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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Dude is the Hecht of the twitch world

God why did I have to check out his Twitch!? Now I can read all of his angry REE posts in his voice. :messenger_grimmacing_


God why did I have to check out his Twitch!? Now I can read all of his angry REE posts in his voice. :messenger_grimmacing_

Guess I'll have to check it out too, cause I'm not sure what screenshot is supposed to tell me.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
He has in his twitter profile that he's a twitch streamer but most of his videos have zero with at most 2 views, similar to Hecht's tweets when he yells into the abyss.

This is so fucking pathetic. You stream like twice a year to fucking nobody and you have the galls to put it up on your twitter profile as your occupation. Guess it's better than leaving that blank lol.


Classic era

I'm old enough to remember when Era was founded & one of the things they swore was how it would be different with the politics & you wouldn't feel threatened if you were a Republican..... that lasted all of what? a few months? and now it's worse than GAF was before the split, or at least I can't remember hearing about any threads like that back in 2016/2017 on here
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But like.
That's super common.
I'm not defending the fool, but this does seem like a nothingburger thing to point and laugh at.

Then whats the point of streaming into the void repeatedly? Seems like an additional step for no benefit to just ya know, playing a videogame.


This is so fucking pathetic. You stream like twice a year to fucking nobody and you have the galls to put it up on your twitter profile as your occupation. Guess it's better than leaving that blank lol.

Next time he's live and I catch him I plan on spamming "No, go left! No your other left! Yes that's right, left!" in the chat for a few minutes just to fuck with him and his "disability"


I didn't renew my tabs and failed to go to court. FUCK THE POLICE!!!!!!!!



you can't put a price on sparks
note he wasnt even banned for saying those things, but for being a troll account.

ableism wins again, my dudes. join the winning team, we play on normal difficulty level
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It's all a matter of how you view games, I think: Are they a commercial product to be enjoyed by everyone or are they an artistic product where the designed experience is entirely up to that of the creator?

Ultimately - yes, a game designer can decide whether or not to add difficulty options. Not everyone can keep up with Sekiro, not everyone can stomach a Dostoevsky novel, and that's perfectly alright. Not everything has to be for everyone.

I'm in full support of products like the Xbox adaptive controller. IPeople with disabilities have cruddy enough lives (just like the rest of us) and playing games can only help relieve that stress, but this sort of mentality of of difficult games being a form of "gatekeeping" in the hobby is ludicrous.

Most people aren't going to see the Sistine Chapel with their own eyes within their lifetime, and that's entirely okay. Forcing easy modes and accessibility options onto designers is forcing them to alter their creative vision - plain and simple.


Then whats the point of streaming into the void repeatedly? Seems like an additional step for no benefit to just ya know, playing a videogame.

Interest? Enjoyment? I can't speak for that guy there.
I stream cause I'm enjoying learning how all the OBS junk works.


Not even god hand is safe from these lunatics

Who do these people think they are, thinking they can praise a classic game on a games forum?


These people got off relatively lightly with just warnings, I'm not sure why this guy got hit with a ban:


Banning is definitely right though, people who like God's Hand are just terrible people:


At least they didn't add a poll:


Seriously though, looking forward to playing both God Hand and Castlevania: SotN for the first time ever later this year. Should be a good time. A PS3 is still worth keeping around just for the old PS1/2 games available on PSN.
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like I said last year. That was the point they realized that they had made all the easy kills extinct in Etcetera so they moved up to the Gaming section. I've already seen comments targeting the Communities .


Not even god hand is safe from these lunatics

Imagine being warned for saying a game is good on a video game forum.

EDIT: Hohoho okay seems people got banned for it as well in the same thread, just when I thought I found a new low.
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Rodent Whores
I feel like finally starting God Hand just to spite these people. I have tried it maybe once or twice, but never got far. Now I got an urge to just dive right in.
It's one of my faves, but one of the reasons I like it so much is because it's hard. The controls might also not click for certain people. Give a good ol' college try, but don't worry if it doesn't click for you.


It's one of my faves, but one of the reasons I like it so much is because it's hard. The controls might also not click for certain people. Give a good ol' college try, but don't worry if it doesn't click for you.
I think that's always been my problem, is yeah it never really clicked for me, but I also wish it would. Character action games should totally be up my alley, but I think I also just end up kinda sucking at them because I'm not good with stuff that requires fast reflexes, and being quick on your feet while also remembering what combination of buttons does what. I end up button mashing.

Probably why I love something like Metal Gear Solid so much, I can sorta plan out my strategy in those games.


Come to the light Milkli7ard.


I'm right here ;) I actually signed up there again for the game OT's but they are just as bad as the rest of the forum now so fuck that place. Threads like that just show how pathetic these people really are. Fuck 'em.

Edit: They banned me now. Alt Account and concern trolling :messenger_tears_of_joy: I litterally used the same nickname I always had :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:
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you can't put a price on sparks
Glad people are getting banned for wanting to play it, now they’ll have more time to play it and not say they haven’t played it

Also I couldn’t stand playing God Hand for more than an hour. It needed an easier difficulty

Don’t @ me
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I have been thinking of making a troll thread of a random game that I will perceive as ‘problematic’. Best is to do it with a pretty popular and well enough liked game so as many people as possible get banned when they disagree with the OP.
I really dont understsnd how Super Mario Brothers gets a pass, ableist pro capitalist coin collecting white male saves the poor white female princess from the male bad guy Bowser.

Its disgusting, Nintendo has to address this!


Famous game designer Feep believes that not having difficulty settings in games is exactly like not having a wheelchair ramp on a building


almost all the devs on era are nobodys from shitty indie studios,the real devs laugh and despise era and the loonies there


Gold Member
This is era in a nutshell. Manipulating and trying to win arguments by people feeling sorry for them rather than the content of their argument. What is actually happening is:-

People are arguing for an easy mode, and hiding it in an argument that they are really petitioning for disabled people. And that mod was spot on. He should have made that poster eat his own shit.


Console games and video games require dexterity. And the use of a controller. Trying to manage the barrier of the controller with software options is not the same as creating controllers which assist those with disabilities. I mean how many games sliders would you need? Walking speed, Play speed. Things like Hold instead of mash triangle are just quality of life improvements. Most games have colour blind options in the menus. Look at what ND termed accessibility, they were built around audio or motor cues, subtitles or text-to-speech, large scale/high contrast HUD. But also take a look at what found its way in there

ledge guard
skip puzzle
no weapon sway
auto target off screen enemies

There's a difference there. No, I don't particularly care if you make all the enemies in Souls one shot including the bosses but the argument around the whole thign is toxic. Remember everyone telling us the awful gun sway in TLOU I was what made it so special because Joel isn't a military expert etc. Until they're both broken apart and those wanting easy mode stop using disabled people as a silver bullet to win the argument this conversation can't be had. And it also needs disabled people to have the same intelligence as that mod and be able to see them as two different issues. But as always, the victim went shreiking round multiple threads, mod was scared of being banned/demodded and pledged fealty.

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I have been thinking of making a troll thread of a random game that I will perceive as ‘problematic’. Best is to do it with a pretty popular and well enough liked game so as many people as possible get banned when they disagree with the OP.

You want to choose a cult classic, if it's one they really like they won't take the bait. They only tear things down they don't like or care about, becuse it does not matter if they spoil someone else's enjoyment. That's why Disney and Nintendo get a pass.


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