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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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A more appropriately worded announcement for their front page:

You asked for it and you got it! Now you can ignore our entire cunt of a communify from the thread list! Go anywhere but here to find out how.


I'm pretty sure most Brits hardly care about their own PM, much less the POTUS. Their voter turnout is as bad as America's.

I'm a Brit mate and I think you could of hit it on the head.

For a hardcore lefty he should be crying about Johnson and Brexit still, but doesn't fit the REEEEE narrative at the min.


^ anime poster, didn’t read


advanced basic bitch
There is no way any reasonably strong warehouse racks like that would collapse due to the kiss that forklift gave them. That's either incompetent construction or Chinese steel.
As someone who works in a warehouse just like that I can tell you it doesn't take much. At least when you're on a forklift. They are all tied together and you can easily take a whole section out.
As someone who works in a warehouse just like that I can tell you it doesn't take much. At least when you're on a forklift. They are all tied together and you can easily take a whole section out.
I have no reason to believe you're wrong, but I've also worked in warehousing years ago (Publix Supermarkets DC, Lakeland, FL), and seen forklifts skid into racks at half-speed in the Frozen Foods warehouse. One day some fucking moron loaded the floor cleaner with straight water before our shift, and the majority of the warehouse was one big patch of black ice.

Granted I only worked at the Publix warehouse, so that's my only point of knowledge.
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Hey I just wanted to say that I love each and every fucking one of all of you. And although I don’t post much these days (be it here or there), and EVEN if I had death threats over my FFVII-reaction, I still love you all.

Oh and I know the Kiwi are reading this: You’re the best. Keep it up ❤

Much love,
Your favorite retarded green dude

Death threats don’t count if they’re from yourself


advanced basic bitch
I have no reason to believe you're wrong, but I've also worked in warehousing years ago (Publix Supermarkets DC, Lakeland, FL), and seen forklifts skid into racks at half-speed in the Frozen Foods warehouse. One day some fucking moron loaded the floor cleaner with straight water before our shift, and the majority of the warehouse was one big patch of black ice.

Granted I only worked at the Publix warehouse, so that's my only point of knowledge.
It depends on where exactly it was hit would be my guess. We were shown a video similar to this at orientation where the lift ran into the rack at the base support beam and it took down the whole thing. Its definitely happens. Not common but it happens.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hey I just wanted to say that I love each and every fucking one of all of you. And although I don’t post much these days (be it here or there), and EVEN if I had death threats over my FFVII-reaction, I still love you all.

Oh and I know the Kiwi are reading this: You’re the best. Keep it up ❤

Much love,
Your favorite retarded green dude

A wild Yoshichan! Glad to see you're alright and getting the help you need. Best of luck, man!


Yeah, this bit stuck out to me: -

"So I'm sorry if resetera isn't the space of like minded people you thought or hoped it was."

Except this is what ALWAYS happens when those kinds of like-minded people either invade a space or create one of their own. It's their ideology and mentality that causes all of the in-fighting. This laughable shit being another prime example of it: -

The desire to be a victim is at the root of a lot of these people's problems, but instead of making changes in their lives to make the best of it, they wallow in it and seek out people just like them, which only makes them worse.

A mod is recommending that people leave what is supposed to be primarily a gaming forum if being there is putting a strain on their mental health. It's absolute lunacy.

I find it baffling and still don't quite get how did these cultists took over GaF pre exodus
I remember lurking gaming as far back as 2012 and was like NOPE not joining this circus. Mass exodus really was a blessing in disguise, its much more level headed and balanced now.

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I find it baffling and still don't quite get how did these cultists took over GaF pre exodus

I don't fully understand it either, but then I've never been involved in running a site with as many members as this one, especially when it was back at its peak.

