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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Frankly, if I got banned from a site for something as innocuous as "There's nothing racist about Joe Rogan" when it's a true statement, that website would be dead to me. I'd never ever want to go back there. Can't see how anyone would.

There’s a melancholic, subtle beauty in the finesse required to rail against their stupid beliefs whilst avoiding the ban hammer.

It’s almost a completely new art form.

(But mostly, their wrestling thread is more active...can we get some more people up in WrassleGaf?)


it's this idea that racism is a trait, like an RPG skill or something. people aren't just living in an unjust and biased society, dealing with all kinds of inter-personal conflicts, occasionally tensions will flare up and people will do bad behaviors. no. there are good people and there are bad people. some people are just racist the day they are born. some people just aren't. the people who think they are not racist tend to be racists, though they remain oblivious to this. someone like Excelsior will talk down to actual disenfranchised minorities or who live in the actual country affected all day long, dismissing their cares, insulting them, and diminishing their willingness to engage in political. they are actively making the discussion hostile for minorities and the disenfranchised. they are actively making it hostile for everyone present. they are actively making thing worse with this flexing. they do not realize this.

not only is it making it worse for the minorities being shouted over, it is making it worse because it provides the right an actual living and breathing authentic example of lefist extremism. most US leftists are normal people, they are practical, they have lived with the reality of corporate US leftism for decades. it is these raving lunatics that gives the entire thing a bad name. finally, it also turns off allies, it disengages the other potential white knights in the club, reducing the population of the overall "good guy" group. it must continuously be culled, so that the remaining members retain the most clout, by looking at the allies and sussing out the hidden racists and alt right members. you have to be paranoid to actually think like this. it is in truth quite anti social.

so you end up with a Canadian man who identifies as a woman, spending all day screaming "Shut the fuck up" to minority progressive American voters for having the gall to exercise their democratic rights. and she's the woke one. she's the right one.

it's utter insanity.
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Black women as a whole aren't gorillas Nepenthe, but you sure qualify as one on multiple levels. Should make a gorilla your fursona.


that was a racist thing to say. it was a shitty joke that trafficked in an old racist stereotype. so what? has he said anything similar since then? no. does he keep black people off his show? no. has he had on more white supremacists than CNN? no. he shouldn't have said it, and he hasn't since, apparently. that is called learning.

any pattern of this jokey racism? ive listened to hours and hours and have yet to hear anything like this. he doesn't repeat this joke ever. he doesn't refer to it. he doesn't say similar jokes. maybe if he had a pattern of being racist then these people would have a point. but they don't. one comment doesn't make you eternally damned.

keep in mind right now Ree is patting themselves on the back for finding the blackface in Tropic Thunder to be brilliant satire. again, all these people love James Gunn, who was making jokes about fucking kids the same year. now he is making Disney movies.
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that was a racist thing to say. it was a shitty joke that trafficked in an old racist stereotype. so what? has he said anything similar since then? no. does he keep black people off his show? no. has he had on more white supremacists than CNN? no. he shouldn't have said it, and he hasn't since, apparently. that is called learning.

any pattern of this jokey racism? ive listened to hours and hours and have yet to hear anything like this. he doesn't repeat this joke ever. he doesn't refer to it. he doesn't say similar jokes. maybe if he had a pattern of being racist then these people would have a point. but they don't. one comment doesn't make you eternally damned.

keep in mind right now Ree is patting themselves on the back for finding the blackface in Tropic Thunder to be brilliant satire. again, all these people love James Gunn, who was making jokes about fucking kids the same year. now he is making Disney movies.

Learning/changing with the times/etc is not an acceptable answer over there. If it was, they would have far less places to put their impotent rage.

They always lock Joe Rogan threads, so why not that one?
At least be consistent.

Just gathering material for the people they need to futureban I guess.


So because of that one interview he is evil.
But you’re completely fine associating with people who dox and wish death on others because of their skin colour / sex?

