Captain Blood said:I thought it was suicide?
Suicide caused by bullies who cause violence.
Captain Blood said:I thought it was suicide?
xxjuicesxx said:I'm sorry but whats wrong with standoffs where each team is nailing each other from their side of the map?
Thats some of the best Halo I ever played.
Just last week me n backflip were in a random game of Slayer on Pinnacle and it became 49-49 both teams wanted the win so bad we sat back they had a Snipe at large tower I kept pinging back down from Small tower, they eventually had a guy up top of large tower I couldn't kill but kept knocking his shields down. I looked Rockets had come up I took lift thought I could kill the guy up top with splash damage but didn't get the kill I was in middle dish like OH FUCK. Backflip runs up from rockets to the left side looks and sees someone at Banshee and we double team him for the win. It was so friggen close. One of the most intense games I've played recently.
Also see MLG gameplay on Lockout.
pakkit said:Whut
They're really not that bad, and they're nicely symmetrical. I just wish Forge World would be more diversified with its maps. They're all eyesores.
Tashi0106 said:There's usually nothing wrong with that, when there's no radar. Again, I only played 1 game on it so I'm not giving conclusive impressions. I love the 49-49 Standoffs that happened on Lockout in Halo 2 and on the Pit in Halo 3. They were awesome. We'll see though, I wanna play some Slayer Pro.
shintoki said:Finished Legendary Solo. Pretty well balanced outside the last Mac Cannon part, which was just attempting it to you remember the order which to shoot the enemies in.... >_>
Ajemsuhgao said:...
Removed for "taste."
I hate people.
Lead Based Paint said:Or just hide behind the photon-cannon until keyes shouts at you to shoot it.
lolinLead Based Paint said:Or just hide behind the photon-cannon until keyes shouts at you to shoot it.
Alienshogun said:That surprises you? Are you new to xbox live, let alone the internet?
Ajemsuhgao said:Interestingly enough I haven't encountered that many people like that playing Reach.
Granted, I usually have them muted. But usually, it's just people complaining about kills, or complaining in general. Or little kids. Or stupid MLG people(or rather, wannabe MLG people).
What actually surprised me about that is that it seems like he went out of his way to make that entire retarded sentence about that subject.
MineSai-kun said:Could you guys perhaps post the links to your recent screenshots so I can download the hi-def versions? Awesome screenshots by the way guys. So awesome![]()
Sai-kun said:Could you guys perhaps post the links to your recent screenshots so I can download the hi-def versions? Awesome screenshots by the way guys. So awesome![]()
CrazedArabMan said:Game desperately needs more BTB maps that are open for vehicles, but also have a focus on infantry combat. *cough* Waterworks *cough*
Dug said:
UltimaPooh said:
enzo_gt said:Multi-team in reach is perhaps the greatest playlist in the history of Halo. I'm not mad when I die, I don't care about anything when I play, its pure unfiltered fun.
Damn, that is one sexy Spartan. Whose is it?Dug said:Plywood:
Sai-kun said:Cool, thanks guys! Keep 'em coming if you wantI'm definitely gonna make a little slideshow or something, just for fun.
Ajemsuhgao said:Fixed that for you.
CrazedArabMan said:Ah, yes, nothing like a game of Flag Wars on Waterworks, both teams storming the center with every single weapon and vehicle known to man, good times.
I know right.CrazedArabMan said:Game desperately needs more BTB maps that are open for vehicles, but also have a focus on infantry combat. *cough* Terminal and 6v6 *cough*
Nah, just needs Spire and Boneyard adjusted for asymmetrical feel.CrazedArabMan said:Game desperately needs more BTB maps that are open for vehicles, but also have a focus on infantry combat. *cough* Valhalla *cough*
Striker said:Nah, just needs Spire and Boneyard adjusted for asymmetrical feel.
Paradiso and Hemorrhage bring the 2-side combat.
The new DLC, Breakpoint and Tempest, will likely be set for BTB, and I hope they bring in new variety.
Ugh, I miss Halo 2's BTB maps.
You can point the finger at Bungie, but it was more the way a couple people handled the character, really. You can blame Bungie, but I would be upset that no one stood up to the way the character was spiraling downwards in its development.Thagomizer said:After how Bungie mangled Truth's character in Halo 3, I'm inclined to agree.
Major Williams said:You can point the finger at Bungie, but it was more the way a couple people handled the character, really. You can blame Bungie, but I would be upset that no one stood up to the way the character was spiraling downwards in its development.
It was the director of casting, the writer, and the way the voice actor executed the lines. Truth seemed like a man who had a master plan in Halo 2, and the voice actor had a smooth voice that sounded like it could appease the masses, but hid secrets so massive.
In Halo 3, he seemed like a crazy blundering leader drunk on power and bordering on self-promoted hysteria. All within the timeline of a few months prior being mentally stable in H2. This is largely because of the voice actor's problem. H2 had a smooth, controlled voice. H3 had a scratchy, uncontrolled voice. There also are some of the lines.
I honestly hoped Truth would have gone down in a different fashion. All of his followers were dead around him, and it was only 2 people who knew the secret and that the joke was on him. Instead he only looked crazy and like he had lied to himself for so long that he believed his own lies. /disappointment
If you look at the way Joe Staten handled Truth's character in Contact Harvest, it fit more in line with the Halo 2 development - the need for power, the need for secrets, and constantly having a plan. Halo 3 failed in this department miserably.
Tashi0106 said:It's not too late for Purple Support right? I haven't played Reach all day but I'm about to get on now...
Sai-kun said:Go for it dudeJust make sure you take a pic and post the link here!!
All the support you guys have given today really is awesome. I know I've said it a few times, but it deserves repeating! You guys are full of <3