Rodent Whores
I wouldn't mind if he came back. I kinda miss arguing with him lol.LOL, he should just be back here, on GAF. Always seemed to be a decent chap.
I wouldn't mind if he came back. I kinda miss arguing with him lol.LOL, he should just be back here, on GAF. Always seemed to be a decent chap.
Lol it's also such a vague reddit post that literally have to have a mental disorder to think this MUST be Elon Musk.Era's hate of Elon Musk continues
Possible allegations of abuse of Grimes by Elon Musk emerge Rumor
We have a rumor tag so I figured this would be okay to post? Kind of blowing up on social media rn, some deleted archived reddit posts from days after Grimes gave birth emerged
When someone tacks a Reddit relationship thread based upon the couple's age (31f, 49m) - that the OP claims must be Grimes/Musk.
(Lets not point out the fact that the reddit post was made on 15th May. Elon Musk turned 49 on 28th June, and Grimes turned 32 on 17th March). Oh dear.
A fucking gem from that thread
Looks like you found some of the snowflakes they're always whining about.yesterday's news but I'm at work reading through this truly fascinating meltdown right now. Wow.
Easy/Assist mode is a blessing. Every game should have it.
Yep. And PSA: WeMod on PC is awesome, gives you many options (like infinite lives or whatever) and works with Steam
basically, if you don't want anyone to fuck with your difficult and punishing games - you're an evil person.
Also, #NotGoodEnough anyway:
yesterday's news but I'm at work reading through this truly fascinating meltdown right now. Wow.
Easy/Assist mode is a blessing. Every game should have it.
Yep. And PSA: WeMod on PC is awesome, gives you many options (like infinite lives or whatever) and works with Steam
basically, if you don't want anyone to fuck with your difficult and punishing games - you're an evil person.
Also, #NotGoodEnough anyway:
Their constant pleas for easy mode are hilarious, but if you think about it, coherent. Most of them spend 0 effort in their actual life, now you want them to sweat over a vidya? come on you insensitive bigot, lazy slobs lives matter!
I'm sure the hole thing spun out of them not being able to play Dark Souls. So they can't join the conversation or brag about beating it and feel excluded. Get Gud? No chance, add an easy mode.
It’s always crazy too because if a video game taking practice makes you this traumatized then what do you do with the rest of your life? We’re you perfect at your job before even having it? Have you every played an instrument? Have you ever cooked food before? Literally everything in life takes effort and practice and repetition. To be confused why something like a game would also have difficulty or require you to practice and retry sections of the game is certainly somethingthe thing is, Git Gud means. "You can do it, just practice"
i see far more people complaining about Souls fans bragging than actually bragging. i think a lot of that is projection tbh. whenever i have been excited about a newcomer to the series, and they are frustrated, you have to cheer them on, and that is the way.
i think some people take themselves too damn seriously. are you questioning their ability? like egotistical children they are. how can you possibly develop yourself if you believe in absolute moral relativity and that anything you do is by definition "good enough".
it's a strike to their egos. they have big fucking egos. how dare you accuse them of not being good enough. it's like, but you aren't, lol. just practice. this isn't impossible. get over yourself.
This has been making the rounds in $TSLAQ Twitter and if you don't know what that is it's better to keep it that way. The fact that Ree seems to be an extension of $TSLAQ doesn't surprise me in the least. The kind of terminally insane that is endemic in $TSLAQ is a lot like the Ree special Insanity. For example right now $TSLAQ are all cheering for the burning fire near Fremont to burn the Tesla Factory down, never mind that it would literally need to burn through the entire city of Fremont first to get there. Sound a lot like Ree? Yeah, I think so too. Same type of psychopathy.Era's hate of Elon Musk continues
Possible allegations of abuse of Grimes by Elon Musk emerge Rumor
We have a rumor tag so I figured this would be okay to post? Kind of blowing up on social media rn, some deleted archived reddit posts from days after Grimes gave birth emerged
When someone tacks a Reddit relationship thread based upon the couple's age (31f, 49m) - that the OP claims must be Grimes/Musk.
(Lets not point out the fact that the reddit post was made on 15th May. Elon Musk turned 49 on 28th June, and Grimes turned 32 on 17th March). Oh dear.
