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Remember R E A C H |OT2|

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Dirtbag said:
thanks alot bungie :rolls-eyes
Got any other creative ways you can make a 28 year old more embarrassed of his hobby? Maybe you could throw in some rainbows and japanimation eyes or ride-able unicorns next time.

This isn't a serious post right? :lol

Oozer3993 said:
According to the guide, it opens up when you unlock every other helmet and have reached the rank of Reclaimer.

Where do you see this? My guide doesn't show anything past Scout/EVA
Major Williams said:
Anyone else noticing their k/d is lower/higher in Reach?

I used to have a nice 1.5 k/d in Halo 3, now, 1.15 in Reach. My buddy was the opposite, and he's now better than me in H3.:lol

And I can tell his trueskill is higher when I play with him too - our opponents are much higher skilled than when I play alone :lol And I had a damn 50 in Halo 3 too. I am outclassed in Reach now... too much CoD?

I've noticed going for commendations at times can really hurt my k/d spread so I'm not overly worried about it. I only do so in games by myself (sidearms was annoying when facing DMR's and Nerfle's). I figure it's easy enough to raise back up. How often did you play whatever gametype you were a 50 in? Might seem stiffer right now because everyone is around the same level and you're playing the stronger Halo 3 players. If you played regularly with your 50 gametype, maybe just a learning curve to the new additions such as AA impact.


Public Service Announcement:


It is worse than Swat, worse than pretty much every single game mode I have played (never played BTB). It is not fun at all, and it's over very quickly so you get very little Cr.

/Rage over
The Lamonster said:
Why? I don't get it, why does everyone hate Arena?
Nothing but DMR starts, I dislike it just like BR starts in halo 2 and 3, it's not as bad in Reach but fuck that shit, give me competitive sandbox or objective.


Sai-kun said:
This isn't a serious post right? :lol

Nope, dead serious.
Can't stand it. It's going to look ridiculous in about 6 months from now, when everyone is either on fire, has a lightning storm circling their character, or explode into confetti or hearts. I hate the decision.

All mostly set to the back drop of a dying planet.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Nothing is more demoralizing in a Big Team Battle lobby than watching SWAT on Spire come up and 14 people instantly vote for it, leaving myself and presumably one other lost soul to sob quietly.

Can we PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ move SWAT into its own greasetrap already Bungie?


GAF's Ed McMahon
Dirtbag said:
Nope, dead serious.
Can't stand it. It's going to look ridiculous in about 6 months from now, when everyone is either on fire, has a lightning storm circling their character, or explode into confetti or hearts. I hate the decision.

I bet you always vote SWAT.
GhaleonEB said:
I'm saving for Grunt Birthday Party, myself. Though that's after I snag the Auntie Dot Firefight voice tonight. Couldn't resist that one.
Yeah I got that last night, it's pretty good.

Definitely want to nab all of Noble Team's voices, Buck is a classic too. I couldn't really care less about Chief and Cortana though.
Dirtbag said:
All mostly set to the back drop of a dying planet.
Speaking of, I'm excited to get some new creative DLC maps that I HAVEN'T already seen in the campaign.

I want some new environments and more Halos dammit!
Skel said:
Public Service Announcement:


It is worse than Swat, worse than pretty much every single game mode I have played (never played BTB). It is not fun at all, and it's over very quickly so you get very little Cr.

/Rage over
People who hate are going to continue to hate, regardless of anything I could say to the contrary.

Personally I love Infection, Safe Havens is a little dumb though. No one's stupid enough to go into the white box.


The Lamonster said:
Speaking of, I'm excited to get some new creative DLC maps that I HAVEN'T already seen in the campaign.

I want some new environments and more Halos dammit!

I really want a snowy MP map, badly.
It'd be nice to see a forerunner map that isn't on Forge World.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Neuromancer said:
People who hate are going to continue to hate, regardless of anything I could say to the contrary.

Personally I love Infection, Safe Havens is a little dumb though. No one's stupid enough to go into the white box.

It was fun the first days, with zombies trying to kill you inside only to meet your shotgun :lol
Skel said:
Public Service Announcement:


It is worse than Swat, worse than pretty much every single game mode I have played (never played BTB). It is not fun at all, and it's over very quickly so you get very little Cr.

/Rage over

I need those close quarters kills, and both are a lot of fun.

Edit: The only thing I don't like about Invasion now is that Zombies have evade. They should have sprint.
Dirtbag said:
I really want a snowy MP map, badly.
It'd be nice to see a forerunner map that isn't on Forge World.
Exactly. I think Bungie accidentally limited themselves with the whole "campaign areas = multi maps" goal.


Any customs going on now?

