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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member
wow, so Biden thread

Let's not intimidate or call out victims for not voting
We're victims of poor moderation
We, the moderators, are victims of the pandemic and stress and the community
We are the victims of your modding letting this get out of control




Gold Member
Okay I can't lie this is pretty interesting, a forum rift is happening in real time.
Era was born from a forum rift. They’re just doing what they do best.

They’ve spent an afternoon deciding how to moderate a single post? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Permabanning sabrina would be so, so dumb. Her (?) hostility towards members and staff has been mostly justified, and she’s mostly a quality poster for Era’s standards.

The reason for that first post’s ban is the very definition of “oddly specific” :messenger_tears_of_joy:

As for the other two posts... wow. Just wow.
I’m still waiting for detailed receipts on how Trump literally killed people on streets and stripped minorities of their civil rights.
I’m not American and I haven’t been following things there closely, but I vividly remember soon-to-be Reera dwellers in 2016 screeching on GAF how Trump’s administration would overthrow Roe v Wade, make gay marriage illegal, encourage shooting black people in the streets, etc. AFAIK what happened since then is USA pulling out from Iraq, no major wars being fought, the economy doing well until Covid hit, Planned Parenthood‘s dark secrets coming out, Disney threatening to not shoot films in states that don’t conform to the wokest ideologies of the day, and the media constantly, openly, brazenly lying, rewriting history and trying to pin every little shit on the man. To mention just a few. Oh, and I remember threads about school shootings and black people being killed by police basically every week in Omaba’s final year as President, and that’s calmed down a lot since Trump took over.
The guy may not be the brightest, but seems far from the apocalypse some people keep painting him as.


I’m not American and I haven’t been following things there closely, but I vividly remember soon-to-be Reera dwellers in 2016 screeching on GAF how Trump’s administration would overthrow Roe v Wade, make gay marriage illegal, encourage shooting black people in the streets, etc.
Oh, that's all coming AND more, he's been waiting for the second term you see...










bonus Cheebo:


Neo Member
Resetera has painted itself into a corner with the whole Biden story. The moderation team is taking the only reasonable political approach by supporting Biden since they want Trump gone, but that doesn't fly with the radical segment of the user base that has been used to call for bloody murder unchecked at the mere suggestion of sexual misconduct and the mods have happily banned users for not following the herd.

Now they are at a crossroads where they either have to continue living in a fantasy world filled with purity tests that no human being could ever live up to, or living in the real world where things aren't always perfect, and you sometimes have to make choices that go against your personal feelings for the greater good. It's easy to be outraged when there are no real consequences for anyone else but the random people whose lives get ruined, and Resetera is to blame for fostering a toxic environment where outrage and hostility is encouraged as long as you're outraged for the "right" reasons.

It'll be interesting to see if the crazies decide to leave Resetera once and for all, or if the moderation team falls in line and gives in to their demands.


Unconfirmed Member
Resetera has painted itself into a corner with the whole Biden story. The moderation team is taking the only reasonable political approach by supporting Biden since they want Trump gone, but that doesn't fly with the radical segment of the user base that has been used to call for bloody murder unchecked at the mere suggestion of sexual misconduct and the mods have happily banned users for not following the herd.

Now they are at a crossroads where they either have to continue living in a fantasy world filled with purity tests that no human being could ever live up to, or living in the real world where things aren't always perfect, and you sometimes have to make choices that go against your personal feelings for the greater good. It's easy to be outraged when there are no real consequences for anyone else but the random people whose lives get ruined, and Resetera is to blame for fostering a toxic environment where outrage and hostility is encouraged as long as you're outraged for the "right" reasons.

It'll be interesting to see if the crazies decide to leave Resetera once and for all, or if the moderation team falls in line and gives in to their demands.
Lucifer, why would the "crazies" leave a place that welcomes them?

Dick Jones

Gold Member
They only ban people that don't fall in line.
However, they also ban people who adhere to the philosophy rigidly and refuse to change their principles when it doesn't suit the agenda such as supporting certain sex offenders or dehumanizing minorities using racist language because they have their own opinions. On top of that you have VIPs (very important paedophiles) in the board who can say anything without fear of being banned or banned or 3 days when anyone else is permanently banned.



Pointing out the disgusting behaviour of users and mods/admins = EAT A BAN BITCH

I took issue with the use of that term on here before the split. It was discussing how people in Europe should know what terms or acts are offensive to African American and that ignorance waa not an excuse; while they were simulatneously throwing the 'c' word around.

When I pointed out the hypocrisy of someone doing exactly what they were lambasting others for, strangely, they didnt understand why it mattered.


That safe space for sex assault victims is the ultimate honey pot.

How is a web forum "not safe" in any possible way. Can you be punched in the face through you monitor now?
Or are we really worried about our "feels" while vising a hobby site that is 100% optional ?

Just log off motherfuckers. (please only fuck mothers with written, informed consent)
This is my argument. I just laugh at these people saying they don’t feel safe. Ignore the fucking thread or if you don’t agree with how things are ran, leave the forum. It’s not that deep. It’s a fucking message board for crying out loud. If you’re that affected by it, you need to consider some serious time away. Based on the length of some of their responses, they should step away. Especially those who are saying threads are giving them panic attacks.