Like there is literally not enough time for even someone who is unemployed to keep up with all these games coming out.
Our very own smooth brain Reee residentTaySan saying if you back the blue or believe they should be represented in any sort of media or support them in any way whatsoever you are 100% racist without a doubt. This is in reference to 343 removing a sirens nameplate from ODST cause a lot of pussies got their feelings hurt as if keeping it in game or removing would actually help/fix anything. Didn't stop
TaySan from puffing up behind his keyboard and fighting the good fight.
Why is Batman beating a guy to death in front of a black teen in tears in the trailer?
You know the scene where Batman beats the guy and the camera specifically focuses on the black teen in make-up with tears?i hope its a plot point cause that shot was really weird in an otherwise great
I don't know what is sarcasm anymore.Spring-Loaded said:
It’s simple: Batman is racist, and fans of Batman are also racist.
white, wealthy authoritarian with unhealthy focus on low-level crime indulges in violent vigilantism fantasy fighting said crime in an inefficient way
Meanwhile on GAF...
The most spineless worm on the forums. "Only a big man when he's got his mates to back him up".
They have a lot of people who are shit at games on this videogame forum
Easy/Assist mode is a blessing. Every game should have it.
So you're playing the game, it's challenging enough, you die a bit, you make some mistakes and it's ok, that's how games are. And then you get at the boss. You fight the boss, 3, 4, 5, 20, 30 times. You get frustrated, you finally win after 40 tries. Do you feel good about you? Well, I don'
Easy/Assist mode is a blessing as a current accessibility option. Let's encourage the adoption of more.
And not just for the visual/hearing disabilities. Historically, easy/assist modes, cheat codes and nodding games to be easier on the PC side have been used by disabled gamers to brute force accessibility. Especially for those that have motor/motor processing/mobility issues, these options
I'm sure the hole thing spun out of them not being able to play Dark Souls. So they can't join the conversation or brag about beating it and feel excluded. Get Gud? No chance, add an easy mode.
Back when Jack Thompson was on the prowl, I always wondered why he went after GTA3 instead of the more violent Manhunt (if he really had it out for R*), and why he went after GTA4 and Halo "hyperviolent" 3 instead of the far more gratuitous Gears of War? But then it became rather obvious: he was going after the most popular games to grab headlines, not necessarily the most violent games.Pretty much.
If Dark Souls was not a popular game then this would never be an issue.
They buy the game everyone is talking about.
They find out it is difficult. (Honestly is it really THAT difficult?)
They cannot breeze through the game like they do with Assassin's Creed or whatever shitty text adventure they are huffing farts over.
So they go online to get help and the community says "well you are supposed to die a lot and you need to learn and persevere".
WHAT!? No no no no no!
Now, the game must change to suit them.
Oh shit though they spent all of their time last year crying about entitled gamers.
Hm... what if... well what about people with disabilities!? They can't play this game because it's not accessible.
Add an easy mode you bigots!
the thing is, Git Gud means. "You can do it, just practice"
i see far more people complaining about Souls fans bragging than actually bragging. i think a lot of that is projection tbh. whenever i have been excited about a newcomer to the series, and they are frustrated, you have to cheer them on, and that is the way.
i think some people take themselves too damn seriously. are you questioning their ability? like egotistical children they are. how can you possibly develop yourself if you believe in absolute moral relativity and that anything you do is by definition "good enough".
it's a strike to their egos. they have big fucking egos. how dare you accuse them of not being good enough. it's like, but you aren't, lol. just practice. this isn't impossible. get over yourself.
Can't wait for the Bambi remake with that crazy deer twitch guy as a protagonist...The next ERA controversy
Is it offensive that Colin Farrell is The Penguin? Shouldn't he withdraw and give the role to an actual penguin.
They find out it is difficult. (Honestly is it really THAT difficult?)
