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Remember R E A C H |OT2|

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Photolysis said:
Rank cap still isn't lifted either. Shit challenges too.

The challenges are intentionally easy. I'm sure they were set up yesterday, just in case we didn't hit the 117 million with yesterday's challenges. I highly doubt someone is sitting there in the office, at 3AM, putting out new challenges and waiting to lift the cap. :lol
Ajemsuhgao said:
The challenges are intentionally easy. I'm sure they were set up yesterday, just in case we didn't hit the 117 million with yesterday's challenges. I highly doubt someone is sitting there in the office, at 3AM, putting out new challenges and waiting to lift the cap. :lol

Intentionally easy doesn't mean they're not shit. Why is 30 assists worth 2000 cR but 10 is worth 200?

Anyone know when the challenges image resets on B.net? Looks the same since yesterday afternoon to me.
Photolysis said:
Intentionally easy doesn't mean they're not shit. Why is 30 assists worth 2000 cR but 10 is worth 200?

Anyone know when the challenges image resets on B.net? Looks the same since yesterday afternoon to me.

Because it is exactly the same.

And it's worth 200, because it's extremely easy to get. 10 assist is what, 2-3 games? The reward isn't just scaled by number, it's by time and difficulty as well. 30 assists is quite a bit harder and more time consuming than 10.


First day of gold and I didn't even get close to touching the competitive or more traditional modes. All I played was Firefight Matchmaking and Infection :lol (Boto loves his zombies)

Infection Thoughtz

Sword Base: There are a few dead ends and hallways humans like to congregate in, but sue me, I like 'em. They're not that hard to storm as zombies, and there's plenty of opportunity to mass the horde as the humans work their way upward (jumping off a platform at the beginning and catching a human in the air as he shoots upward in the grav cannon, that's always fun to pull off).

Pinnacle: Enjoyed it, storming the tower humans usually shack up in seems to be close enough to a balanced affair.

Asylum: Humans climbing onto the rocks in the H2 is annoying and slightly game-breaking (in the games I played only one or two would manage to get up there and didn't last terribly long, but it's still not ideal). Killzone dat shit!

I got an awesome kill on a human who somehow edged his way onto a skinny rock ledge. I used my Evade to build up momentum, then leaped. I fell close enough to him to get the lunge and brought him down (ended the round with that kill). Was awesome :D

The Cage: A few spots the humans can get into that perhaps they ought not be allowed to go.

Boardwalk: A strut or two that are likewise iffy.
Ajemsuhgao said:
And it's worth 200, because it's extremely easy to get. 10 assist is what, 2-3 games? The reward isn't just scaled by number, it's by time and difficulty as well. 30 assists is quite a bit harder and more time consuming than 10.

Exactly 3 times more time consuming in fact.


Photolysis said:

Points, Points - 2500 cR
Score 20,000 points in a Firefight Matchmaking game

Clip It. Share It. - 777 cR
Make a clip from your Local files and upload it to your File Share.

Liking this trend so far this week where Challenges that I'm able to get with my limited gaming time are the ones that give out the most cR. (and then tomorrow will be 100 Assists and 150 Kills in Multiplayer :/)


343i Lead Esports Producer
Wow. I know I said they were shit before, but this takes the cake. The SHIT cake.


SailorDaravon said:

Even horrible math aside, Bungie has at least been consistent with the amount of cR dished out for the same type of Challenge up until now.

If you had an exact number of assists per game, then yeah sure, it'd be exactly 3 times as time consuming to get 30 as opposed to 10. But there is no guaranteeing how many assists per game you're going to get. So saying that it's exactly 3 times as time consuming is kind of stupid.

I don't think cutting the reward down to a third of what you'd get for 30 assist is really a fair reward. 30 assists is a far more challenging challenge than 10 assists.
Ajemsuhgao said:
Not necessarily.

Uh, yes, it is.

There's no difficulty spike when you get to 29 assists that means that last one is much harder to get. That 30th assist is just as easy (or hard) as the 1st.

All it requires is playing for longer, and that's not anything to do with difficulty or skill required, that's just a function of a player's playtime.

Now if it were something like "get 4 multikills in a single game", changing that to 5 makes it much harder, and you can justify making the reward far more than simply 25% more credits.
Photolysis said:
Uh, yes, it is.

There's no difficulty spike when you get to 29 assists that means that last one is much harder to get. That 30th assist is just as easy (or hard) as the 1st.

All it requires is playing for longer, and that's not anything to do with difficulty or skill required, that's just a function of a player's playtime.

Now if it were something like "get 4 multikills in a single game", changing that to 5 makes it much harder, and you can justify making the reward far more than simply 25% more credits.

You get consistent assists, at equal time intervals, throughout all of your games? God damn you must be some kind of wizard.
Ajemsuhgao said:
You get consistent assists, at equal time intervals, throughout all of your games? God damn you must be some kind of wizard.

