Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
inside look at the mind of the NPCs who write for nerd websites and what they think of fans
Moderator? Staff Writer at RPGFan?
LOL great site you write for
Was this parody, or did they legit have a seizure while cruising the Reee?
Why does it always come back to them wanting free money because they failed at everything they've tried? It's very interesting how they hate the rich, hate any successful, but gimme gimme free money! I wonder if they followed their own advice and paid others when educating them?
Mention how immigrants from <insert literally any country here> arrive with nothing, sometimes not even a firm grasp of the language, and are successful within a single generation or two and they hurl the "model minority" in your face. I remember such a thread on Reee before. Some of their black (not all) American users went berserk, claiming immigrants come in with a leg up.
Sure, "a leg up". Nothing but the clothes on their back, maybe a few hundred dollars, sparse English, non citizen status. But somehow, according to Reee, they possess privilege - not the families who have been here for ten generations with the social benefits (however meager they be compared to other first world nations) our country affords them. It would be humorous if the rest of us weren't picking up the tab.
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