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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Man, this Joe Rogan stuff has me worried they may not make it through the primaries. Complete powder keg.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Imagine being this angry about how citizens make political decisions a country you don't even live in.

Bonus round: Imagine being upset about a candidate in another country accepting an endorsement from someone you call a racist while you emphatically voted for a prime minister in your own country who doesn't know how many times he wore black face in public.
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I consider myself far, far left, and don't give a shit about what extremists may label me as. Politics extends beyond what the internet thinks of you and existed way before it. I'm not interested in trying to convert people. I find a lot of posts on this forum abhorrent, but I respect the rights of people to put them out there. That is the difference. People over there just want their own opinions constantly reinforced, and any conflicting immediately silenced, which doesn't seem the way to go on a discussion board.

But you just labelled yourself 🤔


Oh man...somebody mentioned Jessica Yaniv a few pages back and the name sounded familiar from watching local news so I dug into it a bit more.

This...fucking...thing is the complete embodiment of ResetEra but fucking cranked to 11 and allowed to roam in public. This should just be an example of extremism to anyone who isn't quite up-to-date with the recent neo-liberal mindset. God, I am so happy this person is being harassed every day through Twitter. (By actual women too HA!) I usually don't wish that kind of mental torture on anyone but if there's anyone who deserves it, it's this abomination.
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Oh man...somebody mentioned Jessica Yaniv a few pages back and the name sounded familiar from watching local news so I dug into it a bit more.

This...fucking...thing is the complete embodiment of ResetEra but fucking cranked to 11 and allowed to roam in public. This should just be an example of extremism to anyone who isn't quite up-to-date with the recent neo-liberal mindset. God, I am so happy this person is being harassed every day through Twitter. (By actual women too HA!) I usually don't wish that kind of mental torture on anyone but if there's anyone who deserves it, it's this abomination.

If Yaniv stuck to online only, they would be an exact match for ResetEra. Yaniv is also a great example of why their craziness tends not to bleed over into the real world too much. Eventually that shit just doesn't fly with normal human beings.

Probably why so many of them have self professed mental issues.


Hang on a minute. I'm 4 pages behind and TaySan TaySan Is giving milo shit for being a self hating homopobe? Hahahahahahahaha isn't that the type of shit ree gets behind.

Infact I can't be arsed reading further in cause I'm pretty drunk, but he's defending nepdickhead's hatred of whites as "well I've never seen it". Ya'll are been taken for a ride.

The kids ree through and through. He won't see any logic you put infront of him. He'll make some stupid excuse up to excuse the militant left over there and feel good after he's washed his hands of it.

And let me reign any expectations in. B-dubs is gonna get a pass. Just like cerium did when it was finally brought up what he did to that liberian.
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Hang on a minute. I'm 4 pages behind and TaySan TaySan Is giving milo shit for being a self hating homopobe? Hahahahahahahaha isn't that the type of shit ree gets behind.
I mean if you believe Homosexualiy is a sin and is a ""a lifestyle choice guaranteed to bring pain and unhappiness." Then yea you are probably self hating a little.


I mean if you believe Homosexualiy is a sin and is a ""a lifestyle choice guaranteed to bring pain and unhappiness." Then yea you are probably self hating a little.

More like you arseholes usually stick up for people like that. "It's not his fault! Society makes him feel in such a manner! Fuck the system! Free the gay! In him! It's not a sin"

Ya'll are massive hypocrites. He's said shit that's been forced down his throat about being gay is wrong and he's spouting that for troll effect and ya's throw him under a bus.

How about ye all take yer woke passes and fuck off to the moon. Cause ya's don't know shit about living in the real world cause ya bubble has tinted everything to a shit coloured rose gold.

Xaero Gravity Xaero Gravity where you at homeslice? We got in incident to manage of a jumped up reeeeeeetard.
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More like you arseholes usually stick up for people like that. "It's not his fault! Society makes him feel in such a manner! Fuck the system! Free the gay! In him! It's not a sin"

Ya'll are massive hypocrites. He's said shit that's been forced down his throat about being gay is wrong and he's spouting that for troll effect and ya's throw him under a bus.