Great to hear the news about Forge maps coming. I already think the ForgeGAF crew have made some pretty awesome maps. Some really diverse stuff, ranging from closer quarters stuff, race maps, CTF stuff and some epic Invasion stuff.

Hopefully we can get some of these in the Saturday Night Customs, so we can get some more testing done and advertise the awesome talent.

Its a shame Bungie cannot add a way to make playlists for custom games and them pop up the voting list so we can play through a set of maps one after the other.

Do you think it would be too much trouble to update the OP each day with the new daily challenges? I understand if that's too much a pain but I figured I'd mention it because I have a feeling I'm not the only one intrested and who is blocked from work. This would be awesome because I won't have to be the annoying guy who bugs people for the new challenges every week day :lol


Dirtbag said:
thanks alot bungie :rolls-eyes
Got any other creative ways you can make a 28 year old more embarrassed of his hobby? Maybe you could throw in some rainbows and japanimation eyes or ride-able unicorns next time.

At one point in development, you could ride the Moas.

Sai-kun said:
Where do you see this? My guide doesn't show anything past Scout/EVA

It doesn't have a picture, it's just mentioned in the summary before listing the helmets.

Lastly, the Haunted item is only unlocked after you've managed to purchase every other item in the helmet grouping, and even then you still mustreach the Rank of Reclaimer to buy it
Dax01 said:

I need those close quarters kills, and both are a lot of fun.

Edit: The only thing I don't like about Invasion now is that Zombies have evade. They should have sprint.
That's a good idea actually, I think I'd like it better. In fact they should have zombie classes, jetpack zombies would truly be a force to be reckoned with!


Dirtbag said:
Nope, dead serious.
Can't stand it. It's going to look ridiculous in about 6 months from now, when everyone is either on fire, has a lightning storm circling their character, or explode into confetti or hearts. I hate the decision.

All mostly set to the back drop of a dying planet.
I can't believe they put this option in.

YAY! smh.
Starting to slowly hate the first leg of boneyard as elites, Due to spawning out in the open and taking a good 30 seconds to get to the ship is just too slow, at least in spire the attacking spartans can sprint to the points in about 15 and there's much more rocky cover. meh.

Elites need a focus rifle maybe near spawn to help put the pressure on those camping spartans in the ship.
Stopped by the Waypoint forums and happened to see some interesting dialogue there about inconsistencies in the Halo Reach campaign. I'll spoiler everything, but I'm getting sick of spoilering nowadays as the game has been out for some time. Link to the thread

A Puzzled Mind said:
Campaign was decent, and quite underwhelming. I though the storyline would make up for that, but alas, Bungie gave Eric Nylund's best selling book the finger and then mocked Nylund by forcing him to write the Halsey Journal in an attempt to rectify some inconsistencies. Despite his attempts, Halo Reach made the storyline disgustingly awful.
I'd like 343i to explain how in the world did a 4km SuperCarrier get pass Slipspace monitoring stations and the hundreds of satellites that orbit reach.

I'd like 343 to explain what in the world was the UNSC's 150 ships and 20 SuperMAc was doing while the Carrier floated freely in low orbit. [edit: even after it was discovered, it was in range of the Super MACs, and there was no fire on it except for Noble team's attempt] You would defend that the ship was "cloaking", but any freaking idiot would spot that ship easily, certainly that satellite did.

And dumb part about that was the Covenant fleet didn't even arrive yet.
UNSC has to be the most incompetent military force I've ever seen in military scifi.

Oh, I'd [like] some explanation on how in the hell did the UNSC primary military fortress run out of nukes...that's just plain stupid. Which then led to Kat's dumb plan of using a slipspace generator which lacked repetitive detonators, seriously, this is cliche. George died for absolutely no reason.

Furthermore, ...forget it, don't get me started on the UNSC piss-poor MAC gun. Seriously, the lest level has you controlling a MAC-gun.

Don't even get me started on the stupid idea of retrofitting the Autumn on the ground....

A Puzzled Mind said:
I know you're being sincere, but you're basing Halo Reach's campaign as an entirely different story arc. Problem with that is Bungie went to great lengths to incorporate the story with the EU...and they failed badly.

There is no way in the world that you can reconcile the battle of Reach with the game.
First, if the Covenant was discovered in July, why did the UNSC *** around and not start evac and recalled the rest of the fleet. You would argue that ONI was covering it up, but that's just plain stupid. You'd want to recall every ship within 2 weeks travel as an insurance policy.

Judging by the way they let the SuperCarrier and measly Corvettes rape them, either there was no fleet, SuperMACs, or monitoring stations in existence, or the UNSC is just plain retarded at strategy. Can you even defend this...