Well I was saying is one example of him letting many far right wingers on his show.

And huh? Where did I said I was okay with doing that? Especially just because of their race/sex? Era i imagine is the last place something like that would happen.

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Dig in!

Thread reopened.

Reminder that Joe Rogan has said indefensible, bigoted things and that while you can discuss the merits of the endorsement (keep disagreements civil) and what it means for Bernie Sanders' campaign, defending Rogan's bigotry in itself remains against our rules.
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Neighbours from Hell
You can say racist things and not be racist. Racism is a deep seeded belief that a race is inferior, shouldn’t have the same rights or freedoms, and hatred toward that race. You can have no issues with any race and still make jokes about said race. The problem is people keep moving the goal posts. They want everything to be racist so they can justify their victimhood complexes.

Take random person A. They hang around other races, are friends with other races, date other races, but make a joke about another race. Does that make them racist? I’m sorry but racists don’t befriend other races or date them or hang around with them and if you think they do, you haven’t been around actual fucking racists. If these people have gotten to a place where they think everything is racist. I couldn’t imagine the culture shock to their system being around some of the people I grew up with in my old neighborhood, holy shit man.

And I love how people use the argument that “Joe is bad for having people with nasty beliefs on his show!” But he’s not good for having good people on his shows? It’s funny how that only counts when you wanna use it as a negative. They just ignore it when he has mainly good people with great ideas on his show.
ofc that thread is moderated by someone with a Rian Johnson sipping from a mug avatar

Seems like this would be a great jumping off spot to remind the REEE users that B-Dubs has used Nigga a LOT in the past. Their great white new Owner/Admin!

Reminder that B-Dubs has said indefensible, bigoted things and that while you can discuss the merits of his position (keep disagreements civil) and what it means for ResetEra in the future, defending B-dubs's bigotry in itself remains against our rules.
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Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
One of the ironies I quietly enjoy is that as a Brit, and as someone who doesn't spend 36 hours a day on the internet, I wouldn't know who half of these apparent shitlords (Milo, Joe etc) were if it wasn't for all the airtime they get on Reset/Gaf.

I joined here in 2014 when, by general consensus, this was a super left leaning forum - and I never witnessed the level of self defeating 'eat your children' mentality Reset is currently running on.



Seems like this would be a great jumping off spot to remind the REEE users that B-Dubs has used Nigga a LOT in the past. Their great white new Owner/Admin!

Reminder that B-Dubs has said indefensible, bigoted things and that while you can discuss the merits of his position (keep disagreements civil) and what it means for ResetEra in the future, defending B-dubs's bigotry in itself remains against our rules.

lol some of those clips are him saying "Saying the word n---" as in Joe is telling a story about someone else saying the word. Joe is probably telling a story here about why someone saying it was a bad thing to do lol. the kind of shit people pull when they try and make these gotchya videos.
lol some of those clips are him saying "Saying the word n---" as in Joe is telling a story about someone else saying the word. Joe is probably telling a story here about why someone saying it was a bad thing to do lol. the kind of shit people pull when they try and make these gotchya videos.

Always, it's the GOTCHA! "journalism" that everyone 'loves' these days. It's bullshit. BUT it get clicks AND it incites the people who are already predisposed to hating on him, so of course they keep doing it.

Honestly, looking at that page full of 'indefensible, bigoted' things he supposedly did.. it makes me like him more than I did before. He seems honest, flawed, but honest. I'd prefer that over someone being performatively woke any day.


it's just how you fight racism. by cutting together a clip of someone saying the n word and tweeting it 100 times in a single day. it's important to have as many people hear the n word as possible. when you are fighting racism.
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Kirblar is still going strong on his bender from this morning. I don't know how he can handle so much alcohol.
They make it sound as if voting in Trump is equivalent to unlocking the door to the armed stranger trying to burglarize your home. But wait, Trump took office three years ago, shouldn't they be living in a dystopia by now? Did their lives even perceptibly change since Obama's presidency, other than their mental health degrading because of their own fearmongering?


