To be fair, who could blame them? It's the natural response.Mikasangelos said:HOLY SHIT :lol :lol They MAD
To be fair, who could blame them? It's the natural response.Mikasangelos said:HOLY SHIT :lol :lol They MAD
Along with the deeper voice, acne and... oh wait... natural response to that news. Aah right.Zeouterlimits said:To be fair, who could blame them? It's the natural response.
Mikasangelos said:HOLY SHIT :lol :lol They MAD
Bregmann Roche said:Yeah. Salty tears for sure.
Doesn't the fact that 343 is making room for them and trying to keep that community alive (granted, in a leprous and zombified form) indicate that they are in some way trying to keep that sub-franchise going?
I'm just glad that something like that could never happen to Reach.
Right guys?
Ouch, I'd hate to be the messenger there. I don't envy that role. Cocop knows full well that stat tracking is a huge part of the game (imagine if bungie.net was disabled and the forums moved to Waypoint) so that had to be a hard message to deliver. I assume the move was partly because the shifts in the teams/support for Halo Wars that's behind the consolidation, and that since Bungie is a going concern that won't be something that happens to Halo proper in a couple years.Mikasangelos said:HOLY SHIT :lol :lol They MAD
cool_dude_2049 said:Did anyone ever find the drivable pelican?
aesop said:
Hydranockz said:Poor cocop has the blood of the Halowars.com on his hands.
Wow...Dani said::lol
electricpirate said:Video of how to do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGefZaWFT7c
There was a post wishing that he would break his neck in a car crash just to have something to keep him from destroying HW more or something to that extent too... No Photoshops involving terrorist leaders yet anyway.Dani said::lol
Hydranockz said:There was a post wishing that he would break his neck in a car crash just to have something to keep him from destroying HW more or something to that extent too... No Photoshops involving terrorist leaders yet anyway.
Shake Appeal said:Also, Tashi, this is a nice youtube but why are you unloading on that guy's corpse at one point? Stay classy.
best answerRamirez said:That's what happens when you get pooped on.
vhfive said:best answer
Yeah, shame he had be the bad guy and take the "slack". Someone has to do it I guess.Hydranockz said:There was a post wishing that he would break his neck in a car crash just to have something to keep him from destroying HW more or something to that extent too... No Photoshops involving terrorist leaders yet anyway.
fuck awesomeFourDoor said:6 hours left for a good cause. This still makes me wish we got noble helmets to go along with the H3 cat helmet for the legendary edition.
Ramirez said:I find it extremely amusing that humping is ok, but shooting someone's corpse is just over the line! :lol
I did winter contingency ralley point bravo a couple of times to get it.Ramirez said:I find it extremely amusing that humping is ok, but shooting someone's corpse is just over the line! :lol
What campaign level is the best for killing lots of grunts?
vhfive said:I did winter contingency ralley point bravo a couple of times to get it.
Mikasangelos said:this, most people cant adjust to gameplay that addes variety like Reach does, bitch about how crappy Reach is (when really they just suck) and play COD/Black Ops.
Alienshogun said:Honestly I think it has more to do with quitters.
Everyone I know, myself included, stopped playing because the majority of the time you get stuck in a game with lopsided teams, if not complete 1 vs an entire team assrape.
I prefer Halo over COD, however, not being able to actually play the game makes that moot.
Willeth said:Just had a few games of SWAT with randoms, who were good, communicative, and polite, and afterwards exchanged friend requests. Not had that since the early days of Halo 2. That feels really awesome.
Self Induced said:
Domino Theory said:Holy fucking shit @ all the grenades being thrown through that hallway just before you throw your sticky.
Disgusting. :lol
The video showed a total of 7, I think. That's everyone on their team throwing their two grenades except for one guy :lolDomino Theory said:Holy fucking shit @ all the grenades being thrown through that hallway just before you throw your sticky.
Disgusting. :lol
Self Induced said:The video showed a total of 7, I think. That's everyone on their team throwing their two grenades except for one guy :lol
And you're only seeing what I wasn't forced to delete.Hydranockz said:There was a post wishing that he would break his neck in a car crash just to have something to keep him from destroying HW more or something to that extent too... No Photoshops involving terrorist leaders yet anyway.
Glad you left "Cocock" in there. I'm going to have to remember to use that one down the roadCocopjojo said:And you're only seeing what I wasn't forced to delete.
Cocopjojo said:And you're only seeing what I wasn't forced to delete.
bobs99 ... said:You must be able to understand theyre rage though? Im pretty sure people here wouldnt take it well if the Bungie.net stats tracking just dissapeared. Wouldnt it be better to just leave HaloWars.com up in a frozen state? No more stats updating after this point, but the ability to always go back and see your stats would be a lot better than just having them dissapear.
I dont actually care about my HaloWars stats, but this isnt good news as a Halo fan, if all my Halo 2 and 3 stats dissapeared tonight I would be upset and with 343 eventually taking over Reach its bound to happen. I understand you guys would probably support Reach, but not supporting the older games would be annoying.
Honestly, I could laugh at the salty tears over on that site because it doesnt effect me, but I would rather protect those guys, because were next on the firing line?
Cocopjojo said:And you're only seeing what I wasn't forced to delete.
Of course I do.bobs99 ... said:You must be able to understand theyre rage though?
This.. I'm not sure I agree with this.Leotarius said:. People need to realize that 343 doesn't have an obligation to HW fans and yet is taking steps to keep an abandoned game alive without the support of the original developers.
Cocopjojo said:Of course I do.
Willeth said:Haha holy hell. Just got into a Snipers game on Powerhouse, and one of our guys killed the entire other team within twelve seconds of starting. Instant quit.
I got 1 credit that reduced to zero just like I would in a quick custom or Forge. The 4-kills guy got like 72 credits.
Feel like he deserves more. :lol
bobs99 ... said:I wasnt trying to imply your to blame or anything of that sort, you were just the messenger and you handled yourself really well considering the bad situation, but this isnt a sign of things to come is it? If this ever happened to Halo 2 or 3 could you back up the stats under a Waypoint site for people to at least view?
I REALLY hope Reach is supported by you guys - im probably worried about something pretty insignificant, but its a nice feature, and probably could easily be backed up. It would suck to lose Fileshare ability/ stats tracking/ picture uploading but I would love to keep what ive already got.
Im probably thinking too far ahead, but the way I see it nows the time where you see whats to come. :/
Shake Appeal said:All of this is covered in your terms of service. Removing online features for old or dying games is pretty standard on consoles.
Domino Theory said:I'm pretty sure stat tracking is finished for Halo 2 considering no one can play it on XBL anymore. Unless you're talking about Halo 2 Vista.
And I'm sure by the time Halo 3 stat tracking is over, we won't mind.