How about ye all take yer woke passes and fuck off to the moon. Cause ya's don't know shit about living in the real world cause ya bubble has tinted everything to a shit coloured rose gold.

Xaero Gravity Xaero Gravity where you at homeslice? We got in incident to manage of a jumped up reeeeeeetard.
Lol I think you might have had too much to drink.

As awful the stuff he went through growing up it doesn't make it okay to spread homophobic nonsense as an adult. It's honestly awful he feels that way about himself to spout such views.


I mean if you believe Homosexualiy is a sin and is a ""a lifestyle choice guaranteed to bring pain and unhappiness." Then yea you are probably self hating a little.

You don't get to pass on your genetic code that was successfully passed on by every single one of your direct ancestors going back to the first single-celled organisms. If that doesn't at least cause you to be a little sad then there's something wrong with you.

I would've thought "the side of science" would be completely understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms underpinning this.


Lol I think you might have had too much to drink.

As awful the stuff he went through growing up it doesn't make it okay to spread homophobic nonsense as an adult. It's honestly awful he feels that way about himself to spout such views.

Get the fuck out of here. Closeted
homosexuality is a thing. Repressed anger about being gay is a thing. Your parents and peers force shit on you that you believe and you're brushing it off as "well it's awful what he went through but......."

Doing it for trolly purposes cause morons like yourselves eat it up and have something to talk about is a thing.

Stop sticking your head up your arse. You tools over there just want an excuse to rage about anything. Doesn't matter what the circumstances are. As long as you can turn a blind eye to it you'll kick off about it.

Also, I haven't drank enough. If I'd drank too much I might agree with you backwards arse donkey fuckers.

Even then I couldn't, because we all know the distorted democratic donkey you suck off over there has 7 thousand genders, more mental disorders than is possible, 6 eyes and a 2 tails. Cause it's a fallacy like the crap you all spout.
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just message jawmuncher he will do it.

Thanks, I'll do that.

Another alternative: using the wrong pronoun also does the trick.

That's too complicated. Who knows what pronouns are right or wrong these days.

Ain't nobody got time for that.gif

Another alternative: claim you really support Bernie Sanders for the nomination. That seems to be the new purity test for them that is happening now. Especially for the international Era users that can't even participate in the election but feel the need to 'meddle'.

I only have a vague idea what's happening right now in US politics, I'll care about my countries politics first. Wake me when the election results are in so I'll know what we have to deal with the next 4 years. ;)


Get the fuck out of here. Closeted
homosexuality is a thing. Repressed anger about being gay is a thing. Your parents and peers force shit on you that you believe and you're brushing it off as "well it's awful what he went through but......."

Doing it for trolly purposes cause morons like yourselves eat it up and have something to talk about is a thing.

Stop sticking your head up your arse. You tools over there just want an excuse to rage about anything. Doesn't matter what the circumstances are. As long as you can turn a blind eye to it you'll kick off about it.

Also, I haven't drank enough. If I'd drank too much I might agree with you backwards arse donkey fuckers.

Even then I couldn't, because we all know the distorted democratic donkey you suck off over there has 7 thousand genders, more mental disorders than is possible, 6 eyes and a 2 tails. Cause it's a fallacy like the crap you all spout.

So never hold him accountable for anything he says just shrug it of as trolling? I think that's another reason to not have him as a quest if nothing he says is genuine. People will eat that garbage up and take it seriously.
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So never hold him accountable for anything he says just shrug it of as trolling? I think that's another reason to not have him as a quest if nothing he says is genuine. People will eat that garbage up and take it seriously.

So really, you crayon eaters will stick him on a crucifix even with him stating the troubles he's had being a gay man in America cause he's done some comedic trolling? Gotcha. I understand.

