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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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It's genuinely fascinating to me that they're trying to brush some of the old mod posts under the carpet.

Not B Dubs, those are nothing, but Jarmel's? There are people on Era that have gotten permabanned for multi-year old gaf posts like cnet128 that said almost literally the same thing as what Jarmel said on gaf.



Totally, utterly, absolutely fucking disgusting.

People banned (duration pending) for "dismissing concerns of systemic racism"?
Are :messenger_clapping: you :messenger_clapping: for :messenger_clapping: fucking :messenger_clapping: real?

This may be the lowest point in a long series of lowest points. Some of those people can die in a fire. Seriously, what a waste of oxygen.

That thread damaged my brain.

Now being positive about a nice gesture warrants a ban. I hope a real nasty karma get the mods, they deserve all the bad to happen to their lifes. The homeless woman worths more then they.
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
It's genuinely fascinating to me that they're trying to brush some of the old mod posts under the carpet.

Not B Dubs, those are nothing, but Jarmel's? There are people on Era that have gotten permabanned for multi-year old gaf posts like cnet128 that said almost literally the same thing as what Jarmel said on gaf.
For an ultra woke site, the staff who tend to walk away unscathed from their actions are those of the fairer complexion. If B-Dubs was black he would be dropped like a hot snot. We can look at their recent trans fiasco where a black mod got fucked for less. You can argue both are shit but you can't deny their GM was worse on the whole... and walked away from it unscathed.

Now waiting for the knives to come out on Nepenthe. Skin that 2 foot furry Resetera.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
That thread damaged my brain.

Now being positive about a nice gesture warrants a ban. I hope a real nasty karma get the mods, they deserve all the bad to happen to their lifes. The homeless woman worths more then they.

Like many fascists. there is no quarter for their "enemy" on ResetEra. There is no good examples of the group they designated as their enemy. There is no discussion with their "enemy". There is no redemption.

Era is a hate site filled with dangerously fanatical people. Era projects fascism on their rivals cause that is exactly what they are.

The only blessing is they don't leave their parent's house and they can't hold down a job.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member

What the hell are Inflammatory comparisons?

Applying absolute and incendiary stereotypes to a large group of people based on small isolated incidents with different reasons, and doing so with the intention to incite anger and perhaps violence.

That sounds like something else... something done before in the past... hmmmm
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It's genuinely fascinating to me that they're trying to brush some of the old mod posts under the carpet.

They brought on a lot of lesbian mods and admins, which I assume they think are not pedos like many of their previous and current crop. Which is cool, it's a progressive forum, get some gay women in there. But it's not going to immediately erase the present stink of pedo that's still there.

Totally, utterly, absolutely fucking disgusting.

People banned (duration pending) for "dismissing concerns of systemic racism"?
Are :messenger_clapping: you :messenger_clapping: for :messenger_clapping: fucking :messenger_clapping: real?

This may be the lowest point in a long series of lowest points. Some of those people can die in a fire. Seriously, what a waste of oxygen.

I recently requested a ban and this thread reaffirms that it was a good choice.

That place is overly negative. People just look for arguments all the time and fight with each other. I'm not surprised they have so many suicide threads over there.

Imagine playing the new Animal Crossing, you might want to talk to some fans online and connect but you'll probably just get into some sort of fan community civil war where everyone makes the snarkiest of posts. That's what happened to Pokemon.

You'd go into a thread about the trailer and it's just some debate about cut Pokemon. It doesn't stop there either, Cyberpunk and so many other games have this issue where there are bitter people.

What's up with excelsiorsef by the way? Imagine having like 40,000 posts where the majority of them are just looking for arguments. What sick fuck gets enjoyment from having such a hobby?
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5 "duration pendings" in that cop thread and it wasn't even open long. A cop has lunch with a homeless lady and ERA has to banish 5 people from their community over it. No positive stories allowed.
Amazing how little they actually value the lives of the minorities they claim to care so much about, they're obsession with hating police contributed to substantial crime spikes that really only hurt the black population of Baltimore. Plus causing both black man and the police to be more on edge during routine encounter with each other, I wouldn't be surprised if their rhetoric is responsible for some deaths on both sides.
Black lives matter is a little ironic when they ignore or outright deny the 10 in 100000 murder rate among blacks, focus on lowering that, and what would it really take? Probably working to reduce immigration so the men that turn to crime would face less competition in the work place and men with jobs commit far far fewer crimes, and working to strength the economy since a high tide raises all ships,
If they really cared they would teach at a poor predominantly black school as a teacher, or a ta or some other job that those school generally struggle to fill, volunteer their time at inner cities boys and girls clubs (though they might accidentally benefit the white kids in those areas as well, can't have that) or other community organizations , well except far left ones since those are really just indoctrination centers
or learn the skills and volunteer as a career counselor or financial advisers
but yeah, why actually help the people you claim to care so much about when you can scream and shout and demand someone else do something and then go home and feel very pleased with yourself


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
What the fuck happened there tonight? My twitter feed was damn near hijacked by the Ban Bot

Seems like they dolled out a hundred bans for mocking race or something? Dismissing concerns of racism for saying it was nice that a cop bought a homeless lady a pizza? That site is such a dumpster fire.
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Mods acting like absolute retards.

