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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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What does this have to do with people wanting to get back to their normal lives as soon as possible? Even during a protest, ERA finds a way to spin it into some race-baiting bullshit. None of these protestors want to shoot up black people, that's fucking Ridiculous.

All people in places like Michigan and New Jersey want, is to get their jobs back, and not have our governors keep using COVID-19 as a front for authoritarianism.
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What does this have to do with people wanting to get back to their normal lives as soon as possible? Even during a protest, ERA finds a way to spin it into some race-baiting bullshit. None of these protestors want to shoot up black people, that's fucking Ridiculous.

All people in places like Michigan and New Jersey want, is to get their jobs back, and not have our governors keep using COVID-19 as a front for authoritarianism.
Waving confederate flags at a protest and hating minorities enough to have violence towards them is far from a reach.


From the thread:

HOLY SHIT! People are on fire.


Good post from a sane user over there.


Another good post but will just link the post since it links to multiple posts for different threads:

EDIT: Things got so fucking heated that the mods had to lock the thread to handle out bans now hahaha.
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From the thread:

HOLY SHIT! People are on fire.


Good post from a sane user over there.


Another good post but will just link the post since it links to multiple posts for different threads:

EDIT: Things got so fucking heated that the mods had to lock the thread to handle out bans now hahaha.
Again??? What is the mod post this time?

"We will continue to sit on this fence"?


Again??? What is the mod post this time?

"We will continue to sit on this fence"?

Some safe mealy mouthed we believe victims and support them, but we want to continue to push for Biden becuse orange man bad.

As a non American With no horse in the race you can have 4 years of Trump and then he's out and in those four years the dems could actually spend it working on themselves and putting forward a decent candidate. OR you could have a potential 8 years of Dementia aflicted rapist Biden.

4 vs 8.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
From the thread:

HOLY SHIT! People are on fire.


Good post from a sane user over there.


Another good post but will just link the post since it links to multiple posts for different threads:

EDIT: Things got so fucking heated that the mods had to lock the thread to handle out bans now hahaha.
Sane people would never use WE. Holy shit, it does sounds like some fucking cult... But I agree with general message, hypocrisy at it's finest.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Cheebo vs Surfinn is the kind of entertainment I pay for, and I am here for it!

To be fair. Cheebo shamelessly carries water for any official narrative that's put out there by the poltiical and media establishment. Cheebo will change their opinion on a dime to suit whatever is expedient. Surfinn, in their zealotry, is consistent.

But you are right. Their interactions are amusing as fuck to watch.
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Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
That thread is getting juicy. Long rambling mod post about how covid-19 is making it harder for mods to give time to the site, bans for people making decent points over losing their tempers (except Ket).


From the thread:

HOLY SHIT! People are on fire.


Good post from a sane user over there.


Another good post but will just link the post since it links to multiple posts for different threads:

EDIT: Things got so fucking heated that the mods had to lock the thread to handle out bans now hahaha.
Lol, the latest page everyone is banned on the page except Ketkat and the admin.

Also how are they stretched thin when they're unemployed leeches? They previously at least maybe had to go to work on a daily basis and now they have less free time? How?
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"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
I'm shocked shocked but not that shocked how ree is okay with downplaying sexual harassment and allowing open racism.

I'll bet that when the dust settles, shelter in place is the worst thing that ever happened to that site because it showed who their members and mods really are. They're not the woke princes of tomorrow they thought they were, they're just a bunch of assholes that like to talk shit on the internet.
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covid-19 is making it harder for mods to give time to the site

Fucking HOW? Their just sitting at home all day just like always. No, it's not harder the mods are all hiding because they don't want to be bodied by the community and hoping someone else makes a statement first.

Every time

Every time...


Fucking HOW? Their just sitting at home all day just like always. No, it's not harder the mods are all hiding because they don't want to be bodied by the community and hoping someone else makes a statement first.

