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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Dr. Claus


From the Buck Angel thread

So he blocked all... 2 people who responded to him? What a sad dickless shite.


I love how they all act the exact same way when they're being harassed on twitter. "Bring it on!" "I can do this all night" and "This is more fun than what I was actually going to do"

Like, no, no it's not. This is chipping away at you and everyone knows it. That's why we do it.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I'm not even on Twitter and I think I could get more than 3 comments on an AMA.

I have a little less than 300 followers and have received ten+ replies from tweets concerning such compelling topics as me having to shit out of the door of my car one day, to the time I farted so big in the grocery store it hurt my asshole.

Edit: oh I just checked, Hecht has even less than me, hah. That poor bastard. No one likes him.
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From the Hilary Duff thread about the rights of photographers (mentioned in the previous page)

I don't understand why anyone would want to post there with bans like that given out. I think the post is stupid, but get over yourself whoever the mod was that banned them. Their moderation style makes me think of brain damaged communist thought police who think they are on a mission from the God that they don't believe in.

@JordanN Washington Examiner stole your pyramid.

This pissed them off because it's true.

I don't understand why anyone would want to post there with bans like that given out. I think the post is stupid, but get over yourself whoever the mod was that banned them. Their moderation style makes me think of brain damaged communist thought police who think they are on a mission from the God that they don't believe in.

Before I knew what ree was I tried to sign up to talk about Super Best Friends breaking up,but I saw the email shit. I still lurk the site and I'm constantly disgusted by the shit they come up with and the shit that's bannable.
I'm black and a woman, I cannot think of something MORE enraging then getting banned by a mod when talking about issues concerning the BLACK community or actual women. I find something so fucked up about REE.

There are so many situations I can think of where I'd have these racist, sexist, people trying to attack me about women hood or POC issues. Watching the site, I 100% believe it should be used to study how backward the "Woke" folks on Ree are. I say this as a liberal myself. I'd rather be on a site that allows 100% free speech and battle it out, then be on a site like ree.

They are both the most sensitive people in the fucking world but at the same time very vicious, loud and proud when they want to tear someone down.
Sometimes they can be more heartless and hateful then the people they tear down. Plus a *certain* group gets to run the show over there and they seem to have all the power.


pyramid of privilege is literally their entire ethos.

white rich people are at the bottom because they have the most privilege, and they take up more room on the pyramid than other groups. black people far higher up and with much smaller pyramid space. smaller space means less privilege. this is literally how these pyramid infographs work. so it is saying that rape victims are the least privileged. this is why they take up the smallest area on the pyramid. YOU DO UNDERSTAND AREA DO YOU? MR SCIENCE GUY? rape victims have tragically and forever lost that most physical and intimate of privileges. so they have less privilege than people who are not raped. this is why they are at the top. taken at face value, without bias, this is a move ENTIRELY in support of victims rights. it is amazing how people are twisting and misreading this.

but there can be no nuance or discussion, everything must be frame in VS, because the ritualistic sacrifice of the scape goat must commence, and they must always retain full control of the narrative, they all go in for the kill, one mass cult suicide by istaphobe projection. it is all they have to believe in, their own holiness, for their brilliant and superior minds alone will lead us to the future, despite them hating families and children, somehow. so of course they will entirely ignore a conservative paper's attempt to take identity politics seriously, in order to do their pouty virtue signal routine.
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yes its good they canceled the tv show cos fans are fucking idiots with no brains and zero taste. just wastes of skin who honestly don't deserve to live.

also LOL @ Picard being "something new"
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They'll be another two more of those topics in 24 hours or so, everyone wants a part of the hugbox.

Well, my timescale was out but the #Imalsosuicidal still happens.

Shut it down, give them the support number and lock the topic is the best solution becuse 99.9999999% just want the hugbox. How many times did DJ Khaled say he was going to kill himself?


Well, my timescale was out but the #Imalsosuicidal still happens.

Shut it down, give them the support number and lock the topic is the best solution becuse 99.9999999% just want the hugbox. How many times did DJ Khaled say he was going to kill himself?

Im sure he’s happy he became trans when his girlfriend said she realised she was a lesbian 😂😂


ResetEra going crazier everyday I feel like the daily dose of depression, loneliness and suicide threads are going up.

