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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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I thin people need to calm down on this for a little bit and let journalists/intelligence agencies do their work. We already have a new bit now where BBC says sources in 2 locations have audio and video evidence.

Let this happen if it happens at all.
All of the contents of the report are based on hearsay and there is no way to validate any of it. The stuff that can be easily validated has been debunked. The entire report reads like a game of telephone where someone compiled all the stuff they heard and typed it up. Someone actually in a position of power within the intelligence agencies would never have made that type of mistake. It is incredibly easy for them to check if X person traveled out of the country and where they went.

Outside the Cohen thing, what else has been debunked?

I mean, I could have typed up this report if I wanted. No need to validate claims. The fact that the report included the Golden Shower thing should indicate how absurd the entire report is.

Outside the Golden Shower thing, what is absurd about this report?


All the usual Neogaf Trumpies coming in to quote that faulty NBC debunk post despite it not being true. Classic.

And then a wave of despair strikes for a few pages until the next snippet moves the wave the other way.

"Donald Trump is DONE YES!"

one hour later


back and forth
Whoever is in charge of Trump and company are either the luckiest people on the planet or they thought about how easy it is to manipulate the news and have been working the long game. We all embraced the "fake" news stuff because of the shit on Clinton but now it seems people can just hand wave stuff away and everyone will say oh there is more fake news.

I'm seriously baffled.

Btw. I'm not saying this report is true


Not only will this leave the media with a black eye, it will give Trump an excuse to gut our intelligence apparatus if they get this wrong.
Get what wrong? What's with you guys saying the media messed up by reporting on an unverified report, making clear that the unverified report was indeed unverified and that there was good reason to doubt it? If you took it at face value, and it turned out to be 100% made up, that is your mistake. "The media" accurately reported this. If you jump to the conclusion that everything in the document is true, that's your own damn fault.

There is a serious problem with media literacy. Maybe reading comprehension. Whatever it is, a whole lot of what "the media" does wrong is not the media's fault. It is the consumer's.

People don't want to learn how to be media savvy. They don't consider their own mistakes and never want to take responsibility for their own bias and assumptions. It's always on "the media," as if they are forcing you to believe everything they share is true.

Read this.


"Unvetted disinformation" doesn't really make sense.

In order for it to be identified as "disinformation", doesn't it need to be vetted?
I wanted to get excited and wishing some if not all of these are true but.... buzzfeed. I'm just gonna hang back outside while the shit show unfolds.


Also I don't think this report will be debunked or verified for quite a bit. Might take some months. Now that all of this is out. Dems, Your McCains and Graham's are definitely going to be looking into this. Not to mention journalists.

The story of this isn't going away and it's always going to be referenced and Trump and Russia, and any move Trump makes that looks very pro Russia or any comment for that fact. Will be tied to people thinking he's a stooge.


Maybe, but the fact there was a Michael Cohen with the same birth year there at the time in question lends credibility to the allegations in my opinion.

How in the hell does that add credibility? I want this to be true as much as the next person but this is basically saying that some of this report is false and if some of it is false it brings into question the whole report.
I thin people need to calm down on this for a little bit and let journalists/intelligence agencies do their work. We already have a new bit now where BBC says sources in 2 locations have audio and video evidence.

Let this happen if it happens at all.

Wait they have a sex tape of Trump? Knowing the Russians they'd toss him a bunch of underage girls too.

Coming to a pornhub near you, the first presidential sex tape.
"Unvetted disinformation" doesn't really make sense.

In order for it to be identified as "disinformation", doesn't it need to be vetted?

It was vetted by intelligence agencies and deemed plausible enough to show to the POTUS and PEOTUS (supposedly he didn't see it).

I think that's the BIG important thing to remember: While this is still unverified to us and news, the intelligence agencies vetted it enough to deem it worth of bring forward.


I wanted to get excited and wishing some if not all of these are true but.... buzzfeed. I'm just gonna hang back outside while the shit show unfolds.

