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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Scotty W

Here's something I wondered ages ago but forgot about. You know that "Why women criticise sexualblahblah" thread? Doesn't it seem like a whole lot of guys use that thread as a place to safely post pictures of sexualized anime chicks with their bits out... While putting on a performance about said pictures?

Like, "Look at this character design! Isn't it so problematic you guys?! Check out the way her breasts are just hanging out! & look! You can see her panties & everything! I for one am disgusted by this & that's why I've posted pictures of it"
Kierkegaard says that “The prohibition awakens the desire.” By making it taboo, they are enticing themselves. The dog returns to his vomit, the pig to his filth.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Very prophetic, its a great thread which highlights the insanity of that hate forum, no skimpiness for female clothes, should be fully covered and fat/ugly, except of course if the female in question is a rapist and dominatrix( i never played Drakengard 3 so just going by the comments )




You know you are a true progressive when you celebrate rape in media.


Looks like Morrigan got tired of sexual assault victims whining so she started banning and locked the thread:

morrigan said:
A number of the posts being referenced above have been moderated, or are going to be as soon as we get to process them. Some of them have been completely unacceptable and yes, it's frustrating and appalling to read them. Believe me, I know this all too well.

That said, this has now become a place to just attack other members and mods. The moderator being referenced here has been a consistent ally who has defended Tara Reade and attacked Joe Biden at every opportunity, yet is being paraphrased completely out of context in order to be dunked on. This kind of toxicity is not acceptable, and we're putting a stop to it.

Please continue reporting posts that minimize sexual assault and/or attack victims. Such posts have always been bannable and will continue to be. This does not mean posters have free rein to lash out towards other members.

Bullet Club

Hey guys, crunch ain't so bad...

Derktron said:
Sorry to say but sitting on your ass for 8 hours a day is nothing compared to what retail workers go through especially with major retail stores. Try working a retail job for 8 hours or more and sometimes get no breaks.


I can't get my head around this one.

I get the distinct feeling that 4chan started this one. Kinda like the OK hand sign.
These fucking idiots get played like a dame fiddle.

The whole "Lord of the Rings is racist" thing has been going on for a while. I thought I remembered an infamous Guardian article about it a while back, and yes, here it is, from way back in 2002 (was there even such a thing as click-bait back then?):


It's easy to forget that, before Trump Derangement Syndrome was a thing, Dubya was deranging certain sections of our media class too:

Perhaps Dubya's war on terror is making me a bit uneasy, or maybe it's just good old-fashioned Guardian-reading imperial guilt, but there was something about watching a bunch of pale faces setting off into the east to hack some guys with dark faces into little bits that made me feel a little queasy.
Perhaps I'd better come right out and say it. The Lord of the Rings is racist. It is soaked in the logic that race determines behaviour. Orcs are bred to be bad, they have no choice. The evil wizard Saruman even tells us that they are screwed-up elves. Elves made bad by a kind of devilish genetic modification programme. They deserve no mercy.

While searching for that, I found this. Apparently, "face-ism" is a thing now too:

Hey, shes kinda cute actually

That juice ain't worth the squeeze, bruv
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I just went into resetera again especially with the rapist Joe Biden thread.

They're certainly banning for absolutely everything. It's absolutely out of control at the moment.

Are they banning more people than they sign up?


Here's something I wondered ages ago but forgot about. You know that "Why women criticise sexualblahblah" thread? Doesn't it seem like a whole lot of guys use that thread as a place to safely post pictures of sexualized anime chicks with their bits out... While putting on a performance about said pictures?

Like, "Look at this character design! Isn't it so problematic you guys?! Check out the way her breasts are just hanging out! & look! You can see her panties & everything! I for one am disgusted by this & that's why I've posted pictures of it"
Nas, it's just a morality competition :

-Hey look at this sexualized pic, so you see how much high my moral is.

-I posted three of those, my morality is much higher than yours

-I've posted only one western sexualized character, I hope I will reach the same level of morality so I can be accepted by you..
I just went into resetera again especially with the rapist Joe Biden thread.

They're certainly banning for absolutely everything. It's absolutely out of control at the moment.

Are they banning more people than they sign up?

Short answer...no...longer answer is it’s the same idiots having the same arguments but in different dresses.




This is your mind on drugs liberalism.

Every White American has racked a kill count of 9 million. And only White people kill for some reason.

I wish was making this shit up but the likes of NinjaScooter really do fantasize about dying everyday. Makes you wonder why he's posting on a message board if he's always 1 second away from death.
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Short answer...no...longer answer is it’s the same idiots having the same arguments but in different dresses.

A not too insignificant number of the new signups are alts and trolls. They've clipped a couple of my accounts but it's not that hard to get new ones to hold in reserve, especially when there's places selling/trading pre-registered accounts. $5 well spent.

Dick Jones

Gold Member

This is your mind on drugs liberalism.

Every White American has racked a kill count of 9 million. And only White people kill for some reason.

