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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Shit, I'm left leaning, and still have been lumped into several different right-wing "hate groups" over there.

There is no left-leaning anymore, that is now just centrist. The far left has become the left and if you don't fully comply or get in line with their extremism you are indeed cast aside as nothing but a racist, bigot, alt-right, phobe, etc. And it's not just Era twitter, reddit, etc all are the same way.
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Are we pretending 2016 on GAF never happened where openly supporting Bernie was a bannable offense? One of the moderators (y2kev) was later outed as working for the Hillary Clinton campaign. Nothing ever seemed to come of that. They have been hating Bernie for years now because he spoiled the ascension of their Queen Empress Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Throne of the United States and now it's 2020 and PAYBACK TIME LOL
EviLore EviLore already clarify this in this thread.

He had no authority over account approvals and rarely if ever banned anyone, so that digging doesn't mean much.


Neo Member
There is no left-leaning anymore, that is now just centrist. The far left has become the left and if you don't fully comply or get in line with their extremism you are indeed cast aside as nothing but a racist, bigot, alt-right, phobe, etc.

Yea, I'm not buying the shit they're selling. People are much more nuanced than just lumping them in a left, middle, and right side. I mean geez, what a simple minded thought process. I know where I stand politically, and I do not need some ERA poster telling me otherwise. They want to call me names/attach labels? Sticks and stones and all that, you know?


There is no left-leaning anymore, that is now just centrist. The far left has become the left and if you don't fully comply or get in line with their extremism you are indeed cast aside as nothing but a racist, bigot, alt-right, phobe, etc. And it's not just Era twitter, reddit, etc all are the same way.

I consider myself far, far left, and don't give a shit about what extremists may label me as. Politics extends beyond what the internet thinks of you and existed way before it. I'm not interested in trying to convert people. I find a lot of posts on this forum abhorrent, but I respect the rights of people to put them out there. That is the difference. People over there just want their own opinions constantly reinforced, and any conflicting immediately silenced, which doesn't seem the way to go on a discussion board.
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Sanders is now officially alt-right adjacent:


I wonder if he'll cave and throw Rogan under the bus, just like he did to Cenk (young Turks guy)?

Kev Kev

The Sanders/Rogan thread has reopened and proof positive why cancel culture/constantly offended/virtue signaling will be on its way out. People of all cultural and political stripes are tired of this shit. The people that perpetrate are not winning over allies and more and more people are wanting them to go the fuck away. Despicable, constantly vitriolic loud mouths that are willing to demonize and degrade a person or groups of people on the flimsiest of context or on second hand information.

yep, couldnt agree more. people are finally starting to come around on this. im hearing that being said more and more. on the radio, on tv, other places on the web, in person... people have realized how insane this crap is. unfortunately some of them (era) are too far gone to be saved, but the tide is slowly starting to turn. and its now only a matter of time.
yep, couldnt agree more. people are finally starting to come around on this. im hearing that being said more and more. on the radio, on tv, other places on the web, in person... people have realized how insane this crap is. unfortunately some of them (era) are too far gone to be saved, but the tide is slowly starting to turn. and its now only a matter of time.
The tide is starting to turn?

Nah, the slew of "gamers are dead" articles were one of the first proto-cancels and gamers called it all out immediately. The tidal wave has been building for years, approaching shore. More people are finally waking up and joining the tidal wave, yes, but this has been growing for a long while.

For years I heard the truism "truth is left leaning" as the excuse for why all the news agencies supported this nonsense, but now it has come to the point where the ideologues think the internet is "right leaning" and "conservative".

If you are hearing those sentiments on TV and radio more frequently, it means the tidal wave is about to crash, not that the tide is finally starting to turn. Legacy media is woefully out of touch with public sentiment, so if they're coming around to it then it's over.


There is no left-leaning anymore, that is now just centrist. The far left has become the left and if you don't fully comply or get in line with their extremism you are indeed cast aside as nothing but a racist, bigot, alt-right, phobe, etc. And it's not just Era twitter, reddit, etc all are the same way.

I think there are 3 categories, the moderate left (wanting some limited social democrat reforms), the far left (wanting radical changes, up to the complete end of capitalism) and the "woke" left (mostly concerned by identity politics).

The strength of the woke left is how easily it produces militants (no need to convince people of complex economic theories be it by Marx or Keynes, just tell them to listen to their feeeelings, anyone from a minority can easily be convinced everything bad in their lives come from its oppression, and majority people feeling guilt about being treated better or liking to virtue signal join even more easily).

Then both the moderate left and far left compete for these militants.
The moderate left (especially its more centrist part) is very happy they exist, as they allow it to appear radical (and get support from leftier parts of the left) in occasions without doing any big socio-economic reform that may threaten their funding. Big corporations have also well understood that the stronger the woke left is the less they'll be threatened, it's why they push woke left points (also don't wonder why the countries were the social studies justifying the woke points are the most supported in universities are the ones where universities money mostly come from rich donors).