If you got issues good for you but going to a gaming forum to talk about your problems is just sad.


picard got cancelled?
I think what he is trying to say is that they were discussing some TV show or something and said it was cancelled because, paraphrasing: fans don't like revivals, just look at how Picard is treated. Picard is not cancelled but fans don't really like it.
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It's a little sad because Hecht isn't a bad person irl...

Morrigan is like that too. I've heard from different people that she's quite decent IRL and a benevolent person, despite her internet persona...

I hated @LordKano as a Reseteta poster. Then, I learned more about him outside of the forum...

Again, maybe I'm a bit naive, but I think Hecht and Morrigan would gain some sympathy points by actually speaking in front of a camera about themselves a little. That would probably help them to differenriate themselves from their awful internet persona too.
It's all virtual... up until real feelings are involved. It must have been shitty for him, it must have been shitty for Kano and the others too.

Let's be really clear here : the people on that discord can be very hurtful and hateful...

I still think Resetera is a highly toxic place and a shitty webforum, and I still don't like Excelsiefshit though.
People exist on the other side of the screen. If someone is one way IRL and another online fuck 'em, no benefit of the doubt or sympathy here. Why should they get a pass? Obviously a joke/troll account is there for the lulz and that's fine but people acting woke/superior/etc/whatever online and bullying other people means that's a part of who they are IRL. The reason they don't act like that IRL I reckon is because they fear actual confrontation. Popping off at the mouth like some do online IRL is liable to get a muthafucka got.

If people didn't hide behind their anonymity and treated people like, I dunno, people online perhaps shit wouldn't be so toxic. But alas, here we are. A big part of the problem is forgetting that our opinions are just that, and we are all entailed to our own. Good discussion and learning is fostered by listening to opinions and experiences we don't have, not by shouting down anyone 'different'.

Hell, I'm probably more restrained online than IRL, I've been in construction for so long, making fun of people and cussing fools out and all around behavior that would make corporate America pass out is common place. Not really a 'safe place'. And I've had great conversations with people who have different viewpoints to my own.

Most internet toughies have soft little bellies but the internet gives them a sense of armor, especially in as close as you might get to an echo chamber like over there. Just looks like a nice snack in the real world.


Neo Member
Lol, now Tifa and Aerith are too sexualized for Resetera too.

I wonder if people on Twitter will talk about the manchildren and incels complaining about it.
I saw a lot of people talking about manchildren and incels who didn't think that Tifas boobs were big enough ( people I know for a fact don't have a problem with sexualized designs btw ).
I don't think that they realize how many shitheads like this there exists too.

I saw this with Jill too in RE3. People were praising the redesign of her costume and calling out people like that for complaining that her redesign isn't sexy enough. But I didn't see them do the same when people called her a whore and a prostitute in her original design. Some consistency would be nice.
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From that suicide thread

</yoink> - we don't believe this was capped maliciously, nor do we consider sharing self posted identifiable information as doxxing. While experience is often the harshest but best teacher, we wouldn't want to think our members are phoning this number and doing Chewbacca impressions

Someone please call this fool


The Tribe Has Spoken
What exactly was the point of posting this
I can understand hating on people for being extra woke but here you have someone who's actually trying to help another person contemplating suicide and your first thought is to dox them instead
To be fair, they doxxed themselves.

I doubt anyone here will call that. Vedder’s just fucking around. Kiwi Farms on the other hand...good luck to that guy.

God Enel

Lol, now Tifa and Aerith are too sexualized for Resetera too.

I wonder if people on Twitter will talk about the manchildren and incels complaining about it.
I saw a lot of people talking about manchildren and incels who didn't think that Tifas boobs were big enough ( people I know for a fact don't have a problem with sexualized designs btw ).
I don't think that they realize how many shitheads like this there exists too.

I saw this with Jill too in RE3. People were praising the redesign of her costume and calling out people like that for complaining that her redesign isn't sexy enough. But I didn't see them do the same when people called her a whore and a prostitute in her original design. Some consistency would be nice.

I wanna see big tits in video games. Who gives a shit? Because these fat man bitches have disgusting hairy boobs, women in games (and rl?) are not allowed to have a nice rack? What the hell? I’m never gonna understand this way of thinking.


I’m not condoning doxxing, but he could’ve PM’d the guy his phone number, surely. What’s with REEE and having shit for brains?

Exactly, it's advanced virtue signaling. Same information could have been given as "Call me, I've DMd you my number". But he had to show how much he cared to everyone.



I do not get Twitter at all.
How can you not end up super depressed after prolonged usage like this?

Dude has an absolutely pathetic 112 followers.

