7echnicolor said:I really wish there was a bigger penalty for quitting out of games. Give quitters a reason NOT to leave a game. Sure theres the quit ban, but is that really helping?
You should lose at least 1000cr for quitting a game.. Sounds reasonable to me.
divisionbyzorro said:My only complain is spawning with two stickies.
Actually, that's a complaint in all game modes - grenade spam is insane! :lol
Yeah, I'm not getting screamed at enough by high skilled nerds when I underperform.cool_dude_2049 said:I think they should add an incentive for winning before they add a penalty for quitting.
I think Elite Slayer in multi-team is ridiculous fun, even if kills are 80% grenade and 20% needler. It's just really fast. It breaks my heart when it loses by one vote to rocket race, doubly so when my teammate quits halfway through the round.LosDaddie said:I love the chaos. Plus, it's great for the assist challenges.
Willeth said:Said hi to Monolith Gui and LeadGandalf in the lobby when we were randomly put together. Don't think they realised I was a HaloGAFfer... :lol
Tapiozona said:So last night I played a game of team objective of crazy king against a team of 4. 2 of the 4 had the robotic arms, all of them had insane amounts of experience. One had like 15,000 kills in multiplayer matchmaking, other had 13,000.... They had multiple maxed out onyx commedations (and not from using the target locator).
I figured right away that they were bungie employees since they had the armor which no one can have yet but I didn't get a medal for playing against a bungie employee. Also today when I went bungie.net today, the game we played against them doesn't show up on my Game History. The only place I can even find that the game existed was in my theater...
Anyone have any idea whats up with that? Were they player testers or something? I find it hard to believe they could have as much experience and as many games as they had and they did have the robot arms which shouldnt even be possible.
Tapiozona said:So last night I played a game of team objective of crazy king against a team of 4. 2 of the 4 had the robotic arms, all of them had insane amounts of experience. One had like 15,000 kills in multiplayer matchmaking, other had 13,000.... They had multiple maxed out onyx commedations (and not from using the target locator).
I figured right away that they were bungie employees since they had the armor which no one can have yet but I didn't get a medal for playing against a bungie employee. Also today when I went bungie.net today, the game we played against them doesn't show up on my Game History. The only place I can even find that the game existed was in my theater...
Anyone have any idea whats up with that? Were they player testers or something? I find it hard to believe they could have as much experience and as many games as they had and they did have the robot arms which shouldnt even be possible.
Dax01 said:Got Shootin' and Lootin' by playing through New Alexandria. Such a fun level.
It is...a buddy of mine has it. I played in the game with him when he hit the credits to buy it.TommyT said:I thought the robotic arm was easily purchasable from the armory. It just takes time to get commendations to max. Bungie.net has been buggy lately btw.
Letters said:Yeah, I'm not getting screamed at enough by high skilled nerds when I underperform.
cool_dude_2049 said:I think they should add an incentive for winning before they add a penalty for quitting.
Tapiozona said:Ahh, I thought the robotic arm required a higher rank than Lieutenant Colonel to get.
''Tapiozona said:So last night I played a game of team objective of crazy king against a team of 4. 2 of the 4 had the robotic arms, all of them had insane amounts of experience. One had like 15,000 kills in multiplayer matchmaking, other had 13,000.... They had multiple maxed out onyx commedations (and not from using the target locator).
I figured right away that they were bungie employees since they had the armor which no one can have yet but I didn't get a medal for playing against a bungie employee. Also today when I went bungie.net today, the game we played against them doesn't show up on my Game History. The only place I can even find that the game existed was in my theater...
Anyone have any idea whats up with that? Were they player testers or something? I find it hard to believe they could have as much experience and as many games as they had and they did have the robot arms which shouldnt even be possible.
Here's one of the guys...
http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/default.aspx?player=Bains Ferret
op_ivy said:thats by far the worst level IMO. probably alone though on this.
Yeah, the no-credits-for-objectives and tiny win bonus kind of hamstrings objective games as there's an abundance of people playing slayer with flags. Games like CoD always had jerkboats who set up with a sniper rifle and just went for kills the entire match, but at least for the most part there was incentive to try and win so most people tried.cool_dude_2049 said:Don't even start with that. It's not rubbing it in people's faces; it's about having a justification for working as a team to win. I love team objective and objective games in rumble pit, but hardly anyone else does. One reason for that is because you don't get enough credits for it compared to slayer or people just kill people and not do the objectives.
CTF/Bomb games are always epic, but why do I get no incentive for scoring the flags? Me and my buddy could move the flag inch by inch and get nothing for it while someone else, who is sitting back getting kills, gets an exponentially greater amount of credits than I do. We do all the work and get none of the credit as we compare our 4-500 credits to his 1,100 for that game.
I would be satisfied with having an increased winning bonus. Getting tens or a hundred credits for winning is virtually nothing. I'm not saying that the winning bonus should be 500, but it should reflect the amount of work the team/individual does for winning the game.
We'll see more severe quit penalties long before we'll see join-in-progress (because we won't see join-in-progress)Foxy Fox 39 said:Yeah, because at the end of the day its a game. You add incentives to play NOT deterrents. If they started adding penalties like that I'd avoid playing the game. I don't want to be trapped and "forced" to play a match in fear of the punishment they may inflict. Once that happens people tend to rebel in a form of spite.