Neighbours from Hell
So disingenuous making clips like that. They're trying so hard to tear him down, the funny thing is, even as popular as he is, and he's the #1 podcaster in the world, he's going to gain popularity after the last 24 hours. It always backfires on the woke types. Every single time.

Btw... if context doesn't matter, I suppose in the movie 12 Years A Slave, it should've been bleeped out or used as "the N word" in that movie too. Otherwise, that one example proves that context matters. It's just a matter of what examples does it become acceptable.

Notice how no one ever turned on Larry David for this

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they have no problem when Dem candidates go on this guy's show

God I am so over this goddamn election cycle. I didn't vote for Trump and I think I would just not vote at all before I vote for him in 2020, but jesus christ on the cross are Democrats making it fucking impossible to be enthusiastic about any of them. This outrage culture shit needs to become unfashionable ASAP. And it is nothing more than a phase I guarantee it.


Gold Member
They make it sound as if voting in Trump is equivalent to unlocking the door to the armed stranger trying to burglarize your home. But wait, Trump took office three years ago, shouldn't they be living in a dystopia by now? Did their lives even perceptibly change since Obama's presidency, other than their mental health degrading because of their own fearmongering?

Don't you know? We've been drafted into WWIII at least four times already!

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
The Sanders/Rogan thread has reopened and proof positive why cancel culture/constantly offended/virtue signaling will be on its way out. People of all cultural and political stripes are tired of this shit. The people that perpetrate are not winning over allies and more and more people are wanting them to go the fuck away. Despicable, constantly vitriolic loud mouths that are willing to demonize and degrade a person or groups of people on the flimsiest of context or on second hand information.
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Not surprise to see they whipped themselves into a frenzy over the space force logo, conveniently ignoring that logo has been in use since 1982.

They act as if Trump hand picked it himself

also ignoring the fact the star fleet logo was inspired by NASA logo

Nepenthe has espoused several views not unlike many black nationalists/NOI people, albeit in a very unstructured way. She has made it clear multiple times she holds a deep resentment for white people, going so far as to say talking about killing white babies is okay whereas saying that about any other race is not because "power structures" and the complete inability to accept that prejudice toward white people (or really, anyone that isn't black) can be a thing.

I'm surprised you're not aware of this, especially when she's been dismissive of or straight up ignored antisemitism several times on Era (except when it can be used as a cudgel against Trump/white supremacists). Like, I've straight up linked examples of this in posts that directly quoted you. How she's still a mod is really bizarre even in the context of a hyper-woke forum.
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Not surprise to see they whipped themselves into a frenzy over the space force logo, conveniently ignoring that logo has been in use since 1982.

They act as if Trump hand picked it himself

also ignoring the fact the star fleet logo was inspired by NASA logo
Joe Rogan interviewed Neil DeGrasse Tyson about Space Force. he actually doesn't think it's stupid. he proposed a space force in 2001 lol. cancel him too.
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Neighbours from Hell
Nepenthe has espoused several views not unlike many black nationalists/NOI people, albeit in a very unstructured way. She has made it clear multiple times she holds a deep resentment for white people, going so far as to say talking about killing white babies is okay whereas saying that about any other race is not because "power structures" and the complete inability to accept that prejudice toward white people (or really, anyone that isn't black) can be a thing.

I'm surprised you're not aware of this, especially when she's been dismissive of or straight up ignored antisemitism several times on Era (except when it can be used as a cudgel against Trump/white supremacists). Like, I've straight up linked examples of this in posts that directly quoted you. How she's still a mod is really bizarre even in the context of a hyper-woke forum.

Probably looks at Jews and thinks "eh, they look white to me and many Jews are billionaires... fuck em." I'm being partly facetious, but I honestly feel that's why Jews don't get protected nearly as much as other groups. It's because of the way they look and their "reputation" with money. Which ironically are all incredibly racist reasons. But I'll never not believe that isn't the reason people don't care about antisemitism as much, especially considering the history of how Jews have been treated is way deeper and worse than Muslim, and Muslims are way more of a protected group among woke people.

