it's this idea that racism is a trait, like an RPG skill or something. people aren't just living in an unjust and biased society, dealing with all kinds of inter-personal conflicts, occasionally tensions will flare up and people will do bad behaviors. no. there are good people and there are bad people. some people are just racist the day they are born. some people just aren't. the people who think they are not racist tend to be racists, though they remain oblivious to this. someone like Excelsior will talk down to actual disenfranchised minorities or who live in the actual country affected all day long, dismissing their cares, insulting them, and diminishing their willingness to engage in political. they are actively making the discussion hostile for minorities and the disenfranchised. they are actively making it hostile for everyone present. they are actively making thing worse with this flexing. they do not realize this.
not only is it making it worse for the minorities being shouted over, it is making it worse because it provides the right an actual living and breathing authentic example of lefist extremism. most US leftists are normal people, they are practical, they have lived with the reality of corporate US leftism for decades. it is these raving lunatics that gives the entire thing a bad name. finally, it also turns off allies, it disengages the other potential white knights in the club, reducing the population of the overall "good guy" group. it must continuously be culled, so that the remaining members retain the most clout, by looking at the allies and sussing out the hidden racists and alt right members. you have to be paranoid to actually think like this. it is in truth quite anti social.
so you end up with a Canadian man who identifies as a woman, spending all day screaming "Shut the fuck up" to minority progressive American voters for having the gall to exercise their democratic rights. and she's the woke one. she's the right one.
it's utter insanity.