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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I guess PC era left and made their own forum? Anyone know the name of the forum?
A Few of them get it.....but they have not joined the dots yet.

Takes a couple of bans before they start to realise the place they are in now

God Enel

In two years they have not created any of thier own memes, it's still frozen in time at italianmeal.jpg, character posters like Lionel Mandrake and Sunhi Legend don't post.
They kill off any topic that looks like it's going to grow into something fun by locking it "Let's not do this" and that is the primordial ooze that the memes are evolved from.

The only fun there is, is to laugh AT them from the outside in topics like this.

Where are both of them? @sunhi and Lionel? Can’t they come Back? Are they banned?


you can't put a price on sparks
And they closed the thread relating to resetera traffic. Of course, they did. Don't want to draw negative attention. "gaf is pretty dead now and insufferable." said one ignorant poster. Join up guys. You can actually have a discussion on a discussion forum. Novel idea huh?

first rule of resetera is don't talk about resetera on resetera
Going by what's taking place over there lately, it seems like it's headed to where finding a woman attractive is now sexist, and physical attraction should totally be eliminated for any reason.

Kill the sex instinct, or, if it could not be killed, then to distort it and dirty it.
Unlike Winston, she had grasped the inner meaning of the Party's sexual puritanism. It was not merely that the sex instinct created a world of its own which was outside the Party's control and which therefore had to be destroyed if possible. What was more important was that sexual privation induced hysteria, which was desirable because it could be transformed into war-fever and leader-worship.
The way she put it was: "When you make love you're using up energy; and afterwards you feel happy and don't give a damn for anything. They can't bear you to feel like that. They want you to be bursting with energy all the time. All this marching up and down and cheering and waving flags is simply sex gone sour. If you're happy inside yourself, why should you get excited about Big Brother and the Three-Year Plans and the Two Minutes Hate and all the rest of their bloody rot?"

Orwell predicted incels / male feminists seventy years ago. :goog_rofl:


The Tribe Has Spoken
And they closed the thread relating to resetera traffic. Of course, they did. Don't want to draw negative attention. "gaf is pretty dead now and insufferable." said one ignorant poster. Join up guys. You can actually have a discussion on a discussion forum. Novel idea huh?
They can keep chirping it like parrots, but GAF is very far from dead. Activity keeps rising. In fact, it’s getting a little too fast for my liking. All these new names and shit.



Gold Member
Going by what's taking place over there lately, it seems like it's headed to where finding a woman attractive is now sexist, and physical attraction should totally be eliminated for any reason.

2020 - Video game forum Resetera bans being attracted to a member of the opposite sex.
2021 - Video game forum Resetera bans the concept of any type of gender.
2022 - Video game forum Resetera begins crowd funding from their remaining members to buy their own island.
2025 - Video game forum Resetera forms their own safe space island nation where the members live out lives as androgynous nobodies.
2050 - Video game forum Resetera, fed up with normal people on planet Earth, launches their island nation into space. Never to be seen again.
2100s - Video game forum Resetera's ship lands on a planet near a null space pocket and they colonize.
2160s - Video game forum Resetera speciates and they begin to call themselves the J'naii
2368 - A J'naii named Soren meets Commander William T. Riker of the USS Enterprise and wants to fuck.


Gold Member

You know it's bad when the founder bails.
lol nothing says longevity like the site owner stepping down after 2 years. No offense aimed at EviLore EviLore et al but isn't stepping back in this manner what opened the window for the subversion of GAF pre-2017 blowup?

Kagey K

“Cutting edge platform with exclusive features.” is my favorite line in that post. What a crock of shit.

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Lil’ Gobbie
A Few of them get it.....but they have not joined the dots yet.

Takes a couple of bans before they start to realise the place they are in now

Yeah, reading that thread is evident that there are still a lot of good folks over there, who are lost and disillusioned about how things turned out on that site. I think a lot of them will come back if we continue to set a good example, as most people could give a shit less about evilores personal drama and just want a quality discussion board with fair moderation.



