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Remember R E A C H |OT2|

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darthbob said:
Nope. In fact, they've either completely dodged the subject or just flat out said that the framerate is 'fine'.

It isn't, and any moron could go check the part in Long Night of Solace where you look at the Sabre through the windows, and see that the framerate dips down to 15-20.

Asylum has this badly too at Sniper spawn, you grab it then look down that long corridor, with 10x zoom. Tell me there isn't a framerate drop there.

You know, to spot something doesn't automatically make a trend or a problem in general. I think I noticed about 2-3 times through my Legendary campaign (about 12-15 hours?) something resembling stutter. Other than that it was fine and smooth indeed. Maybe other people have a different feeling, but ok.
shintoki said:
I beat the first two real stages on Legendary so far, how does it stack up to the remaining levels?

If you already went through the game on heroic there's not much difference... I'm on Pilar of Autumm and actually I got there faster and get killed less than in my previous run, as I remember most of the situations.
I've noticed crappy framerate during Forge sessions, but nothing during actual gameplay. Not yet at any rate.

It's a surprise, as normally Halo games are rock solid @ 30 FPS.


So now that I'm caught up and about to call it a night.

I without a doubt agree. Bungie flat out lied when they said the friendly AI's ability to drive was improved. It's 10 times worse then it's ever been. Hell friendly AI in general is the worst they've ever had.

Also I do agree the AI on Legendary is cheap as hell. Still not Halo 2 level cheap but the ability to track you from across a map when they've never seen you is just wrong. Also have you ever noticed if you target say an Elite from across the map even if you don't fire they start dodging wildly even if you have never been spotted by them.

Also on the subject of quitters I made my thoughts known and people felt the need to call names. I still maintain that quitters are the scourge of the game and if you continue to quit your ban should double each time after your first 3 quits.


Quit #4 1 hour
Quit #5 2 hours
Quit # 6 4 hours.

Then keep it on the arena time table. Once a month it gets reset and you start with a clean slate. Obviously if you quit a lot then you're useless anyway and a waste of a space someone who wanted to play could have had.

I also agree I've wanted a custom games browser or some such for a long time. Even if it's just custom's matchmaking. Say you wanna play regular old slayer. No DMR starts, snipers, etc, etc. You pick that option and poof it puts you into a slayer game.

Also the more I play multiplayer the more I really think multiplayer maps being a part of campaign really hurts them. Firefight I can see but the multiplayer part it just hurts the maps. Hopefully DLC fixes this though.

Still though I love the game and it's without a doubt tied with Halo 1 still for me on pecking order of Halo games.

Oh and why is Pass the Rock broken for anyone else? :D :D :D

darthbob said:
Nope. In fact, they've either completely dodged the subject or just flat out said that the framerate is 'fine'.

It isn't, and any moron could go check the part in Long Night of Solace where you look at the Sabre through the windows, and see that the framerate dips down to 15-20.

Asylum has this badly too at Sniper spawn, you grab it then look down that long corridor, with 10x zoom. Tell me there isn't a framerate drop there.

I've been there in Asylum so many times and yet I have to see a framerate drop... They are pretty annoying at the pillar of autumm level, though..


And our week starts with these challenges:

Like Mike
Finish a multiplayer matchmaking game with at least 30 kills.

Shootin' and Lootin'
Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach.

Kill 90 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.

Streaky Shooter
Earn 10 sprees in multiplayer Matchmaking.

Cook 'em, Clean 'em!
Kill 10 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking while you're jet-packing.

And might I say, the Weekly is going to cause a lot of Tank Betrayals :\


343i Lead Esports Producer
Damn I'm going to dominate these challenges.



I'd have to look back over my games but I'd hazard a guess and say I've only finished a handful (if that) with +30 kills. Considering that, for 2000cR, Luke Smith is legally a nutbar.

