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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Can someone let Era know that the guy shot in the head in Kenosha was a white guy screaming "Shoot me n***a! Shoot me n***a!"?

I want to see their necks snap from the 180 degree whiplash.

EDIT: Actually, given the fact most era members are white people pretending to be a minority, it would probably just make them upset one of their own died.

RIP Enzom
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Dunno why he doesn't say what he really means

"Guys, are they black? If so, it's so sad. If not fuck em, white privileged scum"



Whilst I don't agree with him saying it's his job to keep the buisness safe and to keep other people safe when they're in trouble, at least he's gone out and tried to do something, rather than typing shit on a computer.

I‘d prefer he have just typed on a computer rather than go murder people. Guess I’m old school. No surprise he was sitting front row at a Trump rally earlier this year.


all-white towns that kill any black people who pass through, yet somehow nobody in the news is talking about them.

some guy on the internet said it so it must be true.

cue the screaming TDS


they stopped existing around 1968 but don't let that fact color your feelings. its so sad to watch ignorant bigots "learn" bad history from propaganda tv shows and other idiots online, and then shit out their ignorant opinions all over the interwebs.

Haha how naive of me. I was picturing a small quaint community that had zero nightlife and basically shut down with the sunset. Then I looked on Google lol.


Can someone let Era know that the guy shot in the head in Kenosha was a white guy screaming "Shoot me n***a! Shoot me n***a!"?

I want to see their necks snap from the 180 degree whiplash.

EDIT: Actually, given the fact most era members are white people pretending to be a minority, it would probably just make them upset one of their own died.

RIP Enzom
I tried. Got permabanned. Lol


I‘d prefer he have just typed on a computer rather than go murder people. Guess I’m old school. No surprise he was sitting front row at a Trump rally earlier this year.

I don't condone the fact 2 people are dead from his actions, but what I was trying to say was he went and did something he believed in (which I understood to be BLM related at the time since it was said he was affilated with BLM in some form but against looting and would be defending places from fellow protesters or whatever the buzzword is today for them), which has ended in tragedy, unlike some shit talking tool on ree, who won't go out for what they believe in, but evidently I didn't manage to get that across properly.

Anddddd I've got nadda to say about the Trump thing. We've got our own mop top moron running the country to worry about. We don't need to worry about yours. Even if ours looks like Trumps bastard love child.
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Jesus Christ you put a ladder on a lower step against the wall and walk up it.

Fairies didn't put it there.

Tell him Hecht!

(Other options are available for hobbits)
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Jesus Christ you put a ladder on a lower step against the wall and walk up it.

Fairies didn't put it there.

Tell him Hecht!

(Other options are available for hobbits)

This genus advice is even better.🤦‍♂️



How many ERA users does it take to change a light bulb?

Several broken necks.

WTF is the dude doing with the books, it's an extendable ladder with no buffer zone behind it, hahaha.
The books aren't even stacked under the foot of it, it's tilted to go under the leg. How would that possible support the weight of a ladder pressing on the edge of a book on top? Fucking hell these people are dense.


The books aren't even stacked under the foot of it, it's tilted to go under the leg. How would that possible support the weight of a ladder pressing on the edge of a book on top? Fucking hell these people are dense.

Don't think that's the OP but step on that you'd be lucky with only rib damage.

Funniest thing is the OP might take the advise, probably first time he lived alone.

Hecht, tell him to paint the walls while he's up there! It's hideously dirty!


Don't think that's the OP but step on that you'd be lucky with only rib damage.

Funniest thing is the OP might take the advise, probably first time he lived alone.

Hecht, tell him to paint the walls while he's up there! It's hideously dirty!
It's not but at the same time that poster is using that image to display what he should do which is frightening.


It's not but at the same time that poster is using that image to display what he should do which is frightening.

Oh Christ he's seriously linking that? Thought it was a joke response to him.

Lower step facing the wall to climb and if you're too short to get the bulb, Pogo-stick at the top on the last step to remove / replace.

Next thread will be 'How do I resit my collarbone as I have no health insurance'.

I've done scaffolding too many times, including gigs where the back of house only had a harness notch at the top.