And to draw a parallel to ya forum. AGAIN. Will you all always hold cerium to his homophobic shit in college or b-dubs throwing the word "nigger" about on the gaf? Or will you all be your usual apologist selves and wave them "indiscretions" away with stupid excuses.
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So really, you crayon eaters will stick him on a crucifix even with him stating the troubles he's had being a gay man in America cause he's done some comedic trolling? Gotcha. I understand.

And to draw a parallel to ya forum. AGAIN. Will you all always hold cerium to his homophobic shit in college or b-dubs throwing the word "nigger" about on the gaf? Or will you all be your usual apologist selves and wave them "indiscretions" away with stupid excuses.
If he's actually fighting against things such as gay marriage and LGBT acceptance than yes I will crucify him as such. Period.

I think it's better to fight against the society that punished him instead of accepting it as something that is normal.
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So never hold him accountable for anything he says just shrug it of as trolling? I think that's another reason to not have him as a quest if nothing he says is genuine. People will eat that garbage up and take it seriously.

you’re more than happy to hold milo accountable for what he has said (about his own minority), but you have no qualms not holding bdubs accountable for calling minorities “nigga” and “shemale” - so basically you choose when you’re going to hold people accountable depending on convenience.

Very interesting.
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If he's actually fighting against things such as gay marriage and LGBT acceptance than yes I will crucify him as such. Period.

I think it's better to fight against the society that punished him instead of accepting it as something that is normal.

Define what you mean by acceptance


Define what you mean by acceptance
I meaning accepting the way society treated Milo as normal. Milo wants to fight "LGBT influence" on kids thinking they are all going be sad sacks because society deemed them as something is "wrong".

I think we should fight against that society instead of shaming people for who they are.


I meaning accepting the way society treated Milo as normal. Milo wants to fight "LGBT influence" on kids thinking they are all going be sad sacks because society deemed them as something is "wrong".

I think we should fight against that society instead of shaming people for who they are.

What do you mean by "the way society treated Milo"? Specifically how was he treated and what do you want to change?

I'm pretty sure that "fighting LGBT influence on kids" has nothing to do with an assumption that they will be sad sacks and everything to do with minimising access for the Yaniv types. Moreover, as an ideology, kids should have limited exposure to LGBT. I don't believe that the sexuality of humans is fully formed until after puberty which means that childhood experiences can have a permanent, life-altering effect. It follows then that indoctrinating a child into LGBT ideology is to rob them of the ability to procreate -- the very reason we are on this planet. It is purely selfish behaviour on behalf of the indoctrinators and should be discouraged by society. My heart breaks when I see articles about Desmond flaunting his pre-pubescent body at gay clubs and the adults in his life doing nothing to prevent it (in fact, they are the ones encouraging it, and he should've been removed from their care years ago).
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Gold Member
I meaning accepting the way society treated Milo as normal. Milo wants to fight "LGBT influence" on kids thinking they are all going be sad sacks because society deemed them as something is "wrong".

I think we should fight against that society instead of shaming people for who they are.

So you’d rather turn a blind eye to his issue and crucify him cause burning people at the stake is easier than helping him through his issues?


So you’d rather turn a blind eye to his issue and crucify him cause burning people at the stake is easier than helping him through his issues?

As TaySan so often reminds us, he has severe autism. Autists are highly impressionable and will often mimic behaviour to try to fit in. There's minimal critical thought process; no question of right/wrong; just figuring out what to say to appeal to the group. I suspect there's a lot of autism at Ree.


Gold Member
As TaySan so often reminds us, he has severe autism. Autists are highly impressionable and will often mimic behaviour to try to fit in. There's minimal critical thought process; no question of right/wrong; just figuring out what to say to appeal to the group. I suspect there's a lot of autism at Ree.

You might be onto something there. Many have zero compassion for others.


What do you mean by "the way society treated Milo"? Specifically how was he treated and what do you want to change?

