I think a lot of the negative attitudes would change immensely with some more decent maps on rotation and decent spawning on said maps.
I played a Sword Base match in which the game, for whatever reason, decided I would benefit from spawning in the same place I kept dying in before I really had a chance to get situated, three times in a row. It's crap like that, that makes me just go back into Score Attack, get bored, then turn off the game well before I thought I would.
We've got bad remakes (Pinnacle (Ascension, of all maps, really?), Hemorrhage, Asylum (ugh lag)), spawnfail maps (Cliffhanger, Paradiso, Zealot), maps with no real direction (Atom), maps in which whole sections aren't even used (Spire, Boneyard) and maps that have so many things wrong with them I can't parse it down to one sentence (Cage).
The only ones I don't have too much of an issue with are Reflection, Countdown, Boardwalk and Powerhouse.