Ugh. Like he said, it isn't more difficult to go from 29-30 assists than it is to go from 9-10. Obviously chances are you won't get 30 in EXACTLY three times the time it would take you to get 10 but on average it works out 3 time as long. The credits are messed up, that's it.
Ajemsuhgao said:
You get consistent assists, at equal time intervals, throughout all of your games? God damn you must be some kind of wizard.

You seem to be under the impression that having a constant rate of assists is required for my argument to be valid. It isn't.

Let's say I have a 1% chance of getting 10 assists in a game, and a 99% chance of getting 1 assist per game.

If I need 10 assists, that's a 1% chance of completing it after 1 game, and a 90% chance of completing it after 10 games.

If I need 30 assists, that's a very low chance of completing it in 3 games, and a 74% chance of having to complete 30 games to get it.

Under these circumstances, the 30 assists challlenge is actually easier to complete earlier than the 10 assists challenge, because you have a larger chance of getting a really good game that saves you a lot of time.

But for the most part, there's still a very good chance it will take you exactly 3 times as long. And on average it will take 3 times as long.

Kind of hoping that something like "Kill 30 Grunts with melee in Firefight Matchmaking" or something rolls through.

Would be good fun. I wish there was a commendation for melee kills in Firefight. Yet another oversight.
Photolysis said:
You seem to be under the impression that having a constant rate of assists is required for my argument to be valid. It isn't.

Let's say I have a 1% chance of getting 10 assists in a game, and a 99% chance of getting 1 assist per game.

If I need 10 assists, that's a 1% chance of completing it after 1 game, and a 90% chance of completing it after 10 games.

If I need 30 assists, that's a very low chance of completing it in 3 games, and a 74% chance of having to complete 30 games to get it.

Under these circumstances, the 30 assists challlenge is actually easier to complete earlier than the 10 assists challenge, because you have a larger chance of getting a really good game that saves you a lot of time.

But for the most part, there's still a very good chance it will take you exactly 3 times as long. And most players tend to be reasonably consistent after a while.

Most players tend to be reasonably consistent with kills, sure. Assists? I don't think so. They're wonky to begin with, and you don't actively go for assists. My assists are all over the place, and vary a lot depending on the gametype. I understand what you mean, but saying "exactly" doesn't make sense, considering it's impossible to know exactly how many assist you'll get, and when.

Photolysis said:
I wish there was a commendation for melee kills in Firefight. Yet another oversight.

Same. I always end up meleeing Grunts and then feeling bad because I'm not making progress doing so. :lol Aside from the Target Practice commendation.
Ajemsuhgao said:
Most players tend to be reasonably consistent with kills, sure. Assists? I don't think so. They're wonky to begin with, and you don't actively go for assists. My assists are all over the place, and vary a lot depending on the gametype. I understand what you mean, but saying "exactly" doesn't make sense, considering it's impossible to know exactly how many assist you'll get, and when.

Well, I assumed most people would have realised I meant on average, though maybe I could have worded that better. It is exactly 3 times harder to complete, and therefore (on average) will take 3 times longer.

Assists are effectively a function of kills. Few people go for assists, they go for kills and get assists in the process. Since kills tend to be consistent you would expect to see the same trend with assists over a long enough period, even with the randomness in the assist system.


Shake Appeal said:
Challenges and the Challenge thermometer have driven you people insane.
Imagine three months from now. It will be lunacy. :lol

I do hope to see more variety in the Challenges down the road, but they're still a fun little goal every day. It's one of the first things I check every morning.


Neo Member
Looks like the "Clip It. Share It." Challenge is buggy =(
I've completed the Challenge this Morning ,but now its still open .
electricpirate said:
I just got notified that I won a pair of legendary kontrol freeks from the HBO headshot contest! Woot thanks Wu/ HBO/kontrol freeks.
Congrats, those things are awesome.

Photolysis said:
Intentionally easy doesn't mean they're not shit. Why is 30 assists worth 2000 cR but 10 is worth 200?

Anyone know when the challenges image resets on B.net? Looks the same since yesterday afternoon to me.
US math is teh best math.


Photolysis said:

Fire When Ready - 100 cR
Kill 10 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking

Helping Hand - 200 cR
Earn 10 assists today in multiplayer Matchmaking.

Points, Points - 2500 cR
Score 20,000 points in a Firefight Matchmaking game

Clip It. Share It. - 777 cR
Make a clip from your Local files and upload it to your File Share.

Dax01 said:
The cap still hasn't been lifted? That stinks.

I think its a safe bet to assume that whatever time they usually update the thermometer will be the same time they release the cap. I kind of get the feeling they will put the thermometer to full and make us wait till tomorow though. :lol

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Bungie should start bottling the tears. I'd buy 'em fresh.