I'm pretty sure that "fighting LGBT influence on kids" has nothing to do with an assumption that they will be sad sacks and everything to do with minimising access for the Yaniv types. Moreover, as an ideology, kids should have limited exposure to LGBT. I don't believe that the sexuality of humans is fully formed until after puberty which means that childhood experiences can have a permanent, life-altering effect. It follows then that indoctrinating a child into LGBT ideology is to rob them of the ability to procreate -- the very reason we are on this planet. It is purely selfish behaviour on behalf of the indoctrinators and should be discouraged by society. My heart breaks when I see articles about Desmond flaunting his pre-pubescent body at gay clubs and the adults in his life doing nothing to prevent it (in fact, they are the ones encouraging it, and he should've been removed from their care years ago).
Well for one I don't believe "LGBT Influence" is a thing because I don't believe it is a choice. Much like how I didn't choose to be straight and I can't "switch" myself. Stuff like that is just homophobia fear mongering hate.

The way society put Milo down for being gay was wrong then and it's wrong now.


You might be onto something there. Many have zero compassion for others.

I suspect it's why they're so susceptible to indoctrination by genuinely toxic ideologies like intersectionalism. They have an innate human need to be part of a collective and it's the only one that will have them. The rest of us hear the prejudice + power spiel and laugh it off as the insane rantings of an evangelical zealot. Social media is the great equaliser because no one knows you're an autist until you tell them (unless you post like Yoshi Yoshi in which case it's clear as day). It's so easy to blend in on a forum like GAF or Ree because you're just a user name + an avatar.


Well for one I don't believe "LGBT Influence" is a thing because I don't believe it is a choice. Much like how I didn't choose to be straight and I can't "switch" myself. Stuff like that is just homophobia fear mongering hate.

The way society put Milo down for being gay was wrong then and it's wrong now.

Cool, so you've just called me a hateful, homophobic fear-mongerer. No semblance of an argument, just "I can't rebut your opinion so I'm going to label you evil". Fuck off, autist.

Be specific in how society put him down. You can't just make a wide-ranging claim like that and not back it up with specifics otherwise you're either lazy or ideologically motivated.


Cool, so you've just called me a hateful, homophobic fear-mongerer. No semblance of an argument, just "I can't rebut your opinion so I'm going to label you evil". Fuck off, autist.

Be specific in how society put him down. You can't just make a wide-ranging claim like that and not back it up with specifics otherwise you're either lazy or ideologically motivated.
*Atacks me multiple times*
"How dare you attack me!"

And denying Milo the same basic human rights such as marriage for one is a good start. LGBT rights groups had to fight for the same rights that everyone else had since the beginning.

Kagey K

*Atacks me multiple times*
"How dare you attack me!"

And denying Milo the same basic human rights such as marriage for one is a good start. LGBT rights groups had to fight for the same rights that everyone else had since the beginning.

So why attack him and all the people that came before that helped get the LGBT movement where it is today? They were the Rosa Parks of the Queer and had to fight against not only being gay, but took the entire weight of the AIDS epidemic on to their shoulders.

I think some of them have a right to say that modern LGBT people don’t understand how hard it was for them.

Instead they get attacked and persecuted for not being empathetic enough, by people floating in off the back of their hard work.


So why attack him and all the people that came before that helped get the LGBT movement where it is today? They were the Rosa Parks of the Queer and had to fight against not only being gay, but took the entire weight of the AIDS epidemic on to their shoulders.

I think some of them have a right to say that modern LGBT people don’t understand how hard it was for them.

Instead they get attacked and persecuted for not being empathetic enough, by people floating in off the back of their hard work.
I think your putting words in my mouth I didn't say. Where I'm attacking the old LGBT activists? If you think Milo is the speaker for all than I strongly disagree with you. Milo isn't immune to criticism.
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you’re more than happy to hold milo accountable for what he has said (about his own minority), but you have no qualms not holding bdubs accountable for calling minorities “nigga” and “shemale” - so basically you choose when you’re going to hold people accountable depending on convenience.

Very interesting.