Buzzfeed didn't procure it in a vacuum. The document has been doing the rounds. No one else chose to leak it though given there wasn't enough proof to put their site on the line. Buzzfeed decided to. Time will show how Buzzfeed come out of this. Either heroes, or potentially sued into non-existence.


LOL your point can stand on its own without your lustful desire to compare it to pizzagate. Pizzagate is on a different planet of absurdity compared to what's developing now.

i mean theyre both absolutely ridiculous and absurd. ill give you that demonic sex ring is more absurd but trump being a russian double agent is pretty crazy too?

The fact that you quoted me without the context of the reply implies that's what I was saying. Not to mention almost all your posts have been going on about 'confirmed' this and 'confirmed' this and comparing this to pizzagate when no one is saying that anything has been confirmed. You know what you're doing.

so even my posts are a conspiracy. what am I "doing"? are you sure im not just speaking, and that my words are exactly what they are at face value? I assure you, I have no overarching plan or strategy, nor a goal to accomplish. and youre damn right im smh @ people for making the same fucking mistake pizzagaters made. I wonder if as pizzagate was happening, how many of those people were saying the same exact things some of you guys are saying. "this hasn't been debunked", "just because it hasnt been verified doesnt mean its not true."

I think some of you guys really WANT this to be true

Right, and all BuzzFeed did was say "here's the report you've been reading about in the news".

Other people rain with the claim of it being real


disclaimer: I hate trump too, just FYI before people start pegging me as an undercover republican or something


How in the hell does that add credibility? I want this to be true as much as the next person but this is basically saying that some of this report is false and if some of it is false it brings into question the whole report.

But the report itself says that was the least verifiable piece of info in the report.

So we have a report from a credible source and the one thing it says is shaky turns out to be the same name and birthday in the city. To me that makes the report more credible not less.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Also I don't think this report will be debunked or verified for quite a bit. Might take some months. Now that all of this is out. Dems, Your McCains and Graham's are definitely going to be looking into this. Not to mention journalists.

The story of this isn't going away and it's always going to be referenced and Trump and Russia, and any move Trump makes that looks very pro Russia or any comment for that fact. Will be tied to people thinking he's a stooge.



It's not that it's true or false, it's that it's impossible to verify.

Many reporters were approached with this story and many refused to run it.

There's a reason it's on Buzzfeed

It was reported on by Mother Jones.

From what I've seen reporters were approached with the rumor of a #GoldenGate video but it was impossible to verify a Russian owned kompromat video.


I thought they said that the FSB has it (Russian Government). It ain't leaking.

The question may be what proof is there they have it? On one hand many want to say Russia lie, but on the other let's believe Russia has some "blackmail worthy" evidence to use against Trump? We need proof to get things to stick otherwise it's games of "I believe...".
Also I don't think this report will be debunked or verified for quite a bit. Might take some months. Now that all of this is out. Dems, Your McCains and Graham's are definitely going to be looking into this. Not to mention journalists.

The story of this isn't going away and it's always going to be referenced and Trump and Russia, and any move Trump makes that looks very pro Russia or any comment for that fact. Will be tied to people thinking he's a stooge.

I bet Trump is still stupid enough to blow Putin even considering all this.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
i mean theyre both absolutely ridiculous and absurd. ill give you that demonic sex ring is more absurd but trump being a russian double agent is pretty crazy too?


You realize that demons aren't a real thing right? Especially when compared to a patsy who has done most of his bumbling nefarious exposure to blackmail in obvious and public ways.

I have no idea if the report is true but I know that demons aren't a thing in real life.


The fact that the only thing so far proven inaccurate in the report is the Michael Cohen bit, and ONLY because they were able to find a completely different Michael Cohen born the same year visiting in Prague at the alleged time...kinda goes to show how much work was put into compiling this report.

Might be wrong, but still...impressive.
Yeah I don't understand. "Disinformation" has a pretty clear definition.

I think it's probably just a misclassification of their part

How in the hell does that add credibility? I want this to be true as much as the next person but this is basically saying that some of this report is false and if some of it is false it brings into question the whole report.

