Unfortunetly there's nothing you can do; just wait and hope.Toddler said:How do I get my player model on my service record to update? Can't show off my new swagger![]()
Unfortunetly there's nothing you can do; just wait and hope.Toddler said:How do I get my player model on my service record to update? Can't show off my new swagger![]()
LAUGHTREY said::lol
it's not "broken" if the assists are consistent, you just don't agree with how much damage you have to do to get one.
I'll tell ya what is broken though, today's assist challengexxjuicesxx said:I don't agree with the time window either. I think it was a complete oversight on Bungie's part and was completely unintentional, thus being "broken".
zam said:I'll tell ya what is broken though, today's assist challenge![]()
xxjuicesxx said:I don't agree with the time window either. I think it was a complete oversight on Bungie's part and was completely unintentional, thus being "broken".
When you die, you fail the challenge.Domino Theory said:Why?
Because only the assists you get before your first death count, and the wording doesn't specify anything more than just "get 20 assists today". I've gotten well over 20 assists today, yet every single game I play I somehow manage to die before my first assist that game, so it still says 0/20Domino Theory said:Why?
Not working as intended. I got 1 for my last game when I actually got 4. I had 8 in another game and got 3. And those are the only 2 games that have given me any credit towards it. Some people have them completely wiped after their games too.Domino Theory said:Why?
Devolution said:This.
The time window is absolute bullshit. It makes no sense to me that an assist is much more difficult to obtain than a kill. Just think about that for a moment.
zam said:Just lay off the assist challenges bungie, or have 1/month or 1/week at the most. They aren't fun and they in some cases even encourage shittier game behavior with people shooting an enemy a couple times but not going for the kill hoping they get an assist instead..
Watching the MLG stuff going on, I keep seeing dudes running around looking at the ground, often when reloading. Why is that?
Circle T said:Watching the MLG stuff going on, I keep seeing dudes running around looking at the ground, often when reloading. Why is that?
Ugh, I hate it when a pro popularizes something, cause from then on you end up getting accused of trying to be like them. Like, I can't do something cause it works effectively? Fucking gamers.Tashi0106 said:Strongsiding? It's usually when they're escaping with low shields right? With your head down it makes it harder for the enemy to get the finishing headshot. It's also just happens to be a good time to reload.
Haha yeah I thought about that too.Domino Theory said:Holy crap.
To think that we're starting to get Legendary w/o dieing and broken challenges just after they announce how to lift the level cap. :lol
Plywood said:Ugh, I hate it when a pro popularizes something, cause from then on you end up getting accused of trying to be like them. Like, I can't do something cause it works effectively? Fucking gamers.
Plywood said:Ugh, I hate it when a pro popularizes something, cause from then on you end up getting accused of trying to be like them. Like, I can't do something cause it works effectively? Fucking gamers.
Okay, first of all, chill out.Photolysis said:The part about getting screwed over in Campaign unless in MM games is complete bullshit. Are Bungie planning on fucking everyone over for daring to not play MM?
I'm just really baffled at this mindset. You've had the entire studio work for years on making the most customisable game around, and encouraging players to play how they want, and then Reach comes along and you decide to fuck everyone over, or at least actively discourage this?
Custom games? Nope, no credits for you. Get your ass in matchmaking.
Forge? Hah, yeah like we're giving you credits for that.
Firefight? Tough shit, play the limited versions in matchmaking.
And now Campaign? "Play in matchmaking or fuck off"
I get called out on my Orge twitches. =[Tashi0106 said:I don't think it's like that at all. Everyone Strongsides. At one point, everyone used to Ghandi hop. There are also a ton of locations named after pros as well. Eli on Midship. Bonfire on Sanctuary. Ghandi on Midship. Shockwave on Narrows. Walshy on the Pit.
Info on this?Domino Theory said:Holy crap.
To think that we're starting to get Legendary w/o dieing and broken challenges just after they announce how to lift the level cap. :lol
Dax01 said:Okay, first of all, chill out.
Secondly, what are you talking about? None of the campaign challenges/commendations force you to use matchmaking to complete them.
