FourDoor said:
The contest does help motivate me to finally get started in Forge in Reach.
I guess this means that we're on our own vetting the maps ourselves. Hopefully when the contest is over and they are looking for just more matchmaking maps we can finally have some kind of structure in submitting maps.
Sweet, motivate and incentivize is what we aimed to do with the contest.
Don't worry, this contest is not the only way to get Forge maps to Bungie and potentially into matchmaking but hopefully it will open the flood gates for us with a nice assortment of quality maps for specific gametypes. Fingers crossed.
We're still working on some longer term, more formal paths for maps but the contest will help tide things over in the interim. We also hope to try and get some more materials out there to help people better understand Forge and some best practices for making maps.
In any case, I wouldn't ever expect a robust feedback loop, there simply aren't resources for it. The sheer volume of content and the unlimited degree of issues warranting feedback make it impossible for us to give notes on every map we receive. We have to push the bulk of the vetting and playtest and iterating burden onto the community itself before the maps even get to us.
And man I was surprised to hear the results of the humpday this morning...

I wasn't surprised to hear about game 2 though.