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Remember R E A C H |OT2|

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PsychoRaven said:
Also I would like to know what people are smoking. I heard Rumble Pit was usually voting nothing but Race or infection gametypes. I decided to try it for awhile. I got 1 infection, 1 headhunter, 1 oddball and the rest were Slayer pro cause dmrs and no radars is apparently so fun for so many.

Sounds like you got lucky. Probably 85% of the time it's Infection/Safe Havens. I gave up on that playlist cause I was sick of playing that mode over and over again. It makes me a zombie in just about every round and people are cheap as fuck (camping the zealot gravity part). Infection is no fun at all IMO.
Well thanks to the target designator trick I'm about halfway through Warrant Officer grade 3. But man it's tedious, thank god for Pandora radio. :lol


fuck Zealot. That map needs to die a horrible death. All people do on team arena or double arena is camp the space section. just played a slayer dmr map and the other team spawned closer to the tubes so they got there first and camped it the entire game while 2 of my teammates kept feeding them kills and getting mad that me and another teammate wouldnt just keep going up there.

fuck that map.


I want to play Stockpile on Sword Base with Jetpacks like we did in the beta, but apparently that doesn't exist anymore? It seems as if Jetpacks are very rarely an option in whatever match I end up in :(


343i Lead Esports Producer
Ganhyun said:
fuck Zealot. That map needs to die a horrible death. All people do on team arena or double arena is camp the space section. just played a slayer dmr map and the other team spawned closer to the tubes so they got there first and camped it the entire game while 2 of my teammates kept feeding them kills and getting mad that me and another teammate wouldnt just keep going up there.

fuck that map.

Don't worry, it's being fixed.

Damnit. I keep getting lagged out of games. I don't get it. I have a high speed connection and full green bars. I just tested out a ground war game on MW2 with full players and there was no noticieable lag or network errors. For some reason in the past several hours I can't even play a FFA match in Rumble Pit without lagging out and getting the boot. WTF. I've got wireless highspeed dsl through Comcast that I pay pretty penny for every month. Granted, I know a hardlined wired connection is the best, but it's not like I've got 56K modem or something. I had no problems until recently. What gives?


Finally hit Lt. Colonel, no lame target designator crap either, now just to get a few more credits so I can turn into a robot.


Daily challenges 10/2

Shootin' and Lootin' - 2500cR
Kill 250 enemies in any game mode in Reach.

One Spartan Army - 1000cR
Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.

Storm's Comin' - 750cR
Complete a Campaign mission on Heroic or harder with Mythic and Thunderstorm on.

Cook 'em, Clean 'em! - 700cR
Kill 5 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking while you're jet-packing.
Typically, we get a day where I could finish all the daily challenges when I'm home for the weekend. There'll be other opportunities I guess.

Can't believe some of you guys are hitting major W/O boosting. How much do you play?


So let me get this straight, we are gonna get 2500 cr for doing gruntpocalypse twice, but only 750 cr for doing a campaign mission on heroic with 2 skulls turned on? Wtf bungie :lol

Mr. Sam

MarshMellow96 said:
Typically, we get a day where I could finish all the daily challenges when I'm home for the weekend. There'll be other opportunities I guess.

Can't believe some of you guys are hitting major W/O boosting. How much do you play?
Every day since launch minus two. I've generally only played a couple of hours a day. I have, however, got about 95% of the challenges - and played a few dozen games if Gruntpocalypse in the process. I could never sit there all day, grinding it out like some seem to though.
Gui_PT said:
Problem is I use BJ, so I need a map with Rockets or else I won't hit anyone :lol

I would say rush rockets on Pinnacle use lift and jetpack and I dunno try that a bit. Multi-Team pistol/dmr would work too.

Say who wants to basically do that Storms Coming achievement for me? Ill just sit there in coop and do nothing because I'm lazy and tired and you're all less good than me.


Trickster said:
So let me get this straight, we are gonna get 2500 cr for doing gruntpocalypse twice, but only 750 cr for doing a campaign mission on heroic with 2 skulls turned on? Wtf bungie :lol

3500 cR actually, by doing the 250 kills challenge you'll automatically get the 100 kills one in the process. Yeah the way Bungie hands out credits in these challenges is completely stupid IMO. Difficult ones are worth peanuts while the simple ones are worth 1,000-2,500 cR.