The "simple" solution, like other games, would be to add join in progress. The only reason people care about quitters is because the match may become lopsided and the chances of winning diminishes for the outnumbered team. If join in progress were added among OTHER things to balance the game, I think that the "quitters" problem that seems to only plague Halo would be reduced significantly.
divisionbyzorro said:Okay GAF - I need help with my Solo Legendary run!
I'm on the fourth (real) mission; I believe it's called Tip of the Spear. I'm on what I believe is the final encounter, although it's been a while since my Heroic run and I don't specifically recall. I need to take down an AA gun which is guarded by two Wraiths down low, two Hunters up top, and the usual assortment of elites and jackals. I get the feeling I was supposed to have saved the Plasma Launcher for this; unfortunately, I used it up on some Ghosts earlier. I have a Plasma Pistol and a Needler, and I'm in a Revenant. Repeated attempts to stun the wraiths have failed.
1) Am I screwed?
2) If I restart the mission from Rally Point Bravo, instead of loading up my save, will I still be credited with beating the mission on Legendary? Or do I have to start over if I want to grab that Plasma Launcher?
Jinjo said:You are mistaken my friend. I also hate that level with a passion.
Hugbot said:Yeah, the no-credits-for-objectives and tiny win bonus kind of hamstrings objective games as there's an abundance of people playing slayer with flags. Games like CoD always had jerkboats who set up with a sniper rifle and just went for kills the entire match, but at least for the most part there was incentive to try and win so most people tried.
It's just a case of an incentive system doing more harm than good.
We'll see more severe quit penalties long before we'll see join-in-progress (because we won't see join-in-progress)
There aren't any outlier levels in Halo: Reach. Reach is the most consistent in quality out of all the Halo games.op_ivy said:thats by far the worst level IMO. probably alone though on this.
Tapiozona said:Here's one of the guys...
http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/default.aspx?player=Bains Ferret
Ramirez said:That guy is a complete scrub...all of his onyx comms are campaign as well.
Bungie rewards cheaters confirmed.divisionbyzorro said:But his player model has updated on BNET and mine hasn't![]()
divisionbyzorro said:But his player model has updated on BNET and mine hasn't![]()
You never teabagged me =\Gui_PT said:You didn't hear me say "It's ok my friend, I'm from gaf so this feels good" as I teabagged you? =\
Tapiozona said:Here's one of the guys...
http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/default.aspx?player=Bains Ferret
cool_dude_2049 said:With the constant host migration, joining in progress would only make the game more of a headache with people dropping in and out.
Objective games are super fun and (arguably) less frustrating than slayer games. A buddy of mine was ready to rage quite yesterday after all the "bullshit" in swat. We played some objective games after, even territories that supposedly everyone hates, and we had a blast. You do get a larger game complete bonus for those games, but with the amount of teamwork going on, you should get a larger winning bonus.
divisionbyzorro said:But his player model has updated on BNET and mine hasn't![]()
Foxy Fox 39 said:I think it would be appropriate if we analyzed other multi-player games (with servers dedicated and non-dedicated) to try to come up with some reasons as to why they may or may not be successful in execution. Perhaps we could compile these ideas and petition them to 343 or maybe even Bungie and they could implement them in a future update.
Blame your teammates especially on BTB when your teammates seem to end up always running you over with something.electricpirate said:It just takes 1 business trip to go from bad-> terrible at this game.
Hypertrooper said:You never teabagged me =\
Plywood said:Blame your teammates especially on BTB when your teammates seem to end up always running you over with something.
Yeah I agree with this notion.cool_dude_2049 said:I think they should add an incentive for winning before they add a penalty for quitting.
Plywood said:Blame your teammates especially on BTB when your teammates seem to end up always running you over with something.
The only problem I have is that a larger bonus for winning without an increase in quitting penalties further incentivizes quitting out of games in which your team is losing.Neuromancer said:Yeah I agree with this notion.
Is that the slot machine bonus, that's random?Domino Theory said:Can anyone explain to me what the +XXX credits are that you get at the end of FF MM or MP MM? I never see that actual number displayed during the credits screen post-game.
Sometimes I thought that the number was just the Game Complete + Commendations or Performance Bonus, but they never added up.
Domino Theory said:Can anyone explain to me what the +XXX credits are that you get at the end of FF MM or MP MM? I never see that actual number displayed during the credits screen post-game.
Sometimes I thought that the number was just the Game Complete + Commendations or Performance Bonus, but they never added up.
My team and I got matched up against Bladed a while back, and even though we got pretty destroyed, I at least got to outclass Bladed in a straight-up DMR duel... once.Willeth said:Said hi to Monolith Gui and LeadGandalf in the lobby when we were randomly put together. Don't think they realised I was a HaloGAFfer... :lol
Neuromancer said:Is that the slot machine bonus, that's random?
ShinAmano said:So seriously I need teammates. I am on almost every night after 7pm est. My tag is ShinAmano and I am already on some of your lists...hit me up to play in any mode.
It's the Game Complete plus the Slot Machine credits. Which always makes me smile, since I can see how well I did on the slot machine before it comes up, since the game complete credits are pretty stable.SailorDaravon said:IIRC it's everything but one of them. I forget which one isn't included, but it's always added up correctly for me.
Foxy Fox 39 said:I think it would be appropriate if we analyzed other multi-player games (with servers dedicated and non-dedicated) to try to come up with some reasons as to why they may or may not be successful in execution. Perhaps we could compile these ideas and petition them to 343 or maybe even Bungie and they could implement them in a future update.