And just talking about degrees of protection makes me feel dirty, everyone should be treated equally.


Nepenthe has espoused several views not unlike many black nationalists/NOI people, albeit in a very unstructured way. She has made it clear multiple times she holds a deep resentment for white people, going so far as to say talking about killing white babies is okay whereas saying that about any other race is not because "power structures" and the complete inability to accept that prejudice toward white people (or really, anyone that isn't black) can be a thing.

I'm surprised you're not aware of this, especially when she's been dismissive of or straight up ignored antisemitism several times on Era (except when it can be used as a cudgel against Trump/white supremacists). Like, I've straight up linked examples of this in posts that directly quoted you. How she's still a mod is really bizarre even in the context of a hyper-woke forum.
Honestly no, but then again i don't usually venture far into the controversial threads. If that's true about the white baby thing than yeah that's weird.
Probably looks at Jews and thinks "eh, they look white to me and many Jews are billionaires... fuck em." I'm being partly facetious, but I honestly feel that's why Jews don't get protected nearly as much as other groups. It's because of the way they look and their "reputation" with money. Which ironically are all incredibly racist reasons. But I'll never not believe that isn't the reason people don't care about antisemitism as much, especially considering the history of how Jews have been treated is way deeper and worse than Muslim, and Muslims are way more of a protected group among woke people.

And just talking about degrees of protection makes me feel dirty, everyone should be treated equally.
Idk if you were talking about me or Nepenth, but i have Jewish heritage. Anyways yeah sometimes it can a little bit much in some threads, but i understand it's a nightmare for moderators.


lol so Rian Johnson mug avatar mod is Canadian too. lol. what is with all these progressive Canadians obsessed w controlling the US left?
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Neighbours from Hell
Honestly no, but then again i don't usually venture far into the controversial threads. If that's true about the white baby thing than yeah that's weird.

Idk if you were talking about me or Nepenth, but i have Jewish heritage. Anyways yeah sometimes it can a little bit much in some threads, but i understand it's a nightmare for moderators.
Not you.


I don't like CNN or media in general either for taking neo nazis like Richard as a quest. But i have no control over that unfortunately. :(

He's a misogynist and a self hating homophobe.

Setting aside the Vox embellishment and editorializing, what do you find so egregiously offensive about what he said? They seem like pretty stock standard religious conservative views to me. I find this part quite reasonable actually:

“You don’t see me disputing the Church’s teachings on homosexuality…I wouldn’t dream of demanding that the Church throw away her hard truths just to lie to me in hopes I’ll feel better about myself...I feel there’s something wrong with the fact that my lovemaking can’t produce the mini-Milo’s I’d like to have. How’s that for a subjective confirmation of the Church teaching that same-sex attraction is ‘objectively disordered’ because it can’t lead to procreation?"

He’s saying the exact opposite of what a typical current_year narcissist would say, i.e. “I’m flawed and need to adapt to the world”, not the other way around. I’m not religious myself but I can put myself in his shoes and try to understand why someone with his belief system would think what he does. You instead want to demonise him and call him all kinds of epithets. The evil, intolerant one here isn’t him; it’s you.
The Rogan thread perfectly demonstrates the bubble that certain people exist within. The comments that imply that Sanders backing him will suddenly legitimise Rogan are beyond hilarious - the guy has 7.3 million subscribers on YouTube alone. I think he might already be relevant guys.
Rogan is already the most popular (free, not paid) podcast in the world. Implying Rogan isn't legitimate is like implying that the New England Patriots didn't win 6 Super Bowls this century. YOU may not like the Patriots but hoo boy if you think you can make those rings on Tim Bradley's hand vanish, then you truly are delusional. Wait, this is Ree we're talking about. Nevermind.