For the far left it's another question. Being more marginal, as average people tend to fear the big changes they advocate for (especially after all the communist regimes dramatic failures), the far left need this new blood, and see the woke crowd as people radical enough to eventually be converted to important socio-economical changes (which is only partly true, they do like identifying with radicals, but the only thing most do is adding some communist flag to their twitter avatar and expressing vague support, while they continue only being obsessed about extremely secundary cultural issues ; but at least for the radical left it's more people not supporting the moderates).

In the end everyone competing for its support (or at least trying not to piss the berserk "inclusivity" militants with their terrible cancellation power) give the impression all the left agrees with the woke left. But most people really invested in the left (politicians, syndicalists, etc...) don't really have big consideration for the woke crowd. Both the moderate and the radical left if they could chose their public would rather take working class people, sadly for them workers no longer believe the moderates will do anything for them, after having seen very centrist "left" in power, and also tend to be the first to be worried by big revolutionnary changes made in their name.
Then it's a slippery slope, as the more the left replace working class with woke left types as militants and by minorities in their discourse, the more it piss the working class and make it likely to support populist right and so be demonized by wokies.

I think it's the thing reseterians fail to grab that explain that Sanders may be happy getting endorsement from people like Rogan (even out of a simple desire to diversify his public). Being a true socialist Bernie is certainly conscious the woke left is more a plot that succeeded to make the left lose focus on socio-economic questions than something really positive for the left, but he just can't say that as like everyone he had to rely on the wokies to form the core of his militant force.
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yep, couldnt agree more. people are finally starting to come around on this. im hearing that being said more and more. on the radio, on tv, other places on the web, in person... people have realized how insane this crap is. unfortunately some of them (era) are too far gone to be saved, but the tide is slowly starting to turn. and its now only a matter of time.

This past few days has been the tipping point where Ree have kicked enough active name posters outside the fence that they are now credible in calling Ree bullshit out as former insiders and can't be handwaved with just nazi/GAF/bore/Kiwi cut and paste dismissals.



ive been out with the flu for a week and a half. jumped into KF thread to catch up and i have never seen such clown world before. they are anti bernie after shilling him for months.



At some point, you have to wonder what their endgame is.
sphagnum is a honest leftist/communist, he was here for years too, never had a problem getting along with him, he pops in on The Bore sometimes too

I'd much rather post with him and his fellow travelers than most any of the humorless PoliEra regulars, much like I used to do here!


This past few days has been the tipping point where Ree have kicked enough active name posters outside the fence that they are now credible in calling Ree bullshit out as former insiders and can't be handwaved with just nazi/GAF/bore/Kiwi cut and paste dismissals.

Someone should organize them into a new forum. RealEra or something.

I propose the following rules:

* Real safe space for everyone, unlike on Era, where trans and other people were unfairly oppressed
* No bigoted mods
* Pronouns in the user plate
* Official holidays for Trans Day, Women Day, Black Day, etc
* New site logo (obviously)

All that energy capable of generating thousands of posts and ad views per day shouldn't go to waste.


Gold Member
Just making my bi-weekly post to remind this thread to send me notifications. Because it, you know, keeps ceasing to send me notifications. Again and again and again.

Is this “bug” ever going to be fixed?

It usually only sends it once. If you don’t click on the thread and clear the notification by getting caught up, it won’t resend it.

It doesn’t send it per post, it only sends it for the next post after where you left off from being fully caught up in the thread.
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Neo Member
I got banned for saying I didn't think Joe Rogan was racist. They've lost their collective fucking minds.

Politics is a game to them of who is the most "woke" instead of focusing on the issues that actually improve working class lives.

Fuck the entire lot of them. They live in a pathetic bubble and can't handle when someone comes along with a different opinion.


Nepenthe will forever remain the stinking example of why that staff can never be taken seriously. Should have been demodded and perm'd for the stuff she's done/posted, but remains for I could only guess diversity reasons. Can never rule out blackmail either.


Christ on a bike. That's a whole new level of offensively stupid.
When people call him out for using a holocaust victim he is saying they are being performative.

Also if you point out Richard Spencer and Joe Rohan being two totally different people then it means you are ok with all racism.
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Kev Kev

The tide is starting to turn?

Nah, the slew of "gamers are dead" articles were one of the first proto-cancels and gamers called it all out immediately. The tidal wave has been building for years, approaching shore. More people are finally waking up and joining the tidal wave, yes, but this has been growing for a long while.

For years I heard the truism "truth is left leaning" as the excuse for why all the news agencies supported this nonsense, but now it has come to the point where the ideologues think the internet is "right leaning" and "conservative".

If you are hearing those sentiments on TV and radio more frequently, it means the tidal wave is about to crash, not that the tide is finally starting to turn. Legacy media is woefully out of touch with public sentiment, so if they're coming around to it then it's over.

not at all man. people are stating to realize how crazy all this is and im hearing more and more everyday about people (who used to be on the side of sjw's) are coming back to seeing how it's gone too far


Big Blue poster is dumb as fuck as well. No better than others who would drag everyone down just to gun for their own personal piece of the pie, in their case reparations. Improving the costs of healthcare and education lifts everybody up, and those two goals alone are daunting in terms of funding, yet Big Blue wants to bitch about reparations not also being on that same table, which only uplifts one group. I'm for reparations when it's feasible, but it's very shortsighted of them to think it's for the best right now. They already think America's super racist to this day, what do they think would happen if said racists had their taxes raised to pay for reparations? How do they think minority groups that are doing worse than them like Latinos will feel?
I find it interesting that the people who preach about people and the world not being binary, constantly attempt to paint every issue or topic in a binary way.

