Funnily enough, on a side note, there is someone in the UK, who was born with exactly the same name as me (its a rare name), in exactly the same hospital, on exactly the same day, except 4 years earlier.
Media is going to hammer him on these questions unless he pulls some sort of act.
The peeing thing is crazy, but the fact that Trump has been increasingly soft on rhetoric on Russia, praising of Putin, talked dismissively about NATO, has been said to have interests in Russia from his own family, has lied about meeting Putin, nominated a very well known friend of the Kremlin as Secretary of State, has expressed distaste in the new sanctions Obama put on Russia after the hacking information circulate, and absolutely refuses to even acknowledge any kind of Russia influence within the election and actually references the fact that Russia denies as some type of confirmation?
Yeah, I don't think it's crazy at all that Trump is in bed with Russia. "Double Agent" is a loaded term, but looking at all of that, can you really say Trump having a deep connection to Russia is that 'crazy' of a claim?
How come the US let itself be played so overwhelmingly by Putin?
I agree. The more serious accusations involve money and communications between parties, which should be easier to verify. In an ideal scenario, this document never reaches the public and a few months down the road we only ever hear about the items (if any) that the intelligence community is actually able to verify. Otherwise, it will end up doing more harm than good if none of the information is ever confirmed.
The Cohen thing is the easiest to debunk, because it takes a government agency minutes to check the customs data. It is the only concrete claim in the report that can be validated and if one was going to put in in their report you would think they would have spent the time to validate it.
Instead, they just typed everything up and sent it around. If the easiest thing to validate is false and the rest is hearsay it calls into question the rest of the report as the party compiling it did not do the required work to verfiy.
So...outside the Cohen thing, what else has been debunked? You didn't really answer my question. I'm not aware of anything else that's been debunked as of now.
But it isn't 100% false
It just suggests that the one informant to the informant was not 100% reliable
However it *also* suggests the report was not written by a guy on his laptop as a wish fulfillment exercise. Otherwise why say it was a different cohen.
Putin's state TV spotted at Trump's press conference.
A+ trolling.
Was R. kelly in anyway involved in these? How bout Ja Rule??
Confirmation bias in a nutshell...Searching for confirmation to your biases is a human thing, a very common thing. There's nothing particularly noteworthy about it. When that search for bias leads to demonic sex rings or lizard people or whatever, then yeah it's noteworthy and even people with common flaws can mock it.
Now Trump being a double agent? Of course not, that's fantasy land. Now, a leader in power because of foreign influence and being explicitly guided by that influence? There's nothing absurd about it at all. US and Russia have done this for decades.
New thread for the conference?
Funnily enough, on a side note, there is someone in the UK, who was born with exactly the same name as me (its a rare name), in exactly the same hospital, on exactly the same day, except 4 years earlier.
My point isn't that they should have released it. My point is that they had every existential reason to do whatever it took to verify the information - any of it - in order to punch some holes in Trump's boat, and yet the end result was that they apparently couldn't.
The report should be called into question because there is no way short of a video of Trump watching prostitutes pee on a bed to verify most of it.
Here is what the New York Times thinks:
I think it's probably just a misclassification of their part
I think what he's saying there is the fact that a Micheal Cohen was in Prague leads credence to the overall report, because it shows that 1) there was a person of that name in Prague at the time the report says, and 2) while not the right person, the report calls into question this piece of information as less confidence based as the others, so a case of a mistaken identity isn't a total deconfirmation of the report as a whole.
Of course, though, that's more complex than most readers and watchers will understand. They'll just see 'fake news' as it'll be parroted over and over and latch on to that.
It would make sense (in a clumsy way) if she's talking about something like stovepiping gone wrong.
I have no doubts about Trump being unfit to lead, a compulsive liar and a venal, corrupt ding dong that will set America back for decades, but allegations of corruption require the utmost transparency and an abundance of evidence, which so far are sorely lacking. Otherwise it can easily turn against you.
