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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Don’t try and tank your way through because you’ll get knocked off ledges and might have trouble with traps. Ignore chests because some have spooky shit in them. Just run around figuring the place out, unlocking doors and dodging attacks until you’ve got the place figured out 👍

Yeah I noticed that. I stopped going there for a while to kill that huge wolf. But failed at that too hahaha. And then I had to return the game to my mate.
I did buy it yesterday though. It was on sale in the PS store. So one day I will try again!

It’s a hard game! Really hard! But you can do it. And when you do you will feel like you surmounted a difficult task. Because you will have!

Haha thanks. Yeah I have had that feeling several times already.
I actually love everything about the game. The atmosphere is so awesome. I just suck at it ;)


imagine crying over a billionaire. it happens! only if black tho.



Leeches always search for a soft underbelly to attach to, and it's always the same whimpering excuse: "we just want to be included", which then transforms into "you're intentionally keeping us out of this boys club", which then transforms into "you need to adjust your hobby in these specific ways so that I can feel more included", which then transforms into "it's finally time for this hobby to get rid of the things that personally held me back."

I wonder how much social media played a part in all of this.

You just see so many people who's attitude is "I want to be seen to like the popular thing but I don't actually like it so it needs to change into something that I like".

Folk are seeing Dark Souls memes all over the place so they're thinking "what is this Dark Souls anyway, I need to get in on that".
Then they give it a go and don't like it.
I think 20 years ago a person would just say "nah" and move on, or at least maybe just pretend to like it.
These days there is a real need to say "well I fucking WANT to like it so you'd better change it for me!"
All because they want to say "oh X is the Dark Souls of Y" and feel like they are part of that cultural... thing?

There's a real pettiness at play there too.
Actually maybe even a throwback to when people did actually pick on or ridicule "nerds".
Look at those bastards enjoying their weird "Dark Souls" game! Look how they are so pleased with themselves at beating the difficult game.
Let's tear them down.
Let's kick the sandcastle to bits.
Let's push over the snowman.

This was clear when Sekiro came out.
The game released on 22 March and the community was enjoying themselves discussing how to beat the bosses etc.
People are posting about how tough it is and then celebrating when they finally beat it.
So within 2 weeks, 5 April, you have that shitty PC Gamer article that was basically "I used cheats and I feel fine" which was nothing more than shitting on the community by saying "nothing is lost if you just cheat".

I guess for the kind of people who insist everything is political a game with a possible political interpretation of "if you work hard you can earn the rewards" is seen as an ideological opponent.

Games are art and can explore deep ideas blah blah blah games can do anything.
Right up until a game says "fuck you, prove yourself".
Then it's all "but aren't we all just here to play and have fun, it's just fun games after all, I just want to explore the world".
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I wonder how much social media played a part in all of this.

You just see so many people who's attitude is "I want to be seen to like the popular thing but I don't actually like it so it needs to change into something that I like".

Folk are seeing Dark Souls memes all over the place so they're thinking "what is this Dark Souls anyway, I need to get in on that".
Then they give it a go and don't like it.
I think 20 years ago a person would just say "nah" and move on, or at least maybe just pretend to like it.
These days there is a real need to say "well I fucking WANT to like it so you'd better change it for me!"
All because they want to say "oh X is the Dark Souls of Y" and feel like they are part of that cultural... thing?

There's a real pettiness at play there too.
Actually maybe even a throwback to when people did actually pick on or ridicule "nerds".
Look at those bastards enjoying their weird "Dark Souls" game! Look how they are so pleased with themselves at beating the difficult game.
Let's tear them down.
Let's kick the sandcastle to bits.
Let's push over the snowman.

This was clear when Sekiro came out.
The game released on 22 March and the community was enjoying themselves discussing how to beat the bosses etc.
People are posting about how tough it is and then celebrating when they finally beat it.
So within 2 weeks, 5 April, you have that shitty PC Gamer article that was basically "I used cheats and I feel fine" which was nothing more than shitting on the community by saying "nothing is lost if you just cheat".

I guess for the kind of people who insist everything is political a game with a possible political interpretation of "if you work hard you can earn the rewards" is seen as an ideological opponent.

Games are art and can explore deep ideas blah blah blah games can do anything.
Right up until a game says "fuck you, prove yourself".
Then it's all "but aren't we all just here to play and have fun, it's just fun games after all, I just want to explore the world".
Fake gamerr gurlz was a real concern, ultimately, though it wasn't only "gurlz" but anyone who wanted to wear the pop-culture "nerd" image without investing any time or interest. Sites that offered a free outlet (like YouTube or Twitch streaming) definitely played a role too.



At least most of them seem to be making fun of this dumb shit so there's that lol.
What the hell...



At least most of them seem to be making fun of this dumb shit so there's that lol.

Wtf... You’re saying the only game i can play is Ghost of Tsushima? Get outta here...

Dick Jones

Gold Member

At least most of them seem to be making fun of this dumb shit so there's that lol.
Pity, I always wanted to play Spider-Man: Miles Morales since I saw the PS5 reveal. More minorities as protagonists so not everyone can play them as it's racist. Fucking spastics who think this way.
Wtf... You’re saying the only game i can play is Ghost of Tsushima? Get outta here...
It's okay, Asians are white according to ERA so we can both play Ghost of Tsushima.
They tried to ban the word "trap" because of the nebulous claim that it's transphobic even though 99% of its usage is in reference to men who look feminine, nothing to do with people who are actually transgender.

It's like banning the word "car" from a car forum because some random person claimed that car is a racial slur even though 99% of the people using the word car are using it to refer to vehicles.

