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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Quick off topic.....

The comments section runs the gamut from sensible to blaming Obama (lol) to evangelical power fantasy. The movie no longer shows up in my list for new movies, so maybe Netflix is reacting by pulling it from common lists.

Could be, yes. They definitely misjudged society's reaction.

Daffy Duck

From the site feedback thread:


"Help! I report everything I see so I lose track :("

maybe the problem is you, you cunt.

Daffy Duck

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Oh no! Clutching them pearls once again.
How dare that traitor not appreciate the glory of the motherland, he was in a communist paradise and threw it away

Oh no! Clutching them pearls once again.

Was waiting for them to bite on that trailer.


Excel before has flat-out said they love arguing with people and the mods did zero.

It's of absolutely no surprise they abused the report button.

They are a complete and utter muppet. Hecht, please make them an admin. <3


Would like to myself, I know she's racist as fuck but I have zero idea who the dude who replied is.

Maybe she posted something in a community thread, I dunno.
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Found this back and forth kinda hilarious.

Member realizes that you can't demand immediate bans from volunteer staff using extraordinary scrutiny into double, triple, and quadruple hidden meanings or whatever nonsense.


Of course people don't like being told their demands are unreasonable


Original member says "hey maybe take some responsibility for everyone here being shitty"


Goes over about as well as you expect:

(Bonus Giant Brass Balls post about Cerium from Big-E)


Our favorite troll from under a bridge gets involved and actually goes against the mob!

Also "I disagree with someone therefore they must be posting in bad faith"


Finally ends with "I don't like what he's saying therefore LA LA LA I'M IGNORING YOU BAD FAITH BAD FAITH"


Also several people agreed with Excelsior's post about needing a better way to track reports. Which means they have several posters who spam reports all day and the mods wonder why they're exhausted?

Contrary to popular belief that all the stress of being a staff member on ERA is coming from "neo nazis" on the outside or whatever, their lives are being ruined from inside the house.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
where is the nep antisemitism? i want to see
She is a little racist, by that I mean she is little and a racist.

The biggest antisemite is Poodlestrike, ironic since that cunt is Jewish. Remember along with that Wishbone looking fucker Cheebo wanting Zombie Hitler to win this November. Two trash fuckers.

Hecht is up to 5 likes! A new record.

He even got a reply :O


Will he reply?

Has he lost teeth from furiously grinding them in anger?

Stay tuned!
I feel sorry for Hecht. When he wakes up from his drinking session he will be unsure of what to do when someone messaged him for the first time. Likely go private, those 5 likes will go to his head.


He feels overshadowed by Nephente, this may just start a revolution and a new forum shall be born.

One can hope but after all 'he is immune to your bullshit' so be warned Neph, wear your fursuit just in case.

Godspeed Hecht!

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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I kind of feel bad for making fun of his drinking problem now. But if he and his fellow Ree mods weren't cruel to their own forum mates no one would fuck with him, let alone even know who he is. The admins don't seem to realize people come for the discussions created by the average forum goer. Mods here, at IGN, on Reddit, they understand that. At Reee the mods do their best to insert themselves between fun, quality discussion and look for reasons to ban rather than to engage.

In short they're cunts. Often dumb cunts, at that. So if they want threads like this to disappear from here or Kiwi, for the Twitter parody accounts to go away, for every Reddit thread in which they're mentioned to stop turning into a laugh fest of dozens of people making fun of them, they could just step down and let well adjusted human beings take their place. Or Cerium could grow a sac and get rid of them all.


I think they've acted like cunts long enough and enabled each other to do so for so long, stabbing others in the back in the name of empathy that they deserve no pity.

People laughing at them gives them energy to feel oppressed, it seriously does.

But yes, cunts, step the fuck down and abandon your ego for the sake of the site. (They won't).

Also Cerium, come out of the woodwork. You sell shares to all these retards and just piss off?
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drinking problems are a virtue for the left tho! its part of the self hatred/self victimization morality. drinking a lot of shorthand for "caring too much". which turns it into just another aspect of performative consumerism.

the left embraces a Satanic view of morality. all the Christian vices are now virtues. sobriety is bad. prudishness is bad. drinking to excess is good. self destructive exhibitionism is good.

not that big a jump for an intoxicated person to start thinking punching others and taking off your clothes is good too. many drunks share these same ideas!
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Can’t Git Gud
No idea where to post this so:
this games done quick is officially a resetera joint right?
I mean cmon... 4:30
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
No idea where to post this so:
this games done quick is officially a resetera joint right?
I mean cmon... 4:30

That's pretty much all Games Done Quick. I have to say, Alyx looks fantastic. VR has made so much progress these past few years.


