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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Kill me.


Reseterror Resettler

Kill me.

Why would you need to use proper grammar? Especially on a low-brow facsimile of a message board where you can only interact with written word? Using words in their proper grammatical tenses oppresses me! I'm not some kind of Oxford university science exhibit! The English language is *CLEARLY* just another tool of the empowered white man to keep me, a furry transgender ent spirit, down!

Dick Jones

Gold Member
He/him rolls off the tongue better than he.
I totally understand.
Choo choo train rolls off the tongue better than train.
I'd do less damage to my brain sticking my penis into a live socket.


Unconfirmed Member
Non binary is the dumbest shit ive ever heard. Take your pants off and I’ll tell you which you are


Gold Member
You type your own pronouns but it says that it only allows serious and good faith pronouns. Honest question, where do you draw the line here?

There is no line, and that's the problem. It's all about what people feel, and facts don't matter anymore. So then you have Person A that says, "These are my pronouns," and person B that gets to be the arbitrary judge of what is allowed/not allowed. The "line" is literally whatever the judger (is this a real word?) says it is.
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
There is no line, and that's the problem. It's all about what people feel, and facts don't matter anymore. So then you have Person A that says, "These are my pronouns," and person B that gets to be the arbitrary judge of what is allowed/not allowed. The "line" is literally whatever the judger (is this a real word?) says it is.

That's kind of where I'm at with it because I imagine in 20 years they'll be talking about how backward all of their ideas were and now they really have figured out the whole sex/gender thing.
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Makes sense.

I was thinking MLP because of the way some people here several years ago were trying to tie MLP fandom to LGBT stuff and make being a “Bronie” into some kind of protected class.

Overall these shows come off as something for people who don’t ask “is the show good?” as their first concern but rather “is there enough diversity and representation?”. Although I’m sure some of them can be both I haven’t really heard of a show pushing themes of acceptance and diversity that wasn’t fully embraced as “good” by these types.

Coincidentally, MLP fans ended up being Rick and Morty fans.


Reseterror Resettler
Just a single He/She may be enough to guess the rest of the well known pronouns, but what is the second pronoun if your pronoun is


what then?



When we've officially reached the point where I need a chart to make sure I don't offend people, people need to go back back to the parent's house and ask to get smacked upside faer heads, because apparently it didn't happen enough (or too much?) during the formative years.


Gold Member

Kill me.
When you use something like she/her it becomes obvious that you're defining your pronouns. If someone only said "She" on a twitter bio or whatever it would be pretty vague.



these troglodytes are completely unable to understand nuanced undertones by themselves and need someone else to spoonfeed them with the official take™️ from either some pr guy or their own “progressive” filter bubble

That's the demographic these sort of ideologies aim for. People unable or unwilling to actually use cognitive effort are easily manipulated. They are why the NPC meme exists: people who don't actually have thoughts in their head that weren't put there by their Glorious Leaders.


Gold Member

Don't be blaming a language for its poor use by the user. If you adhered to the rules we wouldn't have as many varieties of gender as tomatoes in Heinz sauce.

It's like blaming a knife when the user stabbed a person. The knife does its job, take some fucking responsibility.

This is what happens when virgins and people desperate to be liked come together. They don't have the heart to tell people to stop chatting shit, so make them think what they're saying is 'art' or try to leech codependent praise from them. And we end up with all these assholes everywhere.


just taking a walk down memory lane :messenger_tears_of_joy:


That thread is pure gold.

First post in the link is

Then the photoshop of Hillary Clinton with EL.

Well worth a click, extremely funny.


OP just admit that he has his pet crush his balls?


Flatmate is Nepenthe?

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
OP just admit that he has his pet crush his balls?


Knowing that site that's probably their fetish and there's some kind of multi-colored flag for it.


Reseterror Resettler
"The US Army National Guard is here to recap Gamescom Highlights on GameSpot! "

R.O.B. is getting out of control.

How long until Gamespot is a banned source on REEEE? They're losing their (hive)"""""mind,""""" over it.


Like...the fuck? Who cares? And nice strength of conviction there, if the site was run by people devoid of moral fabric and evil to the rotten core to the point that they'd take a check from *gasp* the National Guard, then they probably didn't turn that way overnight. Which implies these Antifa sheeple either have no observational skills and just follow/like things online like a methed out squirrel, OR it's a stupid virtue signal to make sure the other 75 people who haven't been permabanned yet can get an unobstructed view of you sniffing your farts.
How long until Gamespot is a banned source on REEEE? They're losing their (hive)"""""mind,""""" over it.


Like...the fuck? Who cares? And nice strength of conviction there, if the site was run by people devoid of moral fabric and evil to the rotten core to the point that they'd take a check from *gasp* the National Guard, then they probably didn't turn that way overnight. Which implies these Antifa sheeple either have no observational skills and just follow/like things online like a methed out squirrel, OR it's a stupid virtue signal to make sure the other 75 people who haven't been permabanned yet can get an unobstructed view of you sniffing your farts.
What's this regarding Gamespot? My old home forums devolved, and..... I rather not bring it up here as I know there are lurkers that suck up to the Bacon of Truth



Kill me.
As usual even they seem to struggle to come to agreement on why and give differing reasons on why it’s done. You’re the morons pushing for this shit and you can’t even explain to someone else why it’s done or what it means?
The biggest issue is Rey is a Mary Sue. She never left her home planet but could fly the Falcon with ease and hold a lightsaber with no training. She had no real struggle in the series and it damaged her.

The worst part is that Star Wars is one of the very few instances in which a Mary Sue can be an interesting character with just a cursory dive into SW more. Imagine if they had made her a Wound in the Force, ala the Jedi Exile, and she has been subtly feeding off of those around her until she came into contact with Ben Solo in the first film. Then she unconsciously creates a parasitic bond with him, unknowingly feeding off of the dark side in him.

That came off the top of my head in 5 minutes.
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If I saw pronouns on a resume I'd throw it in the trash as well. That's guaranteed a lot of extra work the HR department dont need.


lol wut kind of fantasyland do these people live in?


"bloodthirsty human force"? "existential danger"? "a flaw... that free societies... exist to correct"??? anyone know what the flippin fuck he is on about?
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lol wut kind of fantasyland do these people live in?


"bloodthirsty human force"? "existential danger"? "a flaw... that free societies... exist to correct"??? anyone know what the flippin fuck he is on about?

I think he’s trying to stay that acceleration is stupid, but is unable to resist the lure of WORDSWORDSWORDS and random capeshit references.
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