What a wuss.
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The books aren't even stacked under the foot of it, it's tilted to go under the leg. How would that possible support the weight of a ladder pressing on the edge of a book on top? Fucking hell these people are dense.
Lots of failed engineering students at the other place by the looks of it :)
I'm at a constant loss thinking how some of those lot manage to function.


my gut feeling is that the "high light bulb" OP has already taken care of the issue (paid someone to fix it) and just wanted to get some attention by making a fun thread.

"LOL wait til the guys on ERA see this high ass lightbulb LMAO"


Gold Member
Lol of course the first thing in the faq is assuring people that nobody use deadname in this game...



Jesus Christ you put a ladder on a lower step against the wall and walk up it.

Fairies didn't put it there.

Tell him Hecht!

(Other options are available for hobbits)

To be fair, that is a really shitty and awkward place to put a lightbulb


my gut feeling is that the "high light bulb" OP has already taken care of the issue (paid someone to fix it) and just wanted to get some attention by making a fun thread.

"LOL wait til the guys on ERA see this high ass lightbulb LMAO"

Paying someone to change a light-bulb when he said he already had a ladder, yup that's ERA.

Reminds me of the time I called a plumber for a leaky tap, (Caste-iron bathtub that was leaking downstairs, not an easy job) was very busy with work and quote was reasonable as I was busy and the job was tricky.

First: He asked me for a spanner.

Second: He told me it was leaking (I had called him because it was and I was at home any didn't have time)

Then he basically busted the connection and started flooding the place and decided he'd piss off and then told me I had a broken tap.

At the door he said it would be 60 quid, I told told him to get fucked that he had made it worse.

Ended up fixing it myself. Moral of the story; if you find a good plumber keep 'em.
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Gold Member
Jesus H Christ, what a bunch of little cry babies. Boohoo, somebody mentions a thing they like cry me a fucking river.

Newsflash: Your blow up doll isn’t a real girlfriend.

Why are women on that board so fucking weird?
Because this is probably how they look in rl


True but dude said he had a ladder, ain't rocket science to get at it.

Should have been on the right above the stairs for easy access.

He also said it was about 5 or feet away from the wall on that side as well, so leaning a ladder on that wall above the stairs still may not reach it,

Looking at it though, I reckon I could change it using a ladder


He also said it was about 5 or feet away from the wall on that side as well, so leaning a ladder on that wall above the stairs still may not reach it,

Looking at it though, I reckon I could change it using a ladder

You put the ladder on the equivalent step. It's so simple.

Anyway ... back to laughing at ERA.

You never know, maybe today will be a Step-Up.
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Daffy Duck

Imagine how difficult it must be there to think "I need to borrow a ladder"?

Pretty hard when you dont have any friends because you're a sad fuck nobody likes.

I'm more concerned at the Op's casual racism with using the word slope. With the recent Asian summit this guy isn't as slick as he thinks he is, I bet 100% the light bulb is just switched off, he just wanted to insult all the asian users of the forum, and it seems like nobody has noticed yet. Disgusting.
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Lol of course the first thing in the faq is assuring people that nobody use deadname in this game...

Is there transphobia, is there deadnaming, is there homophobia. That's it, that's the entire FAQ. Can't have those transtrenders on Era being triggered! It's like the devs made sure there isn't any triggering in their game, but I'm sure they don't know Era, as they will find something to complain about and cancel DontNod.




Very stable individual here.




Very stable individual here.
It's the whole board honestly. Everyone from the Admins down, their first inclination is physical violence or killing someone. Good thing they're not radicalized like right wing people though.


They pride anonymity because it enables them to be the ultimate coward and avoid any responsibility for the shit they say

This one I could see why they might be prickly about.
Facebook has a policy stating your account has to be your real name or you'll be banned. Handful of years ago, they went through a banned a pile of accounts for that. The push back was a lot of the accounts were stage names the people actually owned and transgender folk who were using their new/preferred name. FB responded by unbanning the accounts, but not actually changing the policy.

Probably shouldn't punch someone over it, though.


well yeah don't punch anyone. violence is for dumb lizard brains.

just use another service. why not? lol not like there is a lack of social media services to use.
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