Remember when I threatened to kill myself at the start of this week? This is the start of the new Exhausted Walrus storyline for this season.
Well, you know what they say. Bright disposition and sunny optimism wins the day. You catch more flies/male lesbians/deer with honey than you do with vinegar!
My regards/condolences to the lucky couple!
My fiance wants to break up with me because she's a lesbian now, so I came out to her trans.
i slay so many lesbian pussies with my female cock
Want to have a polygamous relationship? I actually have two penises, one of them is spiritual, but there's plenty to go around.
My fiance wants to break up with me because she's a lesbian now, so I came out to her trans.
Is a spiritual penis the cause of "Mind Rape"?
About what? My opinion on conservatism hasn’t changed in 15 years. Check my post history on NeoGAF brah. All 40k posts.
My fiance wants to break up with me because she's a lesbian now, so I came out to her trans.
It's true. I apologise for my past racist behaviour. It's unforgiveable. I platinumed Ghost of Tsushima.It's racist to like Japan now? And that is called orientalism.. the actual fuck.
Today at 2:20 PM
So it’s okay to put money into a shitty person’s bank account as long as the product you are getting doesn’t reflect their views? You are legit funding bigotry.Sky87 said:
Saying someone support bigots just because they state an interest in a game is a drastic reach. It's perfectly fine to be against the views of certain developers on a project, while still being able to enjoy their game, like the admin already said he was in another post. If you don't, then nothing is stopping you from not buying the game or even putting threads like this (or even users) on ignore.
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56 minutes ago
If you are coming into this thread posting “this looks cool” and choosing to ignore that 3D Realms is a fucking trash fire of a company because you “like Hexen”, you are a shitty human being. If you choose to buy the game because you “like Hexen” and want to ignore where your money is going, then you are a shitty human being.Sky87 said:
And those people are trash, never said otherwise. But it's too antagonistic to say people support bigots when they state an interest in this game. If they talked favorably about the people in your link then it would be another thing entirely.
Liking the Hexen/Heretic games and saying you're looking forward to this is not the same as saying you like 3DRealms as a company or support anything they do outside of their actual games.
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Reminder of who is the CEO of MarvelThey're such assholes. You can trace back money to any amount of assholes. Buy an iphone youre an asshole huh duh huh. Shitty human being supporting the meat industry blah blah blah.
When are they going to cancel Marvel?Reminder of who is the CEO of Marvel
Meet reclusive Marvel billionaire Ike Perlmutter, who is close with Trump, wrestled control of the comic-book maker from Carl Icahn, and reportedly wore a fake mustache and glasses to disguise himself at an 'Ironman' premiere
ProPublica has reported that Perlmutter is a "shadow ruler" of the VA and a fixture at Mar-a-Lago. He has never done a press interview.www.businessinsider.com
Fire the woman! Bad thought you go away now!!!Falore
Today at 5:25 AM
When I was younger I used to find her moderately cute / the most attractive fighter ever but man.... no matter how someone looks I literally am incapale of finding them even slightly attractive if I learn they are genuinely stupid or anti-science.
Today at 5:48 AM
Jesus, she seemed like such a nice person on Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian. Well, hopefully she gets yeeted from S3, get out of here with these shitty fucking takes.
Like I needed more reasons to love Gina Carano.When you can’t get hard unless they share your politics
Fire the woman! Bad thought you go away now!!!
Today at 2:47 PM
User banned (2 weeks): Excessive hostility against other members, continuing thread derail, ignoring moderation warning. Posters can raise concerns without attacking other members.
If you are coming into this thread posting “this looks cool” and choosing to ignore that 3D Realms is a fucking trash fire of a company because you “like Hexen”, you are a shitty human being. If you choose to buy the game because you “like Hexen” and want to ignore where your money is going, then you are a shitty human being.Sky87 said:
And those people are trash, never said otherwise. But it's too antagonistic to say people support bigots when they state an interest in this game. If they talked favorably about the people in your link then it would be another thing entirely.
Liking the Hexen/Heretic games and saying you're looking forward to this is not the same as saying you like 3DRealms as a company or support anything they do outside of their actual games.
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What alternate universe do these raving lunatics hail from?L Thammy
Today at 3:06 PM
It's sad that arcadey FPSes got their start as an anti-Nazi statement because Nazis are an enemy type that we don't have to feel bad about shooting, and now that they're retro they're promoting the Brutal Doom guy.
The only difference between Nazis and Neo-Nazis is public support and opportunity, and they're gotten much more of both in recent times.
Yes, there is more support today for Nazis than when they were literally trying to take over the world? Why are all these people illiterate idiots?Nazis today have “more public support and opportunity” than they did during the Third Reich LOL on History For Dumbshits
What alternate universe do these raving lunatics hail from?
