MarshMellow96 said:
The ability is fine. I personally don't like the fact that I can't move when I go into it, that it is so short and that it doesn't shoot my gun in a circular motion with homing bullets that get headshots everytime.
Best way to beat armour lock? Armour lock. If you have one guy who goes into it, try going into it right next to him. He has to come out of it sometime and when he does, you can simply deactivate yours and get an easy kill. He can't fall back on his AL (he's probably used it all) and you've knocked his shields off. Melee. Thwack. Dead. Problem solved.
If you don't have armour lock - for god sakes pull out! You can see the animation
activating so you have no excuse for hanging around. After that it's a free lunch, provided that you've got some grenades or something.
As for a group of 4 guys.. Why on earth are you running into a group of them? :lol
I sincerely doubt that the majority of MM players have the timing of a synchronised swim team. They're either playing with randoms, and if they're not there's still latency issues to throw around. They're either all going into it, or maybe one or two. In any case a whole team of armour locks takes a few grenades. If a one or two go into it, maybe you should communicate with your team to concentrate on putting grenades down range whilst you fire at active players. Guns + grenades down range from two guys, and then when you're reloading, or whatever ,you watch the previous grenadiers' backs.
Gimping armour lock is just a stupid idea. You're just going to end up bitching about something else if it does get fixed anyway (sword sprints, jetpack camps etc). IMO the best thing to do - seeing as we're meant to be playing a team game - would be to limit abilities like TF2 does. Gimp the team when it gets silly, don't ruin the armour ability when it's perfectly balanced when it's 1v1.
It's probably just a phase anyway. Next week everyone will be using some other ability..
Arena Zealot is not a map where I opt to RUN at a team of armor lockers. You don't have to move very far from a spawn TO run into their whole team. Whenever I spawn anywhere on a map I do 1 of 2 things. A) Go to a power weapon spawn I know is about to pop/has a weapon B) Run to join up with team mates so we can hose people down.
I even typed earlier that more often than not I am the ONLY person going positive on my teams day in day out with a few which isn't the case. I always have my headset on and am ready to talk, but that is NOT the case with 90% of the Xbox Live community.
Your theories and shit only work in a perfect world where rainbows exist man. I'm talking about the game as it is. I am NOT playing on the regular with friends who I can formulate a cohesive strategy with. It's strangers without headsets/in other chat parties/not saying anything useful at fuggin all. I have a tragic and long history in Arena where my team suffers a rage quit/connection loss almost right away and we have to do 3vs4.
I really do NOT think it's a phase either. As the game has come out more and more people keep gravitating to using armor lock. I would wager if Bungie told us what the most used armor abilities were #1 would be sprint and #2 would be armor lock.
Since this game has been out I have complained about these things:
1) Armor Lock
2) Auto aim when you jump goes up 9000% to give you headshots.
3) Too many of the maps are just crap compared to other Halo games' release maps.
4) Host advantage can be nightmareish.
5) Spawns on maps was made by a first grader.
I think those are my 5 biggest UGH things about this game. If these things got ironed out the game would be near perfect for me. I know I'm not having the same experience as everyone else, but this is the crap I deal with when the disc is in my 360.
Taking a look though just through the past few comments about the Alock issue it seems the people thinking it's fine are either A) Lockers themselves or B) Too unwilling to even fathom something could be wrong in their Halo game...or hell C) Just don't play the game enough to experience it first hand.