So, catching up on my news reading for today, came across this:
Politico: Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
This is a very long article. I'll be quoting parts of this story.
So all this eventually led to the eventual
NYT article exposing Manafort's cash ties and the Pro-Russian connection and this led to Manafort's quick
resignation, allegedly not working with the campaign anymore. Instead, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway became the campaign heads.
Back to Politico's story:
True enough, Manafort and Corey Lewandowski were
both seen in Trump Tower soon after Trump won the presidency.
Back to Politico:
We all remember this happening. It was a big thing that was quickly forgotten.
And a final bit from the Politico article:
As we search for evidence to verify that Trump, his campaign and the Kremlin were in contact during the campaign, stuff like this, with content impacted by material in the dossier are out here sitting in the open, as clear , potentially serious evidence that Trump has been working with Russia all along. Manafort is one big part of this puzzle it seems, to re-quote Politico:
Dig harder, IC and press. We gotta nail these guys.