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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Dick Jones

Gold Member
Why do people even use the site? Do they not see the blatant racism/homophobia?
I liken it to a person in an abusive relationship. You start off fine and move in, then it changes ever so slightly and goes worse in smaller increments. You are around so long you don't notice how shit it really has become and justify it. If on day one mods called black people c*ons, posters would have came straight back to GAF. Remember these paragons of virtue recommended to post explicit porn videos in GAF to ban their accounts and go all in with ERA. Notice how they didn't do it themselves and B-Dubs logged back in, after his racist and transphobic shit came out, to try and hide the evidence.

Another poster here had compared it to the frog in the pot of water that slowly has the heat turned up. Great comparison.

If Resetera want positive black representation on their site then they can start by banning Nepenthe. She is the personification of the angry black person trope she claims is racist. But if they do so, where could B-Dubs find another black person to excuse his racism? Real catch 22 situation.


Darkness no more
Damn, that last paragraph. Imagine you have a team of another 10 admins or something and all of them support shit like that........they really think their reasonable users are pieces of shit. One corrupt cabal swapped for another worse one. I can't believe anyone with an IQ greater than a teabag think the below is anything approaching OK, in any way. Talk about punching down from a position of privilege.


There is only one type of person worse than those who seeks fame. People who seek infamy. People like Trump. People like Johnson. People like Nepenthe.

Isn't Nepenthe a suburban teenager living with their parents while working at a grocery store and complaining about racial issues on the internet all day? Imagine getting talked down to by a person like that 🤣


I liken it to a person in an abusive relationship. You start off fine and move in, then it changes ever so slightly and goes worse in smaller increments. You are around so long you don't notice how shit it really has become and justify it. If on day one mods called black people c*ons, posters would have came straight back to GAF. Remember these paragons of virtue recommended to post explicit porn videos in GAF to ban their accounts and go all in with ERA. Notice how they didn't do it themselves and B-Dubs logged back in, after his racist and transphobic shit came out, to try and hide the evidence.

Another poster here had compared it to the frog in the pot of water that slowly has the heat turned up. Great comparison.

If Resetera want positive black representation on their site then they can start by banning Nepenthe. She is the personification of the angry black person trope she claims is racist. But if they do so, where could B-Dubs find another black person to excuse his racism? Real catch 22 situation.
I think that was the funniest revelation with the black community summit they had, they all bitched and moaned about being banned for their “culture” or for people constantly “tone policing” them. But if you actually went back and saw what they were banned for it was for constantly being hostile and cursing and insulting other members like excel does. So apparently black culture to them is just being an angry asshole to people, all the while complaining about angry black person tropes.

It was quite the interesting juxtaposition. It’s what we’ve said for a while, they don’t want to be equal they want to be above reprecussions.


Sometimes I believe Ree admins cultivate the hobby of pissing people off. You can't just ban all this people with stupid motivations and don't fear something bad will happen if you ban only one wrong person. Ok, they are Resetera, a group of people with a pathological lack of sense of responsibility and consequence, but not self preservation, I hope.

I see three possible scenarios, from softer to worst case:

-they piss off someone big from an important game magazine, like Eurogamer or IGN, or worse, something much bigger outside videogames. Only an article with some criticism. Few hours to spread on the internet, because you know how gaming journazizm works, they copy and past everything for clicks without verifying the source, because who cares. People will begun to dissociate from them, gaming sites and developers who were friendly 2 minutes before will dissociate from them as well with lame excuses. They will ask for response from Isamu &co who left and disappear for some time. Some admin and moderator will stay but only for some day because they can't handle the pressure. After some time, Isamu will reappear to put the blame on the well known alt right, trumpist, white supremacists, trolls and so on, with a forum much much smaller than before.

-they piss off someone very... dangerous. At some game tournament or game convention, one of them will introduce himself as a Resetera Mod/Admin. Two second later, the same person will find himself on the ground, in a bloodbath with no teeth. People, and even game magazine/developers will condemn this action, but other people won't. Opinions will be very polarized. Resetera will stay, but mod will live in fear and re-think thousand of times before ban someone.