Jesus, I just spent at least an hour on Nightfall Legendary with all the difficult skulls turned on just trying to kill ONE ultra elite!! I had spent even longer trying to kill the other, weaker spec ops elites, jackals, and grunts in the area with limited sniper ammo and won the opportunity to finally take on the last two ultra elites.

I spent that hour with June keeping my distance and using the active camouflage and finally got an assassination.

Just one more Ultra to go and I can get a checkpoint! Oh, I'm going to hate myself if I die on this guy :( . I'd give anything for just one more assassination opportunity, I don't have the weapons to take his invincible shields down with.
Gui_PT said:
Problem is I use BJ, so I need a map with Rockets or else I won't hit anyone :lol
Just use your DMR/nerfle as usual and then when you go for the headshot do a little hop with the jetpack. as long as you are using the jetpack while firing the killing shot, doesn't matter how short, it will count. :)
All right. bob's Arena questions.

First, the most important concept to understanding how well you are doing. At the end of each game, look at the post-game carnage and find the list of ratings for that game only. Now put them in order. If yours is in the top four, you are going up. If it is in the bottom four, you are going down. I don't know if first place goes up quicker than fourth place, but I suspect there is some sort of weighting to it. Also, if it is like TrueSkill in Halo 3, beating players already placed above you (i.e. beating Golds when you're in Bronze) provides a bigger correction to TrueSkill, whereas losing to them doesn't hurt much, because it conforms to the system's expecations.

So: look at the ratings, order them, breathe a sigh of relief when you're in the top four. If you place in the top four consistently, you will do well.

- Should I keep playing with the beastly dude who will always rank above me? Will that hinder my shot at onyx or will we both get it if we keep winning?
There's no easy answer. On the whole, playing with players better than you is good, because you are more likely to win games, and winning games applies a small boost to the ratings of all the winning players in that game.

This boost (it's 4%, I think) is intended to place you above players on the other team who did similarly well. Say you go 12-3-10, and so does a player on the other team. Your rating will be higher than his if you won the game. Since better players are more likely to help you win, on balance you will be doing better than you did otherwise and winning close situations against opposition players.

However, if you are much worse than your teammates you are going in with regularly, it's going to be a problem. If you are consistently bottom of your team, even if that team wins consistently, you are going to find it hard to do well. All it takes is one guy on the other team doing better than you, even if the rest of them do appallingly, to bump you to the fifth spot. And fifth spot is bad.

But if your friend is consistently first and you are consistently second, he's doing you more good than harm.

- Should I never play alone in case im slotted onto a team as a fourth?
Playing alone is pot luck. Sometimes you are going to get the right balance of teammates, sometimes not. I find it's more relaxing, because I tend not to be communicating as much (largely because my teammates won't have mics or will be in party chat, or just plain not talking), and because I can be sure the game is picking games roughly based on my TrueSkill and not my friends' (for better or worse). On the other hand, my friends don't quit games, and we are probably more likely to win as a team because of organization and teamwork.

The system is designed in such a way that playing more games should overcome the vagaries of luck. If you play 3 games and do extraordinarily well, or extraordinarily badly, TrueSkill is not going to have as clear a picture of how good you are as if you play, say, 30 games. Or 60. Or 300. This is why 30 games is a requirement for a season: to give probability a chance to kick back against chance.

- And even though it feels like I was playing crap people (literally played some people with 1100 ratings) - will I be able to get Onyx? Im winning all my games, but im not playing better people. :/
Again, winning games helps, but isn't essential. Doing well in as many games as possible, without worrying about who you are being matched with or against, is essential. It's pretty simple, if you want it to be: just do well enough to make the top four.

- I know it supposedly doesnt matter, but what kind of daily ratings where people in Gold/ Onyx getting? Is 1598 good?
It's impossible to correlate daily ratings with divisional placements with any accuracy. However, 1598 in a given game is very, very likely (I'm not good enough at maths to say it's a certainty) to be a top four placement. If you are getting scores like that consistently, you will do very well. Remember that a daily rating only picks the set of your best three games and averages them. If you got 1598 by getting two 1600+ games and one 1500+ game, but played another ten before or after that where you came in the bottom four, your 1598 is meaningless, because you're moving down overall.