Every time

Every time...
All the while their userbase and traffic has been decreasing now that people have had more time on their hands. So arguably even less to do than a couple months ago.



All that for about 5 minutes of swinging the ban hammer at people on what looks like both sides of the discussion, they banned "Survivors of sexual assault" or at least the people on that side. All while as always crying about how hard life is and modding.


That safe space for sex assault victims is the ultimate honey pot.

How is a web forum "not safe" in any possible way. Can you be punched in the face through you monitor now?
Or are we really worried about our "feels" while vising a hobby site that is 100% optional ?

Just log off motherfuckers. (please only fuck mothers with written, informed consent)


Holy shit self awareness! (Except they play the victim card)

Lol, well that quickly pivoted from short staffed due to the pandemic to this place is such a shit hole that most mods won't even log on to help with issues. It's what we all expected but still kind of blown away they were so willing to admit how toxic their board is.

God Enel

You know a community is sick from the inside when mods have to comment and mass ban on every topic that is brought up.

I’m glad to see that reset often times isn’t the No 1 topic in communities anymore and the other threads here are slowly gaining more activity. Hope the positive trend continues


It’s so scummy when they say “you think your being so moral by bringing this up” and it’s like holy shit do you even see what you are typing?

Usually this is immediately after “millions will die” type fear mongering. Like these assholes think they are saving the world and are putting others down for being “morally pure”
You know a community is sick from the inside when mods have to comment and mass ban on every topic that is brought up.

I’m glad to see that reset often times isn’t the No 1 topic in communities anymore and the other threads here are slowly gaining more activity. Hope the positive trend continues

They very very carefully dug their grave, and now they have to lie in it. I don't know if there is anything the admins/mods CAN do at this point to avert total failure. They didn't just let the forum cancer fester, they actively helped it flourish, and now their rotten chickens have come home to roost. I suppose they could try to moderate evening, but we all know that's impossible for them.

Hopefully they'll be a learning lesson for other online communities. You need to nip that shit in the bud. If you tolerate it (or embrace it!), it will come back to ruin you at some point in the near future.


Hopefully they'll be a learning lesson for other online communities.


They've already done that, go back as far as you like in any of the Ree topics and see that this has all been predicted. That's becuse we've seen online communities destroy themselves so many times before. Celebrity poster power tripping mods with personal vendettas only given those positions becuse they are friends with someone that can make them a mod trying to make a forum in what THEY want it to be and not what it grows to be.

November can't come soon enough.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
That safe space for sex assault victims is the ultimate honey pot.

How is a web forum "not safe" in any possible way. Can you be punched in the face through you monitor now?
Or are we really worried about our "feels" while vising a hobby site that is 100% optional ?

Just log off motherfuckers. (please only fuck mothers with written, informed consent)
Honestly this whole safe space thing is a farce to begin with, there is no such thing as a safe space, you can always be around like minded people but they still have a different opinion than you about some subjects. Having this "safe space" takes away the act of actually being an individual and having friendly debate or conversation. Id hate to live in a world where everyone agreed with my ideas and world views.

stop the hand holding and for fuck sake because someone doesnt agree with you doesnt automatically make them a nazi, alt- right a racist etc. And this iscoming someone who has always voted Liberal in Canada.

The only safe space you should be allowed is your own house, other than that when you step outside that door be prepared for adversity and difference.
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Holy shit self awareness! (Except they play the victim card)


I dont buy it.

People who are nerdy enough to be mods on a site like Era dont strike me as likely targets for sexual assault. Let alone multiple mods carrying the claim.

I'm so sick of these fuckin weirdos.

*grabs popcorn*


Why are these people always terrified of shit?


Toxic toxic toxic toxic. Toxic toxic toxic toxic, toxic toxic toxic. Toxic toxic!