Posts "AMA" and gets ONE single question. "What are you playing currently?"
That's it.

Then tries to PRETEND that he got loads of flak from "shitheads" that he had to block.
This is like 30 minutes after his AMA tweet.

Then, about 15 minutes later...
"Spending my night drinking the tears of people who were banned The lack of self-awareness is better than any rum I’ve got."

Dude, you didn't ban anyone because nobody noticed your shitty "AMA" tweet because nobody fucking cares about you. Dammit, people don't even care enough to give you grief on Twitter.

So he has to make it up. How sad is that?
It's kind of tragic.
This lonely guy pretending that he has this audience that would even want to participate in an AMA while he drinks (presumably alone).
Then he has to even pretend that he has some army of haters that he defeats by blocking them.

I don't get the point? I don't get how you could have so little self awareness that you can't see how sad that is.

He'd be better off coming to NeoGAF for a good old argument that performing this sad act.

Hecht, dude, if you really do lurk on here then why not post a bit and we can have a good old-fashioned name-calling session or something. Most on here can take it and dish it out just fine and it's got to be better than sitting alone getting drunk and making up fake stuff. At least it would be something real, getting into it with us.

"I'm sitting alone getting drunk and making up fake internet fights to show off to my 112 followers... those other guys are the losers though."


I’m not condoning doxxing, but he could’ve PM’d the guy his phone number, surely. What’s with REEE and having shit for brains?

Yeah, it's incredibly stupid and reckless (so it's probably not even that posters number) and to be honest the mods over there need to be on top of things like that and get that post gone.

Looks like that number was posted on the site a good 7 hours ago? So really the admins should not be allowing that.

Oh and the OP posted this now:

"I'm doing much better this morning. Thank you for the kind words, everyone."

So it's all fine for now.

Let's be real here. Most of those cunts are wanking themselves silly at the thought of a ResetEra member actually doing it and if one or two of them got "doxxed" trying to help the guy then they'd dine out on that one for years, I'm sure.



"most people eventually begin thinking about suicide at some point?"

no they fucking don't

look im all for helping out desperate people, but at some point, this kind of "everyone is depressed" asspull is more normalizing it than anything.
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I'm of the opinion that trying to maintain a "safe-space" probably causes more issues that actually just going without it.
Especially when it's a "virtual" safe-space centered around a hobby such as playing videogames.
(Obviously in the real world shelters and protective services etc are a necessity.)

You are talking about a website where lads can't even allow themselves to enjoy a videogame because one of the (fictional) characters has boobies.
Dudes, go to any city center bar on a Saturday night and it's wall to wall cleavage. Enjoy it. Enjoy it when you see it in a game.

This is obviously a recipe for misery and prolonged exposure will wear you down eventually.

Who are the biggest "offenders" in the eyes of ResetEra?
Guys like Joe Rogan, Pewdiepie, Red Letter Media. So people that basically are laid back and don't really care and like to have a laugh.
Being battered with it day after day will make you feel like you can't just be yourself and have a bit of leeway to make an inappropriate joke or off-color comment.
So in the end you end up even hating guys who just like to have a joke and a laugh.

Instead of using the internet to vent and loosen up and have a bit of fun they are just making it an extension of real life (which can be mundane for sure) and this just compounds the misery.

Then throw into the mix that they all seem to hate each other anyway. So even if you do play nice, and pretend you wouldn't be in between Gal Gadot's legs like a dog eating a watermelon, someone is always going to try to find a way to get rid of you.

Jesus, you need to watch yourself when talking about Superhero and Star Wars movies over there.
Is it any wonder that they are all starting to fall apart?

A lot of them could just help themselves by moving over here and not taking things so seriously.
Trump isn't the end of the world.
Most people aren't even American.
It's OK to look at tits and assess, but you need to pick a team.
Not everything needs to be political.
Not every conversation needs to be a minefield.



"most people eventually begin thinking about suicide at some point?"

no they fucking don't

look im all for helping out desperate people, but at some point, this kind of "everyone is depressed" asspull is more normalizing it than anything.

The wild thing about that post is that by expressing his "worry" about "hate sites" he stokes the kind of paranoia that helps make ResetEra the toxic place that it is.

Everybody looking over their shoulder and wondering if their "friends" at ResetEra will turn on them, dogpile, and then ban them over a stray comment or misplaced word.

"Come on guys, we are ALL suicidal but let's not forget to also be paranoid!"

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