The Arena is a strange beast though and I wanna understand more about it before screwing myself over and ending up stuck in a low tier.
You can't screw yourself over, really, unless you quit or get booted or just plain do badly. If you play enough games, the system will more or less know how good you are relative to the other players who are also playing enough games. Certain strategies or behaviours, and certain complexions of games based on chance, will inevitably influence this, but in a relatively minor way. Do well, win where possible, and you will place highly. That's all there is to it.

Hope this helps.


Anyone else not have a percentage rating for Arena? I did play just about the minimal number of games (hated it), and got Gold, but nothing within the division.

Hopefully they turn off radar for November so I can stomach playing it again.

Also, I'm watching the livestreams of the MLG pre-tournament LANs, and grimacing at how poor the BR is compared to the DMR. Sweeping for the last headshot, shots missing cross-map. Awful. Can't wait for competitive Reach, it should have much more shooting skill at the top end.


DiabolicalBagel said:
Just use your DMR/nerfle as usual and then when you go for the headshot do a little hop with the jetpack. as long as you are using the jetpack while firing the killing shot, doesn't matter how short, it will count. :)

That's a great tip. Thanks a lot :D

Just got all the other challenges, I'll try that in a while.
alisdair said:
Anyone else not have a percentage rating for Arena? I did play just about the minimal number of games (hated it), and got Gold, but nothing within the division.
Nope, I have the same problem. I think it's related to the same bungie.net throttling that means my armour picture isn't updating.
Shake Appeal said:
All right. bob's Arena questions.

First, the most important concept to understanding how well you are doing. At the end of each game, look at the post-game carnage and find the list of ratings for that game only. Now put them in order. If yours is in the top four, you are going up. If it is in the bottom four, you are going down. I don't know if first place goes up quicker than fourth place, but I suspect there is some sort of weighting to it. Also, if it is like TrueSkill in Halo 3, beating players already placed above you (i.e. beating Golds when you're in Bronze) provides a bigger correction to TrueSkill, whereas losing to them doesn't hurt much, because it conforms to the system's expecations.

So: look at the ratings, order them, breathe a sigh of relief when you're in the top four. If you place in the top four consistently, you will do well.

There's no easy answer. On the whole, playing with players better than you is good, because you are more likely to win games, and winning games applies a small boost to the ratings of all the winning players in that game.

This boost (it's 4%, I think) is intended to place you above players on the other team who did similarly well. Say you go 12-3-10, and so does a player on the other team. Your rating will be higher than his if you won the game. Since better players are more likely to help you win, on balance you will be doing better than you did otherwise and winning close situations against opposition players.

However, if you are much worse than your teammates you are going in with regularly, it's going to be a problem. If you are consistently bottom of your team, even if that team wins consistently, you are going to find it hard to do well. All it takes is one guy on the other team doing better than you, even if the rest of them do appallingly, to bump you to the fifth spot. And fifth spot is bad.

But if your friend is consistently first and you are consistently second, he's doing you more good than harm.

Playing alone is pot luck. Sometimes you are going to get the right balance of teammates, sometimes not. I find it's more relaxing, because I tend not to be communicating as much (largely because my teammates won't have mics or will be in party chat, or just plain not talking), and because I can be sure the game is picking games roughly based on my TrueSkill and not my friends' (for better or worse). On the other hand, my friends don't quit games, and we are probably more likely to win as a team because of organization and teamwork.

The system is designed in such a way that playing more games should overcome the vagaries of luck. If you play 3 games and do extraordinarily well, or extraordinarily badly, TrueSkill is not going to have as clear a picture of how good you are as if you play, say, 30 games. Or 60. Or 300. This is why 30 games is a requirement for a season: to give probability a chance to kick back against chance.

Again, winning games helps, but isn't essential. Doing well in as many games as possible, without worrying about who you are being matched with or against, is essential. It's pretty simple, if you want it to be: just do well enough to make the top four.

