I know what you're saying, but that's not a innovation. That's just a controller, but not attached to each other. It's like taking the NES controller and breaking it in half. Then you hold one piece in your left hand and the other piece in your right hand to play games. We've had this for over 30 years. The only true difference would be both are motion controllers instead of the Wii remote where it was one motion controller.
The innovation Nintendo would push is how you can take each controller and give one to one person and the other to another person for multiplayer-that's useless to me is all I'm saying if that's the innovation they're going for.
Trust me I'm not complaining. I just want to play some Nintendo games lol.
It's actually a good thing that both of you are being critical. It does raise a good question actually. If you are interested in home console gaming. What does the NX bring to the table that's new?For me it's not about single or multi player use of the controllers. It's simply pointless. If I'm at home, I can pull out two controllers or a wiimote and nunchuck.
Why do I need to detach the controllers at any point? I just get the feeling detachable controllers will make it larger and less portable than it really needs to be, but maybe, hopefully that won't be the case.
I'm a little bit more critical because I don't think the Wii U controller was any good, it was way too big and also terrible for kids to use comfortably.
For me personally, portability is a huge factor so I didn't consider that. But from everything we heard up until now, I suppose the answer is nothing?