Just remember, TaySan's not ignoring your question while he answers all the "Easy"ones. He's "Taking time to gather his thoughts".


*Atacks me multiple times*
"How dare you attack me!"

And denying Milo the same basic human rights such as marriage for one is a good start. LGBT rights groups had to fight for the same rights that everyone else had since the beginning.

Apart from marriage, what else? In the grand scheme of things, not being able to marry has very little material impact on your life.

Kagey K

I think your putting words in my mouth I didn't say. Where I'm attacking the old LGBT activists? If you think Milo is the speaker for all than I strongly disagree with you. Milo isn't immune to criticism.
I don’t but he is one voice of many, the dismissal of his voice is probably worse to him then the society that shunned him previously.

My statement was meant to have you reflect on your own empathy and understanding of all the work people like him have done to make your life the way it is.


Apart from marriage, what else? In the grand scheme of things, not being able to marry has very little material impact on your life.
This is from a US perspective but some things off the top off my head are adoption rights, discrimination protection in Employment and housing (it really varies depending on states) and joining the military (don't ask don't tell).

Transgender issues are a whole different ball game as well.
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This is from a US perspective but some things off the top off my head are adoption rights, discrimination protection in Employment and housing (it really varies depending on states) and joining the military (don't ask don't tell).

Transgender issues are a whole different ball game as well.

So things that were all solved long ago? Why the current_year militance? What are they still fighting for?

Anyway, you've clearly learned well from your time at Ree as you've completely deflected the original questions and pulled us well off track. Let me re-quote myself from above and bold the section that you've ignored. You've blithely dismissed both myself and Milo as "hateful fear-mongering homophobes" for daring to state that LGBT ideology has no place among children.

Explain why you believe that children should be exposed to LGBT ideology. Don't tell me what, tell me why. That is, don't bleat pre-recorded talking points that you've downloaded into your brain from Ree. Show me some critical thinking ability and elucidate your logic. Essentially, show your working, don't just copy from your neighbour, kiddo.

What do you mean by "the way society treated Milo"? Specifically how was he treated and what do you want to change?

I'm pretty sure that "fighting LGBT influence on kids" has nothing to do with an assumption that they will be sad sacks and everything to do with minimising access for the Yaniv types. Moreover, as an ideology, kids should have limited exposure to LGBT. I don't believe that the sexuality of humans is fully formed until after puberty which means that childhood experiences can have a permanent, life-altering effect. It follows then that indoctrinating a child into LGBT ideology is to rob them of the ability to procreate -- the very reason we are on this planet. It is purely selfish behaviour on behalf of the indoctrinators and should be discouraged by society. My heart breaks when I see articles about Desmond flaunting his pre-pubescent body at gay clubs and the adults in his life doing nothing to prevent it (in fact, they are the ones encouraging it, and he should've been removed from their care years ago).


So things that were all solved long ago? Why the current_year militance? What are they still fighting for?

Anyway, you've clearly learned well from your time at Ree as you've completely deflected the original questions and pulled us well off track. Let me re-quote myself from above and bold the section that you've ignored. You've blithely dismissed both myself and Milo as "hateful fear-mongering homophobes" for daring to state that LGBT ideology has no place among children.

Explain why you believe that children should be exposed to LGBT ideology. Don't tell me what, tell me why. That is, don't bleat pre-recorded talking points that you've downloaded into your brain from Ree. Show me some critical thinking ability and elucidate your logic. Essentially, show your working, don't just copy from your neighbour, kiddo.
Huh? Many of those things LGBT people are still fighting for today. In many states you can be denied housing for being gay.

And I already answered your question.
Well for one I don't believe "LGBT Influence" is a thing because I don't believe it is a choice. Much like how I didn't choose to be straight and I can't "switch" myself. Stuff like that is just homophobia fear mongering hate.

The way society put Milo down for being gay was wrong then and it's wrong now.
So me and you fuddementaly disagree on whether being homosexual is something you can choose and be "influenced" by. That's a pretty big difference.
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