Okay I can't lie this is pretty interesting, a forum rift is happening in real time.
The rift has been there since AT LEAST the Trans meltdown. This is just it flaring up again. It just needed an impetus to do so and Biden being the nominee did it.
Just another reason I see no way this site lasts beyond a few years if that. These people flat out hate each other, but we only see that hatred openly every so often. The amount of malice bubbling under the surface is immeasurable at this point. A lot of bootlickers over there will say shit like "we've been a community for a very long time, we will overcome this", but there's virtually NO WAY that happens without drastic action because the amount of resentment the users have for, well, EVERYONE, is off the charts.
Poodlestrike straight up says the staff is SCARED of their userbase. How the fuck do you nurture a coherent discussion environment when you're terrified of the people you're supposed to watch over? Not that this should be surprising to anyone that saw the last massive controversy play out. The staff was unanimously against Ketkat and it took threats of the site having a Gaf 2017 repeat for them to walk it back. But their feelings didn't suddenly change on it. I've said it before, but it's nearly impossible that at least some of the staff didn't feel resentment for their users after that little episode, even the ones that stayed on. People were straight up calling for Morrigan's head due to posting the "on behalf of the whole team" post detailing Ketkat's "hacking" on permaban.
Here are the two possibilities that will happen with Era: 1. The site splinters off into yet ANOTHER offshoot or 2. a complete overhaul of how discussion plays out that would in turn make it less of a safe space for the members that want to complain nonstop. Hell, it's possible both happen. You can't look at this kind of behavior and not expect everyone to just tear themselves apart over it.