He has a third leg.Genuinely curious as to what sort of disabilities that person has that cant be seen but also prevent them from playing games on harder difficulties
Dyslexia or something? Are they deaf? I literally don't understand
Could be a play on this:
Don’t try and tank your way through because you’ll get knocked off ledges and might have trouble with traps. Ignore chests because some have spooky shit in them. Just run around figuring the place out, unlocking doors and dodging attacks until you’ve got the place figured outIt is for me
Can't seem to get passed Sen's Fortress. Not complaining though...or asking for an easy mode haha
Leeches always search for a soft underbelly to attach to, and it's always the same whimpering excuse: "we just want to be included", which then transforms into "you're intentionally keeping us out of this boys club", which then transforms into "you need to adjust your hobby in these specific ways so that I can feel more included", which then transforms into "it's finally time for this hobby to get rid of the things that personally held me back."regarding the easy mode for games. it's almost as if they aren't interested in games at all lol. video games is just a front for them. gotta have easy mode there so they can pretend they like games. can't have anything too difficult now so all games must have easy mode.
You missed where you have to virtue signal in the end because no one cares you suck at games so you have to say how the developers are bigots and causing a hate movement against the disabled for not including an easy mode.Leeches always search for a soft underbelly to attach to, and it's always the same whimpering excuse: "we just want to be included", which then transforms into "you're intentionally keeping us out of this boys club", which then transforms into "you need to adjust your hobby in these specific ways so that I can feel more included", which then transforms into "it's finally time for this hobby to get rid of the things that personally held me back."
And all the complaints went away, forever!Hecht said:Hello everyone. Thank you to everyone who offered their input in this thread. The team has been reviewing and going over the feedback and discussing what can be done to address the most common issues that came up. Here are some of the improvements we believe we can start working on immediately, along with a few suggestions on how members can help us get there.
Things that we need to do:
Things users can do to help:
- Implementing threadbans site wide for minor infractions. This is hopefully a way to keep discussions on track in cases where site bans are not required, or when a warning is not sufficient on its own. Moving to another thread to continue whatever caused the threadban, or repeating the offense that resulted in a threaddban in the first place would still be cause for escalation.
- Set up a separate system for ban appeals. We’re looking at a tech solution that we think is promising and should help us process these faster and get responses out faster, cutting out the need for emails. We’re going to make this a high priority.
- Investigate allowing members to view their own infraction history. There are some challenges here but if we can make it work we want to make it work.
- Get more moderators. It's not like we ever stopped, but with how the team has been stretched thin lately we clearly need to ramp up the search. More staff will help us process everything more quickly. We are especially committed to bringing on more Asian and Muslim moderator candidates.
- More detailed public ban banners across the board, to explain bans more clearly. "Duration Pending" banners are used because regular moderators cannot ban for longer than 1 month; this is to avoid hasty permabans or bans of excessive length. The text in these banners will be clarified to explain that they are temporary placeholders until they can be reviewed.
- Ensure that bans that are extended due to alt-accounts or other reasons are documented in banners
- Try to strike the right balance between bans, warnings, and threadbans, or even just a mod coming to tell people to chill, to ensure that threads don't get derailed by a ban and that penalties are proportionate to the infraction. Better communication through mod participation in threads can help with this.
- Preferred pronouns on profiles. This has been in the works for a while and we’re hoping to get it done along with the other high priority tech items.
- An "online" indicator for staff members who are available, so that users know who is around for them to come to.
- Prefixes will be expanded to enable members to better filter the content they're looking for. This has also been in the works, but may come after the other tech items as we've bumped those up higher in priority.
We hope to be able to follow up soon when we implement some of the concrete features we’re committing to here.
- Criticizing moderation and the practices is fine. Being a complete asshole to the team or any member of the team is not. Neither users nor staff should have to just sit back and take verbal abuse. If you can't at minimum realize that there is a person, not a robot, on the other end of your words, then nothing productive can happen.
- Lines of communication between staff and members can only work if there’s an understanding that it is done in good faith. We don’t sit here tending to the site for hours each day because we’re bored and love punishment. We’ve made mistakes in the past with handling feedback and the point of this thread was to reboot that effort.
- In general, just be nicer to each other. This shouldn't be Twitter, where people just respond to a post with a petty snipe and move on about their day. This is supposed to be a community where we can sit down and have actual discussions, with the occasional poop thread that is probably unnecessary. Console wars and hostility BY FAR make up the largest portion of our reports. Simply letting people enjoy things would do wonders for the tone of the site and the stress of the staff.
I caught a 3 week ban in that Easy Mode thread over the weekend for making the same point K.Jack made to the very same poster.