Like Mike
Finish a multiplayer game with at least 30 kills


Shootin' and Lootin'
Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach

Kill 90 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking

Streaky Shooter
Earn 10 sprees in multiplayer Matchmaking

Cook 'em, clean 'em!
Kill 10 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking while you're jet-packing

EDIT: Massively beaten :lol

Anyone else get the feeling the effort isn't worth the reward?


Falt said:
I'd have to look back over my games but I'd hazard a guess and say I've only finished a handful (if that) with +30 kills. Considering that, for 2000cR, Luke Smith is legally a nutbar.
I have only had 1 SWAT match, and maybe 3 BTB matches over 30 kills. One because my teammates quit, and one because we had tank superiority. I can see this as being a push for BTB, but there will be a lot of fighting over the power weapons.

Are these challenges posted just to make us wait longer for the level cap?


Falt said:
I'd have to look back over my games but I'd hazard a guess and say I've only finished a handful (if that) with +30 kills. Considering that, for 2000cR, Luke Smith is legally a nutbar.
It's not that tough.

theultimo said:
I have only had 1 SWAT match, and maybe 3 BTB matches over 30 kills. One because my teammates quit, and one because we had tank superiority. I can see this as being a push for BTB, but there will be a lot of fighting over the power weapons.

Are these challenges posted just to make us wait longer for the level cap?
Just play Multi Team. If you win a game of Multi Team you should have around at least 25 kills. The games go to 50 and there are only two people per team so do the math. Don't think of it in terms of BTB or 4v4. I probably average around 30 kills in Multi Team, and that's not to brag. It's just that it's fairly easy and not uncommon for someone to have that many kills. Those four games I posted are all from yesterday, and there are actually a lot more with 30+ kills (6 out of the 12 games I played in Multi Team yesterday to be exact).

Anyways, my point is to play Multi Team. You will rack up a lot of kills quite easily.


Trasher said:
It's not that tough.

Just play Multi Team. If you win a game of Multi Team you should have around at least 25 kills. The games go to 50 and there are only two people per team. Don't think of it in terms of BTB or 4v4. I probably average around 30 kills in Multi Team, and that's not to brag. It's just that it's fairly easy and not uncommon for someone to have that many kills.

I hadn't even considered multi-team. Appreciate it.

I nailed the daily challenge last week "Finish a game with 23 kills" thanks to my team quitting out in a game of Swat. I was thinking about staging a similar situation by getting a team of 4 into Swat and having 3 guys quit out so it's 1 v 4 :lol

At least Multi-team will keep my conscience clear!

Falt said:
Considering that, for 2000cR, Luke Smith is legally a nutbar lovely man.


Well you learn something new every day. Never knew that you could shoot grenades on the floor/in someone's hand to set them off. :D
MarshMellow96 said:

Like Mike
Finish a multiplayer game with at least 30 kills


Shootin' and Lootin'
Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach

Kill 90 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking

Streaky Shooter
Earn 10 sprees in multiplayer Matchmaking

Cook 'em, clean 'em!
Kill 10 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking while you're jet-packing

EDIT: Massively beaten :lol

Anyone else get the feeling the effort isn't worth the reward?

Effort? Every one of these(save for the weekly), is something you'd get over time within a few games of normal playing.

You can get the dailies in a handfull of games.

One game of firefight.
One game of multiplayer to get the 10 jetpack kills. In doing so, you'll get the 100 enemies in any game mode.
All that's left is the 10 sprees. And that's nothing.

The only thing that you'd have to go out of your way to get is the 30 kills in one game. And I average probably about 25 kills in Multi Team. And that's if I actually go in with a friend. Getting matched with a random person, I almost always get over 30.

EDIT: Got 30 kills in the very first multiplayer matchmaking game I played. Multi-team. Seriously, it's really easy. And I don't even consider myself a great player.