As to your question of why Bungie doesn't give enough credits to those who play forge, firefight, or custom games outside of matchmaking is simple: customization options. Farming credits would be extremely easy with all the customization options you have at your disposal in all three modes. With the gametypes in matchmaking, that requires you to sink your time into credits, and thus, their rewards.
bobs99 ... said:Plywood wtf, I think putting your headdown and running for cover is obvious, no ones gonna blame you for copying a pro for doing that.
Eh, it's always been little behaviors/things that cause people to accuse of you trying to be someone else.Delightful Oonsk said:Eh, it's been around for a long time. I used to do something similar back in CoD2. Strongsiding to me almost seems like an instinct to me rather than trying to implement a tactic.
Oh okay, fair enough.Tashi0106 said:I don't think it's like that at all. Everyone Strongsides. At one point, everyone used to Ghandi hop. There are also a ton of locations named after pros as well. Eli on Midship. Bonfire on Sanctuary. Ghandi on Midship. Shockwave on Narrows. Walshy on the Pit.
NameGenerated said:Info on this?
Aggrotek said:I get called out on my Orge twitches. =[
It's habit.
NameGenerated said:Info on this?
117 Million Daily & Weekly Challenges!
Dont freak out. Currently, our online engineers project that youre on pace to hit that milestone sometime in November. Id wager to guess that youll hit it early in the month, but hey, what do I know?
So that's what you think, and assume. But since it's completely consistent and they haven't said anything about looking into it it's more likely to be by design. In the beta assists didn't have a time limit, as long as someone had health taken down that you did if they died you got an assist. They obviously looked at it and changed it to how they want.xxjuicesxx said:I don't agree with the time window either. I think it was a complete oversight on Bungie's part and was completely unintentional, thus being "broken".
Oh I know. :lolTashi0106 said:Well that's a little different honestly. It's not really something useful in the game. I do it too sometimes though, it helps just keep my thumbs warmed up I guess. lol
Aggrotek said:Oh I know. :lol
I do it in every shooter though.
Like I said, it's a habit. The Ghandi hop irritates me the most. I don't know why.
LAUGHTREY said:So that's what you think, and assume. But since it's completely consistent and they haven't said anything about looking into it it's more likely to be by design. In the beta assists didn't have a time limit, as long as someone had health taken down that you did if they died you got an assist. They obviously looked at it and changed it to how they want.
People have trouble adapting, you in particular. It's a new game, and the mechanic works differently, get used to it. At least the assists are not doled out randomly ala Halo 1.
So? Campaign isn't anywhere near as customizable as Firefight and the rest. It takes more effort to go into matchmaking and get together with four people and complete a level than it does to fire a game up solo and do the same thing.Sai-kun said:It's true, Dax. You can level commendations solo, but you won't get the huge amount of credits for it as far as I know.
LAUGHTREY said:So that's what you think, and assume. But since it's completely consistent and they haven't said anything about looking into it it's more likely to be by design. In the beta assists didn't have a time limit, as long as someone had health taken down that you did if they died you got an assist. They obviously looked at it and changed it to how they want.
The guy has onyx campaign commendations but has only finished 4 levels of the campaign. :lolDeadly Cyclone said:Urk, you missed the guy I told you about last week when banning, he was using the network unplug glitch.
As for the update, no other weapons in Sniper firefight? Boo. :lol
It's not working correctly. Haven't read the last 5 pages of the thread?Lunchbox said:pass the rock challenge shuts off after my first death, whats going on?
Hey You said:Obviously Bungie wants everyone to become a Lt. Colonel before fixing the challenges. Even the playing field.
Domino Theory said:Yeah, because Lt. Colonels having extra cosmetic textures on their Spartans puts the lower ranks at a disadvantage.
bobs99 ... said:Holy crap I just played Halo 3 MLG, the sheer number of people in this playlist with personality issues is hilarious. Now that I dont care too much about my rank I might just have fun listening to some of the people in here.
BTW Im playing at low level, I know MLG at high levels usually has pretty well mannered players, at low level its like idiots beating theyre chests trying to be competative. :lol
bobs99 ... said:I know MLG at high levels usually has pretty well mannered players,