I wish was making this shit up but the likes of NinjaScooter really do fantasize about dying everyday. Makes you wonder why he's posting on a message board if he's always 1 second away from death.
Isn't NinjaScooter the one who responded to a statutory rape thread with the photo of a plane in mid flight?


stories like these are just an excuse for them to exercise their white hatred & give them cover to indulge in race war fantasies of their own


reads about a single story and this dude is pretending he's strapping up like he's a true believer in Charles Manson.
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stories like these are just an excuse for them to exercise their white hatred & give them cover to indulge in race war fantasies of their own


reads about a single story and this dude is pretending he's strapping up like he's a true believer in Charles Manson.
Pretty much the only black people on that site are the radicalized people from GAF. They all want race wars and excuses to justify going around murdering people. A single death really means that ALL black people are being murdered and only by whites.
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stories like these are just an excuse for them to exercise their white hatred & give them cover to indulge in race war fantasies of their own


reads about a single story and this dude is pretending he's strapping up like he's a true believer in Charles Manson.

"Armed and ready to kill" With just one tweet from my blue check-marked account. Take that whitey, you're canceled! Now my black ass can just walk up and collect all that loot you've just dropped.


Jelly Belly
Pretty much the only black people on that site are the radicalized people from GAF. They all want race wars and excuses to justify going around murdering people. A single death really means that ALL black people are being murdered and only by whites.

Which makes me wonder... statiscly.. if a black person gets murdered.. how big are the odds its been done by a white person or by a black person. Let’s say for the past 20 years or so. And in the States.


advanced basic bitch
Which makes me wonder... statiscly.. if a black person gets murdered.. how big are the odds its been done by a white person or by a black person. Let’s say for the past 20 years or so. And in the States.
I don't have the stats on hand but I've heard Larry Elder and others talk about how it's overwhelmingly more likely for a black person to be killed by another black person as opposed to white on black.


advanced basic bitch

hmmm "uppity" and from Brunswick?


wow must really suck to live in a racist place like Brunswick where 60% of the populaiton is black. /s

half the time these people dump on Southerners they are literally dumping on poor black people.
Whatever they can do to shit on their fellow man. It's like they are trying to out white guilt each other for some fucking reason. It's the new "I've got black friends" therefore I'm not racists. I'm not racist! I have white guilt!

Dick Jones

Gold Member
just another man deciding what is justice for a female rape victim, while hiding behind a feminist avatar


I don't see the issue. Another white person claiming they are of a different background to what they actually are to try a benefit from it (first Warren, now this idiot). We have a saying in Ireland 'Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile' (loose translation it takes one to know one).


so funny how the Warren avatar is in the style of Taylor Swift, another extremely privileged white lady, daughter of two stock brokers, who had an album where the concept was "I'm such a victim because the media doesn't like me". it's like a double dose of elitist hypocrisy.
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Gold Member
It's the most rational conclusion given that the community proved beyond any reasonable doubt that all white people are racist, and are therefore Hitler. And as we know, Hitler was dangerous.
Nah, they’d vote for him over orange man.

If Trump is reelected, people on Era will bona fide start saying that Hitler did nothing wrong.
Assuming the forum survives, that is.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member


Which makes me wonder... statiscly.. if a black person gets murdered.. how big are the odds its been done by a white person or by a black person. Let’s say for the past 20 years or so. And in the States.

The most recent numbers I can find are for 2017.

Where the victim was black, the murderer was black in 88.45% of cases.

It's a similar situation with white murder victims, where the murderer was white in 80.21% of cases.

In that year, murder was the number 1 cause of death for black males under 45, with it being responsible for 35.3% of deaths in the under 19 age group, and 27.6% of all deaths in the 20-44 age group. For the same age groups when talking about white males, the figures are 5.2% and 2.8% respectively.

So, black people are murdered at a much higher rate than other groups, in terms of the number of murders per 100,000, but about 9 out of 10 are committed by other black people.

Sources: -



advanced basic bitch
The most recent numbers I can find are for 2017.

Where the victim was black, the murderer was black in 88.45% of cases.

It's a similar situation with white murder victims, where the murderer was white in 80.21% of cases.

In that year, murder was the number 1 cause of death for black males under 45, with it being responsible for 35.3% of deaths in the under 19 age group, and 27.6% of all deaths in the 20-44 age group. For the same age groups when talking about white males, the figures are 5.2% and 2.8% respectively.

So, black people are murdered at a much higher rate than other groups, in terms of the number of murders per 100,000, but about 9 out of 10 are committed by other black people.

Sources: -

Yep. That sounds like the statistic I heard from Larry Elder. Love that guy. He backs all his shit up.


no, that would be stupid. he is saying only cis hetero males get away with murder. specifically political assassination. which is even more stupid.
I really want someone to ask them for a list of people who got away with assassinating leaders of a country that weren’t taking over the country as part of a coup. The alternative facts that they constantly cite never cease to amaze me.
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