Now I just need the sprees, and 10 jetpack kills. That game didn't have jetpacks or I would have gotten that one too. :lol


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
That busted Pass the Rock challenge is the first challenge I've attempted and didn't get in Reach - there was no way I was going to grind that one out when I only got home in the evening and found out there was something wrong with it - it sucks, but at least it wasn't my fault.


theultimo said:
And our week starts with these challenges:

Like Mike
Finish a multiplayer matchmaking game with at least 30 kills.

Shootin' and Lootin'
Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach.

Kill 90 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.

Streaky Shooter
Earn 10 sprees in multiplayer Matchmaking.

Cook 'em, Clean 'em!
Kill 10 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking while you're jet-packing.

And might I say, the Weekly is going to cause a lot of Tank Betrayals :\
No weekly for me this week, I've only cracked 20 kills like once or twice so far. 30? What am I, Tashi? Disappointing challenge, should have been a daily. I keep waiting for something in the style of endure/dejavu/annual (something fun and hard, that you have to do with 3 friends) to pop up as a weekly.


Letters said:
No weekly for me this week, I've only cracked 20 kills like once or twice so far. 30? What am I, Tashi? Disappointing challenge, should have been a daily. I keep waiting for something in the style endure/dejavu/annual (something fun and hard, that you have to do with 3 friends) to pop up as a weekly.
Making the Weekly a Vidmaster challenge would be sweet.
Lazslo said:
I thought this quote from Marcus was pretty interesting regarding using all the Multiplayer levels in Campaign:

I bet if they just did what H3 and H2 pulled off, that being Multiplayer spaces that looked similar to different campaign levels but not identical geometry- no one would really care or hold it against them. It's a cool feature, but it doesn't really add much to the overall experience and the hassle doesn't equal the reward.

Source- Hate the layout of this interview, so many clicks just to read a fucking interview.

You know what, using the same maps from Campaign and Multiplayer to the average person just comes across as lazy. Thats the impression I get while playing CoD, and if I didnt know better it would be what I think of the Reach maps. Friends who DONT know better have literally commented "OMG ive seen this place, I cant believe Bungie ripped this from Campaign aswell" every time theyve seen a new map.

So its a real shame that they actually made the decision to go down this route without realizing that while its more work for them, that it comes across as less work for the average player. :/

Personally, I think having to use maps from the campaign limited the selection of maps a little too much, if the maps could have been made up we would have had some more interesting fictional/ gameplay maps.

EDIT: That Construct remake looks amazing, cant wait to download that - it would be so good if Bungie could throw a bunch of the remakes into matchmaking.


theultimo said:
Making the Weekly a Vidmaster challenge would be sweet.

I assumed that was what each weekly challenge would be when Bungie announced challenges months ago. The only good weekly challenge so far has been the first one. Ever since each one has gotten more lame then the one before.
In my opinion is that the DailyChallenge with the 10sprees is much harder than the weekly challenge. You'll get easily 30kills in a Objective-based Mutliteam match. I guess I've to play SWAT for the 10sprees. *urgh*
I'd have to look at my game history to see but I don't know if I've ever gotten 30 kills in a single game before (I'm average at best). I'll give it the old college try though.


Mr. Sam said:
Well, you can still get the challenge on stuff like Oddball, etc. etc.
You probably will never see it, as its infection pit right now, and the majority of the games will be a slayer variation after tuesday.
Ramirez said:
What's funny about the AI is that they put up that story about how the driving AI had been fixed for Reach, and it's just as bad if not worse than the past games. :lol
Absolutely. I tried letting Kat drive once, and it was nothing but drive forward three feet, back up two feet, ad nauseum.

Boo at the weekly challenge. Boo.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
My xbox has been shipped back to me as of yesterday. Hopefully I will be back on day this week.


Skilotonn said:
That busted Pass the Rock challenge is the first challenge I've attempted and didn't get in Reach - there was no way I was going to grind that one out when I only got home in the evening and found out there was something wrong with it - it sucks, but at least it wasn't my fault.