-they piss off some hacker from 4chan, 8chan, who will track them and expose their address and their telephone numbers. This is the worst case, because they will directly face the consequence of their actions, and most of them can't handle it. Something really bad would happen to those who already have some mental issue, so most of them.
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20's I think.

Wonder if she believes she's a modern day Black Panther and up there with with the likes of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.

I also wonder if her parents told her when she was a child acting up "Be careful before the white man gets you!"
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20's I think.

Wonder if she believes she's a modern day Black Panther and up there with with the likes of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.

I also wonder if her parents told her when she was a child acting up "Be careful before the white man gets you!"
Judging by the picture online and them just starting to have to handle things in their adult life finally I would say mid-late 20s is probably the most likely age range. After doing nothing with their lives they need to start supporting themselves, getting a car, paying rent, etc.


I wish I still had an account over at Era because I’d totally make a thread calling out Nepenthe. She is the fucking worst. What a stupid cunt
It's funny how cowardly posters on that forum are when it comes to mods openly abusing their moderation powers with zero accountability and fairness.
Yet some of those very same people were ready to burn all of Neogaf down back in 2017 off the strength of an allegation with no evidence.

That amount of unquestioning compliance and herd mentality is just as pathetic as the absurd behavior from the staff & admins.
Some of these nutcases have the audacity to call everything under the sun they disagree with Hitler or fascist, while turning a blind eye to mods behaving like little tyrants on their very own forum.
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Next time some SJW on ResetEra tries to pull the whole "only white people can be racist cos racism is prejudice + power and only whites have power" bullshit, someone should link to that ban as evidence to the contrary, as Nepenthe has openly called a person of colour racist and banned them for it.

He knocked it out the park with that post too.
Nepenth actually is, she was doxxed recently. She was too busy being angry at whitey to even notice.

I wonder if she's the girl/woman in the YT video from that thread "are all white people racist". There's correlation from the "if you don't agree with me on the YT video you can't comment" to the admin/moderation practices by her on Resetera as well as the repetitious content and replies. She even uses the same language and phrasing e.g. imbued.


Tough few days for Nepenthe


Hey Nepenthe, how many people got to see you show your racist ass today?


30K. Wow, bet your proud of your "Message" reaching so many people (So far). Special thanks to B-Dubs showing what kind of staff he lets be a mod ADMIN on Resetera.

Currently Ree seems oblivious to this free PR gift they have been given. I don't see a topic on this and even the topic in the video has not been bumped.

2020, the year you stay losing.



So, what are the chances that this Nepenthe character gets banned? I he is an admin and therefore untouchable, but wasn't that furry one (kekat? kerkat?, ketkat?) also thought to be untouchable once upon a time, and wasn't he/she banned? From reading this thread, Nepenthe seems to be going insane, surely it's only a matter of time?
perfectly reasonable post, banned

another reasonable post banned for wrongthink

Yeah, these messages are so provocative and offensive, that it's good that these people have been banned from posting on that videogame forum. I mean, I'm still shocked. I'm literally shaking rn. You should put a NSFW tag there.

-Have you ever been banned from a videogame forum?
-Yes, I have
-OMG what did you write?
-"I don't know I think Barrett is cool"
-You vile piece of shit


Damn, that last paragraph. Imagine you have a team of another 10 admins or something and all of them support shit like that........they really think their reasonable users are pieces of shit. One corrupt cabal swapped for another worse one. I can't believe anyone with an IQ greater than a teabag think the below is anything approaching OK, in any way. Talk about punching down from a position of privilege.


There is only one type of person worse than those who seeks fame. People who seek infamy. People like Trump. People like Johnson. People like Nepenthe.

I quote:
This does not mean you cannot like a character that is problematic




Does she even fuckin read what she writes lol?