See, this is what happens when you live in a bubble and have not developed the skills to hear other opinions (Right or wrong), so the olny tools you have in the box are ones that you use to attack the other side. So you turn those tools on your own community and hide behind "toxic". Poodletwat, how could your diversify, inclusive safe space community have so many bad faith actors in it?

For those that have not picked up on this, B-Dubs and Poodlestrike are best New York buddies and he was the first hire B-Dubs made when he took over the asylum. B-dubs has sent out poodletstrike to be a meat shield becuse if B-dubs actually posts before his finished writing the most corporate response possible to excuse #Fuckrapevictims #Orangemanbad is more important there will be the most amazing meltdown for us to enjoy.
See, this is what happens when you live in a bubble and have not developed the skills to hear other opinions (Right or wrong), so the olny tools you have in the box are ones that you use to attack the other side. So you turn those tools on your own community and hide behind "toxic". Poodletwat, how could your diversify, inclusive safe space community have so many bad faith actors in it?

Yeah and this is what happens when you try to make peace with people who will get PTSD from the very idea of someone saying LMAO at anything vaguely similar to a personal experience instead of telling them to act accordingly. There's a clear distinction between being respectful and trying to help someone and just enabling their pampered fantasies of living in a world where nobody has lived through fucked up shit but you.


Yeah and this is what happens when you try to make peace with people who will get PTSD from the very idea of someone saying LMAO at anything vaguely similar to a personal experience instead of telling them to act accordingly. There's a clear distinction between being respectful and trying to help someone and just enabling their pampered fantasies of living in a world where nobody has lived through fucked up shit but you.


10/10 for this performance actor though, and Lowmelody coming up for second place. Even though they keep going for gold in the victim Olympics they are still not getting their hugbox. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Okay I can't lie this is pretty interesting, a forum rift is happening in real time.

The rift has been there since AT LEAST the Trans meltdown. This is just it flaring up again. It just needed an impetus to do so and Biden being the nominee did it.

Just another reason I see no way this site lasts beyond a few years if that. These people flat out hate each other, but we only see that hatred openly every so often. The amount of malice bubbling under the surface is immeasurable at this point. A lot of bootlickers over there will say shit like "we've been a community for a very long time, we will overcome this", but there's virtually NO WAY that happens without drastic action because the amount of resentment the users have for, well, EVERYONE, is off the charts.

Poodlestrike straight up says the staff is SCARED of their userbase. How the fuck do you nurture a coherent discussion environment when you're terrified of the people you're supposed to watch over? Not that this should be surprising to anyone that saw the last massive controversy play out. The staff was unanimously against Ketkat and it took threats of the site having a Gaf 2017 repeat for them to walk it back. But their feelings didn't suddenly change on it. I've said it before, but it's nearly impossible that at least some of the staff didn't feel resentment for their users after that little episode, even the ones that stayed on. People were straight up calling for Morrigan's head due to posting the "on behalf of the whole team" post detailing Ketkat's "hacking" on permaban.

Here are the two possibilities that will happen with Era: 1. The site splinters off into yet ANOTHER offshoot or 2. a complete overhaul of how discussion plays out that would in turn make it less of a safe space for the members that want to complain nonstop. Hell, it's possible both happen. You can't look at this kind of behavior and not expect everyone to just tear themselves apart over it.
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Zero self awareness whatsoever.


He/she says Conservatives need to "learn and challenge themselves" yet anyone who even signs up on Reset and declares themselves Conservative is immediately permed on the spot.
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But it wasn't just Biden. Democrats and especially Hilary Clinton had been protecting the leader of Kosovo back then who was the leader of a drug and human trafficking ring. Who knows what dealings they had regarding those "products"


Zero self awareness whatsoever.


He/she says Conservatives need to "learn and challenge themselves" yet anyone who even signs up on Reset and declares themselves Conservative is immediately permed on the spot.

Her whole fucking life is a conspiracy theory that it's white people that are the sole reason she has such an average life. Average. She's seemingly no worse off than most people.
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