Gold Member
Rogan is already the most popular (free, not paid) podcast in the world. Implying Rogan isn't legitimate is like implying that the New England Patriots didn't win 6 Super Bowls this century. YOU may not like the Patriots but hoo boy if you think you can make those rings on Tim Bradley's hand vanish, then you truly are delusional. Wait, this is Ree we're talking about. Nevermind.

Ree says they won't give Rogan a platform. Ree has 44K registered accounts, and even fewer of those aren't permanently banned. Joe Rogan probably gets 3x that in YouTube views in just a few hours. They think they're the internet police, in reality they're the internet leper colony.


Neighbours from Hell
The narcissism it takes to think they're the ones with the right opinions. They're so sure about it too. The millions who listen and love Rogan, all the people of all different races and backgrounds and ideologies who know him personally, like him, hang with him, go on his show, and who are friends with him and support him. The people who hire him to do shows and broadcast fights. Every single one of those people, they're all wrong. It's the outcast losers on RE who are the ones who truly know what's up.

Doesn't anyone ever take a look in the mirror and go "the far far majority of people out there who really know this guy think he's really cool and a good dude, maybe I'm the idiot here and not them?"


wants to fuck an Asian grill.

Dig in!

"I-its not like I like you or anything baka. I just need you for the election"



Guy starts a seemingly good-intentioned AMA about Saudi Arabia and in the blink of an eye, the usual suspects are in there with faggotry as the forefront of every question.

especially inguef - this has to be one of the most miserable human beings I’ve ever encountered. such a sad sack of shit. The quicker the world rids itself of miserable human beings like this, the better.


I disagree. You can be self hating.
You can be Jewish and also be anti semitic like Dan Burros a former member of the American Nazi Party and United Klans of America. Hated himself so much he ended his own life after he was outed.
Have you ever heard of the character "Uncle Ruckus" From the Boondocks? Same concept.

isnt that the show bdubs like to quote the n word from


Gold Member

Guy starts a seemingly good-intentioned AMA about Saudi Arabia and in the blink of an eye, the usual suspects are in there with faggotry as the forefront of every question.

especially inguef - this has to be one of the most miserable human beings I’ve ever encountered. such a sad sack of shit. The quicker the world rids itself of miserable human beings like this, the better.

That thread is Ebola.

Next week, they're gonna start targetting Sanders supporters. Mark my words. Screenshot this, even. Warren is their "woke" savior that matters to them despite her clear flaws.
Are we pretending 2016 on GAF never happened where openly supporting Bernie was a bannable offense? One of the moderators (y2kev) was later outed as working for the Hillary Clinton campaign. Nothing ever seemed to come of that. They have been hating Bernie for years now because he spoiled the ascension of their Queen Empress Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Throne of the United States and now it's 2020 and PAYBACK TIME LOL
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Jelly Belly
Edit; made a whoopsie here. Turns out I didnt see the full video. He does actually compare the black audience to apes.

Meh. Thats pretty bad.
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Like how dumb are they? If you are born with a dick and balls you SHOULD NOT be allowed to compete against a real woman born with a vagina in combat type sports. It's common fucking sense and a dam safety issue.

The irony is how a lot of their beliefs, in practice, conflict with each other. Women should be super empowered with equal everything, but at the same time so should transgenders. However, transgender "women" that are allowed to enter female sporting events (for equality reasons) are crushing all the women, diminishing them and pissing some of them off.

"Trans cyclist Rachel McKinnon keeps winning championships
and her detractors don’t like it"


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Gold Member
The irony is how a lot of their beliefs, in practice, conflict with each other. Women should be super empowered with equal everything, but at the same time so should transgenders. However, transgender "women" that are allowed to enter female sporting events (for equality reasons) are crushing all the women, diminishing them and pissing some of them off.

"Trans cyclist Rachel McKinnon keeps winning championships
and her detractors don’t like it"



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