I loved pissing players off on Zealot and on Asylum but now....now....you -blam!- the maps up. I can't hide on the top of Zealot anymore cuz of a soft kill zone....I have to hurry my sorry ass up just to get the cucussion rifle up top before I die......you put a stupid soft kill zone on Asylum just for people so they couldn't go on the roof of the sniper spawns.....you just made lots of fans waste about $60-$150 for your game and this is how your making it??? Well nice freaking going. I spent $150 dollars on this and this is how this game is turning into???


bobs99 ... said:
To be fair that entire post screams of sarcasm, if not the dude who posted it really is an idiot. :lol
If he's from B.net, it's most likely serious. I use to post there years ago, mostly during the Halo 2 2005-2006-ish time.

Here's two quotes I had in my sig:

Posted by: bayareaboss510
One game I'm not joking a little like 7 year old said and I quote " tell me what your dick looks like so I can imagine it in my head and beat off to it"

Posted by: TheColdWolf
If Team Swat became ranked, would there still be no shields?
^ DJ Keemstar is a dickhead. He talks like he actually played H3 all he did was grief in Social BTB on JTV. He'd betray kids get booted ruin the game make way too much useless noise and then start up his next game. Complete waste of life.

Oh yea they called themselves Federation of Asshole Gamers ...you know. So retarded.


Striker said:
Big name? And what's with his hideous glasses.
That's why I put the quotes. I don't know who he is, but apparently on the Bnet forum he's a big deal? DJKeemstar? I don't know to be honest.
Aggrotek said:
We got another "big name" quitting Reach.


:lol He rages so hard.

I kind of agree with him on some points, but I kind of found it funny that he thinks the game was made for the competitive crowd. A lot of people I know think the opposite. Tashi, what is MLG's general opinions on the game?

Im with him with the theatre mode thing, and I also get frustrated with armour abilities like armour lock. It almost feels like in Halo 3 there was a huge state space of events that could happen, but on Reach if feels as if your kind of limited to a few events that happen every time you use a certain armour ability. The thing is I dont know if I can justify that sentiment because ive seen some awesome videos of cool stuff, and Reach certainly has a varied sandbox.

Either way, why is he a big name? I youtubed some of his videos and he seems to be famous for being a griefer? The thing is he isnt even entertaining he seems no different from derankers on Halo 3 who trash talk and AR you in the back.

If your going to make a name for yourself by griefing, at least do something hilarious, I remember seeing a video where a dude blocked his whole team in a room on team fortress and wouldn’t let them out until they answered a bunch of questions. That was funny, AR'ing people in the back is just dull.

I probably have better material than this guy just from all the times ive punched my friends off the top of the Spire. They never learn! :lol


xxjuicesxx said:
^ DJ Keemstar is a dickhead. He talks like he actually played H3 all he did was grief in Social BTB on JTV. He'd betray kids get booted ruin the game make way too much useless noise and then start up his next game. Complete waste of life.

Oh yea they called themselves Federation of Asshole Gamers ...you know. So retarded.
Oh god, I remember him now. He was/is the tool who ran around shooting others shields down trying to get them to betray him, or something along those lines. I recall one game in the perfect canyon where he was trying to hit on this girl playing, all in the while thinking he's hilarious. Dude looks like a douche, so I guess it matches his play style.

Bobs, the only thing he's right about is the theater mode.
bobs99 ... said:
I kind of agree with him on some points, but I kind of found it funny that he thinks the game was made for the competitive crowd. A lot of people I know think the opposite. Tashi, what is MLG's general opinions on the game?

Im with him with the theatre mode thing, and I also get frustrated with armour abilities like armour lock. It almost feels like in Halo 3 there was a huge state space of events that could happen, but on Reach if feels as if your kind of limited to a few events that happen every time you use a certain armour ability. The thing is I dont know if I can justify that sentiment because ive seen some awesome videos of cool stuff, and Reach certainly has a varied sandbox.

Either way, why is he a big name? I youtubed some of his videos and he seems to be famous for being a griefer? The thing is he isnt even entertaining he seems no different from derankers on Halo 3 who trash talk and AR you in the back.

If your going to make a name for yourself by griefing, at least do something hilarious, I remember seeing a video where a dude blocked his whole team in a room on team fortress and wouldn’t let them out until they answered a bunch of questions. That was funny, AR'ing people in the back is just dull.

I probably have better material than this guy just from all the times ive punched my friends off the top of the Spire. They never learn! :lol

I was gonna make a huge post today on why I think this game doesn't have the charm or the fun factor that Halo 3 had, but I'll just listen to people's opinions instead after that. Also I agree on the bolded.
Just like when people made the argument that H3 is less competitive than h2, I just don't understand the argument that Reach is less competitive than H3.
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