It's impossible to correlate daily ratings with divisional placements with any accuracy. However, 1598 in a given game is very, very likely (I'm not good enough at maths to say it's a certainty) to be a top four placement. If you are getting scores like that consistently, you will do very well. Remember that a daily rating only picks the set of your best three games and averages them. If you got 1598 by getting two 1600+ games and one 1500+ game, but played another ten before or after that where you came in the bottom four, your 1598 is meaningless, because you're moving down overall.

You can't screw yourself over, really, unless you quit or get booted or just plain do badly. If you play enough games, the system will more or less know how good you are relative to the other players who are also playing enough games. Certain strategies or behaviours, and certain complexions of games based on chance, will inevitably influence this, but in a relatively minor way. Do well, win where possible, and you will place highly. That's all there is to it.

Hope this helps.

It helps loads dude! Thanks a lot! Luckily I was in the top four in every game I played, usually fairly high, so thats a good sign. I think im going to try and keep going in as at least a two with the dude I was playing with for a few games yesterday. Theres a small bit of pot luck with teammates, but at least generally we can do our best to carry most people unless theyre downright deranking. :lol

I was worring a bit, because some games I was coming third or fourth on my team with a fairly low rating, and I was worried that was going to affect me negativly, but I see its not so thanks for clearing that up!

The funny thing is, I didnt have much interest with the Arena last season - I like playing competativly but I felt the Arena was a bit flawed. This season im kind of desperate to get Onyx. I just need to get my ass on the game I guess. :D

EDIT: I love the challenges today, that is all :p
Any attempts I make to enjoy the MP in this game are crushed by the realization that Bungie believes Snipers on Cage exemplifies the Halo experience.

With this being my first Halo MP (online) experience; is there any hope of getting the opportunity to choose a game mode and then vote on maps? I like BTB, but I only ever want to play BTB objective, and sometimes I just want to play rounds of a specific game mode on different maps. I am sure custom does answer these concerns, but I just want to play regular with some actual choice.


the_prime_mover said:
Any attempts I make to enjoy the MP in this game are crushed by the realization that Bungie believes Snipers on Cage exemplifies the Halo experience.

With this being my first Halo MP (online) experience; is there any hope of getting the opportunity to choose a game mode and then vote on maps? I like BTB, but I only ever want to play BTB objective, and sometimes I just want to play rounds of a specific game mode on different maps. I am sure custom does answer these concerns, but I just want to play regular with some actual choice.
I don't think you'll be able to vote for the game mode and then map, however your issues with the playlists should begin to resolve over this next month as playlists get separated into their own separate modes. For example both Swat and Snipers will be getting their own playlists over this next month, which should decrease the amount of frustration you're experiencing. Not only that but chances are, in your example, people voted for snipers rather than The Cage, thus forcing you to play The Cage. However, as each playlists stock of game modes becomes less arbitrary and more unified, peoples votes may now reflect maps they'd rather play and not game modes.

To sum up, as playlists change over the next month you should receive a better matchmaking experience as players vote for a specific map rather than a game mode.
Arnie said:
I don't think you'll be able to vote for the game mode and then map, however your issues with the playlists should begin to resolve over this next month as playlists get separated into their own separate modes. For example both Swat and Snipers will be getting their own playlists over this next month, which should decrease the amount of frustration you're experiencing. Not only that but chances are, in your example, people voted for snipers rather than The Cage, thus forcing you to play The Cage. However, as each playlists stock of game modes becomes less arbitrary and more unified, peoples votes may now reflect maps they'd rather play and not game modes.

To sum up, as playlists change over the next month you should receive a better matchmaking experience as players vote for a specific map rather than a game mode.

Ah, thanks. I thought that Bungie built the current play lists off of experience gained in previous iterations and therefore the lists were pretty much set. I see my assumptions were incorrect and will await the modifications.


Sweet! First game, first five kills, jetpack kills :lol

Do you unlock stuff by getting to Lt. Colonel Grade 3? I just saw a dude with Kat's arm. I'm a Lt. Colonel, should be able to buy it too.
come on bungie!
if you punish quitters, hows about rewarding stayers?

