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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Dude seems to have a folder on his PC for every "transgression" ever.

What a loser

I think at this point we should start placing bets on how many posts will it get for a cyberpunk thread to get derailed by trans rights trolls

also, I don’t get why so many people get mad at cd project red spokespersons for saying the game is not political. Do these people have breadcrumbs in their brain? The political undertones of the game are kinda obvious, but what do you expect a pr spokesperson to say? Also, do these people not understand that political message and social commentaries are much more effective when they are not advertised as such? The more I read these threads the more I convince myself that these troglodytes are completely unable to understand nuanced undertones by themselves and need someone else to spoonfeed them with the official take™️ from either some pr guy or their own “progressive” filter bubble

Daffy Duck


Fucking hell, yeah because that's what that other poster was talking about.

The blind hatred is something I've not seen before.


They didn't even get him one of premium quality.

Ah I think she's kinda cute but I think once he approached middle age the parents just threw in the towel and did it for him.

Look at the quality of the rose, £1 no doubt.

Thank god she has her glasses off.

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Ok so i am prob a day or two late, but These Easy Modes on Dark Souls,, always seem to mention Celeste quite a bit. It is cool that Celeste does adjusters, but it is not a sin for games to not include its sliders. I am starting to get annoyed with the game cause it is always used to put down how Dark Souls isn't "Inclusive"
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Listen numb nuts, that comment is a throwaway comment about the culture in the game and they compre it to the crazy land of the USA. That’s it, it’s that simple.

Eat Children gets it

Also whilst on their obsession with political statements from CP2077 and how the genre is very political, I just Finished reading the first Alrered Carbon book, and guess what.....there’s no political commentary going on in that book that would appease them, I’d love to know their thoughts on that....
Still amazing to me that they're parroting the game is a "alt-right dogwhistle" and an alt right wet dream but the game has the most gender and other options of any game ever done. They've become so radical that the most progressive game made is now really an alt right dogwhistle. It should be more liberal like the god of war series! At least that game doesn't misgender you because of your voice.

Tuff McNutt

Jesus H Christ, what a bunch of little cry babies. Boohoo, somebody mentions a thing they like cry me a fucking river.

Newsflash: Your blow up doll isn’t a real girlfriend.

Why are women on that board so fucking weird?

Most of the "women" on there are fashion trans (basically dudes in wigs and dresses) or people LARPing as a woman so they can troll. The very few biological women on Era are people of any sex, gender, sexual orientation, etc wouldn't want to go near because their personalities are so repellent. So they use Era as an ego boost by lashing out at every perceived wrong and think it's giving them power, but all it's doing is making them more isolated and bitter.



Era users are very self important aren't they? Why should any company bend or buckle to the whims of these people.

Sometime the market makes things that don't cater to everybody and that's fine.

All this pissing and moaning over a fucking video game is hilarious. CDPR threads always deliver over there.

Tuff McNutt

Era users are very self important aren't they? Why should any company bend or buckle to the whims of these people.

Sometime the market makes things that don't cater to everybody and that's fine.

All this pissing and moaning over a fucking video game is hilarious. CDPR threads always deliver over there.

The thing is, even if every one of these people who are going to "boycott" the game actually did that, what would that amount to? Maybe a few hundred people at most?

Their whole high and mighty "we do not provide a platform for xxxxx here" just reeks of them sniffing their own farts. Like I'm sure Joe Rogan is crying that a bunch of unemployed far leftists in their parent's basement aren't talking about him.

There's a reason there are several Era "hate" sites and if you Google or search on social media every thing is negative. They're a joke and regarded as one of the worst sites on the internet. No one cares what they want or need.


you feel like these people were once kids who wanted the BLUE guy not the GREEN guy when their parents gave them action figures as a birthday present and it made them mad forever and for 30 years they have built that entitled resentment into an excuse to eternal tantrums over every single thing in existence
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The midget furry is going to lead the militia


Well, one of the 3 shot was armed and it didn't make a difference, also all where white, she must not know that though, or why else bring race into it.

From what I've seen about it, apparently the shooter is aligned with BLM and has been seen marching in solidarity, but doesn't condone looting.

Also, 2 of them where shot when he was going to the police presumably going to hand himself in for shooting the original bloke in the head, then he was jumped and fought back.
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Is there only one Muslim left on ERA? The only way someone would actually entrust him with anything. So much for diversity

He seems to do well with spicy things, so him being a mod would be brilliant for spicy topics.

'User banned: uplaying a spicy topic'. (duration pending until I finish sucking my fingers and rubbing them on furniture).
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
He seems to do well with spicy things, so him being a mod would be brilliant for spicy topics.

'User banned: uplaying a spicy topic'. (duration pending until I finish sucking my fingers and rubbing them on furniture).
Who thought, this unflattering angle and poor lighting, perfect for recording my personal info on a box and put it out to the world. Idiot will ban himself.


can someone please troll them into joining in on these riots? would be sweet justice to see some loudmouth SJW keyboard revolutionaries get shot and killed trying to impress people on the internet.


can someone please troll them into joining in on these riots? would be sweet justice to see some loudmouth SJW keyboard revolutionaries get shot and killed trying to impress people on the internet.

Actually followed a Twitch streamer when the riots were starting (she is long banned now for something stupid).

She live streamed the protest in her area, despite being tear-gassed and shot with a rubber bullet. She didn't even harass anyone and kept going.

This was well before things got crazier, was bizarre to watch, they corralled the protesters into the middle of an intersection.

Was crazy to watch live. This again was the early days, not the absolute chaos going on now.

No one on ERA has posted their protest footage because it's easier to just make up stories or maybe take pictures from the back of the crowd.

EDIT: And still no Nazi punching video yet.
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Whilst I don't agree with him saying it's his job to keep the buisness safe and to keep other people safe when they're in trouble, at least he's gone out and tried to do something, rather than typing shit on a computer.
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