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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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wow what kind of life these fuckers have to have this sutuation as relevant?

I was expecting the same guy. Somehow this is more pathetic, the fact that he was shitting himself and called the cops in case they were still out there. You just know he had his finger on the panic button behind the counter the whole time that kid was threatening to come back into the store.



I was expecting the same guy. Somehow this is more pathetic, the fact that he was shitting himself and called the cops in case they were still out there. You just know he had his finger on the panic button behind the counter the whole time that kid was threatening to come back into the store.
era posters are the gift that keeps giving


I genuinely don't know what she's trying to say here. At first it looks like she's speaking from the perspective of a white supremacist being cool with a few white sacrifices in order to maintain white supremacy (so basically standard internet sarcasm), but then she goes on to say that will lead to it cannibalizing itself? She would definitely be in favor of the latter, so is she saying she's cool with the 2 deaths that happened?

I seriously can't parse this, which might be the point so she can get away with saying "actually, a white supremacist killing innocent white people is good!"
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era posters are the gift that keeps giving

The more he posts, the cockier and the more embellished the story as he's found an audience.




Of course this kid he falsely accused if white, rich and has a girlfriend. I wonder is this convenience store Rambo actually checked to see if the kid he accused of the incident actually did it? I mean he's got access to the security cameras that hes watching touching himself about how brave he is.


With so many diversity hire mods, when can you request only to receive moderation only from your own social group? I mean the fact that they think having for example an Asian mod makes them better at modding "Asian issues" and they have even referenced "the Asian mod is not available"as a reason to delay in the outcome of some moderation decisions.

If your not a CIS, white, British, mod, then don't mod me because "YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND MY CULTURE".

Of course diversity hire mods are only there as shield from criticism.




Very stable individual here.
That's especially hilarious as these are the same kinds of people who will gladly go out of their way to doxx a motherfucker on a whim.


The more he posts, the cockier and the more embellished the story as he's found an audience.




Of course this kid he falsely accused if white, rich and has a girlfriend. I wonder is this convenience store Rambo actually checked to see if the kid he accused of the incident actually did it? I mean he's got access to the security cameras that hes watching touching himself about how brave he is.
this waste of oxygen just want one thing,attention,narcicism at its finest,and a shitty narcicism to be honest,they dont do anything valuable so they tend to invent this shit


I genuinely don't know what she's trying to say here. At first it looks like she's speaking from the perspective of a white supremacist being cool with a few white sacrifices in order to maintain white supremacy (so basically standard internet sarcasm), but then she goes on to say that will lead to it cannibalizing itself? She would definitely be in favor of the latter, so is she saying she's cool with the 2 deaths that happened?

I seriously can't parse this, which might be the point so she can get away with saying "actually, a white supremacist killing innocent white people is good!"

I read it along the lines of "they're white. It doesn't matter"

It's intresting she says about them cannibalising themselves though, because both hard left and hard right end up eating each other. Resetera is a prime example of the hard left devouring itself.

Both groups have alot in common really, just the delusion of being right blinds them to this.
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Here's ERA fantasizing about carving swastikas into the foreheads of 63 million citizens. They're also dead serious btw.

Let's just say I'm glad that the people there are complete losers who don't have and will never have any power in society.

And if that somehow changes, we need to get the helicopters asap.

The thread reads like a book fabout hate and intolerance and feels like it is some kind of an exam for degenerate keyboard warriors to get your confirmation to be admitted to the club of fascist losers.

These are all replies from different people, in case you think that only one or two people over there are that retarded.

Random fascist retard#1: "Yep this, but with a MAGA carved on their forehead."

Random fascist retard#2: "Put it on their foreheads."

Random fascist retard#3: "If you vote for him twice, you're dead to me."

Random fascist retard#4: "Never forget, and never forgive."

Random fascist retard#5: "Staple it to their fucking foreheads or carve it in."

Random fascist retard#6: "Fuck these guys forever."

Random fascist retard#7: "When have ever white people owned up to the sins of the past?"

Random fascist retard#8: "I am not ever going to let my dad live this shit down."

Random fascist retard#9: "Oh what's that? You voted Trump? Your opinions are worthless on any topic."

Random fascist retard#10: "Those bastards need to be shamed every moment of their miserable lives."

Random fascist retard#11: "If you vote for Trump a 2nd time, fuck you off the island forever."

Random fascist retard#12: "Anybody that voted for that cretin is dead and disgraced to me."

Random fascist retard#13: "Fuck them all FOREVER."

Random fascist retard#14: "Brand them, name and shame, never forgive never forget."

In defense, however, it must be said that there were also a few people who thought differently there. I think they are now banned or can live well with being oppressed by the fascists without free expression of opinion.
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Ah yes. Advoctating doxing. If you were a normal poster, you'd be banned. But not for a mod.



Does she not realize that turning your political opponent into boogeyman you create by giving them all the worst traits and assuming the worst intent in everything is in itself not working in good faith?



Ah yes. Advoctating doxing. If you were a normal poster, you'd be banned. But not for a mod.

Good idea to screen-cap, in case they get deleted.

Off topic side note, anyone have a quicker way then using the snipping tool? Pain in the ass. I'm on Firefox.



Ah cheers, meant one that wouldn't have me save a file from the clipboard to upload. Might be a Xenforo thing that it's necessary?

