I think it more has to do with the fact that they are essentially cutting development for the Wii U in favor of the NX. The last e3 pretty much gave us a clear picture that they mailed in development for it in favor of shifting everything to the NX. Outside of Paper Mario and Zelda everyone was working on the NX imo.
Also if you look at the type of games released on the 3ds since then including the direct.. They are all pretty weak titles outside of maybe a few signature names like Metroid / Pikimin / Mario Maker and so on.. Nothing of real value (excluding any Pokemon titles that come out like clock work)..
My theory was that they dont want to spin down two consoles at the same time making it look like they are abandoning both even tho the titles announced makes it seem that way. Going into Christmas Nintendo literally has nothing and its going to be really bad once they announce the NX unless they are doing pre orders for the console lol...The timing of everything is jacked because they didnt think the Wii U would fall off the table as badly as it did along with the 3ds trending downwards.
Well xmas is where they make all their money so I get Mario Maker 3ds suddenly being announced in time for xmas given they won't have anything new for consoles for first time ever!!!! They had some room.
But they did already have POkemon and Mario Party 3ds for xmas. Quite a few new 3ds games came out this year too that probably will sell alright at xmas. Then the mini-NES is coming and seems like it will sell well. They didn't have nothing overall. PLus they had Amiibos. And NIntendo Selects.
They also said they don't want software shortages on the NX. Yet ...announcements of 3ds games for 2017.
Who is going to care about these 3ds titles in 2017 when the NX is announced? And yeah those titles have a short development cycle given they are spinoffs and not their AAA stuff. Hell they probably were just started this year.
Why are they doing this unless they plan on continuing to market the 3ds for awhile and why would do that unless the NX is going to be expensive.
IF they are truly going down to one platform from 2 then why would they care about making games for the 3ds next year.
I can always see the simple money angle. The 3ds has 60 million install base. Making a Yoshi Woolly World, Mario Sports, Pikmin Zip Lash spin-off is easy money!!!! I guess I can also see the we want to sell 3ds's this xmas and announcing some rather inexpensive games for next year will ease the minds of parents that want might think about a 3ds this xmas for their kid. ..personally though I never really saw why the latter matters. It has enough games in its library that it doesn't matter if gets any new games if you don't own one yet.