B-Dubs again. I'm calling bullshit on this, because we've all seen or in some cases received bans within fucking minutes of a post. "Extensive discussion"my fucking ass, quit abusing your positions to lie you your users you fucking tools. This is the same forum that takes over a damn week to make "Official statements" but bans within minutes.

Fucking B-Dubs is one of the worst mods on that forum, so the perfect choice to run it!

So Cerium is going to be sitting on his ass collecting a paycheck while the bulk of the staff continues to not get paid at all, something that may or may not exclude B-Dubs as we don't know if what he's doing is considered "specialized work" (which I assume is more related to forum software than the actual community part of the site).

This seems like a very bad idea in the long run.


This sounds like a replacement for SweetNicole. He'll still be the owner, but someone else is put front and center to take the heat for the clusterfuck over there.

Exactly, Cerium is afraid of the alphabet army he's created turning on him and is getting too close to being cancelled. Lets put a fall guy in his place instead while he sits back and makes those sweet sweet outrage bucks.

Shits about to get real as B-Dubs is going to want to put his own stamp on that forum and we've ALL had jobs where they bring in new management so you know how well that's going to work out.
I love the way "logistics" is used to make "getting paid" sound more fancy. It reminds me of the time I worked in retail when we were supposed to tell a customer "this is more economical" when we really meant "this is cheap shit that you're not gonna complain about the price of". It's a legit psychological strategy when talking to people outside the profession as a means to play it up and give off the impression you know what you're talking about.
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you can't put a price on sparks

So Cerium is going to be sitting on his ass collecting a paycheck while the bulk of the staff continues to not get paid at all, something that may or may not exclude B-Dubs as we don't know if what he's doing is considered "specialized work" (which I assume is more related to forum software than the actual community part of the site).

This seems like a very bad idea in the long run.

Isnt that the dream of any business owner? To do nothing and collect a paycheck?

I don’t blame him for wanting to do that, really.

Also it’s not like he has a visually heavy hand in any particular policymaking there so it is a neutral on whether or not it is a good idea he is taking a step back from his already recessed position. If he was more involved it could be even worse.

The comparison between him and Evilore is simply that Evilore is and has been historically active in the community other than a couple years in the 10+ year history so you know what to expect. Resetera has 2 years under its belt and still pats itself on the back for existing.
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Isnt that the dream of any business owner? To do nothing and collect a paycheck?

I don’t blame him for wanting to do that, really.

Also it’s not like he has a visually heavy hand in any particular policymaking there so it is a neutral on whether or not it is a good idea he is taking a step back from his already recessed position. If he was more involved it could be even worse.

The comparison between him and Evilore is simply that Evilore is and has been historically active in the community other than a couple years in the 10+ year history so you know what to expect. Resetera has 2 years under its belt and still pats itself on the back for existing.

It seems like a bad idea because people are going to go to him when it all blows up after the "fall guy" that is B-dubs (or whoever follows) gets eaten and chewed out. It won't end with the most visible figure being taken down. The boss is always more important and they'll be hounded with "fix this shit" regardless of how involved they end up being.

What he SHOULD have done was say he's stepping down entirely without actually doing so. Let people think B-Dubs is totally in charge while assigning a pseudonym to the LLC so you can still get paid.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Oh my god... B-Dubs in charge of the site now? Talk about accelerating its demise. Hilarious how Cerium is just checking out completely while he probably pays this guy a shameful wage to manage the asylum.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Isnt that the dream of any business owner? To do nothing and collect a paycheck?

I don’t blame him for wanting to do that, really.

Also it’s not like he has a visually heavy hand in any particular policymaking there so it is a neutral on whether or not it is a good idea he is taking a step back from his already recessed position. If he was more involved it could be even worse.

The comparison between him and Evilore is simply that Evilore is and has been historically active in the community other than a couple years in the 10+ year history so you know what to expect. Resetera has 2 years under its belt and still pats itself on the back for existing.

Been running GAF for about 20 years now. It's been an interesting experience. :messenger_hushed: :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I have a question for you. What do you think would have happened if you just took a back seat and let the admins and mods take control?

