Letters said:Max Rank![]()
Circle T said:Done
Dani said:
This was really fun last week. Wish I could have played it again this week but personal problems got in the way. This should really be in matchmaking.Dani said:
Legendary will make you cry.:lolenzo_gt said:I struggled on heroic solo and I'm putting off my solo legendary run, fearing having to do this eventually =/
That's all wrong.Plywood said:Hit it earlier today, myself.
TacticalFox88 said:And get shot from behind and die anyway?
Probably because it's filled with weird party sizes and it's impossible not to split one of them up. It did that in Halo 3.chapel said:So when customs died down a bit, we went into btb, all but one game, thats like 6+ games in a row we were split up. No reason to be, we didn't have more than 8, at one point we had 7 and got split 3 and 4, then 4 and 2 when we had six, and just this last game 6 and 1, me being on the other team...I quit before the game started. Why is it splitting us?
I try and move to fun stuff with groups of friends to defer my frustration with other parts of the game, and it keeps pissing me off. Reach isn't fun anymore except for a few things like Ghostbusters and some customs.
Can I get a link to the ghostbusters gametype? Seems like loads of fun!Dani said:
Circle T said:I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but in case anyone didn't catch it, I have a TON of render minutes, so just let me know if anyone needs anything rendered, since I'm obviously not going to use them.
theignoramus said:the whole level was difficult as fuck, because I wasted most of my weaponry on the brutes. Taking out the final set of elites with the DMR was difficult, but I'm talking about the very last section with the cannon. It pissed me off.
Yes, the shields on those fuckers were nuts. In fact the elites are kind of insane through the whole game.Thagomizer said:To be fair, they're supposed to be like that- one of the Elites in that final group is in charge of all Ground operations on Reach, meaning he is to other Elites, canon-wise, what Spartans are to humans.
it's also implied in the commentary that this is the same Elite that killed Kat.
(Unfortunately, it's hard to convey that in the game, so SHIELDS OUT THE ASS)
Dani said:
No way man. My Spartan hasn't even updated on the Bunglenetversium!MrBig said:
jizzlobber said:I have one, probably nothing AMAZING but it's a pretty cool beatdown on someone trying to get up the spire, happened to be the last kill of the game too.
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=7663979&player=swinging udders
Done and Donepakkit said:I'll gladly take a free render, Circle!
It's just some sniping on Asylum. Nothing great, but it was just intense running into the whole team two times over. Asylum is probably my favorite of the Forge World maps. It's well balanced and pretty hectic, and now that the sniper roof has been stripped, action is more all around.
Currently cooking. I only did it in SD, since it's a full 12min game. {*Edit* done}Zerokku said:Since you seem to be handing out renders...
Its not a particularly impressive game, but I saved it because its a rumble pit game where I won, and my brother was in second to last place.
The thing is, my brother is an absolute huge halo fan, while I only picked up Reach to play with him. Hell reach is pretty much the first FPS I've even touched on a console since Halo 2. So winning against him by such a large margin was just![]()
Don't need to do it, but if you did I'd be quite grateful.
Edit: Its a full game and you seem to be doing small clips. I take it its probably too much so dont worry about it.
Darkflight said:Good customs/matchmaking tonight guys when we weren't split up.
chapel said:So when customs died down a bit, we went into btb, all but one game, thats like 6+ games in a row we were split up. No reason to be, we didn't have more than 8, at one point we had 7 and got split 3 and 4, then 4 and 2 when we had six, and just this last game 6 and 1, me being on the other team...I quit before the game started. Why is it splitting us?
I try and move to fun stuff with groups of friends to defer my frustration with other parts of the game, and it keeps pissing me off. Reach isn't fun anymore except for a few things like Ghostbusters and some customs.
ZayneH said:"I humped her body does that mean she's gonna be pissed off at me?"
"Nah, not really."
I yoink you, you yoink me.
Yup, good games after hours crew.Darkflight said:Good customs/matchmaking tonight guys when we weren't split up.
Here is a skullamanjaro I got playing with Aggrotek the other day, a minute into the match. Nothing amazing, but it was funny when it happened.Circle T said:Currently cooking. I only did it in SD, since it's a full 12min game. {*Edit* done}
I have almost 200 minutes left still, so keep 'em coming if people want some done.![]()
:lolDevolution said:=P I only get mad when it's someone I don't know. I give back with interest though. I mean my teabag sent killed that guy remember.
GhaleonEB said:I want to get the Firefight score Achievements playing Firefight Classic, not cheesing it with some easy/weird game type. If anyone wants to do an epic Heroic or Legendary run for the 200k and 1m point Achievements, let me know; I got the 50k solo tonight and could probably swing the 200k solo tomorrow, but I'll need a partner or two for 1m.
NameGenerated said:http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/gamestats.aspx?gameid=262660918&player=Name%20Generated
Please kill me.
Why would you do this? I don't understand. They came in as a party of 5 and whoever got split up just did that? How the hell is that fun at all. I need explanations, people!
Also probably had the worst Team Slayer session I've ever experienced. Me sucking + many sucky teammates + quitters = I want to end it all.
NameGenerated said:But why would you agree to do that?
NameGenerated said:http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/gamestats.aspx?gameid=262660918&player=Name%20Generated
Please kill me.
Why would you do this? I don't understand. They came in as a party of 5 and whoever got split up just did that? How the hell is that fun at all. I need explanations, people!
Also probably had the worst Team Slayer session I've ever experienced. Me sucking + many sucky teammates + quitters = I want to end it all.
R_GILL said:Happened to me in Halo 3 all the time, I never really understood it. I would rather destroy my friends than help them win by sabotaging a match. That said beating them even with their "cheating" is pretty sweet and the trash talk afterward even sweeter.
Ramirez said:If you ever need a pick me up in this game, just play Team Objective. Full of split screens and just regular ole BKs.
Hypertrooper said:Easy 6100cR. Maybe I'll reach Lt. Colonel Grade 1 today![]()