That makes me feel a little better now. I know for a fact I got the "Pass the Rock" challenge done yesterday and Reach/Bungie kept telling me I failed the challenge. How the heck does that happen?!? How do I fail to get 20 assists? :(

EDIT: Also, I'm so happy I got the Weekly Challenge done last week. Thanks for the help, HaloGAF :D
These Assist challenges have to be some sort of social experiment. There's no way that Bungie thinks assists are working 100% correctly. If assists were meant to be this way then the Second Gunman medal should be filed under Legendary. I'll get a Perfection before I get one of those.
Bregmann Roche said:
These Assist challenges have to be some sort of social experiment. There's no way that Bungie thinks assists are working 100% correctly. If assists were meant to be this way then the Second Gunman medal should be filed under Legendary. I'll get a Perfection before I get one of those.

Your so right, I actually have 1 Perfection and 1 Assist spree medal. I would say the Assist spree medal required more luck and was harder to get than the Perfection. :lol

EDIT: Are the Bungie.net only medals worth any Cr in game? Do you get any bonus for pulling off a Triple double, Steaktacular or Linktacular for example?


The weekly challenges need to award more cR, as it has been the last couple of weeks there have been several daily challenges that require less effort and award more cR. A daily challenge shouldn't award more cR than a weekly, it should be the other way round. Also most weekly challenges so far have been ones that can be easily accomplished in one day (apart from that horrible 50 firefight matches one).

It feels like bungie are still trying to find the sweet spot for effort compared to reward on the challenges. A weekly challenge should take more than 1-2 days to complete, and it should award a lot more than just 1-2 daily challenges. Since the daily challenges to me feel like the daily quests in WoW, I think bungie should take another page from blizzard. The daily dungeon quest gives 2 emblems, the weekly raid gives 10 emblems. A weekly challenge should give around the same amount of cR as doing 1 daily challenge each day for a week.

And at least make sure the challenges aren't broken, and if they are fix them promptly. I know the "survive 3 rounds of FF MM without dying" one wasn't doable and it got changed by bungie, but I'm not aware of "Pass the Rock" getting a fix.

and ffs knock it off with the assist challenges

Edit: As some people have mentioned previously in this thread, I would like weekly challenges to be more like the vidmaster challenges..


zam said:
It feels like bungie are still trying to find the sweet spot for effort compared to reward on the challenges. A weekly challenge should take more than 1-2 days to complete, and it should award a lot more than just 1-2 daily challenges.
Thing is, what's 1-2 days of work for one guys is four for another.
LosDaddie said:
That makes me feel a little better now. I know for a fact I got the "Pass the Rock" challenge done yesterday and Reach/Bungie kept telling me I failed the challenge. How the heck does that happen?!? How do I fail to get 20 assists? :(
There are some who believe that challenge was glitched, and only speak of it in hushed tones.


Neuromancer said:
There are some who believe that challenge was glitched, and only speak of it in hushed tones.
Very hushed tones, I haven't seen it mentioned at all in the last 10 pages, must be some kind of cover up!
xxjuicesxx said:
It says I had 32 kills for some reason...I didn't get the Like Mike though, the kills don't add up either. I'm confused...betrayals or suicides or something??

PM urk with an announcement of your retirement from Halo.

Play MLB 2K10 for as long as you can stand it.

Put Reach back in your console.

PM urk with "I'm Back".

Challenge unlocked!
Bregmann Roche said:
PM urk with an announcement of your retirement from Halo.

Play MLB 2K10 for as long as you can stand it.

Put Reach back in your console.

PM urk with "I'm Back".

Challenge unlocked!

Why would he retire from Halo over a broken challenge? :lol

Play MLB 2K10 for as long as you can stand it.

For some reason this made me laugh in real life.

EDIT: Ive had some games where the score board doesnt add up, I havent really thought much of it, but then again if it happened in a super competative game im sure it would frustrate people. Is it a glitch or is it caused by like suicides and betrayals like Juices asked?
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