The ethics at play here are not that different from the ones behind the completely manufactured Podesta e-mails scandal. CNN fucked up by reporting it the way it did and although some outlets are being upfront about the unconfirmed nature of the report, its careless dissemination is helping to create a narrative. Worse, even, it may permanently damage investigative journalism (so rare and precious as it is right now) and cover Trump in political Teflon. Nothing may stick to him from now on.
The folks at RT are probably amused to no end. This is the way Putin wins.
The peeing thing is crazy, but the fact that Trump has been increasingly soft on rhetoric on Russia, praising of Putin, talked dismissively about NATO, has been said to have interests in Russia from his own family, has lied about meeting Putin, nominated a very well known friend of the Kremlin as Secretary of State, has expressed distaste in the new sanctions Obama put on Russia after the hacking information circulate, and absolutely refuses to even acknowledge any kind of Russia influence within the election and actually references the fact that Russia denies as some type of confirmation?
Yeah, I don't think it's crazy at all that Trump is in bed with Russia. "Double Agent" is a loaded term, but looking at all of that, can you really say Trump having a deep connection to Russia is that 'crazy' of a claim?
Putin's state TV spotted at Trump's press conference.
A+ trolling.
I would not be surprised to find out Trump has some sort of relationship with Russia. I absolutely would think its crazy if it turns out this report is true. Either way to claim this is in the realm of possibility merely from his campaign rhetoric (as abundant as it was) is still not 100% logical or reasonable. Theyre crazy claims. It would be the biggest political scandal in American history.
But they have no problem reporting on it once it's leaked.
I get it, it's news and should be reported on and before it was news it wasn't verified, but it's still funny how quickly outlets who passed on this will jump on it with (unverified) tags now that it's out.
He's there to remind Trump that they got him by the balls.
Ala the Godfather 2
It's really a shame how Trump has turned the country against the media.
I've been trying to parse this Nazi Germany tweet for a while now. Does he think a free press and less than totalitarian control by the government are things associated with Nazi Germany?
I'm honestly confused about what aspect of this scenario he is trying to relate to that regime. It's perplexing.
It's really a shame how Trump has turned the country against the media.
It's really a shame how Trump has turned the country against the media.
It's really a shame how Trump has turned the country against the media.
Guys no matter the result of this story it isn't fake news.
It's a good thing I referenced many other things besides his campaign rhetoric, including physical actions he's taken, like nominating a very well known friend of the Kremlin for the highest foreign policy position in the government.
Verifying information of that kind would have required state-like intelligence services, and even the American intelligence community may have a hard time doing so. We are talking about confirming circumstances abroad and several months (if not years) after the fact.
This is also why careless divulgation of the report may play in Trump's favor. Bad journalism usually paves the way of crooks.
It's really a shame how Trump has turned the country against the media.
There are other tangible things like the fact that Trump's team forced a change to the RNC platform on Ukaine and didn't care about much else. (This was widely reported at the time and was mentioned as being a strange move.)
Also, one of Trump's main advisers has many documented years of working with Russian government and oligarchs. Even after Manafort had to leave in an official capacity when these links were brought forward, he still continued living in Trump tower.
It's really a shame how Trump has turned the country against the media.
Puttie, is that you?
But it is completely unsubstantiated.
Right now we have hear say, and nothing else.
"But they are investigating, they don't do that for nothing"...
But they did that for emails also...
Sadly this should not have "leaked" before there was something more solid, because this will only give him more fuel.
My point isn't that they should have released it. My point is that they had every existential reason to do whatever it took to verify the information - any of it - in order to punch some holes in Trump's boat, and yet the end result was that they apparently couldn't.
At that point they're as much reporting that Buzzfeed leaked it as the document itself. You can't not report on this now that the cat is out of the bag. However it's why Buzzfeed has flipped a coin and called their decision, and are now waiting on that coin landing. It's best out of 1 flip, not 3, so Buzzfeed be praying.
Trump wants to have a good relationship with Russia, thats hardly evidence that hes a double agent. Youre making a huge leap without realizing it because you hate trump. We all do. Take a breath.
It's really a shame how Trump has turned the country against the media.