Botolf said:
Yeah, this was a tricky bit. What worked for me was killing the two Elites who jetpack onto the ship's hull, then dropping down onto the beam running across the ceiling. I'd wear down their shields one by one with my DMR (their shielding ain't too tough, so it's workable).
You last about .7 seconds under their withering fire on that beam - so I ended up dropping down to it, trying to nail em with a sniper shot and then jumping back out once they had me in their sights. Lots of cat and mouse but eventually I got through it.
But it was just another encounter where I felt like I was playing it wrong, or at least not having the fun that was originally designed - instead I was finding any way to
avoid having a fun battle in order to win. But since you can die so easily from even one or two shots from some enemy weapons, the entire tempo of the game slows to a halt.
Luckily its not that way throughout the campaign, but at certain points its a real bummer. I'd prefer more tactical battles rather than cat and mouse stuff (except for sniper levels of course. Loved it there
Neuromancer said:
Yep it's pretty frustrating. Those fucking wraiths are ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.
That is a better word. Those fuckers
are ridiculous.
zam said:
The part after you land the sabre on the corvette? I just pick up the sword lying in the hallway (by the dead elite that a marine kicks) before I get into the sabre. You keep all your weapons so when I get to that part I just slice the elites that jetpack out, then jump down and slice up all the elites inside. Easy peasy.
Now THAT I didn't know. Thanks. Whether or not your loadout carries over between game events is inconsistent, but I'll keep that in mind for next time. And while ripping the elites to shredded bits sounds like all kinds of fun I just couldn't manage to avoid getting vaporized by multiple dual plasma rifles in that area.
Its good to hear that not everybody is sharing my same gripes though. That gives me hope