enzo_gt said:On what map is this best to do it on? I did the 1000000 on Beachhead before only because it spawns lots of enemies, but is there a more optimal map to do it on?
The million took me 45 minutes on beach head. I used the Rocket Launcher too, maybe I should've used fuel rod?
It's different for the challenge. You have to do it individually.Azar said:When I did the 200,000 point challenge legit with friends in FF Classic, it was achieved once we hit 200k as a group. No way the three of us played long enough to get up to 600k.
IrishGaf... united as always...Shake Appeal said:If it's individually, fuck it, I'm downloading the custom firefight settings. Doesn't it take several hours to get it to 1m normally? How many hours would it take to get it to 4m+?!
Hydranockz said:IrishGaf... united as always...
I'm thinking the same about that challenge.
I am moving up to Dublin in less than 2 months... I hope I can afford a 360 after a few weeks work :lol Otherwise I can kiss my year subscription to live out the window.
LordPhoque said:So about the weekly challenge, is it sniper only or sniper and DMR ?
Ramirez said:Man, getting through Colonel G3 is taking for hell and ever...still got like 80K to go. :|
Still so much I dislike about this game, but I fight through it to try and find that old Halo magic.![]()
GhaleonEB said:Anyone want to do a legit (that would be normal settings) run on the 1m Challenge/Achievement today?
enzo_gt said:http://i.imgur.com/iR84A.jpg
Seriously though, you'd think being at Colonel G3 would be some indication of you being really into a game :lol
I haven't done it yet. I just got time now to get on. :lolZayneH said:Don't suppose there's any room left in this anymore, eh?
Kuroyume said:Are recoil and bloom two different things in this game or is the bloom an indicator of recoil?
Dani said:
So basically you hate Reach. Got it.Ramirez said:Just because I have a ton of issues with the game doesn't mean I don't like any aspect of it at all. Why concern yourselves with how much I play or why I play it, it's by and far my favorite franchise, I simply vent on here in hopes that maybe some day something will be heard and changed. Something as little as removing the dropshield from Obj. would be a good start.![]()
Ramirez said:Just because I have a ton of issues with the game doesn't mean I don't like any aspect of it at all. Why concern yourselves with how much I play or why I play it, it's by and far my favorite franchise, I simply vent on here in hopes that maybe some day something will be heard and changed. Something as little as removing the dropshield from Obj. would be a good start.![]()
Ramirez said:Just because I have a ton of issues with the game doesn't mean I don't like any aspect of it at all. Why concern yourselves with how much I play or why I play it, it's by and far my favorite franchise, I simply vent on here in hopes that maybe some day something will be heard and changed. Something as little as removing the dropshield from Obj. would be a good start.![]()
We've gotten a ton of changes throughout the playlists. I applaud the amount that has been done since launch. The little variety and changes in Halo 3 really diluted the game for me.xxjuicesxx said:I feel like if Shishka can get fusion coils off Valhalla NinjaOnFire should be able to remove drop shields from objective.
Then again these are some pretty demanding tasks.
Shake Appeal said:You can say what you like, NinjaOnFire has been pretty fucking responsive to community criticism. Yeah, it's a steady drip of change rather than a sudden gush, but the way they've hammered Arena out over the past two months has been impressive.
Dax01 said:Hemorrhage has to be one of the worst CTF maps in recent memory. Nothing ever gets done on that map unless one team outnumbers the other.
Also, I hope Bungie, when they update the game with a TU, give the Warthog and mongoose a little more grounded feeling. The controls are a little too floaty as is. There's no reason to risk going full speed over a hill or something or risk having any fun wit hit because you get flipped over at the slightest bump.
Who said anything about the drop shield? My experience on the map has been "stalemate central" unless one team outnumbers the other, and that's boring. It's hard to do anything by yourself on the map, given the great amount of open space and lack of mancannons. The base design is rather poor to boot.NH Apache said:I don't understand the hate. This map has been around since the beginning. If you are complaining about drop shield, play smarter.
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=316542942&player=NH Apache
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=316529354&player=NH Apache
Thats from last night with randoms.
Still one of my favorite maps.
My issue with Haemorrhage is that it only takes one guy sitting in your base to spawn you right out in the open, and because he's in your base, they now have both snipers.Dax01 said:Who said anything about the drop shield? My experience on the map has been "stalemate central" unless one team outnumbers the other, and that's boring. It's hard to do anything by yourself on the map, given the great amount of open space and lack of mancannons. The base design is rather poor to boot.
Striker said:Halo 2's playlists started off really wonky, as well. Of course they got it all jazzed out and materialized months later. Not until Halo 3 hit they made basically everything casual, i,e, Big Team becoming Big Team Duals and Big Team Rockets.
The 2005 and 2006 years were amazing for the game, though.
neoism said:Guys do you get the credits from co-op campaign even if you leave the game. I was playing Nightfall on normal, and everyone quit out, I was going to finish the level, but The hunters wouldn't spawn...... :/
timetokill said:Thanks to everyone who joined in the ForgeGAF customs today!I put up a recap and impressions in the Forge thread.
The bases are Blood Gulch, but the landscape is more Coagulation, save Bungie's odd locations for the teleporters. Coagulation had a great setup of a base, which is completely different than the base nature of Blood Gulch's structure.Shake Appeal said:It is a map based on a map that was dated in 2001, for a game that had very different gameplay, and which people rarely played in the kind of competitive spirit seen on Live.
It represents about ten steps and then a leap backwards from Valhalla.
There were a fair few UK players that you wouldnt see at our usual time. Both can co-exist just fineDani said:HaloGAF Customs start in 15 minutes.
Is there any chance you could do the ForegGAF Customs on another day or time? Ending just before regular Customs starts is really prohibiting my and other's ability to participate - I can't well sit and play a Customs marathon for 5 or 6 hours. =\
Hydranockz said:There were a fair few UK players that you wouldnt see at our usual time. Both can co-exist just fine![]()
Same can be said for those who can't often stay up as late as you Mr.OwlDani said:I hate missing out though. >_<