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Report: Trump can't book talent for inauguration. Trump Tweet: Nuh uh, your face!!!!

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Looking for meaning in GAF
I want Trump to desperately have his kids form a shitty band in desperation. Then we can watch them pathetically blow into kazoos for five minutes.


The Piano Guys wrote a lengthy explanation as to why they decided to accept the invitation to perform at the Inauguration, in light of all the backlash they've been receiving.

- They love women.
- They love minorities.
- They love and respect people of all religions and faiths.
- They love refugees and immigrants.
- Something about Mother Theresa and the civil rights movement.
- They decided to perform because they want to spread positivity and happiness in a time when the country is so divided.

I've been a fan of these guys since their early YouTube days. When they say that they harbor no prejudices, I do believe them - they've always seemed like a cool bunch. But guys, the quickest way to make people think you're racist is to write a letter about how totally not racist you are. If you have to actually write a letter to your fans outlining all of this shit, you probably fucked up. They seem genuinely surprised that a large chunk of their fans would see this as them supporting Trump and the garbage he spews. Like, come on guys -_-


Looking for meaning in GAF
The Piano Guys wrote a lengthy explanation as to why they decided to accept the invitation to perform at the Inauguration, in light of all the backlash they've been receiving.

- They love women.
- They love minorities.
- They love and respect people of all religions and faiths.
- They love refugees and immigrants.
- Something about Mother Theresa and the civil rights movement.
- They decided to perform because they want to spread positivity and happiness in a time when the country is so divided.

I've been a fan of these guys since their early YouTube days. When they say that they harbor no prejudices, I do believe them - they've always seemed like a cool bunch. However, if you have to actually write a letter to your fans outlining all of this shit, you probably fucked up. They seem genuinely surprised that a large chunk of their fans would see this as them supporting Trump and the garbage he spews. Like, come on guys -_-
I like these guys from their Youtube stuff, but I totally agree.

How can you NOT see that performing at his inauguration looks like anything but approval for Trump and his filth? If you want to spread positivity, perform elsewhere. Anywhere but at Trump's inauguration.

I would respect them far more if they just said, "We saw this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to get an enormous amount of exposure on the international stage, regardless of the political ramifications."

I had no real reason to give them flak for it before, but now I feel like I do.


lmao can't even hold on to the cover band

that's like Shur Fine backing out on you sponsoring your event and the only company you got left is the one that makes these



I've been a fan of these guys since their early YouTube days. When they say that they harbor no prejudices, I do believe them - they've always seemed like a cool bunch. But guys, the quickest way to make people think you're racist is to write a letter about how totally not racist you are. If you have to actually write a letter to your fans outlining all of this shit, you probably fucked up. They seem genuinely surprised that a large chunk of their fans would see this as them supporting Trump and the garbage he spews. Like, come on guys -_-

Well said.


The Springsteen cover band was supposed to play at an inauguration gala in New Jersey (specifically the New Jersey State Society's Inaugural Ball), not the inauguration in DC. This is very clear in the link in this very thread, but still people seem to keep glancing over it.

Seriously, in these times of "fake news" everyone should be more careful and not keep spreading this even though it makes a good headline (or maybe especially because of it).


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
All I want to know is what is Jok Voight even doing there? Literally, what is he going to do?

Hopefully get fed to a giant snake.


The Piano Guys wrote a lengthy explanation as to why they decided to accept the invitation to perform at the Inauguration, in light of all the backlash they've been receiving.

- They love women.
- They love minorities.
- They love and respect people of all religions and faiths.
- They love refugees and immigrants.
- Something about Mother Theresa and the civil rights movement.
- They decided to perform because they want to spread positivity and happiness in a time when the country is so divided.

I've been a fan of these guys since their early YouTube days. When they say that they harbor no prejudices, I do believe them - they've always seemed like a cool bunch. But guys, the quickest way to make people think you're racist is to write a letter about how totally not racist you are. If you have to actually write a letter to your fans outlining all of this shit, you probably fucked up. They seem genuinely surprised that a large chunk of their fans would see this as them supporting Drumpf and the garbage he spews. Like, come on guys -_-

There's a part of me that wishes that some of these performers will decide to give a protest performance like, say, covering "Fight The Power" or making up their own song but I don't have much hope for that to happen given how controlling Trump was on the jokes that could be made about him when he was roasted.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
- They love women.
- They love minorities.
- They love and respect people of all religions and faiths.
- They love refugees and immigrants.
- Something about Mother Theresa and the civil rights movement.
- They decided to perform because they want to spread positivity and happiness in a time when the country is so divided.

So they decide to honor someone who hates all of that. Ok...

- They also love money. Quite a lot.

Just write "Well but we really wanna go, the payment is great and we don't really care that much for our self-respect or your opinion", and I would not think you're just some assholes. Wait I would, but at least you wouldn't be lying assholes.

I mean

To our friends who have felt disturbed by our involvement, we want you to know that this doesn't lessen our gratitude for what you have done for us. Not one bit. We still feel indebted to you. We love you. You give our music wings! We sincerely hope and pray for your understanding.


I like these guys from their Youtube stuff, but I totally agree.

How can you NOT see that performing at his inauguration looks like anything but approval for Trump and his filth? If you want to spread positivity, perform elsewhere. Anywhere but at Trump's inauguration.

Yea, they are off my list permanently.
The thing is that no one actually likes Trump. Even many of the people that voted for him only see him as a tool to get their backwards views enacted or thought Hillary was literally Satan. It must burn him up that deep down everyone really hates him. Hell I question if his band of racists legitimately likes him as a person.
Come on Piano guys, just say you like the paycheck you're getting, I won't judge you on that.

Maybe his supporters can go.

Wonder why Donnie hasn't given tickets away to his loyal supporters deep in the heart of excoal country.

DT giving away tickets to the people he gives zero shits about?
To give free items to poor people?

Bunny pls.


Damn, how many songs does Toby Keith have? he might have to perform his entire catalog to fill time.

Can't say I blame all these people backing out and I encourage more people to leave and turn this into a shitshow of "real america" and "taking the country back". I think most people feel that performing for him is tantamount to endorsing his rhetoric and everything coming down the pipeline.


Wii U launch all over again

Coldest comment in the entire thread.

Someone needs to shop that suburban scalper mom w/the van of WiiUs image to boxes of Trump tickets.

Damn, how many songs does Toby Keith have? he might have to perform his entire catalog to fill time.

Can't say I blame all these people backing out and I encourage more people to leave and turn this into a shitshow of "real america" and "taking the country back". I think most people feel that performing for him is tantamount to endorsing his rhetoric and everything coming down the pipeline.

It pretty much is an endorsement by those who perform. And even if they argue they aren't endorsing, the performers are at the very least condoning his actions.
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