"Oh you can like the character, but you'll get banned if you do"
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
Hey guys, I snuck into the mods secret discord (don't worry I didn't click on their porn links, don't want to be part of any dawn raids) and came across a page of their training manual. This should give an insight to how the mods operate and how to avoid a ban. Hope it helps👍

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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Damn that's sad. So Nepenthe, an on record racist, is running the forum now? Yeesh.

Wait is she actually a teenager?

This is too much.

"She" is just some guy that works a cashier job at Walgreens or CVS. Telling educated and experienced people how they should think. ResetERA in a nutshell.

Not that there's anything wrong with being a cashier. It's just, don't think your two months at community college qualifies you to moderate discussions of literally a few thousand people.
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Damn that's sad. So Nepenthe, an on record racist, is running the forum now? Yeesh.

"She" is just some guy that works a cashier job at Walgreens or CVS. Telling educated and experienced people how they should think. ResetERA in a nutshell.

Not that there's anything wrong with being a cashier. It's just, don't think your two months at community college qualifies you to moderate discussions of literally a few thousand people.

She's an admin, which is like a super mod I think. There's a general manager B-dubs who was put in place when the actual owner wanted to distance himself from the forum as he could see the way things were turning out so he made B-dubs the fall guy for that. The real owner is Cerium, who just takes ALL the money that forum makes for himself.

Not even as much as a donation for any of the causes and minorities they claim to be fighting for in the whole time they have been running.



Starts off as a thread backfire then gets progressively more entertaining.

No surprise that they take the "stereotypes can be harmful" opinion and ramp it up to "anything that can potentially be considered a stereotype is extremely harmful and evil and should never ever be allowed to be expressed".

This is the problem with "TV Tropes" and other bullshit places that are obsessed with tropes. They have to try harder and harder to come up with "content" and so they "find" less obvious talking points and push them.

If you happen to fully buy into this stuff then you're going to look like a complete idiot to most sane people.

I was in Pisa and Florence towards the end of last year. Absolutely beautiful part of the world. Let me tell you about the food though. Lads, the pasta dishes you can get in restaurants over there is God Tier stuff. Their Pizza is utterly, utterly magnificent.

Now, is it fair to say that this is some kind of stereotyping of Italy and Italians? Sure. Probably.
It ain't negative though. I'm sure most people from the region would be like "actually there is a specific dish from our region that we all love you missed out by not trying it".

Nobody needs to get mad or upset because there's no harm being done.

Sometimes it feels like some on ResetEra would say it's stereotypical and offensive to claim Italians love Pizza and Pasta and maybe it's even cultural appropriation for me to enjoy those things too much blah blah blah.

So it seeps into what they want from videogames.

Anyone of any race can get angry or be scary. Any character in a work of fiction can be written as comic relief.
Just because the character is a specific race does not make this an offence in any way.

What is the alternative here? Writers need to write a character FIRST then choose a race for that character in such a way that nobody can take offence.
So you've written an angry character? Well better make sure he is white and male cos we don't tolerate angry women or angry black people around here!

You want to have a character who will break the tension and add a bit of levity? Better make sure that character is white too because we won't allow any non-white character to be anything other than a symbol of competence and flawless empowerment.

What's the "Goldilocks Zone" for non-white (and non-male) characters in videogames?
If players feel like characters of their race are "representing" them then any negative traits could be seen as a slight on the player themselves.
For "allies" they might feel like any negative traits are equivalent to insults against groups of people they dearly wish to protect.

Just sitting down to play my new 60 bucks video game.
Oh wow this character is the same race and gender as ME!
*character is angry about something*


Actually, it occurred to me that all fictional characters are stereotypes or caricatures to some extent.

I mean, how do you write a character without leaning into some kind of trope or stereotype? Usually a combination of several, I think?
Even deliberately and obviously subverting well known tropes would be something of a trope in itself, surely?

Meaning if you write a character then someone somewhere would be able to find a way that this character is a slight on the people who share certain characteristics with that character?
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