Those are my favourite bans, banned for reeeeing too hard.Looks like Duke raged so hard against 3D Realms he got himself banned
3DRealms announces Graven, an action adventure FPS and spiritual successor to Hexen II (Coming to All Platforms)
You should consider removing that bit in your first sentence.www.resetera.com
Man, every new thread, new game, new anything they manage to find an issue or dig up some "dark past" lol.Fucking hell fire, those 3D Realms threads....
Everything is so disgusting to these people.
3DRealms announces Graven, an action adventure FPS and spiritual successor to Hexen II (Coming to All Platforms)
"I'm not a white supremacist, I just don't mind giving one my money to finance his agendas. Let's separate the art from the artist." Resetera, the left wing of the gamer community.www.resetera.com
Here’s a tip, if you don’t like the place then why don’t you just fuck off somewhere else? Nobody is holding you hostage and you won’t miss the “disgusting” forum.
And WTF kind of bollocks is a “capital G gamer?”, stop being a capital T twat.
his name alone makes him an ultra nazi, duh!I saw someone call American McGee a Nazi. What’s that about?
IIRC, its because he didn't join in the circlejerk of bitching about Gamergate or something like that.I saw someone call American McGee a Nazi. What’s that about?
My advice to Shantae, and a rule I honestly need to follow myself very much, is to not talking about personal issues or depression or anything of that sort whether it be here or anywhere else on the Internet. I learn the hard way.OP posted the same thread here and it also got locked. Dude needs more help than a forum can give them.
My advice to Shantae, and a rule I honestly need to follow myself very much, is to not talking about personal issues or depression or anything of that sort whether it be here or anywhere else on the Internet. I learn the hard way.
Of course, especially ResetEra.
It's funny how naive I was a decade or more ago when I actually believed that liberals were 'kind and tolerant' and conservatives were 'mean and selfish'. Another misconception I learned the hard way.
Btw I noticed Shantae banned here now too. I really don't remember them but wonder what happened there? Or should I even ask? Lol.
Yeah I definitely don't believe that about liberals and conservatives nowadays. I'm more like you or at least in the sense I don't like either particularly that much.The main difference here is that conservatives will acknowledge your concerns, and offer you the tools and teach you how to better yourself, while liberals will try and pinpoint how everything going on in your life is everyone else's fault.
How one decides to move forward with this information is up to them. I'd like to think I fall somewhere squarely in the middle, as much as I loathe being a 'both sides' guy.
I think this place is pretty compassionate if someone is in a bad place and is willing to help, at least from what I have seen.
When you can’t get hard unless they share your politics
Fire the woman! Bad thought you go away now!!!
Compassion given here isn't based on who you voted for.
Over there it's "Die fucker die, you've got the wrong opinion, enjoy your suffering LOL LOL, does it hurt? does it hurt?" if someone they don't like has misfortune.
But if you've got an account on Ree the exact same people will be
"Stay strong, you are loved, you can get through this. and remember, we care"
It just comes across as so false and performative compassion not for the person that has the issue, but for themselves to show how much they care to make themselves look good.
Ultimately, I think that if people are in a bad place, an online forum is the last place people should be. There will always be other people who will join in with one's "I'm in a bad place"-statement. And the last thing a depressed person needs are other depressed people around that person (from my experience). Even just looking out the window into the daylight is immensely more helpful than looking towards the internet for any mental wellbeing purposes. That doesn't mean NeoGAF is a bad place but it's also not immune against shitty people (as every other place) and bad advice (that might be well-intended).I think this place is pretty compassionate if someone is in a bad place and is willing to help, at least from what I have seen.
If someone doesn't want to listen to advice though and simply wants attention it's very quickly spotted, as it should be.
Over there, it's more mana for the weirdos for woke points. Thus feeding into the cycle.
Duke's there to chew bubblegum and get banned... and he's all out of gum.Looks like Duke raged so hard against 3D Realms he got himself banned
3DRealms announces Graven, an action adventure FPS and spiritual successor to Hexen II (Coming to All Platforms)
You should consider removing that bit in your first sentence.www.resetera.com
The best cure for depression is exercise, nutrition, and tough love
This is the basis of my "Get a dog" advice being a great motivator to improve your life comes from.
I know it's more complicated than something that would make a good # and you can end up with replies that have a very very specific and multi-reasons why it won't work from some people that swim in the victim-hood pool.
But for people that actually want to get out the hole by themselves, it works.
I think this place is pretty compassionate
The truth of the matter is that self improvement is the only way you can overcome depression and nobody can do that for you. Drugs can numb whatever chemical imbalance youmay have, but they'll never be able to better your living situation. Only hard work can do that.
Looks like Duke raged so hard against 3D Realms he got himself banned
3DRealms announces Graven, an action adventure FPS and spiritual successor to Hexen II (Coming to All Platforms)
You should consider removing that bit in your first sentence.www.resetera.com
Nah that's a load of bollocks when you take into account legit depression and not woke depression.
You said "Tough love" in a previous post. Try that with someone who feels lost. They will go further down.
The drugs help stabilize the person to deal with their issues, it isn't rocket science.
I hadn't no, link?