I think what he's saying there is the fact that a Micheal Cohen was in Prague leads credence to the overall report, because it shows that 1) there was a person of that name in Prague at the time the report says, and 2) while not the right person, the report calls into question this piece of information as less confidence based as the others, so a case of a mistaken identity isn't a total deconfirmation of the report as a whole.

Of course, though, that's more complex than most readers and watchers will understand. They'll just see 'fake news' as it'll be parroted over and over and latch on to that.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
It was reported on by Mother Jones.

From what I've seen reporters were approached with the #GoldenGate video but it was impossible to verify a Russian owned kompromat video.
Every outlet from the New York Times down tried to substantiate any of the claims in the report and were unable to.

That's why most of the reporting going on today is mentioning the report itself without discussing the allegations made inside of it.

It was irresponsible of Buzzfeed to put this out - and people should stop getting excited until there is clear evidence that corroborates this.

The fact that the only thing so far proven inaccurate in the report is the Michael Cohen bit, and ONLY because they were able to find a completely different Michael Cohen born the same year visiting in Prague at the alleged time...kinda goes to show how much work was put into compiling this report.

Might be wrong, but still...impressive.

The onus is on the accuser to prove guilt and not the accused to prove innocence.


You realize that demons aren't a real thing right? Especially when compared to a payday who has done most of goods bumbling nefarious exposure to blackmail in obvious and public ways.

I have no idea if the report is true but I know that demons aren't a thing in real life.

well demons dont have to be real for people to believe in them and do demonic things. just because a crazy story is set in a realistic setting doesnt make it true. if this is just turning into an argument about whether or not pizzagate is more absurd than trumpgate, I think we can stop it here. yes, its obviously MORE absurd.


That's a good point. The segment on MSNBC didn't mention anything about why the report was given to Obama (has that even been confirmed?).

No they didn't speak on the sources. They simply said they classified it as "unvetted disinformation" when they put together the presentation.

Hoping NBCNews puts together a full article online of their findings. They basically just did a 1 minute segment live on MSNBC about it, so it's not too much to go on. But it seemed like the intelligence agencies were dismissing it. But we'll see.

Well this is what the CNN report says :
Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.

and I saw a clip of Obama during an interview with NBC News yesterday where he did not confirm or deny being briefed on this because it's classified. Trying to find this just to make sure I didn't just imagine it and this was the subject he was being asked about so please don't take it as fact!

MSNBC did say intelligence and law enforcement officials can not find a direct or conclusive link between Trump and Russia. That doesn't mean they aren't still investigating this or trying to verify the documents but that's what one senior official has said so far.


Honestly, I would love for all this to be true, but I'm still remaining skeptical since I've been fooled too many times before in the past with stories like this.

For me though, the biggest story right now is the president elect publicly comparing claims made about him to Nazi persecution. That's a pretty fucked up thing in it's own right and deserving of current media attentions.


Honestly, I would love for all this to be true, but I'm still remaining skeptical since I've been fooled too many times before in the past with stories like this.

For me though, the biggest story right now is the president elect publicly comparing claims made about him to Nazi persecution. That's a pretty fucked up thing in it's own right and deserving of current media attentions.

Well yeah, that sort of tweet would be enough to have politicians step down in other countries. This is Trump on Twitter though, equally comical, sad and empowering for his base.


I love how the second one small part of it is proven a mistake a mass of people decent screaming debunked.

We got a long way to go folks.
Without hard evidence this wont change a damn thing

Even if some stuff in the report is false that doesn't mean other parts shouldnt continue to be investigated.

Trumps response seems telling but yeah, see the first line of this post.
The question may be what proof is there they have it? On one hand many want to say Russia lie, but on the other let's believe Russia has some "blackmail worthy" evidence to use against Trump? We need proof to get things to stick otherwise it's games of "I believe...".

Well, that's the pickle, isn't it?

Didn't the BBC also say there was video and audio from different sources?

The claim, through a CIA intermediary, was that multiple audio and video sources exist and that they are in the possession of the Russian Government.
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