1 person was banned, thread locked. Then they retroactively went back and banned more.

But that wasn't enough, they did a 2nd sweep and banned more again!

This one was banned on what looks like the 3rd thread sweep.


Best bit is the cop (a minority, had concern for a homeless woman)

So the ban message makes ZERO SENSE.
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That they shroud themselves in a veneer of love and open-heartedness makes Era the most insidious hate site I've ever seen. They're convinced that they're fighting hate, while their own hate is so big they can't even see it.

basically this:

“Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under the omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” -CS Lewis
Mods acting like absolute retards.

1 person was banned, thread locked. Then they retroactively went back and banned more.

But that wasn't enough, they did a 2nd sweep and banned more again!

This one was banned on what looks like the 3rd thread sweep.


Best bit is the cop (a minority, had concern for a homeless woman)

So the ban message makes ZERO SENSE.

I'm pretty sure SDBurton is black, lol


plenty of keyboard anarchist in this dumb thread about how Americans are SHEEPLE who don't know life is BULLSHIT and laws and rules are ARBITRARY MANNN!! lol



plenty of keyboard anarchist in this dumb thread about how Americans are SHEEPLE who don't know life is BULLSHIT and laws and rules are ARBITRARY MANNN!! lol




Why would someone who makes decent points be a bootlicker. What is with this divisive attitude and Us vs Them bullshit at Era?


plenty of keyboard anarchist in this dumb thread about how Americans are SHEEPLE who don't know life is BULLSHIT and laws and rules are ARBITRARY MANNN!! lol




I tend to think these people who have disdain for what is basically law and order do not participate very well in society anyway.

If we scrapped everything and went for a "survival of the fittest" society instead these folks wouldn't last a minute.

ReetardEra: Don't throw people in jail for minor offences!
Also ReetardEra: Reeeeeeeeeeee! That person misgendered me! Off with their head!

Arguing that rules and laws are arbitrary and total bullshit on a forum that is as notoriously ban happy as ResetEra.
Zero self awareness from these absolute cretins.



Of course people who probably have close to zero dealings with Police won't tolerate any opinion other than theirs on the subject of policing.

I would guess that most of them are just the same as anybody else in that if and when they have dealings with the cops it will because they are reporting, or are victims of, a crime. Maybe traffic stops.

Once again, they are totally against law and order but the moment something gets done to them they will be squealing for authority to step in and serve justice.



>guy skypes with random date and agree to meet
>guy brings him over to his place which sounds like a tip
>guy gets a phonecall from "friend" who says her cat died and wants him to come meet up with her
>guy leaves date 30 mins in
>guy calls Ree user and tells him he found his place "jarring"
>Ree user wants Karma to kill this man for ditching

Lmao yes its this guys fault that he doesn't want to cuddle with you in landfill

Edit: this response killed me

"Your apartment must be an absolute shithole if your date had to make an excuse to bail on your date and then block you after. "

In these trying times, this was a brilliant and hilarious read.

You can see why they hate that Jordan Peterson "clean your room" stuff now.

The posters saying "my room looks worse" and "you dodged a bullet" are totally fucking delusional.

If you are bringing someone you are into back to your house you want them thinking "this is nice" not "I'm going to die tonight".
So you fucking clean shit up.

Hell, my wife and I will tidy the room up so it's looking good when we come back from a night out and we've been banging in that room for years!
Jesus fucking Christ.

Man, I think if I could give advice for dating it would be to people who continue to have bad experiences but think "I've done nothing wrong here" and "I don't need to change". Yes, you have done something wrong and yes you do need to change.

You are almost certainly not "fine just the way you are" and a bit of self-reflection and self-improvement can and will go a long way.
Tidy your room up a bit. Make it seem comfortable and welcoming.

This dude has like a mattress on the floor and looks like no windows or anything. No decoration or order to anything. Just harsh lighting and an overwhelming atmosphere of mediocrity.

The photos of the room on page 3 (post #148) just seal the deal.
You want your room to say "love nest". This dudes room says "rape dungeon".

Clean your fucking room!
(Dunking on ResetEra is so much fun.)


Gold Member
If you are bringing someone you are into back to your house you want them thinking "this is nice" not "I'm going to die tonight".
So you fucking clean shit up.

That was my first thought tbh. If I went in that room, it would be like - hmmm, so this is where they will find me after abusive breathplay.


If we scrapped everything and went for a "survival of the fittest" society instead these folks wouldn't last a minute.
Not to mention their absolute hatred of firearms... Who is going to have a better chance of survival?
They claim to want a (hehe) reset of society but I doubt they’ve experienced true hardships. My money is on the Eastern Europeans, Africans, Asians and Middle Easterners doing the best in a global apocalyptic scenario with people who know how to hunt, build, scavenge and have firearms in America.

Playing Fallout isn’t good training.

edit: at above- jeezus fucking christ, how can that even be real?!
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