I kind of feel bad for making fun of his drinking problem now. But if he and his fellow Ree mods weren't cruel to their own forum mates no one would fuck with him, let alone even know who he is. The admins don't seem to realize people come for the discussions created by the average forum goer. Mods here, at IGN, on Reddit, they understand that. At Reee the mods do their best to insert themselves between fun, quality discussion and look for reasons to ban rather than to engage.

In short they're cunts. Often dumb cunts, at that. So if they want threads like this to disappear from here or Kiwi, for the Twitter parody accounts to go away, for every Reddit thread in which they're mentioned to stop turning into a laugh fest of dozens of people making fun of them, they could just step down and let well adjusted human beings take their place. Or Cerium could grow a sac and get rid of them all.
Apologies but have to provide a TLDR
All the mods on Reee are outrage supporters and arseholes.
Im absolutely shocked that its not designated as a hate site by the media like 8chan or whatever but with wankers like Schreier reporting and sites looking for clickbait articles/titles its understandable.

What a world we live in eh?



OP: got arrested for a warrant (failure to appear)
God of Phaggot: OP obviously you’re black right!1!1!??
OP: nah, I’m actually white
God of Phaggot: ohhh..uhhhhh... would hate to have seen what would have happened if you were black...

yes retard, upon realising OP was black, the cop would have taken out a mini nuke and wiped op from existence lmao this is what happens when you believe only black people get arrested 😂



OP: got arrested for a warrant (failure to appear)
God of Phaggot: OP obviously you’re black right!1!1!??
OP: nah, I’m actually white
God of Phaggot: ohhh..uhhhhh... would hate to have seen what would have happened if you were black...

yes retard, upon realising OP was black, the cop would have taken out a mini nuke and wiped op from existence lmao this is what happens when you believe only black people get arrested 😂


Funny too because the dipshit doesn't live in the US and probably has never even been here.
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OP: got arrested for a warrant (failure to appear)
God of Phaggot: OP obviously you’re black right!1!1!??
OP: nah, I’m actually white
God of Phaggot: ohhh..uhhhhh... would hate to have seen what would have happened if you were black...

yes retard, upon realising OP was black, the cop would have taken out a mini nuke and wiped op from existence lmao this is what happens when you believe only black people get arrested 😂
If youre not high tier on the oppression pyramid no one gives a shit :)


If youre not high tier on the oppression pyramid no one gives a shit :)
asshole is mad that he failed to appear in court and thus became a fugitive from the law.

i was busted for an expired tag as well once. in fact i was charged twice for it because i got a ticket and decided to get it done later, and was pulled over the next day. i went to both court dates, only had to pay one fine. i didn't just avoid it like a shithead because i knew that it would result in a warrant for my arrest. for doing an illegal thing. they don't want random ass people driving cars because they are dangerous vehicles. this is why it is required to be registered. it protects the drivers who DO follow the rules. that's what the law is there for!

privileged jerk is mad he has to face the consequences of his own actions #5,234,323,545,3450
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
"I have a lot going on in my life to waste hours upon hours grinding..." the guy posts on a video game message board, as if he's being forced to spend his supposedly small amount of free time playing video games.


Gold Member
Not even god hand is safe from these lunatics



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Not even god hand is safe from these lunatics

Worst forum in the history of the internet.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I find myself agreeing with the mod. The OP was pointing out that not everyone is a no lifer than can spend two hours banging their head against the wall in some poorly designed part of a game and would rather have the option to essentially move on and get back on with real life. Then homeboy who pretty much frames every conversation through the lens of his emotional issues came along and started complaining.

Funny the third party in the conversation was the one to get banned though. Hah. ResetEra.gif


How could you not include his response to the mod telling him to shut up:


So going through that thread he just gets more and more performative angry. Nobody was actually responding to him, I mean why would you want to engage with an angry manchild? So he then starts quoting people as if they were responding to him but with the worst possible reading of the comment.

Mod comes in to tell him to chill, flips out requests a ban. Ban doesn't happen, he has a little think then realizes he has the opportunity to have DISABLED Mod in his pocket that he can tag in or DM to get people banned when he goes off on this issue again next week (This is 3 weeks in a row he's done this). So he's all apologetic, articulate, a victim, real life made him upset this week vaguepost, tired, crying ect.. and it worked, they are now in each others DMs.

Manipulative little shit.
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