They are not used to face challenges in real life, how we could demand they can overcomes challenges in a videogame?
Imagine getting reparations + disability checks while playing Sekiro on easy (auto-parry) all day.... the life!
That aside, the "Mendinso-takeover thread" is a perfect example of why ERA sucks so much as a forum.
Derailing is only forbidden on paper.
It's perfectly fine for "marginalized groups" to hijack any topic they like, mods don't step in but rather ban posters that dare to call out the derails.
Regarding our boy:
Dude streams old FF games in Japanese on Twitch, which kinda proves the point that there are plenty of games out there for all kinds of people.
Some people can go 25:3 on CoD TDM or beat Souls bosses naked but would find it quite tough to play old-school JRPGs because they are not good with strategy.