I have been an admin on some much smaller forums over the years and if I think a mod is abusing their position to ban people for political opinions or whatever, I de-mod them, but I suspect here it was something that built up gradually. It's easy for me to say "I'd have done X and Y", but maybe I'd have found myself sitting there one day thinking "I really didn't want my site to end up like this", but feeling like I couldn't do much to change it without axing a bunch of mods in a way that would have caused a massive backlash from the user base. Also, from what I've read, EviLore put faith in certain mods who went on to let him down and went off the rails, banning people for no reason.
I don't find it at all ironic that a bunch of sexually confused nonproductive shut-ins are backing extended stay at home orders....but Reset still annoys me.


Fingerlickin' Good!
I find it baffling and still don't quite get how did these cultists took over GaF pre exodus
I remember lurking gaming as far back as 2012 and was like NOPE not joining this circus. Mass exodus really was a blessing in disguise, its much more level headed and balanced now.

i remember seeing people suddenly start talk about 'safe spaces' and i was like, wtf is going on here


I find it baffling and still don't quite get how did these cultists took over GaF pre exodus
I remember lurking gaming as far back as 2012 and was like NOPE not joining this circus. Mass exodus really was a blessing in disguise, its much more level headed and balanced now.


Search for posts by RiskyChris

Start with this thread: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/can-...rs-other-recommendations-welcomed-itt.401886/

Then came the LGBT community thread which acted as a beacon for the mentally ill types who then went on to infiltrate moderation and wage a cultural coup. GAF was a victim of the Gender Studies (aka Women’s Studies aka Feminism) mind virus ~5 years before it hit mainstream culture.


Gold Member
I find it baffling and still don't quite get how did these cultists took over GaF pre exodus
I remember lurking gaming as far back as 2012 and was like NOPE not joining this circus. Mass exodus really was a blessing in disguise, its much more level headed and balanced now.

I have thought about this every now and then. Having been a member since 2002, the madness kinda gradually crept in, boiling a frog. There was little awareness of intersectionality and grievance studies madness as a concept, so it was hard to spot what was going on as a phenomena. GAF had already a reputation for pretty swift moderation of trolls, so bannings and mod authority abuse didn’t raise eyebrows.

The first time I woke up to something being really off was during the ‘refugee crises’ when, for the first time, I felt like I was walking on eggshells suggesting that unchecked migration of young men from muslim cultures may not be a smart idea especially for women and gay people in our societies. That felt exactly like my final days of posting at RE felt like, reading and re-reading every post not to catch a ban (amazingly, I never did).

It has been so nice to discuss things openly here again. I appreciate that people can think that the lockdown is bad, or that it’s absolutely vital. I like that people can call Trump the orange Cheeto, or call people out for TDS. I like that people can think that trans people are human beings deserving equal rights, or they can think that the whole society should not realign sports and public spaces to accommodate a sub-% minority. I am yet to see what harm it could possibly have to allow discussion.

EDIT: wow, just noticed that they actually are now banning opinions against the lockdown as “spreading misinformation in a pandemic”
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As I suspect that there is a bit of a divide going on from the discord and the site

what you will probably see is more dog piling as it’s the same nut jobs screeching on the discord about posts on the forum

if I were cerium I would be throwing This discord so far down the cliff away from the site as I think it’s gonna end up worse than their secret pedo discord

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Hey I just wanted to say that I love each and every fucking one of all of you. And although I don’t post much these days (be it here or there), and EVEN if I had death threats over my FFVII-reaction, I still love you all.

Oh and I know the Kiwi are reading this: You’re the best. Keep it up ❤

Much love,
Your favorite retarded green dude
I'll admit I posted some shit about you about FFVII Remake as I thought you were exaggerating for dramatic effect. I'm glad to hear you're getting help and you have real support. No game is worth your mental health. Also im disgusted that people made death threats to you, the pricks. Avoid off-topic Resetera threads too as they are dumpster fires at best, ban baiting threads at worst. I hope VII-2 reaches your expectations and we can look back at this period and laugh.
Best Regards,
Richard Jones III

Dick Jones

Gold Member
As I suspect that there is a bit of a divide going on from the discord and the site

what you will probably see is more dog piling as it’s the same nut jobs screeching on the discord about posts on the forum

if I were cerium I would be throwing This discord so far down the cliff away from the site as I think it’s gonna end up worse than their secret pedo discord
Please DM me the discord link. I need to see the lunacy.

