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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Lol Plagarize trying to say PoliGAF is the echo chamber not the rest of the site

Pot meets kettle if they had self awareness

Yeah, this bit stuck out to me: -

"So I'm sorry if resetera isn't the space of like minded people you thought or hoped it was."

Except this is what ALWAYS happens when those kinds of like-minded people either invade a space or create one of their own. It's their ideology and mentality that causes all of the in-fighting. This laughable shit being another prime example of it: -

The desire to be a victim is at the root of a lot of these people's problems, but instead of making changes in their lives to make the best of it, they wallow in it and seek out people just like them, which only makes them worse.

A mod is recommending that people leave what is supposed to be primarily a gaming forum if being there is putting a strain on their mental health. It's absolute lunacy.
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Lol Poodlestrike claims he doesn't remember saying shit after trying to call out their discord and then immediately tells them to retract the proof of him saying it. Is Poodlestrike just like B-Dubs?

Lol, it was a long time ago.... Like a whole month ago

These are the superior beings who are role models of how we should all act. *applause*

If anyone is curious what the image was


I find it hard to believe that "Asian-Era" has any kind of broad demographic of Asians - they are either all 3rd gen+ Asian American/Europeans who lost their culture and think Asians are a homogeneous ethnicity or are Chinese. No Korean or Japanese person is going to be offended by specifically shittalking China.

This is that same dumb thing. What do "Asian members" have to do with shittalking China? Much of Asia hates China too. All these worldly, culturally enriched people have no idea what the real world looks like.
My wife is asian and oh boy does she have choice things to say about China,


Neighbours from Hell
I love how no one on the left cared when Asian students were being shunned from getting into prestigious colleges, because they didn't land high enough on the victimhood pyramid, but now everyone is pretending like they are allies.

Once the virus is no longer a major story, they'll fall right back down the rankings again and be forgotten about by woke types.
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That whole current "Asian" oppression going on at ree right now is Asians saying "Oh my fucking god don't lump me in with the Chinese, fuck those guys. I'm not like them. Shit I'm going to be racially targeted because I look like I might be Chinese".

and a not too insignificant number of them are from rich Chinese families that bailed out of China living in a sweet McMansion who's lifestyle will not put them anywhere near Trumpkins at all.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
snowflake anyone?


stop posting! you're hurting our fee-fees! you embarassed me! i need to be banned! ahhhh!

(btw no idea why but Era doesn't show avatars for me anymore. could be a blessing)

Can't understand why the mods are fighting? All issues are not taken unilatterally and all mods discuss it with each other before applying a ban 😂😂😂😂 sorry can't keep a straight face. I imagine this mod will be banned for "modwhining"™

Nice to see Poodlestrike get called out. Zombie Hitler supporter is a genuine dickhead. Take that cunt Chebo with you.


I can't believe the thread on are all white people are racist did not create such internal furor as the Poliera and Joe Biden China thread did.

Liberal use of the word Coon thrown towards Kanye West, original sin for all European descendants (including behavior by other ethnicities being applied as learned white supremacy), that was fine. However, attempt to discern China from the imperial mindset of all Asians are monolith and now we have problems.

Intersectional mental retardation at work. Hilarious!


Gold Member
I think it's funny that the board melted down when the suggestion of a Politics board was brought up, yet they pretty much run the communities from another child forum anyway. It was never about what was best for the many, it was always what is best for the few. What a bunch of right wing loons. If they can't screech in public they don't get their attention quote for the day :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:


How are there only 10 mods for that entire site? Is that for real?

Don’t they take in a ton of money? Where is that going? They have all volunteer mods?

Seriously what the hell is going on over there? These people don’t have jobs they just bitch about shit online all day. Why can they not mod their own website?
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advanced basic bitch
How are there only 10 mods for that entire site? Is that for real?

Don’t they take in a ton of money? Where is that going? They have volunteer mods?

Seriously what the hell is going on over there? These people don’t have jobs they just bitch about shit online all day. Why can they not mod their own website?
Cause it's a hellscape and they all know it.


How are there only 10 mods for that entire site? Is that for real?

So do the mods spend so much time moderating threads about comic book heroes and stuff that they don’t have the manpower to mod political topics? Do they not know how to prioritize? The mods will show up to shut down joke threads in an instant amazing how important topics are just too much to handle.

Don’t they take in a ton of money? Where is that going? They have volunteer mods?

Seriously what the hell is going on over there? These people don’t have jobs they just bitch about shit online all day. Why can they not mod their own website?

That board already has 11 admins haha. And about 30 mods.


Junior Member
I can't believe the thread on are all white people are racist did not create such internal furor as the Poliera and Joe Biden China thread did.