BTB, blood gulch, our tank is destroyed, half the team quits... end up being 2 of us getting owned watching out K/D take a battering, game ends. 75/20... 500EXP!!???!!??WTF?

did they test this or what?
I know they are changing it but it made it to the retail copy, also thanks to all the bell ends out there who whinged about bloodgulch being better than valhalla, it isn't and now we're playing on a shitty old map. :lol
Gui_PT said:
Sweet! First game, first five kills, jetpack kills :lol

Do you unlock stuff by getting to Lt. Colonel Grade 3? I just saw a dude with Kat's arm. I'm a Lt. Colonel, should be able to buy it too.
You already can. It's at the bottom of the chest list.
Who is up for the daily challenges for today? I'm online now.
Trickster said:
So let me get this straight, we are gonna get 2500 cr for doing gruntpocalypse twice, but only 750 cr for doing a campaign mission on heroic with 2 skulls turned on? Wtf bungie :lol
how can this be? bungle!


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I read the BWU last night/this morning about the bannings starting that same night, had this guy's Service Record open on my laptop that someone linked to earlier who had Lt. Colonel with every single Campaign Commendation maxed, woke up this afternoon to see that he's stripped of all credits, armor and rank aside from a measly 19 credits, which he probably got from quitting whatever he started when he noticed that he was back to zero - bwahahahaha! :lol

Man I love Bungie, and I love when people get reprimanded for hacks and so on when they're not even putting in the time to get points...

I'm gonna read a bit of the crying on the Bungie forum links from here before I head out to do some stuff - keep it up Bungie!

Oh, and I tried the Laser Designator kills thing in Campaign, and boy does it feel boring as hell, doesn't even feel worth it either - kudos to those willing to keep it up but that really isn't for me at all...


I love all the kids on b.net that think they can just boost in Halo like they do in CoD. It's so sad.
Good job of ridding us of 15,000 kids before black ops even comes out.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.


MrBig said:
I love all the kids on b.net that think they can just boost in Halo like they do in CoD. It's so sad.
Good job of ridding us of 15,000 kids before black ops even comes out.
Indeed. It's excellent.

welcome to a game with competent management, bitches.


Fuck yeah man, just had my first overkill in Reach, and my first extermination ever. In arena no less :D

I was kinda displayed that in the post game lobby, the 3 top medals were first strike, killing spree and sword spree however <_<

I mean, extermination is under "legendary" medals on bungies own site. Yet a first strike medal is more deserving of being a top 3 medal? :lol

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Gui_PT said:
Sweet! First game, first five kills, jetpack kills :lol

Do you unlock stuff by getting to Lt. Colonel Grade 3? I just saw a dude with Kat's arm. I'm a Lt. Colonel, should be able to buy it too.

Buy the collar breacher chest, then it unlocks as an attachment for 70k. I've got it now, but I wish I had bought either the tactical pad, or the JFO. Oh well, it looks cool when you melee.


Alienshogun said:
Buy the collar breacher chest, then it unlocks as an attachment for 70k. I've got it now, but I wish I had bought either the tactical pad, or the JFO. Oh well, it looks cool when you melee.

Yeah, I noticed the chest piece but didn't even look at the arm. Looks pretty sweet.


vitaminwateryum said:
Finally got 1000/1000, Major Grade 3 felt so slow! Shame there's nothing for the full 1000.
You really didn't unlock anything for getting 1000/1000?
That's pretty lame.
In Halo 3, wasn't the Security helmet unlocked by getting all of the retail achievements?

Why didnt Bungie do this for Reach?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
7echnicolor said:
You really didn't unlock anything for getting 1000/1000?
That's pretty lame.
In Halo 3, wasn't the Security helmet unlocked by getting all of the retail achievements?

Why didnt Bungie do this for Reach?

Because achievements in this game are easy, and nearly everything is credit based? That's my guess. There are only a handful of things unlocked through achievements from this game and previous games, and that's all waypoint.

Which brings me to my next comment.

Is the legendary video gone from waypoint for anyone else?

I can't find it now.
Someone posted a really good link of all the armor, with what's required to unlock it and pictures. Anyone have that link? Thanks.

Also some good Cr challenges today, thanks Bungie.
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