Thought there may be a workaround. All good though :)
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They are basically Charles Manson at this point

1 minute ago
Tookay said:
Complain about fascism, then joke about systematically carving people's foreheads.

Cool forum you guys got here.
"The people fantasizing about violence against literal fascists enacting policies and inciting brutality against minorities are the realfascists!"
Lol yes the people who use violence instead of democracy and spend all day fantasizing about the ways they would mutilate their political rivals are fascists.

Glad we could clear that up.
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Wow, every week, they reach a new low. It's kind of frightening at this point. If they like tracking names so much, I would actually like to track the game devs that reply in this thread, in order to take their stance on this matter into consideration when making future buy decisions.

It's almost comical how they unironically refer to themselves as "people who are fantasizing about violence" and don't see anything wrong with that on, like, a human level.
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Astral Dog


wow what kind of life these fuckers have to have this sutuation as relevant?
I also feel empowered when i flip off and insult kids half my age at my pharmacy job but i thought everyone did it 👨‍🔬
aww nobody liked my pharmacist joke😢
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Good idea to screen-cap, in case they get deleted.

Off topic side note, anyone have a quicker way then using the snipping tool? Pain in the ass. I'm on Firefox.


Hmmm, where have I heard of people telling tales on their own families etc because their not aligned with them for reward.....

Could it be facisit dictatorships? Maybe the Nazi's they like to call everyone outside of their sphere.

Can't quite put my finger on it.

Here's ERA fantasizing about carving swastikas into the foreheads of 63 million citizens. They're also dead serious btw.

Let's just say I'm glad that the people there are complete losers who don't have and will never have any power in society.

And if that somehow changes, we need to get the helicopters asap.


I wonder if they'll ever enforce that.

What's funny about that thread is some of the stuff these people are proposing goes much further than the Denazifiaction efforts in Germany post-WWII, and I think people had a much stronger justification for revenge back then.
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Neo Member



grabbing the popcorn
Yeah, I was about to post this. We're immediately seeing handwaving and appeals to "it's really just a narrative concocted by racist whites"!

Not that anyone cares, but I remember Rumblebones, in a prior thread on the same topic, espousing support for the terrorists behind this and advocating for property theft and assault against whites. IIRC he was perm'd for that, but I'm pretty confident he's back as WickedGame. Mods apparently have either not noticed yet or don't care.


Reseterror Resettler
That thread is a nice vertical slice of all the reasons I consider that entire forum to be a blackhole window into the alternate universe future that these people get wet over. Dystopian echochamber singularity hell.

When you post criticism of something, admonish people who like x and x, and make threads with literal pages and pages of shitposting about violent fantasies and dancing on people's graves, that's kind of shit. When you do all of the above + moderate so that any dissenting opinion or discussion to the contrary is nuked from existence and you're forever marked with the scarlet fucking letter (maybe even getting other sites you frequent/run/agree with banned from discussion) it's just beyond the pale in terms of people taking anything you say seriously.

Fuck it, guys. Your reason for starting the forum was bunk in the first place, but I checked it out that first month or so, and I even thought to myself, "hey, the genesis of Resetera was b.s., but maybe these guys DO fit better over here, maybe this will make some people happy, and allow them to enjoy their hobby because there's enough unavoidable misery in life, already,"

But no. You give people an inch, they take a mile. It's the same everywhere. Gaming, film, social media, politics. These people don't want and have never wanted "equality," in the traditional sense. They feel like they were denied some imaginary unalienable fourth right of respect, that no one owes them or you or I or anyone else on this planet. It gets earned, not doled out in some e-summit. This new generation of Starbucks fueled, post now, instant gratification, spoonfed "revolutionaries," don't understand the irony that the system they all cosplay as Che Guevara against is the very same system that allows them to sit bundled warm and comfy in their self righteous contempt and the women, people of color, and of different orientation who fought long, tired battles of attrition to get them to this point, they're actively spitting in their faces instead of rubbing it in ours.

Tl;dr: I'm 29, why do I feel so old and tired?




I wonder if they'll ever enforce that.

What's funny about that thread is some of the stuff these people are proposing goes much further than the Denazifiaction efforts in Germany post-WWII, and I think people had a much stronger justification for revenge back then.

Like I said earlier, if Resetera actually consistently enforced its rules against all of its members, 99% would be banned. By now, they might as well just add "except against Republicans or Trump Supporters" to that part of their ToS, because they aren't fooling anyone at this point.
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Just read through that "Red Hats" thread, and my God, seems like every time I think Resetera can't sink any lower, they prove me wrong. They advocate violence, shaming, and branding against people they don't like, and yet we're the "fascists".


Just read through that "Red Hats" thread, and my God, seems like every time I think Resetera can't sink any lower, they prove me wrong. They advocate violence, shaming, and branding against people they don't like, and yet we're the "fascists".
That forum is cancer.

Also, the Rand Paul thread.

Resetera is the absolute real-life embodiment of crazy a left-wing vegan/enviro/SJW/gender neutral nutjob incubator.

What I find funny is that they think they're all high and mighty by calling anybody right of center "snowflake" and advocate for police defunding and shit, yet, their forum is run like a police state or worse. It's like the video games forum equivalent of North Korea.
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