Liberal use of the word Coon thrown towards Kanye West, original sin for all European descendants (including behavior by other ethnicities being applied as learned white supremacy), that was fine. However, attempt to discern China from the imperial mindset of all Asians are monolith and now we have problems.

Intersectional mental retardation at work. Hilarious!
What causes this though?

These people can't learn this nonsense from just reeesetera surely


What causes this though?

These people can't learn this nonsense from just reeesetera surely

Imagine living in a bubble where the only news stories that get topics are ones that enforce thier world view. Basically their own China Communist propaganda news outlet that tells them white person bad and racist. Every day for over 2 years.
Where are they going?
Something awful forums have been slowly been assimilated over the last few years to pretty much be another hug box

lowtax is basically just collecting the cheque’s as his own moderators have him on a leash

this will probably be the go to forum...it’s also gonna mean reee is gonna shed that fake shell they call gaming forum and a heap of people are gonna be standing around wondering what happened


How are there only 10 mods for that entire site? Is that for real?

Don’t they take in a ton of money? Where is that going? They have all volunteer mods?

Seriously what the hell is going on over there? These people don’t have jobs they just bitch about shit online all day. Why can they not mod their own website?

Having "ResetEra moderator" in your resume/cv is probably not a badge of honour you might want.

I suspect actually that they're a closed group/clique like the old soviet central committee. The fewer there are, the easier they can set their agenda.

They moderate their own board in a reactive way due to such low numbers. Wait for the reports, review, mould the narritive by culling those who don't align to their "truth".

It's all very North Korean.


Love these posts where they seriously state “nobody wants an echo chamber here”

they spent three years calling everyone else a Nazi, they started believing in their own righteousness. they thought some people are racist/sexists and some are pure as the drive snow. by forcing everyone into this binary they created a narrative that is not reflective of reality.

Biden just blatantly destroys this narrative on a near daily basis. finally they are reaping what they sewed, and the fruits of this longtime harvest are so sweet!

The last guy there, Avaran - why is he so focused on US politics? Yeah I get that what happens in the US does kinda impact on the rest of us to a certain degree, sometimes, but I can't imagine being so into the internal politics of a country thousands of miles away that I avidly read all the posts in a megathread about it and PAY for access to TWO US Newspapers. People like this annoy me. Focus on your own country.
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
Having "ResetEra moderator" in your resume/cv is probably not a badge of honour you might want.

I suspect actually that they're a closed group/clique like the old soviet central committee. The fewer there are, the easier they can set their agenda.

They moderate their own board in a reactive way due to such low numbers. Wait for the reports, review, mould the narritive by culling those who don't align to their "truth".

It's all very North Korean.
Hey I strongly disagree with you. North Korea isn't as bad as Resetera.



"need" to "get my politics/news fix". THEY ARE ADDICTS. media addicts. politics addicts. righteousness addicts.

they even use addict language. they "NEED" to get their "FIX".

they engage in classic addict behavior too. an addict will fuck over family to get their fix. addiction destroys communities.
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
I refuse to believe this.
Okay he didn't have either a capital letter to start the sentence nor a full stop but
In this week's game of 'Can Slayven spell a full sentence correctly?'
(Drum roll)


He did it. The son of a bitch did it.

True it was a 'wrong thread' comment, even though his comment was not edited.

Why did he type it premptively? At this stage you've put more effort into his sentences than Slayven.


Gold Member
Yeah, this bit stuck out to me: -

"So I'm sorry if resetera isn't the space of like minded people you thought or hoped it was."

Except this is what ALWAYS happens when those kinds of like-minded people either invade a space or create one of their own. It's their ideology and mentality that causes all of the in-fighting. This laughable shit being another prime example of it: -

The desire to be a victim is at the root of a lot of these people's problems, but instead of making changes in their lives to make the best of it, they wallow in it and seek out people just like them, which only makes them worse.

A mod is recommending that people leave what is supposed to be primarily a gaming forum if being there is putting a strain on their mental health. It's absolute lunacy.

I can't not believe that these type of people exist, I just can't. I feel like I'm watching like a scetch comedy on SNL or a South Park Episode.


What'd I miss? Why are all the aristocrats and zealots fleeing to the Political lifeboats?

Becuse orange man bad and the only person that is on the field to replace him is the fucking antichrist of Ree ideology.

An old white man who's got dimentia, been accused of rape and is racist.

They have literally got to vote for everything they hate becuse Trump is somehow worse.

Trumps going to win anyway so just enjoy the ride.


I can't not believe that these type of people exist, I just can't. I feel like I'm watching like a scetch comedy on SNL or a South Park Episode.

Crazy ain't it? Imagine standing on stage and telling people not to go into one of the designated silence rooms while wearing an aggressive scent like that one guy did, LOL.
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