It's a completely nonsensical change done more for appearance's sake than anything else. Mods can ban a word for no actual good reason and pat themselves on the back for it.

As you can see from the fallout, most of the sub's userbase seems to disagree and believes that the mods do not have the community's interests at heart.


I occasionally pop in here just to see how fucking insane Reeeeeeee has got in the last few days.

Never fails to delight me.

A cesspit of misogynistic, middle class, white socialist men, who are permanently consumed with jealousy, their impotency to deal with the world around them, and an entitlement born of a lifetime of being wrapped in cotton wool.

The schadenfraude I feel at each and every bitchy post over there is glorious.

The sooner the whole damn far left explodes into war and eats itself, the better. Then we can get sensible people back in charge 🤣
Hecht, you really think people on Era are cool with "simply letting people enjoy things"? A site where you have a friggin ban list for games and content creators? A site with a cumulative 800+ page thread on how you AREN'T allowed to enjoy female sexualization in gaming? A site where every poll that involves people just wanting to play a game and not have to deal with the external problematic nonsense of said game has people calling for mass bans? A site where a disclaimer is needed for a fucking Smash Bros character getting added thread because you got a Chinese woman instead of a black woman (because diversity is only important when it's the kind of diversity I want, amirite)?

What's funny is you absolutely could change the culture of the site where "let people enjoy things" is an actual feasible widespread mindset. You just need to get rid of a relatively small segment of very loud posters. But you don't want to do that. You want to keep kowtowing to a vocal minority to the detriment of literally everyone else. You're never going to reach the intersectional standard they want, because it literally isn't possible.

I predict some people will be cool with those changes for a little bit, at least until it becomes clear you can't even live up to the ones that make sense, while the ones that don't create an even bigger divide. I'm going to say they'll be at least 4 more flare ups on or near the level of the Asian-Era problems before the end of the year.

Like, you still haven't addressed the antisemitism problem, something other admins have perpetuated. Good luck is all I can say.


hah is he an LPET?

that is the most smooth brain dumb consumer meme ever. full on moral relativism. let's just reject all criticism out of hand because everything is subjective. fuck quality or having standards.

besides, yeah, it's insanely hypocritical on a site which prides itself on trying to manipulate and control as much of the media as possible.

Dick Jones

Gold Member

They already did, they're called Life Is Strange 2 and Goodbye Volcano High.
It would be a battle royale game where you input your details and the game kicks out the most privileged in order until there is one left. I call it Fall Non Binary.

Seriously ERA can't make a game as all the Asians who are computer literate left the board.
Too soon?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
From the members only feedback thread:

And all the complaints went away, forever!

Thanks for posting, I haven't checked the site in a while but I assume it's still hidden from non-members.

I can't see most of the mods putting their ego aside or remaining calm enough for the behavioral and procedural promises to take hold. Maybe for a few weeks, but it will be business as usual from most of them sooner rather than later. I am going to purposefully stay away from lurking Ree for two weeks just to test my hypothesis: that I can return in two weeks and will seem like absolutely nothing has changed.

I've no doubt they can get the technical features pushed through quickly. There's probably already existing solutions out there for XenForo they can merely tweak.


Context ^

Hold up, HOLOFAN4LIFE, where have I heard that name before???

Oh yea:

The same guy that got caught at an AEW wrestling Event screaming at his Autistic Sister and Mother, lied about it for Reddit Points, got found out and was chased off and de-moded from that subreddit

Small world
Social media I get, but what does "participation trophies" have to do with anything?

It's that mindset of everyone is special, which has the adverse effect that no one is, and it provides zero incentive or reward for actual talent, hard work and tenacity to overcome repeated failure. It produces entitled kids/adults that put zero effort in and don't develop a backbone to earn what they deserve or try again or put in the hard yards to become what they seek. It's an indicator of society at large settling for mediocrity and demanding instant gratification while demeaning those that in fact deserve it. I'd say it's the perfect real life example metaphor highlighting what's gone wrong.
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Scotty W


At least most of them seem to be making fun of this dumb shit so there's that lol.

Some great responses in there:

I can’t deal with these takes anymore

When you think you're progressive and it loops back around to being offensive.

Is reading a book from the perspective of a POC a form of textual blackface?

This is ultra instinct levels of “wokeness “ my friend. Don’t do this.

This thread title reads like a parody of what shittier forums think reset era is.

I hope whoever came into this thread to take screenshots is having a nice day.

No, but implication itself is definitely rooted in racism. It implies that the "standard" gamer is white and that white protagonists are meant to be played by white players, and black protagonists are meant to be played by black players. It's pretty disgusting honestly.

Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost

Yesterday at 10:59 AM
This thread seems unlikey to result in any useful discussion. Blackface is far too serious of a topic for us to host light hearted anecdotes and pages of jokey responses.


Speaking of GTA, they're going to lose their minds (well, more than they usually do) with GTA VI assuming R* continues with their traditional non-PC brand of humor. It'll be hilarious, they'll be screaming about every phobia and ism in the book and call everyone buying the game a pos, not an ally, alt-right, chuds, possibly Hitler, etc. I don't remember people making too much of a fuss about GTA V on OldGAF, but back in those days people weren't as hyper-woke as they are now.
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member

What's his Era account tho?

Thankfully some of the posters there have actually read and followed Batman stories though.

They make the police look corrupt and awful like 99% of the time as it is. There's no "ACAB" spin needed when the whole point of Batman is that Gotham is one big fucking corrupt swamp of misery and bullshit.

Unless they're upset because the cops in Gotham are more of the "take bribes and ignore crime" kind?
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