Gold Member
Is anti-semitism still enthusiastically encouraged over at ResetEra, a site that is often used as a source for stories in Hollywood publications like Variety and The Hollywood Reporter?


Unconfirmed Member
Oh man... It is always worthwhile to check back on this thread.

Just reading the last couple of pages and would you believe it! Era users are having yet another forum wide tremble tantrum catfight! I'm shocked I tell you!

Shout out to Red Mercury. One of the greatest trolls/ban-baiters in the history of the game.


I genuinely can't get enough that the 2020 rallying cry for the allies, feminists, trans-loving members of reee is:

Vote for the rapist
To be fair they went to bat for Hillary, whose husband is a serial rapist and possibly a p3do (26 flights o Epstein’s Lolita Express).
Had she won then a serial predator would be living in the White House, the literal scene of his former crimes.

Also they were fine ignoring that one of Hillary’s first jobs as a lawyer was defending two 40yo Arkansas men who raped a 12 yo.

These have been public knowledge for years. All the Hillary stans were full of shit and it’s no surprise they still are.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
To be fair they went to bat for Hillary, whose husband is a serial rapist and possibly a p3do (26 flights o Epstein’s Lolita Express).
Had she won then a serial predator would be living in the White House, the literal scene of his former crimes.

Also they were fine ignoring that one of Hillary’s first jobs as a lawyer was defending two 40yo Arkansas men who raped a 12 yo.

These have been public knowledge for years. All the Hillary stans were full of shit and it’s no surprise they still are.

Hillary was a shit candidate. The DNC is a sham, they so afraid of being real left they keep throwing these mediocre bullshit like HIllary or Biden at the elections.

Y'all remember this shit?
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and this is what happens when protected accounts bite their master on the ass. Can't mod her or they'll have an "On your left" Endgame moment when trans Era and mental health Era enter the battlefield.


was coming to post this, it's amazing to watch Ketkat bumfuck them without a rubber and the staff's hands are utterly tied, they can't touch the protected Queen.

also, it's hilarious watching RedMercury desperately pining for a modship. Jeez dude have some self-respect, they're just not that into you


I just spent the last few days slowing reading up on Resetera.. reading and giggling about their shenanigans is far more fun than semi-trolling there ever was haha


Gold Member

All that for about 5 minutes of swinging the ban hammer at people on what looks like both sides of the discussion, they banned "Survivors of sexual assault" or at least the people on that side. All while as always crying about how hard life is and modding.

"the covid-19 crisis has made it difficult for many of us to dedicate as much time as we'd like"


Pretty much everyone who doesn't work on the frontline has more time than ever right now. What makes these people so special?


The ree BanBot account must be approaching Linguo levels of overload.


Well the twitter account hasnt updated since March 27, so its either been DDOS'd to oblivion or became self aware and decided for its own sanity to socially distance itself from that utter shitshow of a forum.
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"the covid-19 crisis has made it difficult for many of us to dedicate as much time as we'd like"


Pretty much everyone who doesn't work on the frontline has more time than ever right now. What makes these people so special?
being as delicate as they are, they probably spend way too much time huddled in a corner anxiously bawling their eyes out, so no time for anything else?

and we've also learned half the staff apparently are grocery store cashiers
  • LOL
Reactions: GHG



Let's load our boy Doober up with every ban reason we can think of for calling out the mods, He's a * Shock horror* an incel!

You know who's actually downplaying sexual assaults? The whole damn mod team. Only the finest hypocrisy at Ree.




TaySan TaySan bro dont make me worry about you


Gold Member
I still don't know what concern trolling is.

It’s when you pretend to show concern to spread seeds of doubt or FUD. Mainly done on gaming side by fanboys of the one platform, pretending to be concerned usually with made up doom & gloom about the competitors product.

But in Ree’s case, they use it for everything, even people who are genuinely sincere (calling them out on their bullshit).
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All of this just shows what utter bullshit their ideology is.

They'll gladly allow racial slurs to be openly posted against a black man if he's guilty of wrongthink.

They'll gladly vote for someone accused of sexual assault if he's "not as bad" as the other guy that's been accused of sexual assault as well.

They'll allow people to openly wish for the death of certain politicians.

Any rational rebuttal to the way they act is met with terms like "racist dog-whistle", "MRA talking point" etc. cos they can't actually argue against that shit. Their M.O. is to try and discredit the person with certain false labels, then ban them so they can't defend themselves.

Shit is fucking embarrassing. They have no self-awareness about how much they have been radicalised. It's everyone else that is the problem, which all radicalised people believe.

What's FUD?

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
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Neighbours from Hell
It’s when you pretend to show concern to spread seeds of doubt or FUD. Mainly done on gaming side by fanboys of the one platform, pretending to be concerned usually with made up doom & gloom about the competitors product.

But in Ree’s case, they use it for everything, even people who are genuinely sincere (calling them out on their bullshit).
Yeah, I mean I know what it really is, I just don't know what they think it is. And I don't think they really do either.
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