matchmaking" - just "firefight matchmaking"


I can't wait to be able to hit Commander to get Carter's helmet. I'm going to try and replicate my Spartan to look exactly like his in Campaign although I'll probably use a different body piece like Kat's robo arm. :p

Oh and Zealot blows. That is all.


The Triple Kill has to be done in PVP MM, didn't work for me in Firefight...I got it in my first or second game though, play Reflection, get rockets, profit.

Also, the playlists need the part sizes limited to the amount of teams one group could put together, going in with 6 people in a 8 person list while 2 dudes do nothing while the other guys use you for boosting fodder is extremely lame.


Ramirez said:
The Triple Kill has to be done in PVP MM, didn't work for me in Firefight

Yeah, that's correct. I already played some firefight/score attack and I haven't completed the challenge yet. :(

Getting tons of Double Kills...but no Triple yet.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Shake Appeal said:
It happens all the time and it's frankly baffling.

Can you find the specific games where it happened to you? I have a hypothesis. I think, for SOME players, some of their multikills aren't being counted. Doubles are only counting as one, etc. Maybe only if the kills are simultaneous, via explosions.


LosDaddie said:
Yeah, that's correct. I already played some firefight/score attack and I haven't completed the challenge yet. :(

Getting tons of Double Kills...but no Triple yet.

You could also try Invasion/BTB, something with a vehicle, a Wraith on Hemorrhage can wreck kids if you can spawn cap them.


LosDaddie said:
Any tips on this one?

I have all the other Challenges done.

Keep playing Rumble Pit, Juggernaut makes it super easy. I think people are picking Juggernaut whenever it comes up, too, to get the challenge.


Domino Theory said:
Two new trilogies? As in games?

Would presume so. Bit like Call of Duty, dev cycles of 2 years with 2 devs releasing in alternate years...

Want more info before judging but entering 'meh' territory if it does happen..


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Re: The Halo roadmap - I don't doubt that it's true. I also don't doubt that that company is in some SERIOUS shit with Microsoft. WTF were they thinking? :lol :lol That sort of info is always NDA'd all to hell. Showing it in front of an audience with actual slides is absolute idiocy.

If you want to know what is going to be happening in the game industry 1+ year in advance, ad agencies and ad planning firms are where you want to work. I've worked on that side of the business a fair amount, and... yeah. Most of these ad buyers aren't gamers. So they don't even realize what they're saying is sensitive. I would get calls like "A company is planning a campaign for a sci fi game called "Mass Effect 2" for Q4 (this is before ME2 had been announced). Do you think this is relevant to your audience?"

So, I then knew the approx. launch date of a game that hadn't even been unveiled yet.

That's a mild one, too. I work fairly closely with a firm that actually shoots the TV commercials for a lot of game companies. They know FOREVER in advance what is coming, because a TV production is serious business. They need full briefs on what the game is like, with a synopsis and art assets, to do their preproduction work. So that company would have docs that were just like... their rough schedule/workload for the next ~12-18 months. You'd see stuff on there like "Halo: Reach" months before it was announced, with a synopsis of its plot and characters, etc. They didn't work on Halo... that's just an example.

PR firms, game journos, dev studios... NONE of these places have as much consolidated info about what unnannounced shit is coming out as an ad agency. Because they need the most heads-up & most lead time. Besides maybe guide makers like Prima. They have as much access as the dev team itself, often.

Edit: My own personal hypothesis, but I would expect the games to alternate genres. One year a FPS, the next year... something else. Cover shooter, or squad shooter, or ME-style shooter or whatever.


Devin Olsen said:
Halo franchise roadmap includes new trilogies and film, transmedia campaign reveals

"Among the slides shown, company president and CEO Jeff Gomez previewed one that gave the audience a look at the future of Halo: two new trilogies starting in 2012/2013 with a major motion picture set for release by 2014."

Looking forward to the major motion picture. What's with the 2 new trilogies? Ugh... I mean I guess they could be different genres, maybe developed by different studios? But if it's 343 I'd rather they focus on 1 new trilogy than try and do 2 at the same time.
Why is my game history only showing 1 arena game even though I've played 4 today?
It's missing a lot of the other games that I've played today as well.

Rumble pit is a good playlist for the triple kill challenge btw. It's really easy to get multikills in Juggernaut and Infection.


Has there been any type of confirmation on what the daily cR cap is? I'm seeing "confirmed" numbers of anywhere from 50,000-100,000. I wrapped up a ton of stuff today and I'm sitting at probably like 60k today right now, but if I'm real close to the cap I won't finish up the Weekly and wait until tomorrow to do that.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Kibbles said:
Looking forward to the major motion picture. What's with the 2 new trilogies? Ugh... I mean I guess they could be different genres, maybe developed by different studios? But if it's 343 I'd rather they focus on 1 new trilogy than try and do 2 at the same time.
The story and the slide are both speculative nonsense and you can take that to the bank.


Ramirez said:
You could also try Invasion/BTB, something with a vehicle, a Wraith on Hemorrhage can wreck kids if you can spawn cap them.

Taoofberg said:
Keep playing Rumble Pit, Juggernaut makes it super easy. I think people are picking Juggernaut whenever it comes up, too, to get the challenge.

Thanks to for all the help/suggestions, HaloGAF.

I finally got the Triple Kill/Daily Challenge cheevo on Invasion. The other team just got done capturing a territory and were loading up in a warthog and I used a rocket launcher to get them. :D

Feels good, man. Now onto the Firefight achievements.


And just in case; two new trilogies mean two new games. Probably one in 2012 and one in 2013. Not six games, by 2013. :p

The "one game a year" is nothing new.
2009: Halo Wars, Halo 3 ODST
2010: Halo Reach

If anything, it seems Halo is taking a break next year (2011) which is fine with me. Probably a good amount of DLC/maps/updates for Reach at least.


My reach legendary playthrough is doing alright, as long as I have DMR and a plasma pistol I'm golden. I'm kind of anticipating a few spots that will be annoying.

Hey You

Update: Microsoft representative Ryan James contacted Joystiq to say, "We worked with Starlight in the past, but the info isn't an accurate representation of our plans for the Halo franchise."


My wife wants to head into town and take the family with her, so I'll miss some and possibly all of customs tonight.

If you guys would be so kind as to test out the current iteration of Crossroads, I'd appreciate it. The file set is here, with the 1.1 version of the map and a game type set up for CTF and Stockpile. I'm curious how Stockpile will play out, but the map was bred for CTF first and I think that will play better. Slayer should work well, as long as it's DMR/Nerfle starts (I don't have a game type set up for Slayer with those load outs, though.) I'd take a look at the map or the pictorial tour so you know where the power weapons and ideal flag cap routes are (take the man cannon next to the base and head left for rockets - do the same for a CTF cap).

The 1.1 version has a lot of very small geometry changes, a load out camera and the objective markers set to be gametype specific so you don't play Slayer with flag markers all over.

If you do play, someone please shoot me the film. :)


I was just wondering; are there any plans to raise the amount of people in the Theater Mode; to more than one?

I remember having a blast with friends watching replays of stuff on 3 and ODST. But on Reach is not allowed at the moment.
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