Because Ceriums about to find out. :messenger_winking:

He doesn't strike me as much of a leader anyway, so it's hard to say what kind of impact this will have. But I've never seen a business succeed for very long with staff turnover as astronomical as it is at Reset.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
He doesn't strike me as much of a leader anyway, so it's hard to say what kind of impact this will have. But I've never seen a business succeed for very long with staff turnover as astronomical as it is at Reset.

Assuming he really isn't stepping aside from determining the direction and policy, there are now like... 3 mods/admins left from the start of the site just a couple of years ago? I think one of them is Hecht of all people... What a shit show.


Anyway, back to the Contrapoints video.


I seem to screencap this bellend a lot. Seems he does not know the difference between a livestream and prerecorded video. This video according to them IS the non appology so how the fuck can call them out in the video without a damn time machine??


"Identifying info" seems to be blacked out here for the whole ten minutes, and she's making the observation that the vast majority of them have anime girl trans flag avatars.


Gold Member
So Cerium will be doing even less than before. The guy barely shows up already.

So now he'll go golfing all day, post even less, and let all the mods do everything.

And the mods seem to love it? lol


Nothing against GAF or pro-Resetera, but comments about traffic trends for both sites seems overly exaggerated. If anything, they're more or less stable for at least 6 months, with Era performing slightly worse:

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Thank you for posting. This pattern has echoed across the internet. I've seen similar results on GameFAQs, Gamespot boards, N4G, countless subreddits no matter the topic, and of course on Twitter and Facebook.

It's almost as if the infiltration into nerd hobbies (gaming, comics) and the out-of-character eradication of Gamergate (even on places like 4chan) was a vanguard effort for a political ideology... It's almost as if some folks have been pointing this out for years (usually shouted down shortly thereafter).

I do agree ERA is following in those same footsteps, including an eventual switch to certain threads, certain boards, or even the entire ResetERA forum going "member viewable only" like it did on accident (wink) a few months ago. They cannot tolerate dissent. They cannot tolerate outside voices, not even inquisitive ones. They cannot tolerate a light being shone on their mistakes or hypocrisy.

Your observation of it all being due to "unfiltered narcissism" is entirely correct. The internet has given rise to it and society will suffer the impact for years to come. The ability to throw out a sentence or two and have millions of people hang on your words is unprecedented for most humans throughout most of history. Before it was only kings and religious leaders. Now it's whoever gains enough notoriety on Twitter. There's gotta be some psychological damage (bordering on brain-damage) going on here.

I think one of the critical points to take away from all of this is how easy it is to manipulate people if you just take advantage of their desire to be a good person.

Most people probably want to be good people. There are certain things that you do that I think most of us can probably agree makes you a "good person" in some capacity.

But what happens if someone shows up and tells you that if you don't do this or if you don't stop saying this you're not a good person anymore?

Words like racism, sexism, and transphobia for example are things we generally file away under the "bad person" label. If someone calls you these things you'll naturally feel bad because they are telling you that you are not a good person anymore.

The problem is that these people are able to convince others that they are bad people, but don't worry, they have the cure! Just do whatever they tell you without question (because only bigots and transphobes question things) and you'll be back on track to being a good person.

They manage to convince others that they're bad, which leads to the downward spiral as the accused, desperate to regain their title (that they never actually lost) continue to give in to every demand, desire and whim in order to appease those they now consider accurate judges of their character. In the end, as we've seen with both Resetera and SomethingAwful that it's never enough.

The demands only increase in volume and intensity. The ultimate fate it seems is to be devoured by those you try to appease for their hunger seems endless.

It's possible that Lowtax might have been able to avert this issue entirely if he didn't give in. Perhaps instead of giving certain members special privileges and protections based on oppression status he instead treated everyone the same like how forums used to things might be different, but that's just my speculation.

It has always been my belief that on a forum the only thing that matters is how you conduct yourself. What you are shouldn't matter in the slightest. You shouldn't be given special privileges for something that has no bearing on your conduct online. What we're seeing here is what happens when you throw that idea away, and allow people to do whatever they want as long as they have the required set of characteristics.
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