That's precisely why I have 1000+ ignored threads on Era and mostly limit my posting to a handful of OTs and news reaction threads these days. There's literally no point in discussing 'hot button' topics on that website unless your're driving by with a "vile, gross, disgusting" post or otherwise towing the 'official position'. Rarely are distinctions made between disagreeing with that position, and agreeing with too little fervor or any sort of qualification. Typically this also means it's open season for bans or outright attacks from members.
Sure, I absolutely think more can be done on the accessibility front for disabled gamers. But I also don't think it's a reasonable expectation for every developer to design every game with the end goal of every abled-bodied and disabled person making it to the final credits. Those overly the entitled people with kids, little patience, "not enough time", overbearing spouses who police their game time, etc.. who want all games to be 6 hours long with zero challenge can fuck right off.
It’s a hard game! Really hard! But you can do it. And when you do you will feel like you surmounted a difficult task. Because you will have!It is for me
Can't seem to get passed Sen's Fortress. Not complaining though...or asking for an easy mode haha
From the members only feedback thread:
And all the complaints went away, forever!
Threadbans! Lets copy GAF again, because we are technically and creatively incompetent. You don't need pronouns to identify the biggest loser twats there, but it does simplify their identification in less posts. I'd love to see how long THAT dropdown menu is!Bans, bans, bans, bans, pronouns and prefixes.
That's sure gonna work and be implemented, lmao.
From the members only feedback thread:
And all the complaints went away, forever!
It's kind of funny because they will totally flip from "games are serious art" to "lol games are just electronic toys" when you push them on this.
However, I reckon that if you made a game where "impossible difficulty" could be tied to some SJW talking point then they would definitely buy into it.
The problem with Souls games is that they have a strong artistic vision but they are popular enough to make the people who can't overcome the difficulty feel "left out".
So they lash out at the game and it's fans in a way that takes things from "games are art" to "games are just dumb entertainment".
"Games Are Art."
OK cool. Check this game out. They've tried to incorporate "dying" many times as you try to complete the game into the narrative. Also they have designed the world and the lore in such a way that the difficulty actually feeds the atmosphere and immersion of the game. Cool right?
"Reeeeeeee! It's too difficult! I don't have time for that! Shut the fuck up about practice and learning! What about people with disabilities!? They need to add a casual mode."
No, no. I don't think you get it. The difficulty is part of the artistic vision. They don't want you to just breeze through the game. The game is actually about struggle and toil but also about enduring in the face of an oppressive world. I thought you loved that shit?
"Reeeeeeee! It doesn't harm you if there is an easy mode. What do you care if I just want to enjoy the world!"
Um... OK. Look, I just don't think every game needs to be completed by every player. I think punishing difficulty is actually a valid artistic choice and an interesting one at that. So just leave the difficulty as it is and don't ruin the art by demanding it be changed on the whims of the consumers.
"LOL. Look at this idiot! He can't handle his electronic toys being made more accessible to others. LOL! Doesn't he see that it's just dumb video games! They're just toys man, why are you so defensive about toys?"
It's all a matter of how you view games, I think: Are they a commercial product to be enjoyed by everyone or are they an artistic product where the designed experience is entirely up to that of the creator?
Ultimately - yes, a game designer can decide whether or not to add difficulty options. Not everyone can keep up with Sekiro, not everyone can stomach a Dostoevsky novel, and that's perfectly alright. Not everything has to be for everyone.
I'm in full support of products like the Xbox adaptive controller. People with disabilities have cruddy enough lives (just like the rest of us) and playing games can only help relieve that stress, but this sort of mentality of of difficult games being a form of "gatekeeping" in the hobby is ludicrous.
Most people aren't going to see the Sistine Chapel with their own eyes within their lifetime, and that's entirely okay. Forcing easy modes and accessibility options onto designers is forcing them to alter their creative vision - plain and simple.
I caught a 3 week ban in that Easy Mode thread over the weekend for making the same point K.Jack made to the very same poster.
Is playing a video game as a PoC a form of digital blackface?
Just some background, I come from a multi racial family. I am white but my father is remarried and my half siblings are aboriginal. Today I was playing Apex as Bangalore and my sister told me that maining her is the same as blackface. I know this sounds silly but is it possible she is correct?
At least most of them seem to be making fun of this dumb shit so there's that lol.