Politics for example is never binary. You can be on the left but still be conservative on issues like economics. But not always conservative on all economics.

Thats why it is referred to as the political spectrum
Every day Resetera continues to not enforce a "no whites allowed" policy, thousands of minorities are at grave risk. Let's be honest here folks, at this point should white people even be allowed to speak?
Lets be real. If it were really a "no white allowed" policy, the site would have almost no one logged on.

Most of the SJW type communities are large majority White.

The Far Right fights with the Far Left on a ton of issues. And on both sides its Majority White. With the only Non Whites singing a tune first approved by the White Majority. But if you are Non White and don't sing and dance like you are told, YOU ARE OUT. But each side is vast majority White with their token PoC's.

But both sides are White Superiority, just with a different paint job.
Lets be real. If it were really a "no white allowed" policy, the site would have almost no one logged on.

That's the plan. It ensures that no member would fail Resetera's purity test and it would also help a lot of self-hating white people from talking shit about themselves AND it would also diminish the numbers of a hate site. Literally everyone wins.


Big Blue poster is dumb as fuck as well. No better than others who would drag everyone down just to gun for their own personal piece of the pie, in their case reparations. Improving the costs of healthcare and education lifts everybody up, and those two goals alone are daunting in terms of funding, yet Big Blue wants to bitch about reparations not also being on that same table, which only uplifts one group. I'm for reparations when it's feasible, but it's very shortsighted of them to think it's for the best right now. They already think America's super racist to this day, what do they think would happen if said racists had their taxes raised to pay for reparations? How do they think minority groups that are doing worse than them like Latinos will feel?
oh yeah, "heres my pet issue, why is this not priority #1?" does this person think reparations are a priority for Joe Biden? Elizabeth Warren? Amy Klobuchar? what fantasy is he living in?

bunch of shrieking powerless idiots over there.

it was fun following the shit show yesterday but gonna have to ignore this today for my own sanity. it's not even lunch and i already saw a mod bring up a Neo Nazi supporting a Holocaust survivor.
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Gold Member
Looks like mods are keeping things anti Semitic in the Bernie thread.

i knew it was only a matter of time before they just start stupidly calling Bernie a Nazi

They parrot CNN which gave Richard Spencer a platform and invited him on.

How are they not canceling CNN?

Because they are a bunch of retarded ass busters. Not a joke, some of these people are legitimately retarded.
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You guys want to hear about a crazed Canadian telling American voters to 'shut the fuck up' and just vote for whoever the D nominee is? Because they have no stake in the election so voting for Biden isn't something they wouldn't even have to do. Someone with no skin in the game telling voters of another country how uneducated they are?


A. Fat chuckle fuck SWEELY
B. Kirblar the incel
C. 'wrestling's not gay' Excelsiorlef

Wtf? This is really dissapointing :( i'm glad shes being called out for it at least.
Bernie literally lost family members in the Holocaust too which makes this even worse.

I told you. Hopefully you'll take what I've been saying about certain members/mods more seriously now.


Just another day in Clown World


Keep in mind New York City is the same shithole that made bails illegal.

So hurray, more people can be robbed equally? Honk honk.

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Just another day in Clown World


Keep in mind New York City is the same shithole that made bails illegals.

So hurray, more people can be robbed equally? Honk honk.

Its so rich white people have cash on hand to passout to poor PoC who are begging on the street!

"Sorry I don't carry cash" ISNT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!11!!


Gold Member
Just another day in Clown World


Keep in mind New York City is the same shithole that made bails illegal.

So hurray, more people can be robbed equally? Honk honk.


They are creating a problem so they can crack down harder with their authoritarian solutions which will impact law abiding citizens (by design), when they foolishly get broken down enough to willingly give up more of their civil liberties.
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Neighbours from Hell
If I were to ask you blindly what generally would equate to better a better person, which would you choose.

Person A: thinks most people are inherently good. Generally is open to accepting most people and their ideas even though some might be considered bad. Is willing to befriend most people even some considered controversial. Willing to sit down and be kind to anyone, talk with anyone no matter their reputation.

Person B: thinks most people are bad. Thinks that unless you have a strict set of ideas and beliefs you are bad. Isn’t willing to befriend or talk to anyone unless their beliefs perfectly line up with their own. Thinks talking to or befriending someone with a bad reputation also makes you bad.

What do you think would make for generally the better person? A is a Joe Rogan type and B is the RE type.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Another alternative: using the wrong pronoun also does the trick.

Another alternative: claim you really support Bernie Sanders for the nomination. That seems to be the new purity test for them that is happening now. Especially for the international Era users that can't even participate in the election but feel the need to 'meddle'.
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