Dick Jones

Gold Member

Even Ree don't seem to have fallen for this blatant tolling for outrage topic. Yet.




Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
As I suspect that there is a bit of a divide going on from the discord and the site

what you will probably see is more dog piling as it’s the same nut jobs screeching on the discord about posts on the forum

if I were cerium I would be throwing This discord so far down the cliff away from the site as I think it’s gonna end up worse than their secret pedo discord
The discord? Aren't there 40 or more different Era discords?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
"How to: show to the world that I'm a normie who hasn't seen many anime 101"

Meanwhile in anime threads:

"come on, the last 3 shows have been very bad barely any animation... but of course they blew up their budged in the big battle at the first episode... I hear episode 5 picks up again"

"the show is great I like the characters and the design a lot but they're poorly animated... you know, they're a small studio with a small budget, if this season gets viewers maybe next will improve"

"i like that this old franchise i enjoyed as a child is back, but the characters look uglier and the action scenes are not smooth... c'mon you know they can't afford hand drawn anymore be happy that it's back even if its cgi"

Please. I get that you're a fan. But anime's lack of animation is a thing. You don't want to admit it outside your little club? I'm fine. But anyone can go on the internet and check an anime forum or reddit and easily see that while fans will overlook these budgetary deficiencies, fans still notice and complain about them. Just look for any place where anime discussions happen and look for the word budget.
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Gold Member

Starts off as a thread backfire then gets progressively more entertaining.



Starts off as a thread backfire then gets progressively more entertaining.

TIL I learned FF7 is racist and I've been a racist all these years for liking it. Why am I so racist?
Meanwhile in anime threads:

"come on, the last 3 shows have been very bad barely any animation... but of course they blew up their budged in the big battle at the first episode... I hear episode 5 picks up again"

"the show is great I like the characters and the design a lot but they're poorly animated... you know, they're a small studio with a small budget, if this season gets viewers maybe next will improve"

"i like that this old franchise i enjoyed as a child is back, but the characters look uglier and the action scenes are not smooth... c'mon you know they can't afford hand drawn anymore be happy that it's back even if its cgi"

Please. I get that you're a fan. But anime's lack of animation is a thing. You don't want to admit it outside your little club? I'm fine. But anyone can go on the internet and check an anime forum or reddit and easily see that while fans will overlook these budgetary deficiencies, fans still notice and complain about them. Just look for any place where anime discussions happen and look for the word budget.

That 'lack of animation' is nowhere more obvious than in Ghibli movies for crying out loud. I'm currently rewatching them on Netflix (atm Laputa) and your 'panning and zooming' is exactly what happens in Ghibli movies. This isn't some revelation though, as it has always been the core difference between Ghibli and Disney: Disney movies have dynamic camera perspectives and fast action, whereas Ghibli movies offer more details, but are static outside of short bursts of more dynamic scenes.

This is the same for all of anime, except there are plenty of shows that offer much more dynamic camera work than Ghibli, like Sidonia, Attack on Titan or Hoseki no Kuni.

Ghibli isn't special. It's just more known among the mainstream, that's all.
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advanced basic bitch
That 'lack of animation' is nowhere more obvious than in Ghibli movies for crying out loud. I'm currently rewatching them on Netflix (atm Laputa) and your 'panning and zooming' is exactly what happens in Ghibli movies. This isn't some revelation though, as it has always been the core difference between Ghibli and Disney: Disney movies have dynamic camera perspectives and fast action, whereas Ghibli movies offer more details, but are static outside of short bursts of more dynamic scenes.

This is the same for all of anime, except there are plenty of shows that offer much more dynamic camera work than Ghibli, like Sidonia, Attack on Titan or Hoseki no Kuni.

Ghibli isn't special. It's just more known among the mainstream, that's all.
Do you like any anime not made in the last five years?
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