And as you mentioned, the Pillar of Autumn section is a debacle. First, it contradicts everything we know about the timeline and battle occuring in space. Second, what idiot retrofits a ship that weights at least hundreds of thousands of tons on the ground instead of space. Third, the S-IIs were suppose to be defending Orbital Defense Generators...retconned. Really, that easter egg with Linda/John on the Autumn was a terrible idea as it adds fuel to the flame.

And by the Pillar of Autumn debacle, he is referring to this:

Tricky McNickle said:
I appreciate the journal and everything because it actually does make an attempt to answer some of the questions that people ask all the time. I can even accept the fact that it took weeks instead of a day to destroy Reach. The one scene though that ruins it all is when you
are ordered to deliver Cortana to The Pillar of Autumn. You can worm your way around almost every other gap, but not here. Plain and simple the novel says that Master Chief and the other sparten II's are already in orbit over Reach ( I can even over look Jorge) The Pillar of Autumn can not both be on Reach trying to leave, and in orbit headed to Reach at the same time.

I am posting it here because I feel this needs some more exposure. Very interesting points that really highlight some of the weak points of the campaign (i.e. the DRAMA of the fall of Reach).

Hey You

Skel said:
You guys are nuts. How is this fun at all? People just running around with their head cutoff with no strategy or depth.
People have their opinions.

I could say the same for Grifball. Have host,swing hammer,grab ball and score. Rinse, Repeat. Or many other gametypes. Of course, all my opinion. Sure others might share the same opinion but the entire Halo Population won't share the same.

Infection in Halo 3 customs were always the funnest.


Diablohead said:
Starting to slowly hate the first leg of boneyard as elites, Due to spawning out in the open and taking a good 30 seconds to get to the ship is just too slow, at least in spire the attacking spartans can sprint to the points in about 15 and there's much more rocky cover. meh.

Elites need a focus rifle maybe near spawn to help put the pressure on those camping spartans in the ship.
At least they don't spawn Spartans with DMRs anymore, it made that shit impossible against a mildly competent team.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Hugbot said:
At least they don't spawn Spartans with DMRs anymore, it made that shit impossible against a mildly competent team.

There is a DMR there though, it seems no one knows because i always see it up. It makes it even easier to dispatch Elites before they even reach you up there.
Hugbot said:
At least they don't spawn Spartans with DMRs anymore, it made that shit impossible against a mildly competent team.
Yes I remember, but the spartans still get two DMR's at spawn, annoying but nothing beastly like the beta :lol

The two DMR's are 1) in the middle back area resting on a wall, and 2) at the ledget on the floor near a support frame, middle area.


The problem is that Boneyard isn't a good map. Particularly the first section. It's really poorly designed for MP, and I have a really hard time believing it was really designed with MP in mind first like they claim about the MP maps.
Neuromancer said:
People who hate are going to continue to hate, regardless of anything I could say to the contrary.
I think its high time Bungie made a Haters Gonna Hate assassination animation.

You know you want it. And if you don't, well...


Dirtbag said:
The problem is that Boneyard isn't a good map. Particularly the first section. It's really poorly designed for MP, and I have a really hard time believing it was really designed with MP in mind first like they claim about the MP maps.
Bungie said during the Beta that Boneyard was the only MP space taken from campaign, rather than the other way around (designed for MP then added in to campaign).

I haven't played on it since the Beta, but my impression was also that it wasn't suited to MP. At least, not as it was configured.


Diablohead said:
Yes I remember, but the spartans still get two DMR's at spawn, annoying but nothing beastly like the beta :lol

The two DMR's are 1) in the middle back area resting on a wall, and 2) at the ledget on the floor near a support frame, middle area.
:lol I hadn't even realized. I haven't played much Invasion since launch, and have yet to play a round of Boneyard where there wasn't a team down 3+ players so it was always a moot point anyway. Man, that map needs some work done.


GhaleonEB said:
Bungie said during the Beta that Boneyard was the only MP space taken from campaign, rather than the other way around (designed for MP then added in to campaign).

I haven't played on it since the Beta, but my impression was it wasn't suited to MP either. At least, not as it was configured.

Oh I didn't realize that, though I'm not surprised at all to hear that.


Shake Appeal said:
If it helps, I was down at 0.9 or something at one stage and was in Bronze, but then I started playing better. The boost for winning games also helps, I guess. And even K&A/D doesn't matter, just raw numbers of Ks and As, really.

You can easily make silver if you just go on a streak of good results.

How? I believe I need advice as how to be good at this game. Somehow I don't have any problems with other shooters (I mainly play L4D, gears and MNC since recently) but Halo I was always average-ish keeping my k/d at around 1.0.

I have my sensitivity thing at 7, some dude said it was too high to aim precisely but that's how I'm comfortable.
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